Mar 30, 2012, 9:41:24 PM (12 years ago)

r13822 merged from trunk
Bug 2602 fixed - Sql error when Confirmation by admin is set
Small code refactoring and cleanup
en_UK reference translation spellchecking
de_DE translation updated
fr_FR translation updated

1 edited


  • extensions/UserAdvManager/branches/2.30/language/es_ES/help.lang.php

    r13124 r13823  
    2 global $lang;
     2//global $lang;
    44$lang['UAM_confirmTitle_d'] = '
    8888<b>Funciones Clasificación de la tabla</b>: Puede ordenar los datos mostrados, haga clic en los encabezados de columna. Sostenga la tecla SHIFT para ordenar hasta 4 columnas máxima simultánea.';
    89 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows a user to either confirm registration by clicking on a link received in an email sent upon registration or the administrator to manually activate the registration.<br><br>
    90 In first case, the e-mail is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part containing the activation link that is generated from a random key that can possibly regenerate through the &quot;Tracking validations&quot; tab.<br><br>
    91 Dans le premier cas, le message envoyé comprend une partie fixe, avec le lien d\'activation généré à partir d\'une clef aléatoire (cette clé peut éventuellement être régénérée via l\'onglet &quot;Suivi des validations&quot;), et une partie personnalisable par un texte d\'accueil.
    92 <br><br>
    93 In second case, <b><u>there is no validation key send by email!</u></b>. Visitors have to wait until an administrator validate them himself in &quot;Validation tracking&quot; tab. It\s recommanded to activate the Piwigo\'s option &quot;Email admins when a new user registers&quot; (see in Piwigo\'s configuration options) and to use the &quot;Information email to user&quot; to warn new registers to wait on their account activation.
    94 <br>
    95 <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>NB: Options &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; and &quot;Remind unvalidated users  &quot; have to be set to off when admin\'s manual validation is enabled.</b>
    96 <br><br>
    97 Esta opci&oacute;n se utiliza generalmente con la asignaci&oacute;n autom&aacute;tica de grupo y / o estatutos. Por ejemplo, un usuario que no ha validado su registro se encuentra en un grupo espec&iacute;fico de usuarios (con o sin restricciones a la galer&iacute;a) mientras que un usuario que haya validado su registro se encuentra en un &quot;normal&quot; del grupo.';
    9889// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    10798// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    108 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle_d'] = 'Also called &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot;, when this function is activated, you can manage your visitors depending on the frequency of their visits. 2 operating modes are available:<br><br>
    109 - Manual management : When the time between 2 visits is reached,, the visitor appears in the &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot; table where you will be able to remind visitors via email or delete him.<br><br>
    110 - Automated management : When the period between 2 successive visits is reached, the visitor is automatically deleted or moved into a wait group and/or status. In this second case, an information email can be sent to him.<br><br>
    111 <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note : If you enable this feature for the first time or you have reactivated after a long period off during which new visitors are registered, you must initialize or reset the Ghost Tracker (see corresponding instructions on &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot; tab).</b>';
    112 $lang['UAM_miscTitle_d'] = '
    113 - Automatic or manual management of ghosts users<br>
    114 - Followed registered users<br>
    115 - Nickname mandatory for guests comments<br>
    116 ...
    117 ';
    11899$lang['UAM_mailexcTitle_d'] = 'De forma predeterminada, Piwigo acepta todas las direcciones de correo electrónico en el  formato xxx@yyy.zz. Al habilitar esta opción le permite excluir ciertos dominios en el formato: @[nombreDeDominio].[Domain_extension].<br><br>
    119100Ejemplos :<br>
    120101@hotmail.com -> con exclusión de direcciones *@hotmail.com<br>
    121102@hotmail -> con exclusión de todas las direcciones de *@hotmail*';
    122 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to apply rules for automated management of ghosts users.
    123 <br><br>Basic Principle: A user who reaches the maximum time between visits <b><u>and</u></b> has already been notified by email is considered as expired. Then you can apply automated processing rules such as automatic deletion of expired accounts or demotion by restricting access to the gallery (switch automatically to a restricted group and/or status).
    124 <br><br>The triggering of these automation is achieved when connecting users (any user!) to the gallery.';
    125103$lang['UAM_GTAutoDelTitle'] = 'Mensaje personalizado en cuenta eliminada';
    126104$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle'] = 'Cambio automático de grupo / estado';
    127 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'The automatic change of group or status equivalent to a demotion of the accounts involved and working on the same principle as the group or the status of validation (see &quot;Setting confirmations and validations of registration&quot;). Therefore be to define a group and / or status demoting access to the gallery. If this has already been defined with the use of registration confirmation function, you can use the same group / status.<br><br>
    128 <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note :</b> If a ghost user still has not heard from after the time limit and despite the automatic notification by email (if enabled), he\'s automatically deleted from the database.';
    129105// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    132 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    133 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle_d'] = 'Esta opción permite limitar la validez de la validación de claves de correo electrónico enviado a los solicitantes de registro nuevo. Los visitantes que se registren tendrán x días de tiempo para validar su inscripción. Después de este período el enlace de validación expira.
    134 <br><br>
    135 Esta opci&oacute;n se utiliza en conjunci&oacute;n con la &quot;confirmaci&oacute;n de registro&quot;
    136 <br><br>
    137 If this option and the option &quot;Recordarle a los usuarios no validados&quot; are activated, new options will appear below in this section to enable the automation of unvalidated users management.';
    138 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_remailTitle_d'] = 'Esta opci&oacute;n le permite enviar un recordatorio por correo electr&oacute;nico a los usuarios registrados, que no han validado su inscripci&oacute;n a tiempo. Por lo tanto, trabaja en conjunto con la &quot;confirmaci&oacute;n de registro&quot;
    139 <br><br>
    140 2 tipos de mensajes de correo electrónico se pueden enviar: Con o sin regeneración de la clave de validación. Según proceda, el contenido de los mensajes de correo electrónico se pueden personalizar.
    141 <br><br>
    142 Consulte la ficha &quot;Seguimiento de las Validaciones&quot;.
    143 <br><br>
    144 If this option and the option &quot;Plazo para la validación de registro limitado&quot; are activated, new options will appear below in this section to enable the automation of unvalidated users management.';
    145 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle_d'] = 'Automatic handling of unvalidated visitors is triggered each time you connect to the gallery and works as follows:
    146 <br><br>
    147 - Automatic deletion of accounts not validated in the allotted time without sending automatic email reminder -> &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b> and &quot;Remind unvalidated users&quot; <b><u>disabled</u></b>.
    148 <br><br>
    149 - Automatically sending a reminder message with a new generation of validation key and automatic deletion of accounts not validated in the time after sending the reminder -> &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b> et &quot;Remind unvalidated users&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b>.';
    150 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When activated, this function will automatically send personalized content in &quot;Reminder email with new key generated&quot; to visitors who match criteria.';
    151 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle_d'] = 'This enables an additional UAM block in PWG Stuffs plugin (if installed) to inform your visitors who did not validate their registration about their condition.
    152 <br><br>
    153 Please refer to the <b>Consejos y ejemplos</b> at the bottom of this page for details.';
    154 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    157 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3
    158 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_DumpTitle_d'] = 'This allows you to save the entire configuration of the plugin in a file so you can restore it if something goes wrong (wrong manipulation or before an update, for example). By default, the file is stored in this folder ../plugins/UserAdvManager/include/backup/ and is called &quot;UAM_dbbackup.sql&quot;.
    159 <br><br>
    160 <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Warning: The file is overwritten each backup action!</b>
    161 <br><br>
    162 It can sometimes be useful to retrieve the backup file on your computer. For example: To restore to another database, to outsource or to keep multiple save files. To do this, just check the box to download the file.
    163 <br><br>
    164 The recovery from this interface is not supported. Use tools like phpMyAdmin.';
    165 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3
    168 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    169 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choose here if you want to display the password chosen by the visitor in the information email. If you enable the option, the password will then appear in clear text. If you disable the password will not appear at all.';
    170 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    173 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.11
    174 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_gttextTitle_d'] = 'Introduzca el texto que desea que aparezca en el recordatorio por correo electrónico para pedir al usuario volver a visitar su galería (Nota: El texto pre-llenado con la instalación del plugin se presenta como un ejemplo).
    175 <br><br>
    176 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    177 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    178 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    179 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options. Use <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[days]</b> to insert the maximum numbers of days between two visits.
    180 <br><br>
    181 Para utilizar varios idiomas, puede utilizar las etiquetas para el plugin Extended description si está activo.';
    182 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_confirmtxtTitle_d'] = 'Introduzca el texto de introducción que desea que aparezca en el correo electrónico de confirmación de registro.
    183 <br><br>
    184 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    185 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    186 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    187 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.<br>
    188 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[Kdays]</b> to insert the number of days limit to validate a registration (&quot;Plazo para la validación de registro limitado;&quot; have to be enabled).
    189 <br><br>
    190 Para utilizar varios idiomas, puede utilizar las etiquetas para el plugin Extended description si está activo.';
    191 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_remailtxt1Title_d'] = 'Introduzca el texto de introducción que desea que aparezca en el recordatorio por correo electrónico, además de la clave de validación regenerada.
    192 <br><br>
    193 Si se deja en blanco, el aviso de correo electrónico sólo incluirá el enlace de validación. Por tanto, es muy recomendable tomar un pequeño texto explicativo. (Nota: El texto pre-llenado con la instalación del plugin se proporciona como un ejemplo).
    194 <br><br>
    195 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    196 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    197 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    198 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.<br>
    199 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[Kdays]</b> to insert the number of days limit to validate a registration (&quot;Plazo para la validación de registro limitado;&quot; have to be enabled).
    200 <br><br>
    201 Para utilizar varios idiomas, puede utilizar las etiquetas para el plugin Extended description si está activo.';
    202 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_remailtxt2Title_d'] = 'Introduzca el texto de introducción que desea que aparezca en el recordatorio por correo electrónico sin una clave de validación regenerada.
    203 <br><br>
    204 Si se deja en blanco, el aviso de correo electrónico estará vacío. Por lo tanto, es muy recomendable poner un pequeño texto explicativo. (Nota: El texto pre-llenado con la instalación del plugin se proporciona como un ejemplo).
    205 <br><br>
    206 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    207 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    208 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    209 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.<br>
    210 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[Kdays]</b> to insert the number of days limit to validate a registration (&quot;Plazo para la validación de registro limitado;&quot; have to be enabled).
    211 <br><br>
    212 Para utilizar varios idiomas, puede utilizar las etiquetas para el plugin Extended description si está activo.';
    213 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_infotxtTitle_d'] = 'Introduzca el texto de introducción que desea ver en el correo electrónico de la información.
    214 <br><br>
    215 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    216 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    217 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    218 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.
    219 <br><br>
    220 Para utilizar varios idiomas, puede utilizar las etiquetas para el plugin Extended description si está activo.';
    221 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail_d'] = 'When an administrator or Webmaster of the gallery manually valid registration pending, a notification email is automatically sent to the user. Enter here the text that appears in this email.
    222 <br><br>
    223 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    224 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    225 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    226 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.
    227 <br><br>
    228 To use multiple languages, you can use the Extended description plugin\'s tags if it is active.';
    229 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom1_d'] = 'When the option &quot;Confirmation of registration&quot; is active, this field allows you to customize the <b><u>acceptance text</u></b> on the registration confirmation page displayed when user clicks the confirmation link that was received by email.
    230 <br><br>
    231 After installing the plugin, a standard text is set as an example.
    232 <br><br>
    233 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    234 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    235 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    236 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.
    237 <br><br>
    238 This field is compatible with the FCK Editor and, for multi-languages, you can use the tags [lang] of the plugin Extended description if it\'s active.';
    239 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom2_d'] = 'When the option &quot;Confirmation of registration&quot; is active, this field allows you to customize the <b><u>rejectance text</u></b> on the registration confirmation page displayed when user clicks the confirmation link that was received by email.
    240 <br><br>
    241 After installing the plugin, a standard text is set as an example.
    242 <br><br>
    243 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    244 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    245 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    246 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.
    247 <br><br>
    248 This field is compatible with the FCK Editor and, for multi-languages, you can use the tags [lang] of the plugin Extended description if it\'s active.';
    249 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoDelTitle_d'] = 'This is only valid when the user whose account has expired itself triggers the deletion mechanism (rare but possible). he\'s then disconnected of the gallery and redirected to a page showing the deletion of his account and, possibly, the reasons for this deletion.
    250 <br><br>
    251 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    252 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    253 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.<br>
    254 <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> is not available here because concerned user has been deleted.
    255 <br><br>
    256 Custom text for the redirect page can be entered in this field that is compatible with the FCK Editor and, for multi-languages, you can use the tags [lang] of the plugin Extended description if it\'s active.';
    257 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When an account is expired (group / status change demoting the visitor), an email information can be sent to clarify the reasons for this change and the means to recover the initial access to the gallery.
    258 <br>To do this, a link to revalidation of registration is attached to the email (automatic generation of a new validation key).<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>If the user has already been notified, his account is automatically destroyed.</b>
    259 <br><br>
    260 Enter the custom text that also explain the reasons for the demotion, to accompany the validation link. The custom text is not mandatory but strongly recommended. In fact, your visitors will not appreciate receiving an email containing only a single link without further explanation. ;-)
    261 <br><br>
    262 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    263 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> to automatically insert the name of the destination user of the email.<br>
    264 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    265 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.
    266 <br><br>
    267 To use multiple languages, you can use the Extended description plugin\'s tags if it is active.
    268 <br><br>
    269 <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Warning: The use of this function is intimately associated with the confirmation of registration by the user (confirmation by mail) and can not be activated without this option.</b>';
    270 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetrTitle_d'] = 'By default, when a user has lost his password and selects the option of recovery, he receives an email containing only his username and his new password.
    271 <br><br>
    272 Here, you can add text of your choice to be inserted <b><u>before</u></b> the standard information.
    273 <br><br>
    274 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    275 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    276 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.
    277 <br><br>
    278 To use multiple languages, you can use the Extended description plugin\'s tags if it is active.';
    279 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoDelTitle_d'] = 'This is only valid when the user whose account has expired itself triggers the deletion mechanism (rare but possible). he\'s then disconnected of the gallery and redirected to a page showing the deletion of his account and, possibly, the reasons for this deletion.
    280 <br><br>
    281 Further customize the content with special inserted tags:<br>
    282 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[mygallery]</b> to insert the title of your gallery.<br>
    283 - <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[myurl]</b> to insert your gallery URL if set in Piwigo\'s configuration options.<br>
    284 <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>[username]</b> is not available here because concerned user has been deleted.
    285 <br><br>
    286 Custom text for the redirect page can be entered in this field that is compatible with the FCK Editor and, for multi-languages, you can use the tags [lang] of the plugin Extended description if it\'s active.';
    287 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.11
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.