1 | |
2 | {include file='include/resize.inc.tpl'} |
3 | |
4 | <div class="titrePage"> |
5 | <h2>{'Database synchronization with files'|@translate}: <a href="{$SITE_URL}">{$SITE_URL}</a></h2> |
6 | </div> |
7 | |
8 | {if isset($update_result)} |
9 | <h3>{$L_RESULT_UPDATE}</h3> |
10 | <ul> |
11 | <li class="update_summary_new">{$update_result.NB_NEW_CATEGORIES} {'albums added in the database'|@translate}</li> |
12 | <li class="update_summary_new">{$update_result.NB_NEW_ELEMENTS} {'photos added in the database'|@translate}</li> |
13 | <li class="update_summary_del">{$update_result.NB_DEL_CATEGORIES} {'albums deleted in the database'|@translate}</li> |
14 | <li class="update_summary_del">{$update_result.NB_DEL_ELEMENTS} {'photos deleted from the database'|@translate}</li> |
15 | <li>{$update_result.NB_UPD_ELEMENTS} {'photos updated in the database'|@translate}</li> |
16 | <li class="update_summary_err">{$update_result.NB_ERRORS} {'errors during synchronization'|@translate}</li> |
17 | </ul> |
18 | {/if} |
19 | |
20 | {if isset($metadata_result)} |
21 | <h3>{$L_RESULT_METADATA}</h3> |
22 | <ul> |
23 | <li>{$metadata_result.NB_ELEMENTS_DONE} {'photos informations synchronized with files metadata'|@translate}</li> |
24 | <li>{$metadata_result.NB_ELEMENTS_CANDIDATES} {'photos candidates for metadata synchronization'|@translate}</li> |
25 | <li>{'Used metadata'|@translate} : {$METADATA_LIST}</li> |
26 | </ul> |
27 | {/if} |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | {if not empty($sync_errors)} |
31 | <h3>{'Error list'|@translate}</h3> |
32 | <div class="errors"> |
33 | <ul> |
34 | {foreach from=$sync_errors item=error} |
35 | <li>[{$error.ELEMENT}] {$error.LABEL}</li> |
36 | {/foreach} |
37 | </ul> |
38 | </div> |
39 | <h3>{'Errors caption'|@translate}</h3> |
40 | <ul> |
41 | {foreach from=$sync_error_captions item=caption} |
42 | <li><strong>{$caption.TYPE}</strong>: {$caption.LABEL}</li> |
43 | {/foreach} |
44 | </ul> |
45 | {/if} |
46 | |
47 | {if not empty($sync_infos)} |
48 | <h3>{'Detailed informations'|@translate}</h3> |
49 | <div class="infos"> |
50 | <ul> |
51 | {foreach from=$sync_infos item=info} |
52 | <li>[{$info.ELEMENT}] {$info.LABEL}</li> |
53 | {/foreach} |
54 | </ul> |
55 | </div> |
56 | {/if} |
57 | |
58 | {if isset($introduction)} |
59 | <h4>{'Choose an option'|@translate}</h4> |
60 | <form action="" method="post" id="update"> |
61 | |
62 | <fieldset id="syncFiles"> |
63 | <legend>{'synchronize files structure with database'|@translate}</legend> |
64 | <ul> |
65 | <li><label><input type="radio" name="sync" value="" {if empty($introduction.sync)}checked="checked"{/if}> {'nothing'|@translate}</label></li> |
66 | <li><label><input type="radio" name="sync" value="dirs" {if 'dirs'==$introduction.sync}checked="checked"{/if}> {'only directories'|@translate}</label></li> |
67 | |
68 | <li><label><input type="radio" name="sync" value="files" {if 'files'==$introduction.sync}checked="checked"{/if}> {'directories + files'|@translate}</label> |
69 | <ul style="padding-left:3em"> |
70 | <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="display_info" value="1" {if $introduction.display_info}checked="checked"{/if}> {'display maximum informations (added albums and photos, deleted albums and photos)'|@translate}</label></li> |
71 | <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="add_to_caddie" value="1" {if $introduction.add_to_caddie}checked="checked"{/if}> {'add new photos to caddie'|@translate}</label></li> |
72 | <li><label>{'Who can see these photos?'|@translate} <select name="privacy_level">{html_options options=$introduction.privacy_level_options selected=$introduction.privacy_level_selected}</select></label></li> |
73 | </ul> |
74 | </li> |
75 | </ul> |
76 | </fieldset> |
77 | |
78 | <fieldset id="syncMetadata"> |
79 | <legend>{'synchronize files metadata with database photos informations'|@translate}</legend> |
80 | <label><input type="checkbox" name="sync_meta" {if $introduction.sync_meta}checked="checked"{/if}> {'Synchronize metadata'|@translate} ({$METADATA_LIST})</label> |
81 | <ul style="padding-left:3em"> |
82 | <li> |
83 | <label><input type="checkbox" name="meta_all" {if $introduction.meta_all}checked="checked"{/if}> {'even already synchronized photos'|@translate}</label> |
84 | </li> |
85 | <li> |
86 | <label><input type="checkbox" name="meta_empty_overrides" {if $introduction.meta_empty_overrides}checked="checked"{/if}> {'overrides existing values with empty ones'|@translate}</label> |
87 | </li> |
88 | </ul> |
89 | </fieldset> |
90 | |
91 | <fieldset id="syncSimulate"> |
92 | <legend>{'Simulation'|@translate}</legend> |
93 | <ul><li><label><input type="checkbox" name="simulate" value="1" checked="checked"> {'only perform a simulation (no change in database will be made)'|@translate}</label></li></ul> |
94 | </fieldset> |
95 | |
96 | <fieldset id="catSubset"> |
97 | <legend>{'reduce to single existing albums'|@translate}</legend> |
98 | <ul> |
99 | <li> |
100 | <select class="categoryList" name="cat" size="10"> |
101 | {html_options options=$category_options selected=$category_options_selected} |
102 | </select> |
103 | </li> |
104 | |
105 | <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="subcats-included" value="1" {if $introduction.subcats_included}checked="checked"{/if}> {'Search in sub-albums'|@translate}</label></li> |
106 | </ul> |
107 | </fieldset> |
108 | |
109 | <p class="bottomButtons"> |
110 | <input class="submit" type="submit" value="{'Submit'|@translate}" name="submit"> |
111 | <input class="submit" type="reset" value="{'Reset'|@translate}" name="reset"> |
112 | </p> |
113 | </form> |
114 | {/if}{*isset $introduction*} |
115 | |
116 | <p><a href="{$U_SITE_MANAGER}">{'Site manager'|@translate}</a></p> |