Changeset 1697

Jan 4, 2007, 10:54:46 PM (18 years ago)

35 advices are available all in English / French version is coming

2 edited


  • trunk/plugins/admin_advices/en_UK.iso-8859-1/lang.adv.php

    r1694 r1697  
    33// | PhpWebGallery - a PHP based picture gallery                           |
    44// | Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL - |
    5 // | Copyright (C) 2003-2006 PhpWebGallery Team - |
     5// | Copyright (C) 2003-2007 PhpWebGallery Team - |
    66// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    77// | branch        : BSF (Best So Far)
    88// | file          : $RCSfile$
    9 // | last update   : $Date: 2006-12-21 22:38:20 +0100 (jeu., 21 déc. 2006) $
    10 // | last modifier : $Author: rub $
     9// | last update   : $Date: 2006-12-21 22:38:20 +0100 (jeu., 4 jan. 2007) $
     10// | last modifier : $Author: Vincent $
    1111// | revision      : $Revision: 1677 $
    1212// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    3030//$lang_info['direction'] = 'ltr';
    3131//$lang_info['code'] = 'en';
    32 $nomore = false;
    33 $cases = array();
    34 for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++)
     32foreach ($conf as $key => $value)
    36    $cases[$i] = $i;
     34  if ( is_string($value) )
     35  {
     36    $bool = ($value == 'false') ? false : $value;
     37    $bool = ($value == 'true') ? true : $bool;
     38    $conf[$key] = $bool;
     39  }
     43//               Don't forget to update range for new advices
     45$cases = range(1,35);
    3846srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000);
    39 $set_adv = array_rand ($cases, 3);
    41 foreach ($set_adv as $id_adv)
     49$cond = false;
     50foreach ($cases as $id_adv)
     52  if ($cond) break;
     53  $adv = array();
    4354  switch ($id_adv) {
    4455    Case 1 :
    45       $adv[] = 'Votre valeur actuelle: public. ';
    46       $adv[] = 'Essayez $conf[\'newcat_default_status\'] = \'private\';';
    47       $adv[] = 'Vous aurez ainsi le temps pour décrire et vérifier vos images,';
    48       $adv[] = 'de décider si vous laisserez la catégorie en privé';
    49       $adv[] = 'et donnerez quelques droits, ou si vous la passerez en public.';
    50       $adv[] = 'Soit un temps de réflexion pour bien préparer la catégorie.';
    51       $cond = ($conf['newcat_default_status'] !== 'public') ? true : false;
     56      $adv[] = 'Current value: public. ';
     57      $adv[] = 'Try $conf[\'newcat_default_status\'] = \'private\';';
     58      $adv[] = 'You will have more time to describe and check your pictures.';
     59      $adv[] = 'Time to decide between private and public status.';
     60      $adv[] = 'If you choose private, time to distribute authorization.';
     61      $adv[] = 'Your new category will be well prepared.';
     62      $cond = ($conf['newcat_default_status'] !== 'public');
    5263      $confk = 'newcat_default_status';
    53       break 2;
     64      break
    5566    Case 2 :
    5768      $adv[] = 'This value could be too small for low band connections.';
    5869      $adv[] = 'Think about higher value like 4.';
    59       $cond = ( $conf['slideshow_period'] < 4 ) ? true : false;
     70      $cond = ( $conf['slideshow_period'] < 4 );
    6071      $confk = 'slideshow_period';
    61       break 2;
     72      break
    6374    Case 3 :
    6677      $adv[] = 'on the server side like *.php, *.PHP, *.asp, ...';
    6778      $adv[] = 'Think about higher value like 4.';
    68       $cond = ( in_array('php',$conf['file_ext']) ) ? true : false;
     79      $cond = ( in_array('php',$conf['file_ext']) );
    6980      $confk = 'file_ext';
    70       break 2;
     81      break
    7283    Case 4 :
    8394      $cond = true;
    8495      $confk = 'show_iptc_mapping';
    85       break 2;
     96      break
     98     Case 5 :
     99      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['top_number'] . '.';
     100      $adv[] = 'This value is maybe too high for low connections, ' .
     101               'think about 25-50 depending on your thumbnail sizes.';
     102      $cond = ( $conf['top_number'] > 50 );
     103      $confk = 'top_number';
     104      break; 
    88     default :
    89       $nomore = true;
    90       $adv[] = '';
    91       $cond = false;
     106     Case 6 :
     107      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['top_number'] . '.';
     108      $adv[] = 'One? It could be too low for random pictures, ' .
     109               'think about 5-10 depending on your thumbnail sizes.';
     110      $cond = ( $conf['top_number'] < 2 ) ? true : false;
     111      $confk = 'top_number';
     112      break; 
     114     Case 7 :
     115      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['anti-flood_time'] . '.';
     116      $adv[] = 'For normal flow processing, your value is probably too high. ' .
     117                                 'Reasonable value is 60 (default).' ;
     118      $cond = ( $conf['anti-flood_time'] > 100 ) ? true : false;
     119      $confk = 'anti-flood_time';
     120      break; 
     122     Case 8 :
     123      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['calendar_datefield'] . '.';
     124      $adv[] = 'Authorized values are ' .
     125                                 "'date_creation' or 'date_available'" .
     126               ', otherwise you can get unpredictable results.' ;
     127      $cond = ( !in_array($conf['calendar_datefield'],
     128        array('date_creation','date_available')) );
     129      $confk = 'calendar_datefield';
     130      break; 
     132     Case 9 :
     133      // If (iptc or exif) are used and date_creation is updated
     134      // Then it's Ok, you can use date_creation by default for calendar
     135      // else ... Advice
     136            $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['calendar_datefield'] . '.';
     137      $adv[] = "'date_creation'" . ' is NOT filled by ' .
     138      'any activated use metadata mapping fields.';
     139      $adv[] = 'So activate metadata usage <strong>or</strong> change to ' .
     140      '$conf[\'calendar_datefield\'] = \'date_available\'';
     141      $adv[] = 'Activate metadata usage as you want: <br />' .
     142      '1 - $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = true; or $conf[\'use_exif\'] = true; ' .
     143      'each way will be correct.<br />' .
     144      '2 - And respectively map:<br />' .
     145      '$conf[\'use_iptc_mapping\'] = array( ..., \'date_creation\' ' .
     146      '=> \'2#055\', ...<br />' .
     147      'or/and:<br />' .
     148      '$conf[\'use_exif_mapping\'] = array(\'date_creation\' ' .
     149      '=> \'DateTimeOriginal\', ...<br />' .
     150      '3 - Finally, a new task is up to you: Metadata synchronization.'  ;
     151      $cond2 = ( $conf['use_exif'] and
     152                                  isset($conf['use_exif_mapping']['date_creation']) );
     153      $cond3 = ( $conf['use_iptc'] and
     154                                  isset($conf['use_iptc_mapping']['date_creation']) );
     155      $cond = ( $conf['calendar_datefield'] == 'date_creation' );
     156                        $cond = ( ($cond2 or $cond3) and $cond ) ? false : true;
     157      $confk = 'calendar_datefield';
     158      break; 
     160     Case 10 :
     161      $adv[] = 'Current value: false.';
     162      $adv[] = 'Not useful, private status is better, so code ' .
     163               '$conf[\'newcat_default_visible\'] = true;'  ;
     164      $cond = !$conf['newcat_default_visible'];
     165      $confk = 'newcat_default_visible';
     166      break; 
     168     Case 11 :
     169      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     170      $adv[] = 'Any new subscriber has access to High Resolution pictures. ' .
     171      'Is it what you want? No, so try ' .
     172                        '$conf[\'newuser_default_enabled_high\'] = false;' ;
     173      $cond = $conf['newuser_default_enabled_high'];
     174      $confk = 'newuser_default_enabled_high';
     175      break; 
     177     Case 12 :
     178      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['level_separator'] . '.';
     179      $adv[] = 'Try something else like $conf[\'level_separator\'] = \'+ \';';
     180      $cond = ( $conf['level_separator'] == ' / ' );
     181      $confk = 'level_separator';
     182      break; 
     184     Case 13 :
     185      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['paginate_pages_around'] . '.';
     186      $adv[] = 'Usual range is between 2 and 5. To be light, choose ' .
     187      '$conf[\'paginate_pages_around\'] = 2; <br />' .
     188      'To offer large jump, choose $conf[\'paginate_pages_around\'] = 7;';
     189      $cond = (($conf['paginate_pages_around'] < 2)
     190                              or ($conf['paginate_pages_around'] > 12));
     191      $confk = 'paginate_pages_around';
     192      break; 
     194     Case 14 :
     195      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['tn_width'] . '.';
     196      $adv[] = 'Should be a close value to your thumbnail width.' .
     197      $adv[] = 'Usual range is between 96 and 150, ' .
     198                                                         'about $conf[\'tn_width\'] = 128;';
     199      $cond = (($conf['tn_width'] < 66)
     200                              or ($conf['tn_width'] > 180));
     201      $confk = 'tn_width';
     202      break; 
     204     Case 15 :
     205      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['tn_height'] . '.';
     206      $adv[] = 'Should be a close value to your thumbnail height.' .
     207      $adv[] = 'Usual range is between 96 and 150, ' .
     208                                                         'about $conf[\'tn_height\'] = 128;';
     209      $cond = (($conf['tn_height'] < 66)
     210                              or ($conf['tn_height'] > 180));
     211      $confk = 'tn_height';
     212      break; 
     214     Case 16 :
     215      $adv[] = 'Thumbnail height and width have to be equal.';
     216      $adv[] = 'Choose $conf[\'tn_height\'] = ' . (string) $conf['tn_width'] .
     217                                 ';<br />' .
     218                                                         'or $conf[\'tn_width\'] = ' . (string) $conf['tn_height'] . ';';
     219      $cond = ( $conf['tn_height'] !== $conf['tn_width'] );
     220      $confk = 'tn_height';
     221      break; 
     223     Case 17 :
     224      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     225      $adv[] = 'For security reason, please set ' .
     226                                 '$conf[\'show_version\'] = false;';
     227      $cond = $conf['show_version'];
     228      $confk = 'show_version';
     229      break; 
     231     Case 18 :
     232      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     233      $adv[] = 'For a lighter gallery just have a look to ' .
     234               '$conf[\'show_thumbnail_caption\'] = false;';
     235      $cond = $conf['show_thumbnail_caption'];
     236      $confk = 'show_thumbnail_caption';
     237      break; 
     239     Case 19 :
     240      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     241      $adv[] = 'For a lighter gallery just have a look to ' .
     242               '$conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false;';
     243      $cond = $conf['show_picture_name_on_title'];
     244      $confk = 'show_picture_name_on_title';
     245      break; 
     247     Case 20 :
     248      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     249      $adv[] = 'If you do NOT have any category descriptions just have ' .
     250               'a look to $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false;';
     251      $cond = $conf['subcatify'];
     252      $confk = 'subcatify';
     253      break; 
     255     Case 21 :
     256      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     257      $adv[] = 'Leave $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true; <br />' .
     258               'but analyze if you can avoid for performance reasons.' ;
     259      $cond = $conf['allow_random_representative'];
     260      $confk = 'allow_random_representative';
     261      break; 
     263     Case 22 :
     264      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] . '.';
     265      $adv[] = 'Be careful your $conf[\'prefix_thumbnail\'] is NOT standard.';
     266      $adv[] = 'Do NOT change it except if your thumbnails are NOT visible.';
     267      $adv[] = 'Distant site may use a different prefix but ' .
     268                                 'create_listing_file.php must be modified.<br />' .
     269                                 'You will get a warning message during synchronization in ' .
     270                                 'that case.';
     271      $adv[] = 'Try to keep the same prefix thru all your sites either ' .
     272                                 'local or distants.';
     273      $adv[] = 'Keep this parameter in your ./include/config_'.
     274                                 '<strong></strong>. <br />'.
     275                                                         'See our wiki configuration page for more information about ' .
     276                                                         './include/config_<strong></strong>.';
     277      $cond = ( $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] !== 'TN-' );
     278      $confk = 'prefix_thumbnail';
     279      break; 
     281     Case 23 :
     282      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['users_page'] . '.';
     283      $adv[] = 'Unless you have a low band connection, you can draw up ' .
     284               '$conf[\'users_page\'] to a higher value ' .
     285                                                         'if you have more than 20 members.';
     286      $cond = ( $conf['users_page'] < 21 );
     287      $confk = 'users_page';
     288      break; 
     290     Case 24 :
     291      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     292      $adv[] = 'Should be false, only few webmasters have to set ' .
     293               '$conf[\'mail_options\'] = true; <br />' .
     294                                                         'A specific advice you can get from an advanced ' .
     295                                                         'user on our forum in some mailing issues.' ;
     296      $cond = $conf['mail_options'];
     297      $confk = 'mail_options';
     298      break; 
     300     Case 25 :
     301      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     302      $adv[] = 'Should be false, only PWG dev Team have to set ' .
     303               '$conf[\'check_upgrade_feed\'] = true; for test purpose.' ;
     304      $cond = $conf['check_upgrade_feed'];
     305      $confk = 'check_upgrade_feed';
     306      break; 
     308     Case 26 :
     309      $adv[] = '$conf[\'rate_items\'] has ' . count($conf['rate_items'])
     310             . 'items.';
     311      $adv[] = 'Your $conf[\'rate_items\'] would have 4 or 5 items not less.';
     312      $cond = ( count($conf['rate_items']) < 4 );
     313      $confk = 'rate_items';
     314      break; 
     316     Case 27 :
     317      $adv[] = '$conf[\'rate_items\'] has ' . count($conf['rate_items'])
     318             . 'items.';
     319      $adv[] = 'Your $conf[\'rate_items\'] would have 5 or 6 items not more.';
     320      $adv[] = 'Check your best rated pictures prior to remove some values.' .
     321                                 '<br />Reduce excessive rating and change your ' .
     322               '$conf[\'rate_items\'].';
     323      $cond = ( count($conf['rate_items']) > 6 );
     324      $confk = 'rate_items';
     325      break; 
     327     Case 28 :
     328      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     329      $adv[] = 'Could be true, think about $conf[\'show_iptc\'] = false;'
     330                               . '<br />Some Professional photographers choose false ' .
     331                                                   'their reasons are not really professional.' ;
     332                        $adv[] = 'Do NOT confuse between <strong>show</strong>_iptc and ' .
     333               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc (have a look on metadata page ' .
     334                                                         'on our wiki.';
     335      $cond = $conf['show_iptc'];
     336      $confk = 'show_iptc';
     337      break; 
     339     Case 29 :
     340      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     341      $adv[] = 'Documentalists and professionnal photographers would ' .
     342                                 'set it true, but beginners should leave it ' .
     343                                                         'as $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;';
     344      $adv[] = 'Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
     345               '<br />Mentionned fields would be rewrited with IPTC values ' .
     346                                                         ' even those ones are NOT empty.';
     347                        $adv[] = 'Do NOT confuse between <strong>show</strong>_iptc and ' .
     348               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc (have a look on metadata page ' .
     349                                                         'on our wiki.';
     350      $cond = $conf['use_iptc'];
     351      $confk = 'use_iptc';
     352      break; 
     354     Case 30 :
     355      $adv[] = 'How to deal with IPTC:';
     356      $adv[] = '1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
     357               '<br />2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
     358               '<br />3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
     359               '<br />4 - Analyse results to determine which ITPC fields ' .
     360                                                         'could be used to override database fields.';
     361      $adv[] = 'Beginners would prefer to keep $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;';
     362      $adv[] = 'Advanced users make documentation efforts prior ' .
     363                                 'to upload their pictures.<br />' .
     364                                                         'ITPC fields have to be described in ' .
     365                                                         '$conf[\'use_iptc_mapping\']';
     366                        $adv[] = 'In any case, <strong>show</strong>_iptc_mapping and ' .
     367               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc_mapping must be totally different.';
     368      $cond = true;
     369      $confk = 'use_iptc';
     370      break;   
     372     Case 31 :
     373      $adv[] = 'How to deal with IPTC:';
     374      $adv[] = '1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
     375               '<br />2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
     376               '<br />3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
     377               '<br />4 - Analyse results to determine which ITPC fields ' .
     378                                                         'could be used to override database fields.';
     379      $adv[] = 'Beginners would prefer to keep $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;';
     380      $adv[] = 'Advanced users make documentation efforts prior ' .
     381                                 'to upload their pictures.';
     382      $adv[] = 'Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
     383               '<br />Mentionned fields would be rewrited with IPTC values ' .
     384                                                         ' even those ones are NOT empty.';
     385                        $adv[] = 'In any case, <strong>show</strong>_iptc_mapping and ' .
     386               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc_mapping must be totally different.';
     387      $cond = true;
     388      $confk = 'use_iptc_mapping';
     389      break;                               
     391     Case 32 :
     392      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . ( ( $conf['show_exif'] ) ? 'true':'false' )
     393             . '.';
     394      $adv[] = 'Should be true, some information from your camera ' .
     395                                 'can be displayed.';
     396      $adv[] = 'Think about EXIF information could be different depending ' .
     397                                 'on camera models.<br />' .
     398               'If you change your camera these fields could be ' .
     399                                                         'partly different.';
     400                        $adv[] = 'Many professional photographers choose false, ' .
     401                                                   'their reasons are to protect their knowledge.' ;
     402                        $adv[] = 'Do NOT confuse between <strong>show</strong>_exif and ' .
     403               '<strong>use</strong>_exif (have a look on metadata page ' .
     404                                                         'on our wiki.';
     405      $cond = true;
     406      $confk = 'show_exif';
     407      break;   
     409     Case 33 :
     410      $adv[] = 'How to deal with EXIF:';
     411      $adv[] = '1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
     412               '<br />2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
     413               '<br />3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
     414               '<br />4 - Analyse results to determine which EXIF fields ' .
     415                                                         'could be used to override database fields.';
     416      $adv[] = 'Beginners would prefer to let default values.';
     417      $adv[] = 'Advanced users would take care of $lang values and ' .
     418                                 'impacts on templates.';
     419                        $adv[] = 'In any case, <strong>show</strong>_exif_mapping and ' .
     420               '<strong>use</strong>_exif_mapping must be totally different.';
     421      $cond = true;
     422      $confk = 'show_exif_mapping';
     423      break;                               
     425     Case 34 :
     426      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . ( ( $conf['use_exif'] ) ? 'true':'false' )
     427             . '.';
     428      $adv[] = 'Documentalists and professionnal photographers would ' .
     429                                 'set it true, but beginners should leave the default value.';
     430      $adv[] = 'Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
     431               '<br />Mentionned fields would be rewrited with EXIF values ' .
     432                                                         ' even those ones are NOT empty.';
     433                        $adv[] = 'Do NOT confuse between <strong>show</strong>_exif and ' .
     434               '<strong>use</strong>_exif (have a look on metadata page ' .
     435                                                         'on our wiki.';
     436      $cond = true;
     437      $confk = 'use_exif';
     438      break;                                                   
     440     Case 35 :
     441      $adv[] = 'How to deal with EXIF:';
     442      $adv[] = '1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
     443               '<br />2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
     444               '<br />3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
     445               '<br />4 - Analyse results to determine which EXIF fields ' .
     446                                                         'could be used to override database fields.';
     447      $adv[] = 'Beginners would prefer to let default values.';
     448      $adv[] = 'Advanced users would carefully chose overrided fields ' .
     449                                 'prior to synchronize.';
     450      $adv[] = 'Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
     451               '<br />Mentionned fields would be rewrited with IPTC values ' .
     452                                                         ' even those ones are NOT empty.';
     453                        $adv[] = 'In any case, <strong>show</strong>_iptc_mapping and ' .
     454               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc_mapping must be totally different.';
     455      $cond = true;
     456      $confk = 'use_exif_mapping';
     457      break;                               
    92458  }
    94 /*
    95 A Ajouter si besoin:
    96 sprintf($adv[0/1], $conf[$confk]);
    98 Conseils à intégrer:
    99 ( $conf['top_number'] > 50 )
    100       'top_number',
    101        'Your current value (%u) is maybe too high for low ' .
    102       'connexions, think about 25-50 depending on your thumbnail sizes.'
    105 ( $conf['top_number'] < 2 )
    106       'top_number',
    107       'Your current value (%u) may be too low for some people,' .
    108       ' might be about 5-10 depending on your thumbnail sizes.'
    110 ( $conf['anti-flood_time'] > 100 )
    111       'anti-flood_time',
    112       'Your current value (%u) could be too high,' .
    113       ' should be arround 60 for flow reasons only.'
    116 ( !in_array($conf['calendar_datefield'],
    117 array('date_creation','date_available') )
    118       'calendar_datefield',
    119       'Current value: %s. Authorized values are ' .
    120       '\'date_creation\' or \'date_available\', otherwise you can get ' .
    121       'unpredictable results.' 
    123   // If (iptc & exif) are used and date_creation is updated
    124   // Then it's Ok
    125   // else Using Calendar by date_creation is quite stupid
    126   // Take care! condition has been reversed by first ! (so then is else)
    127   if ( ! ( ($conf['use_iptc'] == true) or ($conf['use_exif'] == true) ) and
    128        ( (isset($conf['use_iptc']['date_creation'])) or
    129            (isset($conf['use_exif']['date_creation'])) ) )
    130   {
    131 ( $conf['calendar_datefield'] == 'date_creation' )
    132       'calendar_datefield',
    133       'Current value: %s. ' .
    134       ' \'date_creation\' is NOT filled by any activated use metadata ' .
    135       'mapping fields.' ,
    136       'So activate metadata usage or change to $conf[\'calendar_datefield\'] ' .
    137       '= \'date_available\'' ,
    138       '1 - Activate metadata usage as you want: ',
    139       '$conf[\'use_iptc\'] = true; or $conf[\'use_exif\'] = true; each way ' .
    140       'may be correct.' ,
    141       '2 - And respectively map:' ,
    142       '$conf[\'use_iptc_mapping\'] = array( ..., \'date_creation\' ' .
    143       '=> \'2#055\', ...' ,
    144       'or/and:' ,
    145       '$conf[\'use_exif_mapping\'] = array(\'date_creation\' ' .
    146       '=> \'DateTimeOriginal\', ...' ,
    147       '3 - Finally, a new task is up to you: Metadata synchronization.'
    148   }
    151 ( $conf['newcat_default_visible'] == false )
    152       'newcat_default_visible',
    153       'Your current value: false.' .
    154       'Not useful, private status is better, so code ' .
    155       '$conf[\'newcat_default_visible\'] = true;'
    157 ( $conf['newcat_default_status'] == 'public' )
    158       'newcat_default_status', 'Your current value: public.' ,
    159       'Try $conf[\'newcat_default_status\'] = \'private\'; could allow ' .
    160       'you time to prepare.'
    162 ( $conf['newuser_default_enabled_high'] == true )
    163       'newuser_default_enabled_high',
    164       'Your current value: true.' .
    165       ' Any new subscriber has access to High Resolution pictures is what ' .
    166       'you want, if NOT try $conf[\'newuser_default_enabled_high\'] = false;'
    168 ( $conf['level_separator'] == ' / ' )
    169       'level_separator',
    170       'Current value: \' / \'.' .
    171       'Try just a comma like this $conf[\'level_separator\'] = \', \';'
    173 (($conf['paginate_pages_around'] < 2) or ($conf['paginate_pages_around'] > 12))
    174       'paginate_pages_around',
    175       'Current value: %u.' .
    176       'Usual range is between 2 and 5, be light as ' .
    177       '$conf[\'paginate_pages_around\'] = 2;' .
    178       ' or dynamic for visitors as $conf[\'paginate_pages_around\'] = 7;'
    180 ( ($conf['tn_width'] < 66) or ($conf['tn_width'] > 180) )
    181       'tn_width',
    182       'Current value: %u.' .
    183       'Should be a closed value to your thumbnail width.' .
    184       ' Usual range is between 96 and 150, about $conf[\'tn_width\'] = 128;'
    186 ( ($conf['tn_height'] < 66) or ($conf['tn_height'] > 180))
    187       'tn_height',
    188       'Current value: %u.' .
    189       'Should be a closed value to your thumbnail height.' .
    190       ' Usual range is between 96 and 150, about $conf[\'tn_height\'] = 128;'
    192 ( $conf['tn_height'] == $conf['tn_width'] )
    193       'tn_height',
    194       'Try equal values like this $conf[\'tn_height\'] = $conf[\'tn_width\'];' .
    195       'or $conf[\'tn_width\'] = $conf[\'tn_height\']; ' .
    196       'depending on the first set value.'
    198 ( $conf['show_version'] == true )
    199       'show_version',
    200       'Current value: true.' .
    201       'For security reason, please set $conf[\'show_version\'] = false;'
    203 ( $conf['show_thumbnail_caption'] == true )
    204       'show_thumbnail_caption',
    205       'Current value: true.' .
    206       'For a lighter gallery just have a look to ' .
    207       '$conf[\'show_thumbnail_caption\'] = false;'
    209 ( $conf['show_picture_name_on_title'] == true )
    210       'show_picture_name_on_title',
    211       'Current value: true.' .
    212       'For a lighter gallery just have a look to ' .
    213       '$conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false;'
    215 ( $conf['subcatify'] == true )
    216       'subcatify',
    217       'Current value: true.' .
    218       'If you do NOT have any category descriptions just have a look to' .
    219       ' $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false;'
    221 ( $conf['allow_random_representative'] == true )
    222       'allow_random_representative',
    223       'Current value: true.' .
    224       'Leave $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true; but study ' .
    225       'if you can avoid'
    227 ( $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] !== 'TN-' )
    228       'prefix_thumbnail',
    229       'Current value: \'%s\'.' .
    230       'Be careful your $conf[\'prefix_thumbnail\'] is NOT standard.',
    231       'Return to default if your thumbnail are NOT visible.' ,
    232       'Default is $conf[\'prefix_thumbnail\'] = \'TN-\';' .
    233       'Distant site may use a different prefix but create_listing_file.php ' .
    234       'must be changed.'
    236 ( $conf['users_page'] < 21 )
    237       'users_page',
    238       'Current value: %u.' .
    239       'Unless your connexion is low, you can draw up $conf[\'users_page\'] ' .
    240       'to a higher value.'
    242 ( $conf['mail_options'] == true )
    243       'mail_options',
    244       'Current value: true.' .
    245       'Should be false, only few webmasters have to set ' .
    246       '$conf[\'mail_options\'] = true; On specific advice.'
    248 ( $conf['check_upgrade_feed'] == true )
    249       'check_upgrade_feed',
    250       'Current value: true.' .
    251       'Should be false, only PWG Team have to set ' .
    252       '$conf[\'check_upgrade_feed\'] = true; for BSF tests purpose.'
    254 ( count( $conf['rate_items'] ) < 4 )
    255       'rate_items',
    256       'Your $conf[\'rate_items\'] would have 4 or 5 items not less.'
    258 ( count( $conf['rate_items'] ) > 6)
    259       'rate_items',
    260       'Your $conf[\'rate_items\'] would have 5 or 6 items not more.'
    262 ( $conf['show_itpc'] == true )
    263       'show_itpc',
    264       'Current value: true.' .
    265       ' Could be true, but usualy $conf[\'show_iptc\'] = false; ' .
    266       'Only set true if you want to show other IPTC fields.',
    267       'Or if you want different descriptions between PWG ' .
    268       'database and IPTC fields.',
    269       'In any case, show_iptc_mapping and use_iptc_mapping must be ' .
    270       'totally different.'
    272 ( $conf['use_itpc'] == true )
    273       'use_itpc',
    274       'Current value: true.' .
    275       ' Documentalists and professionnal photographers would set it true,' .
    276       ' but beginners should leave as $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;' .
    277       ' Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
    278       ' Mentionned fields would be rewrited with IPTC values even those ones are empty.'
    280 ( true )
    281       'use_iptc_mapping',
    282       ' 1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
    283       ' 2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
    284       ' 3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
    285       ' 4 - Analyse results to determine which ITPC fields could be used to override database fields.' .
    286       ' Beginners would prefer to keep $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;' .
    287       ' Advanced users make documentation efforts prior to upload their pictures.'
    289 ( true )
    290       'show_exif',
    291       'Current value: ' . (( $conf['show_exif']) ? 'true.':'false.') .
    292       ' Should be true, some information from your camera can be displayed.' .
    293       ' Think about EXIF information could be different depending on camera models.' .
    294       ' If you change your camera these fields could be partly different.' );
    296 ( true )
    297       'show_exif_mapping',
    298       ' Process as for iptc mapping.' .
    299       ' Beginners would prefer to let default values.' .
    300       ' Advanced users would take care of $lang values and impacts on templates.'
    302 ( $conf['use_exif'] == true )
    303       'use_exif',
    304       'Current value: true.' .
    305       ' Documentalists and professionnal photographers would set it true,' .
    306       ' but beginners should leave the default value;' .
    307       ' Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
    308       ' Mentionned fields would be rewrited with EXIF values even those ones are empty.'
    310 ( true )
    311       'use_exif_mapping',
    312       ' Process as for iptc mapping.' .
    313       ' Beginners would prefer to let default values again.' .
    314       ' Advanced users would carefully chose overrided fields prior to synchronize.'
    317  */
  • trunk/plugins/admin_advices/fr_FR.iso-8859-1/lang.adv.php

    r1694 r1697  
    33// | PhpWebGallery - a PHP based picture gallery                           |
    44// | Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL - |
    5 // | Copyright (C) 2003-2006 PhpWebGallery Team - |
     5// | Copyright (C) 2003-2007 PhpWebGallery Team - |
    66// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    77// | branch        : BSF (Best So Far)
    88// | file          : $RCSfile$
    9 // | last update   : $Date: 2006-12-21 22:38:20 +0100 (jeu., 21 déc. 2006) $
    10 // | last modifier : $Author: rub $
     9// | last update   : $Date: 2006-12-21 22:38:20 +0100 (jeu., 4 jan. 2007) $
     10// | last modifier : $Author: Vincent $
    1111// | revision      : $Revision: 1677 $
    1212// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    3030//$lang_info['direction'] = 'ltr';
    3131//$lang_info['code'] = 'fr';
    32 $nomore = false;
    33 $cases = array();
    34 for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++)
     32foreach ($conf as $key => $value)
    36    $cases[$i] = $i;
     34  if ( is_string($value) )
     35  {
     36    $bool = ($value == 'false') ? false : $value;
     37    $bool = ($value == 'true') ? true : $bool;
     38    $conf[$key] = $bool;
     39  }
     43//               Don't forget to update range for new advices
     45$cases = range(1,35);
    3846srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000);
    39 $set_adv = array_rand ($cases, 3);
    41 foreach ($set_adv as $id_adv)
     49$cond = false;
     50foreach ($cases as $id_adv)
     52  if ($cond) break;
     53  $adv = array();
    4354  switch ($id_adv) {
    4455    Case 1 :
    45       $adv[] = 'Votre valeur actuelle: public. ';
    46       $adv[] = 'Essayez $conf[\'newcat_default_status\'] = \'private\';';
    47       $adv[] = 'Vous aurez ainsi le temps pour décrire et vérifier vos images,';
    48       $adv[] = 'de décider si vous laisserez la catégorie en privé';
    49       $adv[] = 'et donnerez quelques droits, ou si vous la passerez en public.';
    50       $adv[] = 'Soit un temps de réflexion pour bien préparer la catégorie.';
    51       $cond = ($conf['newcat_default_status'] !== 'public') ? true : false;
     56      $adv[] = 'Current value: public. ';
     57      $adv[] = 'Try $conf[\'newcat_default_status\'] = \'private\';';
     58      $adv[] = 'You will have more time to describe and check your pictures.';
     59      $adv[] = 'Time to decide between private and public status.';
     60      $adv[] = 'If you choose private, time to distribute authorization.';
     61      $adv[] = 'Your new category will be well prepared.';
     62      $cond = ($conf['newcat_default_status'] !== 'public');
    5263      $confk = 'newcat_default_status';
    53       break 2;
     64      break
    5566    Case 2 :
    5768      $adv[] = 'This value could be too small for low band connections.';
    5869      $adv[] = 'Think about higher value like 4.';
    59       $cond = ( $conf['slideshow_period'] < 4 ) ? true : false;
     70      $cond = ( $conf['slideshow_period'] < 4 );
    6071      $confk = 'slideshow_period';
    61       break 2;
     72      break
    6374    Case 3 :
    6677      $adv[] = 'on the server side like *.php, *.PHP, *.asp, ...';
    6778      $adv[] = 'Think about higher value like 4.';
    68       $cond = ( in_array('php',$conf['file_ext']) ) ? true : false;
     79      $cond = ( in_array('php',$conf['file_ext']) );
    6980      $confk = 'file_ext';
    70       break 2;
     81      break
    7283    Case 4 :
    8394      $cond = true;
    8495      $confk = 'show_iptc_mapping';
    85       break 2;
     96      break
     98     Case 5 :
     99      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['top_number'] . '.';
     100      $adv[] = 'This value is maybe too high for low connections, ' .
     101               'think about 25-50 depending on your thumbnail sizes.';
     102      $cond = ( $conf['top_number'] > 50 );
     103      $confk = 'top_number';
     104      break; 
    88     default :
    89       $nomore = true;
    90       $adv[] = '';
    91       $cond = false;
     106     Case 6 :
     107      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['top_number'] . '.';
     108      $adv[] = 'One? It could be too low for random pictures, ' .
     109               'think about 5-10 depending on your thumbnail sizes.';
     110      $cond = ( $conf['top_number'] < 2 ) ? true : false;
     111      $confk = 'top_number';
     112      break; 
     114     Case 7 :
     115      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['anti-flood_time'] . '.';
     116      $adv[] = 'For normal flow processing, your value is probably too high. ' .
     117                                 'Reasonable value is 60 (default).' ;
     118      $cond = ( $conf['anti-flood_time'] > 100 ) ? true : false;
     119      $confk = 'anti-flood_time';
     120      break; 
     122     Case 8 :
     123      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['calendar_datefield'] . '.';
     124      $adv[] = 'Authorized values are ' .
     125                                 "'date_creation' or 'date_available'" .
     126               ', otherwise you can get unpredictable results.' ;
     127      $cond = ( !in_array($conf['calendar_datefield'],
     128        array('date_creation','date_available')) );
     129      $confk = 'calendar_datefield';
     130      break; 
     132     Case 9 :
     133      // If (iptc or exif) are used and date_creation is updated
     134      // Then it's Ok, you can use date_creation by default for calendar
     135      // else ... Advice
     136            $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['calendar_datefield'] . '.';
     137      $adv[] = "'date_creation'" . ' is NOT filled by ' .
     138      'any activated use metadata mapping fields.';
     139      $adv[] = 'So activate metadata usage <strong>or</strong> change to ' .
     140      '$conf[\'calendar_datefield\'] = \'date_available\'';
     141      $adv[] = 'Activate metadata usage as you want: <br />' .
     142      '1 - $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = true; or $conf[\'use_exif\'] = true; ' .
     143      'each way will be correct.<br />' .
     144      '2 - And respectively map:<br />' .
     145      '$conf[\'use_iptc_mapping\'] = array( ..., \'date_creation\' ' .
     146      '=> \'2#055\', ...<br />' .
     147      'or/and:<br />' .
     148      '$conf[\'use_exif_mapping\'] = array(\'date_creation\' ' .
     149      '=> \'DateTimeOriginal\', ...<br />' .
     150      '3 - Finally, a new task is up to you: Metadata synchronization.'  ;
     151      $cond2 = ( $conf['use_exif'] and
     152                                  isset($conf['use_exif_mapping']['date_creation']) );
     153      $cond3 = ( $conf['use_iptc'] and
     154                                  isset($conf['use_iptc_mapping']['date_creation']) );
     155      $cond = ( $conf['calendar_datefield'] == 'date_creation' );
     156                        $cond = ( ($cond2 or $cond3) and $cond ) ? false : true;
     157      $confk = 'calendar_datefield';
     158      break; 
     160     Case 10 :
     161      $adv[] = 'Current value: false.';
     162      $adv[] = 'Not useful, private status is better, so code ' .
     163               '$conf[\'newcat_default_visible\'] = true;'  ;
     164      $cond = !$conf['newcat_default_visible'];
     165      $confk = 'newcat_default_visible';
     166      break; 
     168     Case 11 :
     169      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     170      $adv[] = 'Any new subscriber has access to High Resolution pictures. ' .
     171      'Is it what you want? No, so try ' .
     172                        '$conf[\'newuser_default_enabled_high\'] = false;' ;
     173      $cond = $conf['newuser_default_enabled_high'];
     174      $confk = 'newuser_default_enabled_high';
     175      break; 
     177     Case 12 :
     178      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['level_separator'] . '.';
     179      $adv[] = 'Try something else like $conf[\'level_separator\'] = \'+ \';';
     180      $cond = ( $conf['level_separator'] == ' / ' );
     181      $confk = 'level_separator';
     182      break; 
     184     Case 13 :
     185      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['paginate_pages_around'] . '.';
     186      $adv[] = 'Usual range is between 2 and 5. To be light, choose ' .
     187      '$conf[\'paginate_pages_around\'] = 2; <br />' .
     188      'To offer large jump, choose $conf[\'paginate_pages_around\'] = 7;';
     189      $cond = (($conf['paginate_pages_around'] < 2)
     190                              or ($conf['paginate_pages_around'] > 12));
     191      $confk = 'paginate_pages_around';
     192      break; 
     194     Case 14 :
     195      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['tn_width'] . '.';
     196      $adv[] = 'Should be a close value to your thumbnail width.' .
     197      $adv[] = 'Usual range is between 96 and 150, ' .
     198                                                         'about $conf[\'tn_width\'] = 128;';
     199      $cond = (($conf['tn_width'] < 66)
     200                              or ($conf['tn_width'] > 180));
     201      $confk = 'tn_width';
     202      break; 
     204     Case 15 :
     205      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['tn_height'] . '.';
     206      $adv[] = 'Should be a close value to your thumbnail height.' .
     207      $adv[] = 'Usual range is between 96 and 150, ' .
     208                                                         'about $conf[\'tn_height\'] = 128;';
     209      $cond = (($conf['tn_height'] < 66)
     210                              or ($conf['tn_height'] > 180));
     211      $confk = 'tn_height';
     212      break; 
     214     Case 16 :
     215      $adv[] = 'Thumbnail height and width have to be equal.';
     216      $adv[] = 'Choose $conf[\'tn_height\'] = ' . (string) $conf['tn_width'] .
     217                                 ';<br />' .
     218                                                         'or $conf[\'tn_width\'] = ' . (string) $conf['tn_height'] . ';';
     219      $cond = ( $conf['tn_height'] !== $conf['tn_width'] );
     220      $confk = 'tn_height';
     221      break; 
     223     Case 17 :
     224      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     225      $adv[] = 'For security reason, please set ' .
     226                                 '$conf[\'show_version\'] = false;';
     227      $cond = $conf['show_version'];
     228      $confk = 'show_version';
     229      break; 
     231     Case 18 :
     232      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     233      $adv[] = 'For a lighter gallery just have a look to ' .
     234               '$conf[\'show_thumbnail_caption\'] = false;';
     235      $cond = $conf['show_thumbnail_caption'];
     236      $confk = 'show_thumbnail_caption';
     237      break; 
     239     Case 19 :
     240      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     241      $adv[] = 'For a lighter gallery just have a look to ' .
     242               '$conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false;';
     243      $cond = $conf['show_picture_name_on_title'];
     244      $confk = 'show_picture_name_on_title';
     245      break; 
     247     Case 20 :
     248      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     249      $adv[] = 'If you do NOT have any category descriptions just have ' .
     250               'a look to $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false;';
     251      $cond = $conf['subcatify'];
     252      $confk = 'subcatify';
     253      break; 
     255     Case 21 :
     256      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     257      $adv[] = 'Leave $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true; <br />' .
     258               'but analyze if you can avoid for performance reasons.' ;
     259      $cond = $conf['allow_random_representative'];
     260      $confk = 'allow_random_representative';
     261      break; 
     263     Case 22 :
     264      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] . '.';
     265      $adv[] = 'Be careful your $conf[\'prefix_thumbnail\'] is NOT standard.';
     266      $adv[] = 'Do NOT change it except if your thumbnails are NOT visible.';
     267      $adv[] = 'Distant site may use a different prefix but ' .
     268                                 'create_listing_file.php must be modified.<br />' .
     269                                 'You will get a warning message during synchronization in ' .
     270                                 'that case.';
     271      $adv[] = 'Try to keep the same prefix thru all your sites either ' .
     272                                 'local or distants.';
     273      $adv[] = 'Keep this parameter in your ./include/config_'.
     274                                 '<strong></strong>. <br />'.
     275                                                         'See our wiki configuration page for more information about ' .
     276                                                         './include/config_<strong></strong>.';
     277      $cond = ( $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] !== 'TN-' );
     278      $confk = 'prefix_thumbnail';
     279      break; 
     281     Case 23 :
     282      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . (string) $conf['users_page'] . '.';
     283      $adv[] = 'Unless you have a low band connection, you can draw up ' .
     284               '$conf[\'users_page\'] to a higher value ' .
     285                                                         'if you have more than 20 members.';
     286      $cond = ( $conf['users_page'] < 21 );
     287      $confk = 'users_page';
     288      break; 
     290     Case 24 :
     291      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     292      $adv[] = 'Should be false, only few webmasters have to set ' .
     293               '$conf[\'mail_options\'] = true; <br />' .
     294                                                         'A specific advice you can get from an advanced ' .
     295                                                         'user on our forum in some mailing issues.' ;
     296      $cond = $conf['mail_options'];
     297      $confk = 'mail_options';
     298      break; 
     300     Case 25 :
     301      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     302      $adv[] = 'Should be false, only PWG dev Team have to set ' .
     303               '$conf[\'check_upgrade_feed\'] = true; for test purpose.' ;
     304      $cond = $conf['check_upgrade_feed'];
     305      $confk = 'check_upgrade_feed';
     306      break; 
     308     Case 26 :
     309      $adv[] = '$conf[\'rate_items\'] has ' . count($conf['rate_items'])
     310             . 'items.';
     311      $adv[] = 'Your $conf[\'rate_items\'] would have 4 or 5 items not less.';
     312      $cond = ( count($conf['rate_items']) < 4 );
     313      $confk = 'rate_items';
     314      break; 
     316     Case 27 :
     317      $adv[] = '$conf[\'rate_items\'] has ' . count($conf['rate_items'])
     318             . 'items.';
     319      $adv[] = 'Your $conf[\'rate_items\'] would have 5 or 6 items not more.';
     320      $adv[] = 'Check your best rated pictures prior to remove some values.' .
     321                                 '<br />Reduce excessive rating and change your ' .
     322               '$conf[\'rate_items\'].';
     323      $cond = ( count($conf['rate_items']) > 6 );
     324      $confk = 'rate_items';
     325      break; 
     327     Case 28 :
     328      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     329      $adv[] = 'Could be true, think about $conf[\'show_iptc\'] = false;'
     330                               . '<br />Some Professional photographers choose false ' .
     331                                                   'their reasons are not really professional.' ;
     332                        $adv[] = 'Do NOT confuse between <strong>show</strong>_iptc and ' .
     333               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc (have a look on metadata page ' .
     334                                                         'on our wiki.';
     335      $cond = $conf['show_iptc'];
     336      $confk = 'show_iptc';
     337      break; 
     339     Case 29 :
     340      $adv[] = 'Current value: true.';
     341      $adv[] = 'Documentalists and professionnal photographers would ' .
     342                                 'set it true, but beginners should leave it ' .
     343                                                         'as $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;';
     344      $adv[] = 'Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
     345               '<br />Mentionned fields would be rewrited with IPTC values ' .
     346                                                         ' even those ones are NOT empty.';
     347                        $adv[] = 'Do NOT confuse between <strong>show</strong>_iptc and ' .
     348               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc (have a look on metadata page ' .
     349                                                         'on our wiki.';
     350      $cond = $conf['use_iptc'];
     351      $confk = 'use_iptc';
     352      break; 
     354     Case 30 :
     355      $adv[] = 'How to deal with IPTC:';
     356      $adv[] = '1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
     357               '<br />2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
     358               '<br />3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
     359               '<br />4 - Analyse results to determine which ITPC fields ' .
     360                                                         'could be used to override database fields.';
     361      $adv[] = 'Beginners would prefer to keep $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;';
     362      $adv[] = 'Advanced users make documentation efforts prior ' .
     363                                 'to upload their pictures.<br />' .
     364                                                         'ITPC fields have to be described in ' .
     365                                                         '$conf[\'use_iptc_mapping\']';
     366                        $adv[] = 'In any case, <strong>show</strong>_iptc_mapping and ' .
     367               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc_mapping must be totally different.';
     368      $cond = true;
     369      $confk = 'use_iptc';
     370      break;   
     372     Case 31 :
     373      $adv[] = 'How to deal with IPTC:';
     374      $adv[] = '1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
     375               '<br />2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
     376               '<br />3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
     377               '<br />4 - Analyse results to determine which ITPC fields ' .
     378                                                         'could be used to override database fields.';
     379      $adv[] = 'Beginners would prefer to keep $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;';
     380      $adv[] = 'Advanced users make documentation efforts prior ' .
     381                                 'to upload their pictures.';
     382      $adv[] = 'Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
     383               '<br />Mentionned fields would be rewrited with IPTC values ' .
     384                                                         ' even those ones are NOT empty.';
     385                        $adv[] = 'In any case, <strong>show</strong>_iptc_mapping and ' .
     386               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc_mapping must be totally different.';
     387      $cond = true;
     388      $confk = 'use_iptc_mapping';
     389      break;                               
     391     Case 32 :
     392      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . ( ( $conf['show_exif'] ) ? 'true':'false' )
     393             . '.';
     394      $adv[] = 'Should be true, some information from your camera ' .
     395                                 'can be displayed.';
     396      $adv[] = 'Think about EXIF information could be different depending ' .
     397                                 'on camera models.<br />' .
     398               'If you change your camera these fields could be ' .
     399                                                         'partly different.';
     400                        $adv[] = 'Many professional photographers choose false, ' .
     401                                                   'their reasons are to protect their knowledge.' ;
     402                        $adv[] = 'Do NOT confuse between <strong>show</strong>_exif and ' .
     403               '<strong>use</strong>_exif (have a look on metadata page ' .
     404                                                         'on our wiki.';
     405      $cond = true;
     406      $confk = 'show_exif';
     407      break;   
     409     Case 33 :
     410      $adv[] = 'How to deal with EXIF:';
     411      $adv[] = '1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
     412               '<br />2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
     413               '<br />3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
     414               '<br />4 - Analyse results to determine which EXIF fields ' .
     415                                                         'could be used to override database fields.';
     416      $adv[] = 'Beginners would prefer to let default values.';
     417      $adv[] = 'Advanced users would take care of $lang values and ' .
     418                                 'impacts on templates.';
     419                        $adv[] = 'In any case, <strong>show</strong>_exif_mapping and ' .
     420               '<strong>use</strong>_exif_mapping must be totally different.';
     421      $cond = true;
     422      $confk = 'show_exif_mapping';
     423      break;                               
     425     Case 34 :
     426      $adv[] = 'Current value: ' . ( ( $conf['use_exif'] ) ? 'true':'false' )
     427             . '.';
     428      $adv[] = 'Documentalists and professionnal photographers would ' .
     429                                 'set it true, but beginners should leave the default value.';
     430      $adv[] = 'Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
     431               '<br />Mentionned fields would be rewrited with EXIF values ' .
     432                                                         ' even those ones are NOT empty.';
     433                        $adv[] = 'Do NOT confuse between <strong>show</strong>_exif and ' .
     434               '<strong>use</strong>_exif (have a look on metadata page ' .
     435                                                         'on our wiki.';
     436      $cond = true;
     437      $confk = 'use_exif';
     438      break;                                                   
     440     Case 35 :
     441      $adv[] = 'How to deal with EXIF:';
     442      $adv[] = '1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
     443               '<br />2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
     444               '<br />3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
     445               '<br />4 - Analyse results to determine which EXIF fields ' .
     446                                                         'could be used to override database fields.';
     447      $adv[] = 'Beginners would prefer to let default values.';
     448      $adv[] = 'Advanced users would carefully chose overrided fields ' .
     449                                 'prior to synchronize.';
     450      $adv[] = 'Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
     451               '<br />Mentionned fields would be rewrited with IPTC values ' .
     452                                                         ' even those ones are NOT empty.';
     453                        $adv[] = 'In any case, <strong>show</strong>_iptc_mapping and ' .
     454               '<strong>use</strong>_iptc_mapping must be totally different.';
     455      $cond = true;
     456      $confk = 'use_exif_mapping';
     457      break;                               
    92458  }
    94 /*
    95 A Ajouter si besoin:
    96 sprintf($adv[0/1], $conf[$confk]);
    98 Conseils à intégrer:
    99 ( $conf['top_number'] > 50 )
    100       'top_number',
    101        'Your current value (%u) is maybe too high for low ' .
    102       'connexions, think about 25-50 depending on your thumbnail sizes.'
    105 ( $conf['top_number'] < 2 )
    106       'top_number',
    107       'Your current value (%u) may be too low for some people,' .
    108       ' might be about 5-10 depending on your thumbnail sizes.'
    110 ( $conf['anti-flood_time'] > 100 )
    111       'anti-flood_time',
    112       'Your current value (%u) could be too high,' .
    113       ' should be arround 60 for flow reasons only.'
    116 ( !in_array($conf['calendar_datefield'],
    117 array('date_creation','date_available') )
    118       'calendar_datefield',
    119       'Current value: %s. Authorized values are ' .
    120       '\'date_creation\' or \'date_available\', otherwise you can get ' .
    121       'unpredictable results.' 
    123   // If (iptc & exif) are used and date_creation is updated
    124   // Then it's Ok
    125   // else Using Calendar by date_creation is quite stupid
    126   // Take care! condition has been reversed by first ! (so then is else)
    127   if ( ! ( ($conf['use_iptc'] == true) or ($conf['use_exif'] == true) ) and
    128        ( (isset($conf['use_iptc']['date_creation'])) or
    129            (isset($conf['use_exif']['date_creation'])) ) )
    130   {
    131 ( $conf['calendar_datefield'] == 'date_creation' )
    132       'calendar_datefield',
    133       'Current value: %s. ' .
    134       ' \'date_creation\' is NOT filled by any activated use metadata ' .
    135       'mapping fields.' ,
    136       'So activate metadata usage or change to $conf[\'calendar_datefield\'] ' .
    137       '= \'date_available\'' ,
    138       '1 - Activate metadata usage as you want: ',
    139       '$conf[\'use_iptc\'] = true; or $conf[\'use_exif\'] = true; each way ' .
    140       'may be correct.' ,
    141       '2 - And respectively map:' ,
    142       '$conf[\'use_iptc_mapping\'] = array( ..., \'date_creation\' ' .
    143       '=> \'2#055\', ...' ,
    144       'or/and:' ,
    145       '$conf[\'use_exif_mapping\'] = array(\'date_creation\' ' .
    146       '=> \'DateTimeOriginal\', ...' ,
    147       '3 - Finally, a new task is up to you: Metadata synchronization.'
    148   }
    151 ( $conf['newcat_default_visible'] == false )
    152       'newcat_default_visible',
    153       'Your current value: false.' .
    154       'Not useful, private status is better, so code ' .
    155       '$conf[\'newcat_default_visible\'] = true;'
    157 ( $conf['newcat_default_status'] == 'public' )
    158       'newcat_default_status', 'Your current value: public.' ,
    159       'Try $conf[\'newcat_default_status\'] = \'private\'; could allow ' .
    160       'you time to prepare.'
    162 ( $conf['newuser_default_enabled_high'] == true )
    163       'newuser_default_enabled_high',
    164       'Your current value: true.' .
    165       ' Any new subscriber has access to High Resolution pictures is what ' .
    166       'you want, if NOT try $conf[\'newuser_default_enabled_high\'] = false;'
    168 ( $conf['level_separator'] == ' / ' )
    169       'level_separator',
    170       'Current value: \' / \'.' .
    171       'Try just a comma like this $conf[\'level_separator\'] = \', \';'
    173 (($conf['paginate_pages_around'] < 2) or ($conf['paginate_pages_around'] > 12))
    174       'paginate_pages_around',
    175       'Current value: %u.' .
    176       'Usual range is between 2 and 5, be light as ' .
    177       '$conf[\'paginate_pages_around\'] = 2;' .
    178       ' or dynamic for visitors as $conf[\'paginate_pages_around\'] = 7;'
    180 ( ($conf['tn_width'] < 66) or ($conf['tn_width'] > 180) )
    181       'tn_width',
    182       'Current value: %u.' .
    183       'Should be a closed value to your thumbnail width.' .
    184       ' Usual range is between 96 and 150, about $conf[\'tn_width\'] = 128;'
    186 ( ($conf['tn_height'] < 66) or ($conf['tn_height'] > 180))
    187       'tn_height',
    188       'Current value: %u.' .
    189       'Should be a closed value to your thumbnail height.' .
    190       ' Usual range is between 96 and 150, about $conf[\'tn_height\'] = 128;'
    192 ( $conf['tn_height'] == $conf['tn_width'] )
    193       'tn_height',
    194       'Try equal values like this $conf[\'tn_height\'] = $conf[\'tn_width\'];' .
    195       'or $conf[\'tn_width\'] = $conf[\'tn_height\']; ' .
    196       'depending on the first set value.'
    198 ( $conf['show_version'] == true )
    199       'show_version',
    200       'Current value: true.' .
    201       'For security reason, please set $conf[\'show_version\'] = false;'
    203 ( $conf['show_thumbnail_caption'] == true )
    204       'show_thumbnail_caption',
    205       'Current value: true.' .
    206       'For a lighter gallery just have a look to ' .
    207       '$conf[\'show_thumbnail_caption\'] = false;'
    209 ( $conf['show_picture_name_on_title'] == true )
    210       'show_picture_name_on_title',
    211       'Current value: true.' .
    212       'For a lighter gallery just have a look to ' .
    213       '$conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false;'
    215 ( $conf['subcatify'] == true )
    216       'subcatify',
    217       'Current value: true.' .
    218       'If you do NOT have any category descriptions just have a look to' .
    219       ' $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false;'
    221 ( $conf['allow_random_representative'] == true )
    222       'allow_random_representative',
    223       'Current value: true.' .
    224       'Leave $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true; but study ' .
    225       'if you can avoid'
    227 ( $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] !== 'TN-' )
    228       'prefix_thumbnail',
    229       'Current value: \'%s\'.' .
    230       'Be careful your $conf[\'prefix_thumbnail\'] is NOT standard.',
    231       'Return to default if your thumbnail are NOT visible.' ,
    232       'Default is $conf[\'prefix_thumbnail\'] = \'TN-\';' .
    233       'Distant site may use a different prefix but create_listing_file.php ' .
    234       'must be changed.'
    236 ( $conf['users_page'] < 21 )
    237       'users_page',
    238       'Current value: %u.' .
    239       'Unless your connexion is low, you can draw up $conf[\'users_page\'] ' .
    240       'to a higher value.'
    242 ( $conf['mail_options'] == true )
    243       'mail_options',
    244       'Current value: true.' .
    245       'Should be false, only few webmasters have to set ' .
    246       '$conf[\'mail_options\'] = true; On specific advice.'
    248 ( $conf['check_upgrade_feed'] == true )
    249       'check_upgrade_feed',
    250       'Current value: true.' .
    251       'Should be false, only PWG Team have to set ' .
    252       '$conf[\'check_upgrade_feed\'] = true; for BSF tests purpose.'
    254 ( count( $conf['rate_items'] ) < 4 )
    255       'rate_items',
    256       'Your $conf[\'rate_items\'] would have 4 or 5 items not less.'
    258 ( count( $conf['rate_items'] ) > 6)
    259       'rate_items',
    260       'Your $conf[\'rate_items\'] would have 5 or 6 items not more.'
    262 ( $conf['show_itpc'] == true )
    263       'show_itpc',
    264       'Current value: true.' .
    265       ' Could be true, but usualy $conf[\'show_iptc\'] = false; ' .
    266       'Only set true if you want to show other IPTC fields.',
    267       'Or if you want different descriptions between PWG ' .
    268       'database and IPTC fields.',
    269       'In any case, show_iptc_mapping and use_iptc_mapping must be ' .
    270       'totally different.'
    272 ( $conf['use_itpc'] == true )
    273       'use_itpc',
    274       'Current value: true.' .
    275       ' Documentalists and professionnal photographers would set it true,' .
    276       ' but beginners should leave as $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;' .
    277       ' Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
    278       ' Mentionned fields would be rewrited with IPTC values even those ones are empty.'
    280 ( true )
    281       'use_iptc_mapping',
    282       ' 1 - Copy one of your jpg pictures (a public one) in ./tools/' .
    283       ' 2 - Rename it as sample.jpg.' .
    284       ' 3 - Run ./tools/metadata.php' .
    285       ' 4 - Analyse results to determine which ITPC fields could be used to override database fields.' .
    286       ' Beginners would prefer to keep $conf[\'use_iptc\'] = false;' .
    287       ' Advanced users make documentation efforts prior to upload their pictures.'
    289 ( true )
    290       'show_exif',
    291       'Current value: ' . (( $conf['show_exif']) ? 'true.':'false.') .
    292       ' Should be true, some information from your camera can be displayed.' .
    293       ' Think about EXIF information could be different depending on camera models.' .
    294       ' If you change your camera these fields could be partly different.' );
    296 ( true )
    297       'show_exif_mapping',
    298       ' Process as for iptc mapping.' .
    299       ' Beginners would prefer to let default values.' .
    300       ' Advanced users would take care of $lang values and impacts on templates.'
    302 ( $conf['use_exif'] == true )
    303       'use_exif',
    304       'Current value: true.' .
    305       ' Documentalists and professionnal photographers would set it true,' .
    306       ' but beginners should leave the default value;' .
    307       ' Take care of mentionned fields in metadata synchronization.' .
    308       ' Mentionned fields would be rewrited with EXIF values even those ones are empty.'
    310 ( true )
    311       'use_exif_mapping',
    312       ' Process as for iptc mapping.' .
    313       ' Beginners would prefer to let default values again.' .
    314       ' Advanced users would carefully chose overrided fields prior to synchronize.'
    317  */
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.