Apr 3, 2006, 12:26:19 AM (18 years ago)

improvement: tags replace keywords. Better data model, less
limitations. Each image can be associated to as many tag as needed. Tags can
contain non ASCII characters. Oriented navigation with tags by association.

2 edited


  • trunk/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php

    r1116 r1119  
    4141$lang['A new version of PhpWebGallery is available.'] = 'A new version of PhpWebGallery is available.';
    4242$lang['Actions'] = 'Actions';
     43$lang['Add a tag'] = 'Add a tag';
    4344$lang['Add a user'] = 'Add a user';
    4445$lang['Add group'] = 'Add group';
    5960$lang['Controversy'] = 'Controversy';
    6061$lang['Creation date'] = 'Creation date';
     62$lang['Current name'] = 'Current name';
    6163$lang['Database'] = 'Database';
    6264$lang['Delete Representant'] = 'Delete Representant';
     65$lang['Delete selected tags'] = 'Delete selected tags';
    6366$lang['Delete selected users'] = 'Delete selected users';
    6467$lang['Deletions'] = 'Deletions';
    7073$lang['Does not represent'] = 'Does not represent';
    7174$lang['Edit all picture informations'] = 'Edit all picture informations';
     75$lang['Edit selected tags'] = 'Edit selected tags';
     76$lang['Edit tags'] = 'Edit tags';
    7277$lang['Elements'] = 'Elements';
    7378$lang['Empty caddie'] = 'Empty caddie';
    9297$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = 'Manage permissions for group "%s"';
    9398$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = 'Manage permissions for user "%s"';
     99$lang['Manage tags'] = 'Manage tags';
    94100$lang['Maximum height of the pictures'] = 'Maximum height of the pictures';
    95101$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = 'Maximum width of the pictures';
    99105$lang['Move'] = 'Move';
    100106$lang['Name'] = 'Name';
     107$lang['New name'] = 'New name';
    101108$lang['New parent category'] = 'New parent category';
     109$lang['New tag'] = 'New tag';
    102110$lang['No'] = 'No';
    103111$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Number of comments per page';
    112120$lang['Order by'] = 'Order by';
    113121$lang['Other private categories'] = 'Other private categories';
     122$lang['Page banner'] = 'Page banner';
    114123$lang['Parent category'] = 'Parent category';
    115124$lang['Path'] = 'Path';
    119128$lang['PhpWebGallery Administration'] = 'PhpWebGallery Administration';
    120129$lang['PhpWebGallery version'] = 'PhpWebGallery version';
    121 $lang['Page banner'] = 'Page banner';
    122130$lang['Picture informations updated'] = 'Picture informations updated';
    123131$lang['Position'] = 'Position';
    147155$lang['Submit'] = 'Submit';
    148156$lang['Sum of rates'] = 'Sum of rates';
     157$lang['Tag selection'] = 'Tag selection';
    149158$lang['Take selected elements out of caddie'] = 'Take selected elements out of caddie';
    150159$lang['Unable to check for upgrade since allow_url_fopen is disabled.'] = 'Unable to check for upgrade since allow_url_fopen is disabled.';
    163172$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'You need to confirm deletion';
    164173$lang['actions'] = 'Actions';
    165 $lang['properties'] = 'Properties';
    166 $lang['is_high_enabled'] = 'High definition';
    167 $lang['is_high_disabled'] = '';
    168 $lang['enabled_high'] = 'High definition enabled';
     174$lang['add keywords'] = 'add keywords';
     175$lang['add tags'] = 'add tags';
    169176$lang['adviser'] = 'Adviser';
    170 $lang['add keywords'] = 'add keywords';
    171177$lang['associate to category'] = 'associate to category';
    172178$lang['associate to group'] = 'associate to group';
    209215$lang['elements per page'] = 'elements per page';
    210216$lang['elements'] = 'elements';
     217$lang['enabled_high'] = 'High definition enabled';
    211218$lang['file'] = 'file';
    212219$lang['filesize'] = 'filesize';
    225232$lang['history'] = 'History';
    226233$lang['instructions'] = 'Instructions';
     234$lang['is_high_disabled'] = '';
     235$lang['is_high_enabled'] = 'High definition';
    227236$lang['jump to category'] = 'jump to category';
    228237$lang['jump to image'] = 'jump to image';
    240249$lang['name'] = 'name';
    241250$lang['nbm_break_list_user'] = 'List of users to send mail is limited to %d. Others users are not listed.';
    242 $lang['nbm_nbm_break_send_mail'] = 'Sent mail is limited to %d send by pass. Others mails are skipped.';
    243 $lang['nbm_msg_no_mail_to_send'] = '%d mails were not sent.';
    244 $lang['nbm_msg_n_mails_sent'] = '%d mails were sent.';
     251$lang['nbm_col_check_user_send_mail'] = 'To send ?';
     252$lang['nbm_col_last_send'] = 'Last send';
     253$lang['nbm_col_mail'] = 'email';
     254$lang['nbm_col_user'] = 'User';
     255$lang['nbm_complementary_mail_content'] = 'Complementary mail content';
     256$lang['nbm_content_byebye'] = 'See you soon';
     257$lang['nbm_content_goto'] = 'Go to %s %s.';
     258$lang['nbm_content_hello'] = 'Hello %s';
     259$lang['nbm_content_new_elements'] = 'New elements were added on %s';
     260$lang['nbm_content_new_elements_between'] = 'New elements were added between %s and %s';
     261$lang['nbm_content_subscribe_by_admin'] = 'You are subcribed by webmaster for the notification by mail';
     262$lang['nbm_content_subscribe_by_himself'] = 'You are subcribed for the notification by mail';
     263$lang['nbm_content_subscribe_link'] = 'To subscribe, click on %s .';
     264$lang['nbm_content_subscribe_unsubscribe_contact'] = 'On problems or questions, send a message to %s.';
     265$lang['nbm_content_unsubscribe_by_admin'] = 'You are unsubcribed by webmaster for the notification by mail';
     266$lang['nbm_content_unsubscribe_by_himself'] = 'You are unsubcribed for the notification by mail';
     267$lang['nbm_content_unsubscribe_link'] = 'To unsubscribe, click on %s .';
     268$lang['nbm_info_send_mail_as'] = 'With blank value, gallery title will be used';
     269$lang['nbm_item_notification'] = 'Notification';
    245270$lang['nbm_msg_error_sending_email_to'] = 'Error when sending email to %s [%s].';
    246271$lang['nbm_msg_mail_sent_to'] = 'Mail sent to %s [%s].';
     272$lang['nbm_msg_n_mails_sent'] = '%d mails were sent.';
     273$lang['nbm_msg_no_mail_to_send'] = '%d mails were not sent.';
     274$lang['nbm_nbm_break_send_mail'] = 'Sent mail is limited to %d send by pass. Others mails are skipped.';
     275$lang['nbm_no_mail_to_send'] = 'No mail to send.';
     276$lang['nbm_no_user_available_to_send_L1'] = 'No user are available in order to send mail.';
     277$lang['nbm_no_user_available_to_send_L2'] = 'A user is available, if the are news elements to notify';
     278$lang['nbm_no_user_to send_notifications_by_mail'] = 'No user to send notifications by mail.';
    247279$lang['nbm_object_news'] = 'New elements added';
    248280$lang['nbm_object_subcribe'] = 'Subcribe of notification by mail';
    249281$lang['nbm_object_unsubcribe'] = 'Unsubcribe of notification by mail';
    250 $lang['nbm_content_hello'] = 'Hello %s';
    251 $lang['nbm_content_new_elements_between'] = 'New elements were added between %s and %s';
    252 $lang['nbm_content_new_elements'] = 'New elements were added on %s';
    253 $lang['nbm_content_goto'] = 'Go to %s %s.';
    254 $lang['nbm_content_subscribe_by_admin'] = 'You are subcribed by webmaster for the notification by mail';
    255 $lang['nbm_content_unsubscribe_by_admin'] = 'You are unsubcribed by webmaster for the notification by mail';
    256 $lang['nbm_content_subscribe_by_himself'] = 'You are subcribed for the notification by mail';
    257 $lang['nbm_content_unsubscribe_by_himself'] = 'You are unsubcribed for the notification by mail';
    258 $lang['nbm_content_byebye'] = 'See you soon';
    259 $lang['nbm_content_unsubscribe_link'] = 'To unsubscribe, click on %s .';
    260 $lang['nbm_content_subscribe_link'] = 'To subscribe, click on %s .';
    261 $lang['nbm_content_subscribe_unsubscribe_contact'] = 'On problems or questions, send a message to %s.';
    262 $lang['nbm_no_mail_to_send'] = 'No mail to send.';
    263 $lang['nbm_no_user_to send_notifications_by_mail'] = 'No user to send notifications by mail.';
     282$lang['nbm_param_mode'] = 'Parameter';
     283$lang['nbm_send_check_all'] = 'Check All';
     284$lang['nbm_send_complementary_mail_content'] = 'Complementary mail content';
     285$lang['nbm_send_detailed_content'] = 'Send detailed content';
     286$lang['nbm_send_mail_as'] = 'Send mail as';
    264287$lang['nbm_send_mail_to_users'] = 'Send mail to users';
     288$lang['nbm_send_mode'] = 'Send';
     289$lang['nbm_send_options'] = 'Options';
     290$lang['nbm_send_submit'] = 'Send';
     291$lang['nbm_send_uncheck_all'] = 'Uncheck All';
     292$lang['nbm_subscribe_col'] = 'Subscribed';
     293$lang['nbm_subscribe_mode'] = 'Subscribe';
     294$lang['nbm_title_param'] = 'Parameters';
     295$lang['nbm_title_send'] = 'Select sendings';
     296$lang['nbm_title_subscribe'] = 'Subscribe/unscribe users';
     297$lang['nbm_unsubscribe_col'] = 'Unsubcribed';
     298$lang['nbm_updated_param_count'] = '%d parameters are updated.';
     299$lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_error_on_updated_data_count'] = '%d user(s) are not updated.';
     300$lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_false'] = 'User %s [%s] removed of subscribe list.';
     301$lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_true'] = 'User %s [%s] added to subscribe list.';
     302$lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_updated_data_count'] = '%d user(s) are updated.';
     303$lang['nbm_user_not_change_enabled_false'] = 'User %s [%s] not removed of subscribe list.';
     304$lang['nbm_user_not_change_enabled_true'] = 'User %s [%s] not added to subscribe list.';
    265305$lang['nbm_user_x_added'] = 'User %s [%s] added.';
    266 $lang['nbm_item_notification'] = 'Notification';
    267 $lang['nbm_param_mode'] = 'Parameter';
    268 $lang['nbm_subscribe_mode'] = 'Subscribe';
    269 $lang['nbm_send_mode'] = 'Send';
    270 $lang['nbm_title_param'] = 'Parameters';
    271 $lang['nbm_updated_param_count'] = '%d parameters are updated.';
    272 $lang['nbm_send_mail_as'] = 'Send mail as';
    273 $lang['nbm_info_send_mail_as'] = 'With blank value, gallery title will be used';
    274 $lang['nbm_send_detailed_content'] = 'Send detailed content';
    275 $lang['nbm_complementary_mail_content'] = 'Complementary mail content';
    276 $lang['nbm_title_subscribe'] = 'Subscribe/unscribe users';
    277306$lang['nbm_warning_subscribe_unsubcribe'] = 'Warning, subscribe or unscribe send mails to users';
    278 $lang['nbm_subscribe_col'] = 'Subscribed';
    279 $lang['nbm_unsubscribe_col'] = 'Unsubcribed';
    280 $lang['nbm_no_user_available_to_send_L1'] = 'No user are available in order to send mail.';
    281 $lang['nbm_no_user_available_to_send_L2'] = 'A user is available, if the are news elements to notify';
    282 $lang['nbm_title_send'] = 'Select sendings';
    283 $lang['nbm_col_user'] = 'User';
    284 $lang['nbm_col_mail'] = 'email';
    285 $lang['nbm_col_last_send'] = 'Last send';
    286 $lang['nbm_col_check_user_send_mail'] = 'To send ?';
    287 $lang['nbm_send_options'] = 'Options';
    288 $lang['nbm_send_complementary_mail_content'] = 'Complementary mail content';
    289 $lang['nbm_send_submit'] = 'Send';
    290 $lang['nbm_send_check_all'] = 'Check All';
    291 $lang['nbm_send_uncheck_all'] = 'Uncheck All';
    292 $lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_true'] = 'User %s [%s] added to subscribe list.';
    293 $lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_false'] = 'User %s [%s] removed of subscribe list.';
    294 $lang['nbm_user_not_change_enabled_true'] = 'User %s [%s] not added to subscribe list.';
    295 $lang['nbm_user_not_change_enabled_false'] = 'User %s [%s] not removed of subscribe list.';
    296 $lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_updated_data_count'] = '%d user(s) are updated.';
    297 $lang['nbm_user_change_enabled_error_on_updated_data_count'] = '%d user(s) are not updated.';
    298307$lang['no_write_access'] = 'no write access';
    299308$lang['order_by'] = 'order by';
    304313$lang['pictures'] = 'pictures';
    305314$lang['private'] = 'private';
     315$lang['properties'] = 'Properties';
    306316$lang['public'] = 'public';
    307317$lang['purge history'] = 'purge history';
    308318$lang['purge never used notification feeds'] = 'purge never used notification feeds';
    309 $lang['repair and optimize database'] = 'repair and optimize database';
    310319$lang['purge sessions'] = 'purge sessions';
    311320$lang['randomly represented'] = 'randomly represented';
    323332$lang['remote_site_uncorrect_url'] = 'Remote site url must start by http or https and must only contain characters among "/", "a-zA-Z0-9", "-" or "_"';
    324333$lang['remove keyword'] = 'remove keyword';
     334$lang['remove tags'] = 'remove tags';
     335$lang['repair and optimize database'] = 'repair and optimize database';
    325336$lang['selection'] = 'selection';
    326337$lang['set to'] = 'set to';
    443454$lang['user_id URL parameter is missing'] = 'user_id URL parameter is missing';
    444455$lang['user_status'] = 'User status';
    445 $lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
    446456$lang['user_status_admin'] = 'Administrator';
    447 $lang['user_status_normal'] = 'User';
    448457$lang['user_status_generic'] = 'Generic';
    449458$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Guest';
     459$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'User';
     460$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
    450461$lang['username'] = 'username';
    451462$lang['users'] = 'Users';
  • trunk/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/common.lang.php

    r1116 r1119  
    4040$lang['%d new elements'] = '%d new elements';
    4141$lang['%d new users'] = '%d new users';
     42$lang['%d pictures are also linked to current tags'] = '%d pictures are also linked to current tags';
    4243$lang['%d waiting elements'] = '%d waiting elements';
    4344$lang['About'] = 'About';
     45$lang['All tags must match'] = 'All tags must match';
     46$lang['All tags'] = 'All tags';
     47$lang['Any tag'] = 'Any tag';
    4448$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'At least one listed rule must be satisfied.';
     49$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'At least one tag must match';
    4550$lang['Author'] = 'Author';
    4651$lang['Average rate'] = 'Average rate';
    6368$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Enter your personnal informations';
    6469$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Error sending email';
     70$lang['File name'] = 'File name';
    6571$lang['File'] = 'File';
    66 $lang['File name'] = 'File name';
    6772$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
    6873$lang['Filter and display'] = 'Filter and display';
    9297$lang['Profile'] = 'Profile';
    9398$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Quick connect';
     99$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';
    94100$lang['Rate'] = 'Rate';
    95 $lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS feed';
    96101$lang['Register'] = 'Register';
    97102$lang['Registration'] = 'Registration';
     103$lang['Related tags'] = 'Related tags';
    98104$lang['Reset'] = 'Reset';
    99105$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Retrieve password';
    100106$lang['Search rules'] = 'Search rules';
     107$lang['Search tags'] = 'Search tags';
    101108$lang['Search'] = 'Search';
     109$lang['See available tags'] = 'See available tags';
     110$lang['See pictures linked to this tag only'] = 'See pictures linked to this tag only';
    102111$lang['Send new password'] = 'Send new password';
    103112$lang['Since'] = 'Since';
    104113$lang['Sort by'] = 'Sort by';
    105114$lang['Sort order'] = 'Sort order';
     115$lang['Tag'] = 'Tag';
     116$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
    106117$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.';
    107118$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Unknown feed identifier';
    108 $lang['nbm_unknown_identifier'] = 'Unknown identifier';
    109119$lang['User comments'] = 'User comments';
    110120$lang['Username'] = 'Username';
    118128$lang['add_favorites_hint'] = 'Add this picture to your favorites';
    119129$lang['admin'] = 'Administration';
     130$lang['adviser_mode_enabled'] = 'Adviser mode enabled';
    120131$lang['all'] = 'all';
    121132$lang['all_categories'] = 'all categories';
    136147$lang['calendar_picture_hint'] = 'displays pictures added on ';
    137148$lang['calendar_view'] = 'View';
     149$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Monthly calendar';
    138150$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Monthly list';
    139 $lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Monthly calendar';
    140151$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Weekly list';
    141152$lang['click_to_redirect'] = 'Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you';
    212223$lang['maxwidth'] = 'Maximum width of the pictures';
    213224$lang['maxwidth_error'] = 'Maximum width must be a number superior to 50';
     225$lang['mode_created_hint'] = 'displays a calendar by creation date';
    214226$lang['mode_normal_hint'] = 'return to normal view mode';
    215 $lang['mode_created_hint'] = 'displays a calendar by creation date';
    216227$lang['mode_posted_hint'] = 'displays a calendar by date posted';
    217228$lang['month'][10] = 'October';
    229240$lang['most_visited_cat'] = 'Most visited';
    230241$lang['most_visited_cat_hint'] = 'displays most visited pictures';
     242$lang['nb_image_line_error'] = 'The number of images per row must be a not null scalar';
    231243$lang['nb_image_per_row'] = 'Number of images per row';
    232 $lang['nb_image_line_error'] = 'The number of images per row must be a not null scalar';
     244$lang['nb_line_page_error'] = 'The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar';
    233245$lang['nb_row_per_page'] = 'Number of rows per page';
    234 $lang['nb_line_page_error'] = 'The number of rows per page must be a not null scalar';
     246$lang['nbm_unknown_identifier'] = 'Unknown identifier';
    235247$lang['never_rated'] = 'You\'ve never rated this item';
    236248$lang['new_password'] = 'New password';
    333345$lang['w_month'] = 'Month';
    334346$lang['yes'] = 'Yes';
    335 $lang['adviser_mode_enabled'] = 'Adviser mode enabled';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.