/* $Id: content.css 866 2005-09-18 00:29:49Z plg $ */ #content { margin-left: 24em; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; /* when it's longer than menu bar */ } BODY#theAdminPage #content { margin-left: 14em; } BODY#theCommentsPage #content, BODY#theRegisterPage #content, BODY#theIdentificationPage #content, BODY#theProfilePage #content, BODY#theSearchPage #content, BODY#theAboutPage #content, BODY#thePopuphelpPage #content, BODY#thePasswordPage #content, BODY#theNotificationPage #content { margin: 1em; } #content H2 { margin-bottom: 1ex; } #content H3 { margin-bottom: 1ex; } #content UL.thumbnails { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; text-align: center; /* to center the whole collection in #content */ } #content UL.thumbnails LI { display: inline } #content UL.thumbnails SPAN { margin: 0 5px 5px 5px; /*width: 130px; 128px + 2 * 1px if the SPAN has a border of 1px */ width: 128px; /* we can use the same size as well */ display: table-cell; display: inline-table; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; /* OK with Opera and IE6 not Geko */ text-align: center; /* to center the thumbnail and legend in Geko/Opera */ font-size: 80%; } #content UL.thumbnails SPAN SPAN { margin: 0; /* important reset the margins */ border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; width: 128px; /* fixed size again */ height: 128px; /* fixed size again */ display: table-cell; /* block prevents vertical-align here */ vertical-align: middle; /* Ok with Opera and Geko not IE6 */ } #content UL.thumbnails SPAN.wrap { border: none; height: auto; /* important for vertical centering */ display: block; /* important */ overflow: hidden; /* everridden by specific IE6 rule below */ margin-top: auto; /* to make vertical-align work in Geko and Opera */ margin-bottom: auto; /* to make vertical-align work in Geko and Opera */ } #content UL.thumbnails IMG { margin-bottom: -4px; /* why ??? something wrong with Geko and Opera ignored by IE6*/ } /* fix Geko's lack of good willing in vertical-align: top */ /* Too dirty : have to find something better */ /*#content UL.thumbnails>LI>SPAN{*/ /* height: 170px;*/ /* unfortunately min-height doesn't work here */ /*}*/ /* fix IE with another layout */ * html #content UL.thumbnails SPAN { overflow: hidden; /* keep it there: not needed by Geko, buggy with Opera */ } * html #content UL.thumbnails SPAN SPAN { position: relative; } * html #content UL.thumbnails SPAN.wrap { overflow: visible; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 0px; /* same as "#content UL.thumbnails SPAN SPAN { padding:" if any*/ } * html #content UL.thumbnails IMG { position: relative; top: -50%; } #content .navigationBar, #content .additional_info { margin: 10px 0; text-align: center; } #content .pageNumberSelected { font-style: italic; } #content .additional_info { font-size: 110%; } #content FORM { text-align: left; } /* content defaults */ #content dl, dd { margin: 10px; } #content dt { margin-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 110%; } /* actions */ ul.categoryActions { text-align: center; margin: 1px 1px 0 0; padding: 0; text-indent: 0; } #content div.titrePage ul.categoryActions { float: right; } #content ul.categoryActions>li { display: inline; } #content ul.categoryActions a img, ul.categoryActions a { border: none; } /* User comments */ #content DIV.comment { margin: 5px; border: 1px solid gray; min-height: 150px; /* maximum thumbnail height */ } #content DIV.comment > A.illustration { display: block; position: absolute; margin: 5px; } #content DIV.comment > A.illustration IMG { border: 1px solid gray; } #content DIV.comment P.commentHeader { text-align: right; margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0 0; } #content DIV.comment UL.actions { text-align: center; margin: 0.2em; } #content DIV.comment > UL.actions > LI { display: inline; } #content DIV.comment BLOCKQUOTE { margin: 1em 1em 1em 150px; /* margin-left corresponds to maximum thumbnail width */ border: 1px solid #d3d3d3; border-left: 2px solid gray; padding: 0.5em; } /* should be in admin.css ? CSS properties also used in popuphelp */ SPAN.pwgScreen { border-bottom: 1px dotted black; } SPAN.filename:before { content: "["; } SPAN.filename:after { content: "]"; }