Apr 4, 2012, 5:47:23 PM (12 years ago)

updated for 2.4 :
-deleted timthumb
-deleted config for auto-generation

features added :
-representative thumbs can be big : always, as the "Every x thumb" config or never

bug corrected :
-big thumbs didn't have rounded corners

Translations uk_UA needed for new keys

3 edited


  • extensions/stripped_black_bloc/language/en_UK/theme.lang.php

    r11823 r13894  
    77$lang['Width of columns'] = "Width of columns";
    88$lang['Width of thumbnails'] = "Width of thumbnails";
    9 $lang['it need to be inferior than the width of columns'] = "it needs to be strictly inferior than the width of columns";
    10 $lang['The thumbnails can be generated by the theme'] = "The thumbnails can be generated by the theme";
    11 $lang['option thumbnail generated'] = "generate all the thumbnails : they will have all the same width, the \"Width of thumbnails\", with respect to the original proportions";
    12 $lang['option thumbnail auto'] = "generate only the thumbnails with a width lower than that indicated in  \"Width of thumbnails\" : it allows you to generate by Piwigo thumbnails much larger to have a variation of height (much more attractive)";
    13 $lang['option thumbnail piwigo'] = "generate nothing: thumbnails will be the ones of Piwigo";
     9$lang['Create a big thumbnail every'] = "Create a big thumbnail every";
     10$lang['... starting to the position number'] = "... starting to the position number";
     11$lang['(set 0 to disable)'] = "(set 0 to disable)";
     12$lang['(it need to be inferior than the width of columns)'] = "(it needs to be strictly inferior than the width of columns)";
     13$lang['About big thumbnails, for the albums :'] = "About big thumbnails, for the albums :";
     14$lang['don\'t generate big thumbnails'] = "don't generate big thumbnails";
     15$lang['use the same config as above'] = "use the same config as above";
     16$lang['always generate big thumbnails'] = "always generate big thumbnails";
  • extensions/stripped_black_bloc/language/fr_FR/theme.lang.php

    r11823 r13894  
    77$lang['Width of columns'] = "Largeur des colonnes";
    88$lang['Width of thumbnails'] = "Largeur des miniatures";
    9 $lang['it need to be inferior than the width of columns'] = "cette largeur doit être strictement inférieure à celle des colonnes";
    10 $lang['The thumbnails can be generated by the theme'] = "Les miniatures peuvent être générées par le thème";
    11 $lang['option thumbnail generated'] = "générer toutes les miniatures : elles auront toutes la largeur indiquée dans \"Largeur des miniatures\" avec les proportions d'origines conservées";
    12 $lang['option thumbnail auto'] = "générer uniquement les miniatures ayant une largeur inférieure à celle indiquée dans \"Largeur des miniatures\" : cela permet notamment de générer par Piwigo des miniatures plus grosses pour avoir une variation de hauteur";
    13 $lang['option thumbnail piwigo'] = "ne rien générer : les miniatures seront celles de Piwigo";
     9$lang['Create a big thumbnail every'] = "Créer une grosse miniature toutes les";
     10$lang['... starting to the position number'] = "...à commencer par la position numéro";
     11$lang['(set 0 to disable)'] = "(mettre 0 pour désactiver)";
     12$lang['(it need to be inferior than the width of columns)'] = "(cette largeur doit être strictement inférieure à celle des colonnes)";
     13$lang['About big thumbnails, for the albums :'] = "A propos de grosses miniatures, pour les images représentatives des albums :";
     14$lang['don\'t generate big thumbnails'] = "ne pas générer de grosses miniatures";
     15$lang['use the same config as above'] = "utiliser la config 'Créer une grosse miniature toutes les' ci-dessus";
     16$lang['always generate big thumbnails'] = "toujours générer des grosses miniatures";
  • extensions/stripped_black_bloc/language/uk_UA/theme.lang.php

    r13204 r13894  
    77$lang['Width of columns'] = "Ширина стовпців";
    88$lang['Width of thumbnails'] = "Ширина мініатюри";
    9 $lang['it need to be inferior than the width of columns'] = "вона повинна суворо поступаютися ширину стовпців";
    10 $lang['The thumbnails can be generated by the theme'] = "Мініатюри можуть бути отримані на тему";
    11 $lang['option thumbnail generated'] = "створити всі ескізи: вони будуть мати все ту ж ширину, \"Ширина мініатюри\", по відношенню до оригінальних пропорцій";
    12 $lang['option thumbnail auto'] = "створювати тільки ескізи з шириною менше, ніж зазначено в \"Ширина мініатюри\": він дозволяє генерувати у вигляді мініатюр Piwigo набагато більше, аби зміни висоту(є більш привабливим)";
    13 $lang['option thumbnail piwigo'] = "генерувати нічого: мініатюри будуть одними з Piwigo";
     9$lang['Create a big thumbnail every'] = "Create a big thumbnail every";
     10$lang['... starting to the position number'] = "... starting to the position number";
     11$lang['(set 0 to disable)'] = "(set 0 to disable)";
     12$lang['(it need to be inferior than the width of columns)'] = "(вона повинна суворо поступаютися ширину стовпців)";
     13$lang['About big thumbnails, for the albums :'] = "Мініатюри можуть бути отримані на тему";
     14$lang['don\'t generate big thumbnails'] = "don't generate big thumbnails";
     15$lang['use the same config as above'] = "use the same config as above";
     16$lang['always generate big thumbnails'] = "always generate big thumbnails";
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