Changeset 18820 for branches

Oct 31, 2012, 10:36:46 AM (11 years ago)

bug 2782 fixed: make sure %d or %s are correctly translated

he_IL needs to be fixed, too complicated for me.

15 edited


  • branches/2.4/language/bg_BG/install.lang.php

    r15030 r18820  
    2727$lang['database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage better your tables)'] = 'имената на таблиците в базата данни, ще имат тази представка ( това Ви дава възможност да управлявате таблиците по-добре)';
    2828$lang['Default gallery language'] = 'Език по подразбиране за галерията';
    29 $lang['Don\'t hesitate to consult our forums for any help : %s'] = 'Не се колебайте да се консултира в нашите форуми за всяка помощ:% S';
     29$lang['Don\'t hesitate to consult our forums for any help : %s'] = 'Не се колебайте да се консултира в нашите форуми за всяка помощ:%s';
    3030$lang['Download the config file'] = 'Изтегляне на конфигурационния файл';
    3131$lang['enter a login for webmaster'] = 'въведете потребителско име за уебмастер';
  • branches/2.4/language/ca_ES/admin.lang.php

    r16978 r18820  
    644644$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'Comentaris pendents de validar';
    645645$lang['Menu Management'] = 'Gestionar menús';
    646 $lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'A l\'arxiu php.ini, la variable upload_max_filesize (% SB) es major que post_max_size (SB%). Hauries de canviar aquesta configuració.';
     646$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'A l\'arxiu php.ini, la variable upload_max_filesize (%s) es major que post_max_size (SB%). Hauries de canviar aquesta configuració.';
    647647$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'L\'extensió Exif no està disponible. Un administrador hauria de desabilitar l\'ús de metadades Exif.';
    648648$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'La mida de l\'arxiu pujat excedeix el valor upload_max_filesize de l\'arxiu php.ini: sB%';
  • branches/2.4/language/el_GR/admin.lang.php

    r18154 r18820  
    205205$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'Το εγχειρίδιο λευκώματος έχει αποθηκευτεί';
    206206$lang['Album name'] = 'Όνομα Λευκώματος';
    207 $lang['Album photos associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Λευκώματα φωτογραφιών που σχετίζονται με τα ακόλουθα λευκώματα:% s';
     207$lang['Album photos associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Λευκώματα φωτογραφιών που σχετίζονται με τα ακόλουθα λευκώματα:%s';
    208208$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Το λεύκωμα ενημερώθηκε με επιτυχία';
    209209$lang['Approximate maximum resolution: %dM pixels (that\'s %dx%d pixels).'] = 'Κατά προσέγγιση μέγιστη ανάλυση:  %dM pixels (αυτό είναι %dx%d pixels).';
  • branches/2.4/language/es_ES/admin.lang.php

    r16978 r18820  
    648648$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'Comentarios en espera de validación';
    649649$lang['Menu Management'] = 'Administrar menús';
    650 $lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'En el archivo php.ini, la variable upload_max_filesize (% SB) es mayor que post_max_size (SB%). Debe cambiar esta configuración';
     650$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'En el archivo php.ini, la variable upload_max_filesize (%sB) es mayor que post_max_size (%sB). Debe cambiar esta configuración';
    651651$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'La extension Exif no esta disponible. Un administrador debería deshabilitar el uso de metadatos Exif';
    652652$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'El peso del archivo subido excede el valor de upload_max_filesize en el archivo php.ini: sB%';
    788788$lang['Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server'] = 'Piwigo no puede recuperar el archivo de actualización desde el servidor';
    789789$lang['Zoom'] = 'Ampliar';
    790 $lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '% se ha actualizado correctamente.';
     790$lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '%s ha actualizado correctamente.';
    791791$lang['Add tags'] = 'Añadir etiquetas';
    792792$lang['Add to caddie'] = 'Añadir al carrito';
  • branches/2.4/language/hu_HU/admin.lang.php

    r16978 r18820  
    653653$lang['Who can see this photo?'] = 'Ki láthatja ezt a képet?';
    654654$lang['Menu Management'] = 'Menü';
    655 $lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'A php.ini fájlban az upload_max_filesize (% sB) nagyobb, mint a post_max_size (% sB), módosítania kell a beállítást';
     655$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'A php.ini fájlban az upload_max_filesize (%sB) nagyobb, mint a post_max_size (%sB), módosítania kell a beállítást';
    656656$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'Exif-kiterjesztés nem érhető el, az adminisztrátor tiltsa le az exif használatát';
    657657$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'A feltöltendő fájl meghaladja a php.ini-ben megadott upload_max_filesize értéket: %sB';
  • branches/2.4/language/hu_HU/common.lang.php

    r17101 r18820  
    228228$lang['Next'] = 'Következő';
    229229$lang['no rate'] = 'még nincs értékelve';
    230 $lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Az alábbi elemek kerültek fel az elmúlt % d napban.';
    231 $lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Az alábbi elemek kerültek fel az elmúlt % d napban.';
     230$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Az alábbi elemek kerültek fel az elmúlt %d napban.';
     231$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Az alábbi elemek kerültek fel az elmúlt %d napban.';
    232232$lang['password updated'] = 'Jelszó frissítve';
    233233$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = 'Kell egy pozitív egész érték';
  • branches/2.4/language/it_IT/admin.lang.php

    r16978 r18820  
    562562$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Spostare nell\'album';
    563563$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Aggiungere un altro campo di upload';
    564 $lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Creare la directory "% s" nella radice della vostra installazione Piwigo';
    565 $lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Dare i permessi in scrittura (chmod 777) alla directory "% s" nella radice della vostra installazione Piwigo';
     564$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Creare la directory "%s" nella radice della vostra installazione Piwigo';
     565$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Dare i permessi in scrittura (chmod 777) alla directory "%s" nella radice della vostra installazione Piwigo';
    566566$lang['existing album'] = 'album esistente';
    567567$lang['create a new album'] = 'creare un nuovo album';
    683683$lang['Set creation date'] = 'Impostare la data di creazione';
    684684$lang['Apply action'] = 'Applicare l\'azione';
    685 $lang['on the %d selected photos'] = 'sulle % foto selezionate';
     685$lang['on the %d selected photos'] = 'sulle %d foto selezionate';
    686686$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d foto su %d sono selezionate';
    687687$lang['No photo selected, %d photos in current set'] = 'Nessuna foto selezionata tra le %d foto del lotto';
    926926$lang['Name of the duplicate'] = 'Nome del duplicato';
    927927$lang['Source tag'] = 'Tag fonte';
    928 $lang['Tag "%s" is now a duplicate of "%s"'] = 'Il tag "% s" è ormai una copia di "% s"';
     928$lang['Tag "%s" is now a duplicate of "%s"'] = 'Il tag "%s" è ormai una copia di "%s"';
    929929$lang['Duplicate selected tags'] = 'Duplicare i Tag selezionati';
  • branches/2.4/language/ka_GE/admin.lang.php

    r15452 r18820  
    756 $lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '% წარმატებით განახლდა';
    757 $lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '% ფოტო არ არის რეგენერირებილი';
    758 $lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '% ფოტო გენერირებულია';
     756$lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '%s წარმატებით განახლდა';
     757$lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '%s ფოტო არ არის რეგენერირებილი';
     758$lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '%s ფოტო გენერირებულია';
    759759$lang['(this tag will be deleted)'] = '( ეს ტეგი წაშლილია)';
    760760$lang['... or '] = '... ან';
    795795$lang['The original maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'ორიგინალური მაქსიმალური სიმაღლე უნდა იყოს %d და %d';
    796796$lang['The original maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'ორიგინალური მაქსიმალური სიგანე უნდა იყოს %d და %d';
    797 $lang['This album contains %d photos, added between %s and %s.'] = 'ეს ალბომი შეიცავს % ფოტოს, დამატებულია % და % შორის';
    798 $lang['This album contains %d photos, added on %s.'] = 'ეს ალბომი შეიცავს % ფოტოს, დამატებულია %/';
     797$lang['This album contains %d photos, added between %s and %s.'] = 'ეს ალბომი შეიცავს %d ფოტოს, დამატებულია %s და %s შორის';
     798$lang['This album contains %d photos, added on %s.'] = 'ეს ალბომი შეიცავს %d ფოტოს, დამატებულია %s';
    799799$lang['This album contains no photo.'] = 'ამ ალბომში ფოტო არ არის.';
    800800$lang['Thumbnails generation in progress...'] = 'მიმდინარეობს ხატულების გენერაცია...';
  • branches/2.4/language/lv_LV/admin.lang.php

    r16978 r18820  
    868868$lang['Permission granted for users'] = 'Atļauja piešķirta lietotājiem';
    869869$lang['Select users...'] = 'Atlasīt lietotājus...';
    870 $lang['%u users have automatic permission because they belong to a granted group.'] = '% lietotājiem ir automātiskās piekļuves tiesības, jo tie pieder pie privileģētās grupas.';
     870$lang['%u users have automatic permission because they belong to a granted group.'] = '%u lietotājiem ir automātiskās piekļuves tiesības, jo tie pieder pie privileģētās grupas.';
    871871$lang['include photos with lower privacy level'] = 'iekļaut fotogrāfijas ar zemāku privātuma līmeni';
    872872$lang['custom'] = 'Lietotāja';
  • branches/2.4/language/nb_NO/common.lang.php

    r17101 r18820  
    237237$lang['Home'] = 'Hjem';
    238238$lang['in this album'] = 'i dette albumet';
    239 $lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'i % grunnn-album';
    240 $lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in % grunn-albumer';
     239$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'i %d grunnn-album';
     240$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in %d grunn-albumer';
    241241$lang['included'] = 'inkludert';
    242242$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Ugyldig passord!';
    243243$lang['Language'] = 'Språk';
    244 $lang['last %d days'] = 'siste % dager';
     244$lang['last %d days'] = 'siste %d dager';
    245245$lang['Last'] = 'Sist';
    246246$lang['Logout'] = 'Logg ut';
    263263$lang['Next'] = 'Neste';
    264264$lang['no rate'] = 'ingen karakter';
    265 $lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Elementer posted kun de % siste dager.';
    266 $lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Elementer posted kun de % siste dager.';
     265$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Elementer posted kun de %d siste dager.';
     266$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Elementer posted kun de %d siste dager.';
    267267$lang['password updated'] = 'passord oppdatert';
    268268$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = 'Siste periode må være en positiv verdi';
  • branches/2.4/language/pt_PT/admin.lang.php

    r16978 r18820  
    376376$lang['wrong filename'] = 'nome de ficheiro errado';
    377377$lang['Upload'] = 'Enviar';
    378 $lang['user "%s" added'] = 'utilizador "% adicionado" ';
     378$lang['user "%s" added'] = 'utilizador "%s" adicionado';
    379379$lang['User status'] = 'Estatuto de utilizador';
    380380$lang['user_status_admin'] = 'Administrador';
  • branches/2.4/language/ro_RO/admin.lang.php

    r18698 r18820  
    275275$lang['Add to caddie'] = 'adaugă în cărucior';
    277 $lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '% a fost actualizat cu succes.';
    278 $lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '% fotografii nu pot fi regenerate';
    279 $lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '% fotografii au fost regenerate';
     277$lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '%s a fost actualizat cu succes.';
     278$lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '%s fotografii nu pot fi regenerate';
     279$lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '%s fotografii au fost regenerate';
    280280$lang['(this tag will be deleted)'] = '(această etichetă va fi ștearsă)';
    281281$lang['... or '] = '...sau';
  • branches/2.4/language/th_TH/admin.lang.php

    r18154 r18820  
    882882$lang['Not cropped correctly?'] = 'ครอบตัดถูกต้องหรือไม่?';
    883883$lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = 'แจ้งผู้ดูแลระบบเมื่อมีความเห็น';
    884 $lang['Numeric identifier : %d'] = 'ระบุตัวเลข:% d';
     884$lang['Numeric identifier : %d'] = 'ระบุตัวเลข:%d';
    885885$lang['On your Linux, simply install Shotwell with your package manager and the activate Piwigo publishing option.'] = 'เกี่ยวกับลินุกซ์ คุณเพียงแค่ติดตั้ง Shotwell กับแพคเกจหารจัดการและเปิดใช้งานตัวเลือกการเผยแพร่ Piwigo ของคุณ';
    886886$lang['Permission granted for groups'] = 'สิทธิ์นี้อนุญาตสำหรับกลุ่ม';
  • branches/2.4/language/th_TH/install.lang.php

    r18154 r18820  
    7171$lang['Just another Piwigo gallery'] = 'เพียงแค่ Piwigo แกลลอรี่ เว็บหนึ่ง';
    7272$lang['Welcome to my photo gallery'] = 'ยินดีต้อนรับสู่แกลลอรี่รูปภาพของฉัน';
    73 $lang['Don\'t hesitate to consult our forums for any help : %s'] = 'อย่าลังเลที่จะปรึกษาหรือโพสคำถามในฟอรั่มของเรา เพื่อขอความช่วยเหลือใดๆ :% s';
     73$lang['Don\'t hesitate to consult our forums for any help : %s'] = 'อย่าลังเลที่จะปรึกษาหรือโพสคำถามในฟอรั่มของเรา เพื่อขอความช่วยเหลือใดๆ :%s';
    7474$lang['Welcome to your new installation of Piwigo!'] = 'ยินดีต้อนรับสู่การติดตั้งใหม่ของ Piwigo!';
  • branches/2.4/language/tr_TR/upgrade.lang.php

    r16299 r18820  
    2424$lang['Upgrade'] = "Güncellestirme";
    25 $lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = "Bu sayfa yeni sürüme Piwigo eski sürümünden veritabani yükseltme öneriyor. Yükseltme yardimcisi Su anda bir <strong> sürüm% (veya esdegeri) </ strong> çalistiran düsünüyor.";
     25$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = "Bu sayfa yeni sürüme Piwigo eski sürümünden veritabani yükseltme öneriyor. Yükseltme yardimcisi Su anda bir <strong> sürüm %s (veya esdegeri) </strong> çalistiran düsünüyor.";
    2626$lang['Upgrade from version %s to %s'] = "%s sürümden %s sürümüne güncellestir";
    2727$lang['Statistics'] = "Istatistik";
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.