Sep 22, 2012, 5:39:31 PM (12 years ago)

r17807 to r18159 merged from trunk to branch 2.40 - Thx to flop25 for his really appreciated and usefull help ;-)

2 edited


  • extensions/UserAdvManager/branches/2.40/language/en_UK/help.lang.php

    r14730 r18160  
    220220<b>Table Sorting Function</b>: You can sort the data displayed by clicking on the column headers. Hold the SHIFT key to sort up to 4 simultaneous columns.';
    221 $lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows a user to either confirm registration by clicking on a link received in an email sent upon registration or the administrator to manually activate the registration.<br><br>
    222 In first case, the e-mail is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part containing the activation link that is generated from a random key that can possibly regenerate through the &quot;Tracking confirmations&quot; tab.<br><br>
    223 In second case, <b><u>there is no confirmation key send by email!</u></b>. Visitors have to wait until an administrator confirm them himself in &quot;confirmation tracking&quot; tab. It\s recommanded to activate the Piwigo\'s option &quot;Email admins when a new user registers&quot; (see in Piwigo\'s configuration options) and to use the &quot;Information email to user&quot; to warn new registers to wait on their account activation.
     221$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows a user to either confirm registration by clicking on a link received in an email sent upon registration or administrators to manually activate the registration.
     223In first case, the e-mail is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part containing the activation link that is generated from a random key that can possibly regenerate through the &quot;Tracking confirmations&quot; tab.
     225In second case, the validation link is send to the gallery administrators. Visitors have to wait until an administrator confirm them himself by using the validation link or in &quot;confirmation tracking&quot; tab.
    225227<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>NB: Options &quot;Deadline for confirmation of registration limited&quot; and &quot;Remind unconfirmed users  &quot; have to be set to off when admin\'s manual confirmation is enabled.</b>
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/branches/2.40/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r17512 r18160  
    1414$lang['UAM_User: %s'] = 'User : %s';
    1515$lang['UAM_Password: %s'] = 'Password: %s';
    16 $lang['UAM_Link: %s'] = 'Please, click on this link to confirm your registration : %s';
     16$lang['UAM_Link: %s'] = 'Please, click on this link to confirm the registration : %s';
    156156// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    157 $lang['UAM_Force_Validation'] = 'Manual confirmation';
     157$lang['UAM_Manual_Validation'] = 'Manual confirmation';
    158158$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Enable - Confirmation by user';
    159 $lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Enable - Confirmation by admin (no confirmation key sent)';
     159$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Enable - Confirmation by admin';
    160160// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    427427Note: This message will disappear after you have made the necessary correction and reloaded the admin page.<br><br>';
    428428// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.40.4 and 2.30.7
     431// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.41.0
     432$lang['UAM_Subject admin validation for %s'] = 'Registration of %s waits for validation';
     433$lang['UAM_Manual_validation_needed_for %s'] = 'The user %s has registered and awaits for manual validation by an admin.';
     434// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.41.0
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