May 28, 2012, 5:24:43 PM (12 years ago)

[extensions] - pwgCumulus - add EN for works with Lexiglot

15 edited


  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/cs_CZ/plugin.lang.php

    r10954 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Výška nastavena";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Koeficient tagů byl nastaven";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Zobraz mračno štítků v Cumulus módu";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "zobraz mračno štítků v Cumulus módu";
    3434$lang['Animation colors'] = "Barvy Animace";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "Barva 1";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r11107 r15386  
    3636$lang['Color 2 updated'] = "Farbe 2 angepasst";
    3737$lang['Mouseover color updated'] = "Mouseover Farbe angepasst";
    38 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = 'Zeige die Stichwortwolke als animierte Haufenwolke';
     38$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = 'zeige die Stichwortwolke als animierte Haufenwolke';
    3939$lang['Animation colors'] = 'Animationsfarbe';
    4040$lang['Color 2'] = 'Farbe 2';
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r10954 r15386  
    2525 * See language/templates/plugin.lang.php for available keys
    2626 */
     28 // admin
     29$lang['Add tags cloud in main menu'] = 'Add tags cloud in main menu';
     30$lang['After'] = 'After';
     31$lang['Animation colors'] = 'Animation colors';
     32$lang['Animation configuration : size, tags colors, tags size'] = 'Animation configuration : size, tags colors, tags size';
     33$lang['Animation width and height'] = 'Animation width and height';
     34$lang['Background color'] = 'Background color';
     35$lang['Background color updated'] = 'Background color updated';
     36$lang['Before'] = 'Before';
     37$lang['block'] = 'block';
     38$lang['Check the checkbox to add tags cloud in main menu'] = 'Check the checkbox to add tags cloud in main menu';
     39$lang['Check the checkbox to use transparent mode for background'] = 'Check the checkbox to use transparent mode for background';
     40$lang['Coefficient'] = 'Coefficient';
     41$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = 'Coefficient for tags size updated';
     42$lang['Color 1'] = 'Color 1';
     43$lang['Color 1 updated'] = 'Color 1 updated';
     44$lang['Color 2'] = 'Color 2';
     45$lang['Color 2 updated'] = 'Color 2 updated';
     46$lang['Cumulus Tags Cloud Plugin'] = 'Cumulus Tags Cloud Plugin';
     47$lang['Current release:'] = 'Current release:';
     48$lang['Dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';
     49$lang['Height'] = 'Height';
     50$lang['Height updated'] = 'Height updated';
     51$lang['Menu'] = 'Menu';
     52$lang['Mouseover color'] = 'Mouseover color';
     53$lang['Mouseover color updated'] = 'Mouseover color updated';
     54$lang['Position'] = 'Position';
     55$lang['Position in main menu has been updated'] = 'Position in main menu has been updated';
     56$lang['Tags cloud added in main menu'] = 'Tags cloud added in main menu';
     57$lang['Tags cloud in main menu?'] = 'Tags cloud in main menu?';
     58$lang['Tags cloud removed from main menu'] = 'Tags cloud removed from main menu';
     59$lang['Tags page'] = 'Tags page';
     60$lang['Tags size'] = 'Tags size';
     61$lang['That plugin display tags using a flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works like a regular tags cloud but in a more amazing and exciting way.'] = 'That plugin display tags using a flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works like a regular tags cloud but in a more amazing and exciting way.';
     62$lang['Transparent mode for background'] = 'Transparent mode for background';
     63$lang['Transparent mode is not used'] = 'Transparent mode is not used';
     64$lang['Transparent mode is used'] = 'Transparent mode is used';
     65$lang['Width'] = 'Width';
     66$lang['Width updated'] = 'Width updated';
     67$lang['You can choose that mode for tags default display mode by adding (or changing) in the configuration file'] = 'You can choose that mode for tags default display mode by adding (or changing) in the configuration file';
     68$lang['You can choose to add cumulus tag cloud in menu. You can define tags cloud position in the main menu by choosing its position related to another block'] = 'You can choose to add cumulus tag cloud in menu. You can define tags cloud position in the main menu by choosing its position related to another block';
     70// public
     71$lang['cloud'] = 'cloud';
     72$lang['cumulus cloud'] = 'cumulus cloud';
     73$lang['show tag cloud'] = 'show tag cloud';
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r10954 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "La altura ha sido puesta al día";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "El coeficiente multiplicador de etiquetas ha sido puesto al día";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Utilizar el modo cúmulo para fijar la nube de etiquetas";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "utilizar el modo cúmulo para fijar la nube de etiquetas";
    3434$lang['Animation colors'] = "Colores de la animación";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "Color 1";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r11428 r15386  
    6464$lang['cloud'] = 'nuage';
    6565$lang['cumulus cloud'] = 'Nuage cumulus';
    66 $lang['Show tag cloud'] = 'Utiliser le mode cumulus pour afficher le nuage de tags';
     66$lang['show tag cloud'] = 'utiliser le mode cumulus pour afficher le nuage de tags';
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/hr_HR/plugin.lang.php

    r10954 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Visina ažurirana";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Koeficijent veličine tagova ažuriran";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Prikaži oblak tagova u Cumulus modu";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "prikaži oblak tagova u Cumulus modu";
    3434$lang['Color 1'] = "Boja 1";
    3535$lang['Color 2'] = "Boja 2";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/hu_HU/plugin.lang.php

    r10954 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Szélesség módosítva";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Címke betüaránya módosítva";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Cumulus Flash címkefelhő";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "cumulus Flash címkefelhő";
    3434$lang['Animation colors'] = "Animáció színei";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "Szín 1";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r11427 r15386  
    6464$lang['cloud'] = 'nuvola';
    6565$lang['cumulus cloud'] = 'Nuvola cumulus';
    66 $lang['Show tag cloud'] = 'Usare il modo cumulus per visualizzare la nuvola di tag';
     66$lang['show tag cloud'] = 'usare il modo cumulus per visualizzare la nuvola di tag';
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/lv_LV/plugin.lang.php

    r10954 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Augstums izmainīts";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Iezīmes izmēra koeficients izmainīts";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Rādīt mākoņveida iezīmi cumulus režīmā";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "rādīt mākoņveida iezīmi cumulus režīmā";
    3434$lang['Animation colors'] = "Animācijas krāsas";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "1 krāsa";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/nl_NL/plugin.lang.php

    r11085 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Hoogte geupdatet";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Coefficient voor tag grootte geupdatet";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Laat de tag zien in stapelwolk modus";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "laat de tag zien in stapelwolk modus";
    3434$lang['Animation colors'] = "Animatie kleuren";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "Kleur 1";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/no_NO/plugin.lang.php

    r10954 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Høyde oppdatert";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Koeffisient for tagg størrelse oppdatert";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Vis tagg sky i cumulus modus";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "vis tagg sky i cumulus modus";
    3434$lang['Animation colors'] = "Animasjon farer";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "Farge 1";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/pl_PL/plugin.lang.php

    r11224 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Wysokoœæ zosta³a zaktualizowana";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Wspó³czynnik dla rozmiaru tagów zosta³ zaktualizowany";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Poka¿ chmurê tagów w tybie Cumulus";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "poka¿ chmurê tagów w tybie Cumulus";
    3434$lang['Color 1'] = "Kolor 1";
    3535$lang['Color 2'] = "Kolor 2";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/sk_SK/plugin.lang.php

    r11154 r15386  
    3232$lang['Height updated'] = "Výška aktualizovaná";
    3333$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Koeficient pre aktualizáciu zmeny veľkosti fotografie";
    34 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Zobraziť mrak v kumulus móde";
     34$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "zobraziť mrak v kumulus móde";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "Farba 1";
    3636$lang['Color 2'] = "Farba 2";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/sv_SE/plugin.lang.php

    r10990 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Höjd uppdaterad";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Koefficient för sökmolnets storlek uppdaterad";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Visa sökmoln i cumulusläge";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "visa sökmoln i cumulusläge";
    3434$lang['Animation colors'] = "Animationens färger";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "Färg 1";
  • extensions/pwgCumulus/language/tr_TR/plugin.lang.php

    r10954 r15386  
    3131$lang['Height updated'] = "Yükseklik güncelledi";
    3232$lang['Coefficient for tags size updated'] = "Etiketler için kaysayı boyutu güncellendi";
    33 $lang['Show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "Etiketleri bulut kümesinde göster";
     33$lang['show tag cloud in cumulus mode'] = "etiketleri bulut kümesinde göster";
    3434$lang['Animation colors'] = "Animasyon renkleri";
    3535$lang['Color 1'] = "Renk 1";
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.