Feb 28, 2006, 2:13:16 AM (18 years ago)

remake of Remote sites and synchronize: final integration and old code cleanup

fix: xml getAttribute always decodes html entities and added encodeAttribute

1 edited


  • trunk/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php

    r1049 r1058  
    136136$lang['Select at least one picture'] = 'Select at least one picture';
    137137$lang['Select at least one user'] = 'Select at least one user';
     138$lang['Site manager'] = 'Site manager';
    138139$lang['Show info'] = 'Show info';
    139140$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Show number of comments';
    192193$lang['dissociate from category'] = 'dissociate from category';
    193194$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'dissociate from group';
    194 $lang['down'] = 'Move down';
    195195$lang['edit category permissions'] = 'edit category permissions';
    196196$lang['edit'] = 'Edit';
    245245$lang['registration_date'] = 'registration date';
    246246$lang['remote_site'] = 'Remote site';
    247 $lang['remote_site_already_exists'] = 'This site already exists';
    248247$lang['remote_site_clean'] = 'clean';
    249248$lang['remote_site_clean_hint'] = 'remove remote listing.xml file';
    250 $lang['remote_site_create'] = 'Create a new site : (give its URL to create_listing_file.php)';
    251 $lang['remote_site_created'] = 'created';
    252 $lang['remote_site_delete'] = 'delete';
    253 $lang['remote_site_delete_hint'] = 'delete this site and all its attached elements';
    254 $lang['remote_site_deleted'] = 'deleted';
    255 $lang['remote_site_error'] = 'an error happened';
    256 $lang['remote_site_file_not_found'] = 'file create_listing_file.php on remote site was not found';
    257249$lang['remote_site_generate'] = 'generate listing';
    258250$lang['remote_site_generate_hint'] = 'generate file listing.xml on remote site';
    259 $lang['remote_site_listing_not_found'] = 'listing.xml file was not found';
    260251$lang['remote_site_local_found'] = 'A local listing.xml file has been found for ';
    261 $lang['remote_site_local_new'] = '(new site)';
    262252$lang['remote_site_local_update'] = 'read local listing.xml and update';
    263 $lang['remote_site_removed'] = 'was removed on remote site';
    264 $lang['remote_site_removed_title'] = 'Removed elements';
     253$lang['remote_site_test'] = 'test';
     254$lang['remote_site_test_hint'] = 'test this remote site';
    265255$lang['remote_site_uncorrect_url'] = 'Remote site url must start by http or https and must only contain characters among "/", "a-zA-Z0-9", "-" or "_"';
    266 $lang['remote_site_update'] = 'update';
    267 $lang['remote_site_update_hint'] = 'read remote listing.xml and updates database';
    268 $lang['remote_sites'] = 'Remote sites';
    269256$lang['remove keyword'] = 'remove keyword';
    270257$lang['selection'] = 'selection';
    271258$lang['set to'] = 'set to';
    272259$lang['singly represented'] = 'singly represented';
     260$lang['site_already_exists'] = 'This site already exists';
     261$lang['site_create'] = 'Create a new site : (give its URL to create_listing_file.php)';
     262$lang['site_created'] = 'created';
     263$lang['site_delete'] = 'delete';
     264$lang['site_delete_hint'] = 'delete this site and all its attached elements';
     265$lang['site_deleted'] = 'deleted';
     266$lang['site_err'] = 'an error happened';
     267$lang['site_err_remote_file_not_found'] = 'file create_listing_file.php on remote site was not found';
     268$lang['site_local'] = 'Local';
     269$lang['site_remote'] = 'Remote';
     270$lang['site_synchronize'] = 'synchronize';
     271$lang['site_synchronize_hint'] = 'update the database from files';
    273272$lang['stats_addr'] = 'IP Address';
    274273$lang['stats_category'] = 'Category';
    337336$lang['update_default_title'] = 'Choose an option';
    338337$lang['update_display_info'] = 'display maximum informations (added categories and elements, deleted categories and elements)';
    339 $lang['update_elements_metadata_sync'] = 'elements informations synchronized with files metadata';
     338$lang['update_missing_file_or_dir'] = 'File/directory read error';
     339$lang['update_missing_file_or_dir_info'] = 'The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)';
     340$lang['update_err_pwg_version_differs'] = 'PhpWebGallery version differs on the remote site';
     341$lang['update_err_pwg_version_differs_info'] = 'Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and PhpWebGallery must be the same';
     342$lang['update_err_remote_listing_not_found'] = 'listing.xml file was not found';
     343$lang['update_err_remote_listing_not_found_info'] = 'listing.xml file was not found on the remote site. This file is generated by choosing the "generate listing" command in the Site manager';
    340344$lang['update_error_list_title'] = 'Error list';
    341345$lang['update_errors_caption'] = 'Errors caption';
    345349$lang['update_nb_del_categories'] = 'categories deleted in the database';
    346350$lang['update_nb_del_elements'] = 'elements deleted in the database';
     351$lang['update_nb_elements_metadata_available'] = 'images candidates for metadata synchronization';
     352$lang['update_nb_elements_metadata_sync'] = 'elements informations synchronized with files metadata';
    347353$lang['update_nb_errors'] = 'errors during synchronization';
    348354$lang['update_nb_new_categories'] = 'categories added in the database';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.