Aug 14, 2011, 7:48:07 PM (13 years ago)

lang files updated with english sentences : marked as TODO !

11 edited


  • extensions/imgpreview/language/cs_CZ/plugin.lang.php

    r11581 r11949  
    66$lang['imgp_conf_updated'] = 'konfigurace byla aktualizována';
    9 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'use :
     8$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     9$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     10$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     12<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     18For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     21This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
    1023 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1124 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1528 * @author James Padolsey<br>
    1629 * @version 0.22<br>
    17 ';
     30';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r11557 r11949  
    10 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'Benutzung :
     9$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     10$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     11$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     16<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     19For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     22This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
    1124 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1225 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1629 * @author James Padolsey<br>
    1730 * @version 0.22<br>
    18 ';
     31';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r11086 r11949  
    22$lang['imgp_max_width'] = 'maximum width of the picture';
    33$lang['imgp_max_height'] = 'maximum height of the picture';
     4$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';
     5$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';
    46$lang['imgp_send'] = 'Submit !';
    10 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'use :
     12$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     16<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     17<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     20For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     23This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
    1125 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1226 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r11720 r11949  
    10 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'use :
     9$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     10$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     11$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     16<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     19For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     22This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
    1124 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1225 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1629 * @author James Padolsey<br>
    1730 * @version 0.22<br>
    18 ';
     31';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/hu_HU/plugin.lang.php

    r11634 r11949  
    66$lang['imgp_conf_updated'] = 'A konfiguráció frissítése sikeres.';
    10 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'használat :<br>
    11  * imgPreview jQuery bővítmény<br>
     8$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     9$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     10$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     12<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     18For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     21This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
     23 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1224 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1325 * j@qd9.co.uk | http://james.padolsey.com<br>
    14  * Kettős licenc alatt: MIT és GPL.<br>
    15  * Frissítve: 09/02/09<br>
    16  * @szerző James Padolsey<br>
    17  * @verzió 0.22<br>
    18 ';
     26 * Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.<br>
     27 * Updated: 09/02/09<br>
     28 * @author James Padolsey<br>
     29 * @version 0.22<br>
     30';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r11247 r11949  
    10 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'usa :<br>
    11  * imgPreview jQuery plugin <br>
     9$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     10$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     11$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     16<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     19For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     22This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
     24 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1225 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1326 * j@qd9.co.uk | http://james.padolsey.com<br>
    1629 * @author James Padolsey<br>
    1730 * @version 0.22<br>
    18 ';
     31';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/lv_LV/plugin.lang.php

    r11350 r11949  
    66$lang['imgp_conf_updated'] = 'Konfigurācija ir atjaunināta';
    8 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'lietot :
    9 * imgPreview jQuery spraudnis<br>
    10 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    11 * j@qd9.co.uk | http://james.padolsey.com<br>
    12 *  MIT un GPL dubultlicence.<br>
    13 * Atjaunināts: 09/02/09<br>
    14 * @autors James Padolsey<br>
    15 * @versija 0.22<br>
    16 ';
     8$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     9$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     10$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     12<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     18For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     21This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
     23 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
     24 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
     25 * j@qd9.co.uk | http://james.padolsey.com<br>
     26 * Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.<br>
     27 * Updated: 09/02/09<br>
     28 * @author James Padolsey<br>
     29 * @version 0.22<br>
     30';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/nl_NL/plugin.lang.php

    r11560 r11949  
    11 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'use :
     11$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     12$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     13$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     16<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     17<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     18<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     21For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     24This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
    1226 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1327 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1731 * @author James Padolsey<br>
    1832 * @version 0.22<br>
    19 ';
     33';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/pl_PL/plugin.lang.php

    r11549 r11949  
    10 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'use :
     9$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     10$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     11$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     16<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     19For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     22This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
    1124 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1225 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1629 * @author James Padolsey<br>
    1730 * @version 0.22<br>
    18 ';
     31';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/ru_RU/plugin.lang.php

    r11561 r11949  
    66$lang['imgp_conf_updated'] = 'Настройки сохранены';
    10 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'О плагине :
     7$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     8$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     9$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     11<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     12<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     17For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     20This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
    1122 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1223 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1627 * @author James Padolsey<br>
    1728 * @version 0.22<br>
    18 ';
     29';/** TODO **/
  • extensions/imgpreview/language/tr_TR/plugin.lang.php

    r11554 r11949  
    10 $lang['imgp_howitworks'] = 'kullan :
     9$lang['imgp_showtitle'] = 'Display the picture name';/** TODO **/
     10$lang['imgp_opacity'] = 'Opacity on mouseover';/** TODO **/
     11$lang['imgp_howitworks'] = '<a href="http://www.planete-flop.fr">Flop25</a> -the creator of this plugin- recommends :
     13<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=190">PWG Stuff</a> by P@t : this plugin adds modules on your gallery.</li>
     14<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=527">Icons Set</a> by Flop25 : this plugin allows you to use other icons for any themes</li>
     15<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=231">Flop Style</a> by Flop25 : flop_style is a "template extension" and enable changes of a small part of Piwigo such as categories display</li>
     16<li><a href="http://piwigo.org/ext/">and much more on piwigo.org</a></li>
     19For designers : the popup is customizable with the id #tooltip (with img or span for the text)
     22This plugin uses a modified version of :<br>
    1124 * imgPreview jQuery plugin<br>
    1225 * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey<br>
    1629 * @author James Padolsey<br>
    1730 * @version 0.22<br>
    18 ';
     31';/** TODO **/
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.