Changeset 10792

May 6, 2011, 1:46:26 PM (13 years ago)

[extensions] - autoupdate - update No thanks to Laurenz

1 edited


  • extensions/autoupdate/trunk/language/no_NO/plugin.lang.php

    r10028 r10792  
    3434$lang['Unable to send template directory.'] = 'Ikke i stand til å sende mal mappe.';
    3535$lang['Unable to dump database.'] = 'Ikke i stand til å tømme database.';
    36 /*TODO*/$lang['autoupdate_ignore'] = 'Ignore this update';
    37 /*TODO*/$lang['autoupdate_reset_ignore'] = 'Reset ignored updates';
    38 /*TODO*/$lang['autoupdate_update_all'] = 'All update';
    39 /*TODO*/$lang['ERROR'] = 'ERROR';
    40 /*TODO*/$lang['Upgrade Complete'] = 'Upgrade Complete';
    41 /*TODO*/$lang['Piwigo Upgrade'] = 'Piwigo Upgrade';
    42 /*TODO*/$lang['Extensions Upgrade'] = 'Extensions Upgrade';
    44 /*TODO*/$lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions'] = 'Some upgrades are available for extensions';
    45 /*TODO*/$lang['Click here to see upgrades'] = 'Click here to see upgrades';
    46 /*TODO*/$lang['Gallery and extensions are up to date'] = 'Gallery and extensions are up to date';
    47 /*TODO*/$lang['All extensions are up to date.'] = 'All extensions are up to date.';
    48 /*TODO*/$lang['Update in progress...'] = 'Update in progress...';
    49 /*TODO*/$lang['Following plugins may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = 'Following plugins may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:';
    50 /*TODO*/$lang['Following themes may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = 'Following themes may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:';
    51 /*TODO*/$lang['I decide to upgrade anyway'] = 'I decide to upgrade anyway';
     36$lang['autoupdate_ignore'] = 'Ignorer denne oppdateringen';
     37$lang['autoupdate_reset_ignore'] = 'Nullstill ignorete oppdateringer';
     38$lang['ERROR'] = 'FEIL';
     39$lang['Upgrade Complete'] = 'Oppgradering fullført';
     40$lang['Piwigo Upgrade'] = 'Piwigo-oppgradering';
     41$lang['Extensions Upgrade'] = 'Tilleggsprogram-oppgradering';
     42$lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions'] = 'Oppdateringer er tilgjengelig for enkelete extensions';
     43$lang['Click here to see upgrades'] = 'Klikk her for å se oppdateringene';
     44$lang['Gallery and extensions are up to date'] = 'Galleriet og tilleggspromene er oppdaterte';
     45$lang['All extensions are up to date.'] = 'Alle tilleggsprogram er oppdaterte.';
     46$lang['Update in progress...'] = 'Oppdatering pågår...';
     47$lang['Following plugins may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = 'Følgende tilleggsprogram er muligens ikke kompatible med den nye utgaven av Piwigo:';
     48$lang['Following themes may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = 'Følgende temaer er muligens ikke kompatible med den nye utgaven av Piwigo:';
     49$lang['I decide to upgrade anyway'] = 'Jeg vil oppgradere uansett';
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