Changeset 19142

Nov 23, 2012, 8:11:58 PM (11 years ago)

[trunk_admin] Update zh_CN, thanks to : dennisyan

1 edited


  • trunk/language/zh_CN/admin.lang.php

    r19135 r19142  
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    24 $lang['%d association'] = '总计关联图片%d张';
     24$lang['%d association'] = '关联图片%d张';
    2525$lang['%d associations'] = '总计关联图片%d张';
    2626$lang['%d album including'] = '%d个相册,其中包含';
    9090$lang['Groups'] = '组';
    9191$lang['Guests'] = '游客';
    92 $lang['History'] = '历史';
     92$lang['History'] = '历史记录';
    9393$lang['Informations'] = '信息';
    9494$lang['Install'] = '安装';
    117117$lang['Options'] = '选项';
    118118$lang['Other private albums'] = '其他非公开相册';
    119 $lang['Page banner'] = '页banner';
     119$lang['Page banner'] = '页banner';
    120120$lang['Parent album'] = '父相册';
    121121$lang['Path'] = '路径';
    135135$lang['Properties'] = '属性';
    136136$lang['Random photo'] = '随机图片';
    137 $lang['Rate date'] = '分日期';
    138 $lang['Rating by guests'] = '游客的打分';
    139 $lang['Rating'] = '分';
     137$lang['Rate date'] = '分日期';
     138$lang['Rating by guests'] = '允许游客评分';
     139$lang['Rating'] = '分';
    140140$lang['Reject'] = '拒绝';
    141141$lang['Representant'] = '相册缩略图';
    161161$lang['Uninstall'] = '卸载';
    162162$lang['Use the default photo sort order (defined in the configuration file)'] = '使用默认图片排序(在配置文件中定义)';
    163 $lang['User comments validation'] = '用户评论审';
     163$lang['User comments validation'] = '用户评论审';
    164164$lang['Users'] = '用户';
    165165$lang['Validate'] = '批准';
    166 $lang['Validation'] = '批准';
     166$lang['Validation'] = '需审核';
    167167$lang['Version'] = '版本';
    168168$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = '移动虚拟相册';
    201201$lang['Album updated successfully'] = '相册已更新成功';
    202202$lang['photos per page'] = '图片/页';
    203 $lang['High definition enabled'] = '高清功能已激活';
     203$lang['High definition enabled'] = '高清功能已启用';
    204204$lang['File'] = '文件';
    205205$lang['first photo added on %s'] = '第一张图片上传于:%s';
    244244$lang[', click on'] = ', 请点击 ';
    245245$lang['To unsubscribe'] = '取消订阅';
    246 $lang['With blank value, gallery title will be used'] = '如果留空,则将使用图库标题';
     246$lang['With blank value, gallery title will be used'] = '如留空,则将以图库标题为标题';
    247247$lang['Notification'] = 'RSS订阅';
    248248$lang['Error when sending email to %s [%s].'] = '发送邮件给 %s [%s] 时发生了错误.';
    264264$lang['Complementary mail content'] = '邮件附加内容';
    265265$lang['Add detailed content'] = '增加细节内容';
    266 $lang['Send mail as'] = '发送邮件作为';
     266$lang['Send mail as'] = '邮件标题';
    267267$lang['Send mail to users'] = '向用户发送邮件';
    268268$lang['Send'] = '发送';
    287287$lang['Warning: subscribing or unsubscribing will send mails to users'] = '注意:订阅或取消订阅都会给相关用户发送邮件';
    288288$lang['Send mail on HTML format'] = '以HTML格式发送邮件';
    289 $lang['Include display of recent photos grouped by dates'] = '包括显示最近按日期分组的图片';
     289$lang['Include display of recent photos grouped by dates'] = '包含显示最近的以日期分组的图片';
    290290$lang['Available only with HTML format'] = '仅限HTML格式可用';
    291291$lang['no write access'] = '无法写入';
    388388$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = '反转\'默认组\'的属性';
    389389$lang['Advanced features'] = '高级功能';
    390 $lang['Overall'] = '全局视图';
     390$lang['Overall'] = '概览';
    391391$lang['Year'] = '年';
    392392$lang['Month'] = '月';
    564564$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d张图片已上传';
    565565$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = '隐私级别设置为 "%s"';
    566 $lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '相册 "%s" 现已包含了 %d 张图片';
    567 $lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = '管理本 %d 张照片 ';
     566$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '相册 "%s" 现包含 %d 张图片';
     567$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = '管理本集合的 %d 张照片 ';
    568568$lang['Select files'] = '选择文件';
    569569$lang['Everybody'] = '每个人';
    586586$lang['FTP + Synchronization'] = 'FTP + 同步';
    587587$lang['Get Support on Piwigo Forum'] = '在Piwigo论坛上获取帮助';
    588 $lang['Help Me'] = '帮助';
     588$lang['Help Me'] = '帮助';
    589589$lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'] = '父主题%s不存在,此主题不能被启用。';
    590590$lang['Impossible to delete this theme. Other themes depends on it: %s'] = '此主题不能删除,因有其他主题有赖于它: %s';
    619619$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = '必须设置站长.';
    620620$lang['Bound Theme'] = '绑定主题';
    621 $lang['Allow rating'] = '允许投票';
     621$lang['Allow rating'] = '允许评分';
    622622$lang['Select at least one comment'] = '请至少选择一个评论';
    623623$lang['Active Plugins'] = '启用的插件';
    729729$lang['display'] = '显示';
    730730$lang['Average rate'] = "平均分";
    731 $lang['Rate'] = '分';
     731$lang['Rate'] = '分';
    732732$lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = '启用相册和图片旁边的"new"图标';
    733733$lang['Add a criteria'] = '添加一个条件';
    748748$lang['ERROR'] = '错误';
    749749$lang['Update Complete'] = '更新完毕';
    750 $lang['Piwigo Update'] = 'Piwigo更新';
     750$lang['Piwigo Update'] = 'Piwigo 更新';
    751751$lang['Extensions Update'] = '扩展更新';
    752752$lang['All extensions are up to date.'] = '所有扩展已更新.';
    756756$lang['Update to Piwigo %s'] = '更新到 Piwigo %s';
    757757$lang['Two updates are available'] = '有2项更新可用';
    758 $lang['This is a minor update, with only bug corrections.'] = '这是一次次要更新,只是对错误的修正。';
     758$lang['This is a minor update, with only bug corrections.'] = '这是一次次要更新,只是对bug的修正。';
    759759$lang['This is a major update, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.'] = '这是一次重要更新,有着<a href="%s">令人欣喜的新功能</a>。';
    760760$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = '一些主题和插件可能还不能使用。';
    761 $lang['You can update to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = '您可以直接更新到 Piwigo %s,不需先更新到 Piwigo %s(推荐).';
     761$lang['You can update to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = '您可以直接更新到 Piwigo %s,不需先更新到 Piwigo %s(推荐)';
    762762$lang['Save Template Directory'] = '保存模板文件夹';
    763763$lang['Dump Database'] = '转存数据库';
    800800$lang['An error has occured during extract. Please check files permissions of your piwigo installation.<br><a href="%s">Click here to show log error</a>.'] = '在解压程序时出现了一个错误。请检查您 piwigo 安装文件的读写权限.<br><a href="%s">点此查看错误日志</a>.';
    801801$lang['Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server'] = 'Piwigo无法从服务器中获取升级文件';
    802 $lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '成功更新了%s';
     802$lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '成功更新了 %s';
    803803$lang['Activate comments'] = '启用评论';
    804804$lang['Add tags'] = '添加标签';
    818818$lang['With no virtual album'] = '没有虚拟相册';
    819819$lang['Zoom'] = '缩放';
    820 $lang['A locked gallery is only visible to administrators'] = '被锁定的相册只有管理员可见';
     820$lang['A locked gallery is only visible to administrators'] = '被锁定的图库只有管理员可见';
    821821$lang['administrators'] = '管理员';
    822822$lang['Center of interest'] = '兴趣中心';
    823 $lang['Gallery unlocked'] = '相册已解锁';
     823$lang['Gallery unlocked'] = '图库已解锁';
    824824$lang['modified'] = '已修改';
    825825$lang['Move to album'] = '移动到相册';
    826826$lang['Not cropped correctly?'] = '剪裁不正确?';
    827 $lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = '通知管理员,当一个评论';
    828 $lang['pending validation'] = '待验证';
     827$lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = '通知管理员,当一个评论 ';
     828$lang['pending validation'] = '待审核';
    829829$lang['registered users'] = '注册用户';
    830830$lang['Save visits in history for'] = '保存访问的历史记录';
    833833$lang['This album contains %d photos, added on %s.'] = '此相册包含%d张图片,添加于%s.';
    834834$lang['This album contains no photo.'] = '此相册中没有图片.';
    835 $lang['Unlock gallery'] = '解锁相册';
    836 $lang['<em>Piwigo for Android</em> application empowers you to connect your Android phone or table to your Piwigo gallery, create some albums and upload several photos at once.'] = '<em>Piwigo Android版</em> 允许您从Android手机或平板电脑连接到您的Piwigo相册,方便您随时随地创建相册和上传照片。';
    837 $lang['<em>Piwigo for iOS</em> application empowers you to connect to your Piwigo gallery from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, create some albums and upload several photos at once.'] = '<em>Piwigo iOS版</em> 允许您从iPhone、iPad或iPod Touch连接到您的Piwigo相册,方便您随时随地创建相册和上传照片。';
     835$lang['Unlock gallery'] = '解锁图库';
     836$lang['<em>Piwigo for Android</em> application empowers you to connect your Android phone or table to your Piwigo gallery, create some albums and upload several photos at once.'] = '<em>Piwigo Android版</em> 允许您从Android手机或平板电脑连接到您的Piwigo图库,方便您随时随地创建相册和上传照片。';
     837$lang['<em>Piwigo for iOS</em> application empowers you to connect to your Piwigo gallery from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, create some albums and upload several photos at once.'] = '<em>Piwigo iOS版</em> 允许您从iPhone、iPad或iPod Touch连接到您的Piwigo图库,方便您随时随地创建相册和上传照片。';
    838838$lang['Applications'] = '应用程序';
    839839$lang['apply automatic sort order'] = '应用自动排序';
    857857$lang['digiKam is an advanced digital photo management free software for Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.'] = 'digiKam是Linux,Windows和MacOSX平台上免费的高级数码照片管理软件。';
    858858$lang['digiKam is designed for photographers who want to view, manage, edit, enhance, organize, tag, and share photographs.'] = 'digiKam可以查看,管理,编辑,增强,组织,标记和共享照片。';
    859 $lang['Features include gallery browsing, album creation and photo upload.'] = '其特点包括浏览画廊,创作相册和上传照片。';
     859$lang['Features include gallery browsing, album creation and photo upload.'] = '其特点包括浏览图库,创作相册和上传照片。';
    860860$lang['Generate multiple size images'] = '生成多尺寸图片';
    861861$lang['Groups and users'] = '组和用户';
    862862$lang['include photos with lower privacy level'] = '包括隐私级别较低的图片';
    863 $lang['iPhoto is the default photo manager on MacOSX. The Piwigo export plugin let you create new albums and export your photos directly from iPhoto to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'iPhoto是在MacOSX的默认照片管理器。Piwigo的导出插件可以让您创建新的相册,并将您的图片从iPhoto直接导出到您的Piwigo相册。';
    864 $lang['On your Linux, simply install Shotwell with your package manager and the activate Piwigo publishing option.'] = '在您的Linux上,只需用安装软件包管理器安装Shotwell并激活Piwigo的发布选项。';
     863$lang['iPhoto is the default photo manager on MacOSX. The Piwigo export plugin let you create new albums and export your photos directly from iPhoto to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'iPhoto是在MacOSX的默认照片管理器。Piwigo的导出插件可以让您创建新的相册,并将您的图片从iPhoto直接导出到您的Piwigo图库。';
     864$lang['On your Linux, simply install Shotwell with your package manager and the activate Piwigo publishing option.'] = '在您的Linux上,只需用安装软件包管理器安装Shotwell并启用Piwigo的发布选项。';
    865865$lang['Permission granted for groups'] = '为组授予的权限';
    866866$lang['Permission granted for users'] = '为用户授予的权限';
    875875$lang['Shotwell is an open source digital photo organizer that runs on Linux. It is the default photo manager in Ubuntu and Fedora.'] = 'Shotwell是一个运行在Linux上的开源数码照片管理软件。它是Ubuntu和Fedora的默认照片管理软件。';
    876876$lang['The Piwigo export plugin allows you to create albums and export photos.'] = 'Piwigo的导出插件允许你创建相册和导出图片。';
    877 $lang['The Piwigo publish Plug-in allows you to export and synchronize photos from Lightroom directly to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'Piwigo发布插件允许你从Lightroom直接导出和同步照片到您的Piwigo相册。';
     877$lang['The Piwigo publish Plug-in allows you to export and synchronize photos from Lightroom directly to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'Piwigo发布插件允许你从Lightroom直接导出和同步照片到您的Piwigo图库。';
    878878$lang['There is no group in this gallery.'] = '这个图库中还没有组.';
    879879$lang['To export your photos from digiKam to Piwigo, simply install digiKam and the Kipi-plugins.'] = '只要安装digiKam和Kipi插件, 就可以从digiKam中导出照片到Piwigo.';
    880880$lang['visitors need to login and have the appropriate permissions to see this album'] = '游客需要登录,并有适当的权限才访问这个相册';
    881 $lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than'] = '如果高度大于此值则添加水印';
    882 $lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than'] = '如果宽度大于此值则添加水印';
     881$lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than'] = '如果高度大于此值则添加水印';
     882$lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than'] = '如果宽度大于此值则添加水印';
    883883$lang['By default, the center of interest is placed in the middle of the photo.'] = '默认情况下,兴趣中心置于图片的中心。';
    884884$lang['For photo sizes with crop, such as "Square", Piwigo will do its best to include the center of interest.'] = '对于剪裁照片大小,如“正方形”,Piwigo将竭尽所能的包括兴趣中心。';
    885885$lang['No group is permitted to see this private album'] = '没有组被允许查看这个非公开相册';
    886 $lang['Opacity'] = '不透明';
     886$lang['Opacity'] = '透明度';
    887887$lang['Permission management'] = '权限管理';
    888888$lang['Photo sizes with crop'] = '图片剪裁大小';
    907907$lang['%d minutes'] = '%d分';
    908908$lang['%d minute'] = '%d分';
    909 $lang['%d months'] = '%d月';
     909$lang['%d months'] = '%d月';
    910910$lang['%d month'] = '%d月';
    911911$lang['%d seconds'] = '%d秒';
    919919$lang['Original file : %s'] = '原文件:%s';
    920920$lang['Posted %s on %s'] = '发布 %s到 %s';
    921 $lang['Rated %d times, score : %.2f'] = '分:%d次,得分:%.2f';
     921$lang['Rated %d times, score : %.2f'] = '分:%d次,得分:%.2f';
    922922$lang['Sharpen'] = '锐化';
    923923$lang['Visited %d times'] = '访问数:%d';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.