Mar 27, 2006, 12:06:20 AM (18 years ago)

[NBM] Step 4: Screen NBM is available

o Add news parameters
o Add file functions_notification_by_mail.inc.php in order to use in future, these functions on php file of subscribe/unsubscribe
o Write a little html help file

+ improve mass_update in order to used binary fields (used collate and SHOW COLUMNS FROM)

2 edited


  • trunk/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php

    r1091 r1105  
    239239$lang['metadata_iptc'] = 'IPTC';
    240240$lang['name'] = 'name';
    241 $lang['nbm_%d mails were not sended.'] = '%d mails were not sended.';
    242 $lang['nbm_%d mails were sended.'] = '%d mails were sended.';
     241$lang['nbm_%d mails were not sent.'] = '%d mails were not sent.';
     242$lang['nbm_%d mails were sent.'] = '%d mails were sent.';
    243243$lang['nbm_Error when sending email to %s [%s].'] = 'Error when sending email to %s [%s].';
    244 $lang['nbm_Go to %s %s.'] = 'Go to %s %s.';
    245 $lang['nbm_Hello %s'] = 'Hello %s';
    246 $lang['nbm_Mail sended to %s [%s].'] = 'Mail sended to %s [%s].';
    247 $lang['nbm_New elements added'] = 'New elements added';
    248 $lang['nbm_New elements were added between %s and %s:'] = 'New elements were added between %s and %s:';
    249 $lang['nbm_New elements were added on %s:'] = 'New elements were added on %s:';
     244$lang['nbm_Mail sent to %s [%s].'] = 'Mail sent to %s [%s].';
     245$lang['nbm_ContentObject'] = 'New elements added';
     246$lang['nbm_ContentHello'] = 'Hello %s';
     247$lang['nbm_ContentNewElementsBetween'] = 'New elements were added between %s and %s';
     248$lang['nbm_ContentNewElements'] = 'New elements were added on %s';
     249$lang['nbm_ContentGoTo'] = 'Go to %s %s.';
     250$lang['nbm_ContentByeBye'] = 'See you soon';
     251$lang['nbm_ContentUnsubscribe'] = 'To unsubscribe send a message to %s.';
    250252$lang['nbm_No mail to send.'] = 'No mail to send.';
    251253$lang['nbm_No user to send notifications by mail.'] = 'No user to send notifications by mail.';
    252254$lang['nbm_Send mail to users'] = 'Send mail to users';
    253 $lang['nbm_To unsubscribe send a message to %s.'] = 'To unsubscribe send a message to %s.';
    254255$lang['nbm_User %s [%s] added.'] = 'User %s [%s] added.';
    255256$lang['nbm_item_notification'] = 'Notification';
    258259$lang['nbm_send_mode'] = 'Send';
    259260$lang['nbm_title_param'] = 'Parameters';
     261$lang['nbm_updated_param_count'] = '%d parameters are updated.';
     262$lang['nbm_send_mail_as'] = 'Send mail as';
     263$lang['nbm_info_send_mail_as'] = 'With blank value, gallery title will be used';
    260264$lang['nbm_send_detailed_content'] = 'Send detailed content';
    261265$lang['nbm_complementary_mail_content'] = 'Complementary mail content';
    264268$lang['nbm_subscribe_col'] = 'Subscribed';
    265269$lang['nbm_unsubscribe_col'] = 'Unsubcribed';
     270$lang['nbm_no_user_available_to_send_L1'] = 'No user are available in order to send mail.';
     271$lang['nbm_no_user_available_to_send_L2'] = 'A user is available, if the are news elements to notify';
    266272$lang['nbm_title_send'] = 'Select sendings';
     273$lang['nbm_col_user'] = 'User';
     274$lang['nbm_col_mail'] = 'email';
     275$lang['nbm_col_last_send'] = 'Last send';
     276$lang['nbm_col_check_user_send_mail'] = 'To send ?';
     277$lang['nbm_send_options'] = 'Options';
     278$lang['nbm_send_complementary_mail_content'] = 'Complementary mail content';
    267279$lang['nbm_send_submit'] = 'Send';
    268 $lang['nbm_send_col'] = 'To send';
    269 $lang['nbm_nosend_col'] = 'No to send';
     280$lang['nbm_send_check_all'] = 'Check All';
     281$lang['nbm_send_uncheck_all'] = 'Uncheck All';
     282$lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_true'] = 'User %s [%s] added to subscribe list.';
     283$lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_false'] = 'User %s [%s] removed of subscribe list.';
     284$lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_updated_data_count'] = '%d user(s) are updated.';
    270285$lang['no_write_access'] = 'no write access';
    271286$lang['order_by'] = 'order by';
  • trunk/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/help/notification_by_mail.html

    r1091 r1105  
    11<h2>Notification by mail</h2>
     3<p>This screen allows to configure, to manage the notification to users of news sendinf mail.</p>
     5<p>This screen is composed of 3 tabs:</p>
     8<p>Available only for webmasters, this tab sets parameters of the notification by mail.</p>
     11<p>Available only for webmasters, this tab manages subscribe/unsubscribe of notification by mail.</p>
     14<p>Available only for webmasters and administrators, this tab allows to send mails to notify news.</p>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.