Changeset 11992 for trunk/language/is_IS

Aug 24, 2011, 10:03:53 PM (13 years ago)

feature 2027 implemented: the "lost password" feature was rewritten.

The algorithm is highly inspired from WordPress :

1) in a single field, you give a username or an email
2) Piwigo sends an email with the activation key
3) the user clicks on the link in the email (with the activation key) and is able to set a new password

The "lost password" feature is no longer limited to "classic" users:
administrators and webmasters can use it too (no need to tell webmasters
that they can only change their password in the database)

1 edited


  • trunk/language/is_IS/common.lang.php

    r11760 r11992  
    105105$lang['New on %s'] = 'Nýtt á %s';
    106106$lang['New password confirmation does not correspond'] = 'Staðfesting á nýju lykilorði passar ekki';
    107 $lang['New password sent by email'] = 'Nýtt lykilorð verður sent með tölvupósti';
    108 $lang['No email address'] = 'Ekkert tölvupóstfang';
    109 $lang['No classic user matches this email address'] = 'Engin notandi passar við þetta netfang';
    110107$lang['Notification'] = 'Tilkynning';
    111108$lang['Number of items'] = 'fjöldi atriða';
    128125$lang['Search'] = 'Leita';
    129126$lang['display available tags'] = 'Sýna tiltæk merki';
    130 $lang['Send new password'] = 'Senda nýtt lykilorð';
    131127$lang['Since'] = 'Frá';
    132128$lang['Sort by'] = 'Flokka eftir';
    309305$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Albúm: %s';
    310306$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = 'Slæm staða fyrir notanda "gestur", sjálfgefin staða verðu notuð. Vinsamlegast tilkynnið til vefstjóra.';
    311 $lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = 'Stjórnandi, vefstjóri og sérstakir notendur geta ekki notað þessa aðferð';
    312307$lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'þetta netfange er nú þegar í notkun';
    313308$lang['Album results for'] = 'Albúm noðurstöðut fyrir';
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