Changeset 22186

Apr 13, 2013, 12:18:14 PM (11 years ago)

[branche 2.5] Language_- check 2.5.1

33 added
31 edited


  • branches/2.5/language/bg_BG/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Български [BG]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
  • branches/2.5/language/bg_BG/help/cat_modify.html

    r21167 r22186  
    2525всички под албуми стават публични.</li>
    27   <li><strong>Lock</strong>: The album and its sub-albums will
    28   be temporary disabled for maintenance.</li>
     27  <li><strong>Заключване </strong>: Албума и под-албумите
     28  са временно извън подръжка.</li>
    30   <li><strong>Comments</strong>: Authorize users to comment photos of this
    31   album.</li>
     30  <li><strong>Коментари</strong>: Разрешаване на потребителите да коментират снимки в този
     31  албум.</li>
    35 <p>You can also manage these options on the "Properties"
    36 management screen (screens <span
    37 class="pwgScreen">Comments</span>, <span class="pwgScreen">Lock</span>,
    38 <span class="pwgScreen">Public/Private</span>, <span
    39 class="pwgScreen">Representative</span> available from <span
    40 class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Albums &raquo; Properties</span>).</p>
     35<p>Също можете да управлявате тези опции от страницата "Properties"
     36(страници <span
     37class="pwgScreen">Коментари</span>, <span class="pwgScreen">Заключено</span>,
     38<span class="pwgScreen">Публично/Частно</span>, <span
     39class="pwgScreen">Представително</span> Налично от <span
     40class="pwgScreen">Администрация &raquo; Албуми &raquo; Опции </span>).</p>
    42 <h3>Sort order</h3>
     42<h3>Подреди опции </h3>
    44 <p>Use the default images sort order.</p>
     44<p>Използвай зададените снимки подреди ред.</p>
    46 <p>Indicate whether this sort order will apply to subalbums also.</p>
     46<p>Посочете дали този ред важи и за всички подалбуми. </p>
    48 <p>Select specific sorting criteria to be used with this album.</p>
     48<p>Изберете специфичен критерии за подредба, приложим за този албум.</p>
    50 <li><strong>Creation date</strong>: Photo shooting date</li>
    51 <li><strong>Post date</strong>: Synchronization date</li>
    52 <li><strong>Average rate (*)</strong>: Average rate could be changed by the visitor rating</li>
    53 <li><strong>Most visited (*)</strong>: The current visit might change the most visited order</li>
    54 <li><strong>File name</strong>: Name given in information field</li>
    55 <li><strong>Id</strong>: Internal Id (recent categories have an higher id than previous ones.</li>
     50<li><strong>Дата на създаване</strong>: Фото Дата на снимане</li>
     51<li><strong>Дата на постване</strong>: Синхронизация дата</li>
     52<li><strong>Среден рейт (*)</strong>:Средният рейт може да бъде променян в зависимост от оценките на потребителите</li>
     53<li><strong>Най-посещавани(*)</strong>:Натоящото посещение може да промени реда на най-посещавани </li>
     54<li><strong>Име на файла</strong>: Име,посочено в информационното поле</li>
     55<li><strong>Идентификация</strong>:Вътрешна идентификация(скоро създадени/посетени категории имат по-високо id от по-старите такива)</li>
    58 <p><strong>(*)</strong>Warning: Be sure to test these sort orders by yourself as they can give unexpected results.</p>
     58<p><strong>(*)</strong>Внимание:Прегледайте този ред на подредба,тъй като може да даде неочаквани резултати .</p>
    61 <h3>Representant</h3>
    63 <p>The album representative is the thumbnail displayed on the main page (<span class="pwgScreen">category.php</span>) to represent
    64 the album when
    65 it contains only sub-albums and no direct photo (just as the root album).</p>
    66 photo of a album :</p>
     63<p>Представителната икона за албума, съвпада с тази,показана на главната страница(<span class="pwgScreen">category.php</span>) да представя албума,когато той съдържа само подалбуми и никакви директни сними (както в началния албум).</p>
     64снимка на албума :</p>
    70   <li><span class="pwgScreen">Photo page</span>: one of the action buttons let you set the current photo as the representative for the
    71   displayed album. This button is available only for administrators.</li>
     68  <li><span class="pwgScreen">Photo page</span>:един от бутоните ви позволява да направите настоящата снимка представителна за албума.Този бутон е активен само за администратори.</li>
    73   <li><span class="pwgScreen">Modify informations about a photo</span> in
    74   administration. This screen can be reached from <span
    75   class="pwgScreen">picture.php</span> or <span class="pwgScreen">Batch
    76   management</span> in <em>unit mode</em>. See the help of this screen for
    77   details.</li>
     70  <li><span class="pwgScreen">Промени информацията за снимката</span> в администрацията. До това поле може да се достигне чрез <span
     71  class="pwgScreen">picture.php</span> или <span class="pwgScreen">Batch
     72  management</span> in <em>unit mode</em>.Вижте помощното менщ за повече информация</li>
     74  <li><span class="pwgScreen">Администрация &raquo; Албуми&raquo; Опции,
     75 Представител</span>.Вижте помощното менщ за повече информация.</li>
    79   <li><span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Albums &raquo; Properties,
    80   Representative</span>. See the help of this screen for details.</li>
    82   <li><span class="pwgScreen">Edit album</span> (the present screen).</li>
     77  <li><span class="pwgScreen"Промени настройките на албума</span> (the present screen).</li>
    86 <p>The choice of a representative depends on the
    87 <code>allow_random_representative</code> configuration parameter (see <span
     81<p>Изборът на представителна снимка зависи от
     82<code>allow_random_representative</code> параметрите на конфигурация(see <span
    90 <p>In default mode (<code>allow_random_representative</code> set to false),
    91 each album containing at least one element is represented by a fixed
    92 element. Once set (at album creation), the representative changes only
    93 when an administrator ask for it. If the representative is not appropriate,
    94 you can ask to <strong>Find a new representant by random</strong>.</p>
     85<p>В настоящият модел (<code>allow_random_representative</code> set to false),
     86всеки албум,съдържащ поне един елемент е представен от сборен такъв.Веднъж настроен (при създаването на албума), предтсавителната снимка се променя само
     87когато администраторът пожелае това. Ако представителната снимка не е подходяща,
     88може да пожелаете да  <strong>бъде намерена нова произвелна представителна снимка</strong>.</p>
    9690<p>If the <code>allow_random_representative</code> configuration parameter is
    9892representant. Just use <strong>Delete representant</strong> button.</p>
    100 <p>If the album contains only sub-albums and no photo, it can nonetheless be represented by any element thanks to <span class="pwgScreen">Modify
    101 informations about a photo</span> screen. The only option on the current screen
    102 is the <strong>Delete representant</strong> button.</p>
     94<p>Ако албумът съдържа само подалбуми и никакви снимки, може да бъде предтавен от произволен елемент <span class="pwgScreen">Промени информацията за снимка</span> екран. Единствената опция в настоящето поле е  <strong>Изтрий предтавителна снимка </strong> бутон.</p>
    104 <h3>Link all album photos to a new album</h3>
     96<h3>Обвържете всички снимки опт албума с нов албум</h3>
    108 <li><strong>Virtual album name</strong>: Name of the new album to be created,
    109 all photos of the current category will be linked to the new one.</li>
     100<li><strong>Виртуално име на албума</strong>:Име на новосъздадения албум,
     101всички снимки от настоящата категория ще бъдат обвързани с новия албум.</li>
    111 <li><strong>Parent album</strong>: Where the new album will be,
    112 leave empty to create it at root.</li>
     103<li><strong>Албум майка</strong>: Където ще се намира новият албум,
     104оставете празно място.</li>
    116 <h3>Link all album photos to existing albums</h3>
     108<h3>Връзка на всички албуми със снимки на съществуващите албуми</h3>
    120 <li><strong>Албуми</strong>: Choose the destination album.</li>
     112<li><strong>Албуми</strong>: Изберете дестинацията на албума.</li>
    124 <h3>Send an information email to group members</h3>
     116<h3>Изпрати имейл с информация за членовете на групата</h3>
    128 <li><strong>Group</strong>: recipients group</li>
     120<li><strong>Група</strong>: Група получатели</li>
    130 <li><strong>Mail content</strong>: Free text to send to them.</li>
     122<li><strong>Mail съдържание</strong>: Свободен текст, за да изпрати на тях.</li>
  • branches/2.5/language/gl_ES/admin.lang.php

    r21002 r22186  
    363363$lang['Password confirmation is missing. Please confirm the chosen password.'] = 'Falta a confirmación da clave. Confirma a clave escollida.';
    364364$lang['On your Linux, simply install Shotwell with your package manager and the activate Piwigo publishing option.'] = 'No teu Linux, simplemente instala Shotwell co teu xestor de paquetes e activa a opción de publicación en Piwigo.';
    365 $lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = 'Notificar ós administradores cando un comentario está';
     365$lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = 'Notificar ós administradores cando un comentario sexa';
    366366$lang['Number of albums per page'] = 'Número de álbums por páxina';
    367367$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Número de comentarios por páxina';
    431431$lang['Make this language available to users'] = 'Facer este idioma dispoñible para os usuarios';
    432432$lang['Make this theme available to users'] = 'Facer este tema dispoñible para os usuarios';
    433 $lang['Manage'] = 'Xestionar';
     433$lang['Manage'] = 'Xestión';
    434434$lang['Manage Permissions'] = 'Xestionar permisos';
    435435$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Xestionar permisos para os álbums seleccionados';
    676676$lang['and'] = 'e';
    677677$lang['any visitor can see this album'] = 'calquera visitante pode ver este álbum';
    678 $lang['added'] = 'engadida';
     678$lang['added'] = 'engadido';
    679679$lang['administrators'] = 'administradores';
    680680$lang['[NBM] Problems or questions'] = '[NBM] Problemas ou cuestións';
    861861$lang['Show menubar'] = 'Amosar a barra de menú';
    862862$lang['Simulation'] = 'Simulación';
    863 $lang['Site manager'] = 'Xestor do sitio';
     863$lang['Site manager'] = 'Xestión de sitios';
    864864$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = 'Algúns temas e engadidos poden non estar dispoñibles aínda.';
    865865$lang['Environment'] = 'Ambiente';
  • branches/2.5/language/gl_ES/common.lang.php

    r21097 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Galego [ES]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
  • branches/2.5/language/gl_ES/upgrade.lang.php

    r20896 r22186  
    3737$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = 'Por precaución, os seguintes engadidos foron desactivados. Tes que comprobar se teñen actualización antes de reactivalos:';
    3838$lang['As a precaution, following themes have been deactivated. You must check for themes upgrade before reactiving them:'] = 'Por precaución, os seguintes temas foron desactivados. Tes que comprobar se teñen actualización antes de reactivalos:';
    39 $lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Todos os sub-álbums de álbums privados tórnanse privados';
     39$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Tódolos sub-álbums de álbums privados tórnanse privados';
  • branches/2.5/language/he_IL/admin.lang.php

    r19703 r22186  
    918918$lang['Number of albums per page'] = 'מספר אלבומים בעמוד';
    919919$lang['Opacity'] = 'אטימות';
     920$lang['Rename'] = 'שנה שם';
     921$lang['Duplicate'] = 'כפילות';
     922$lang['Manage the members'] = 'נהל את החברים';
     923$lang['Merge selected groups'] = 'מזג את הקבוצות שנבחרו';
     924$lang['No group selected, no action possible.'] = 'אף קבוצה לא נבחרה,אף שינוי לא בוצע.';
     925$lang['No members to manage'] = 'אין חברים לנהל';
     926$lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = 'עדכן מנהלים כאשר נכתבת תגובה';
     927$lang['Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server'] = 'Piwigo לא יכולה להוציא את קבצי העדכון מהשרת';
  • branches/2.5/language/he_IL/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: עברית [IL]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
  • branches/2.5/language/he_IL/upgrade.lang.php

    r19703 r22186  
    3232$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = 'רק מנהל יכול להריץ שדרוג : בבקשה התחבר למטה';
    3333$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'אין לך גישה להפעיל שדרוג';
     34$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = 'דף זה מציע לשדרג את מסד הנתונים מגרסת Piwigo הישנה לגרסה החדשה. עוזר השדרוג חושב שאתה מפעיל כרגע <strong>שחרור %s</strong>.';
     35$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = 'רק תמונות ממוזערות, ודואר אלקטרוני של מנהל האתר נשמרו מהגירסה הקודמת';
     36$lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.'] = 'בצע בדיקת תחזוקה ב[ ניהול> כלים> תחזוקה] אם נתקלת בעיה כלשהי.';
     37$lang['As a precaution, following themes have been deactivated. You must check for themes upgrade before reactiving them:'] = 'כאמצעי זהירות הערכות הבאות בוטלו, בדוק עדכונם לפני הפעלתם המחודשת:';
     38$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = 'בתוך <i>%s</i>, לפני <b>?></b>, הכנס:';
     39$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'כל אלבומי משנה של אלבומים פרטיים יהפכו לפרטים';
     40$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = 'התוספים הבאים בוטלו כאמצעי זהירות, בדוק אפשרות לעדכונם טרם הפעלתם המחודשת:';
  • branches/2.5/language/it_IT/common.lang.php

    r20940 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Italiano [IT]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
  • branches/2.5/language/it_IT/install.lang.php

    r20916 r22186  
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Impossibile connettersi al server';
    3737$lang['Host'] = 'Host';
    38 $lang['localhost,,'] = 'localhost,,';
     38$lang['localhost,,'] = 'localhost o altro, datovi dal vostro provider';
    3939$lang['User'] = 'Utente';
    4040$lang['user login given by your host provider'] = 'login utente database fornito dal vostro provider';
  • branches/2.5/language/it_IT/upgrade.lang.php

    r20917 r22186  
    2626$lang['Upgrade'] = 'Aggiornamento';
    27 $lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = 'Questa pagina vi propone di aggiornare il vostro database corrispondente alla vecchia versione di Piwigo con la nuova versione. L\'assistente all\'aggiornamento ha identificato la vostra attuale <strong>versione %s</strong> (o equivalente).';
     27$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = 'Questa pagina vi propone di aggiornare il vostro database corrispondente alla vecchia versione di Piwigo con la nuova versione.
     28L\'assistente all\'aggiornamento ha identificato la vostra attuale <strong>versione %s</strong> (o equivalente).';
    2829$lang['Upgrade from version %s to %s'] = 'Aggiornamento dalla versione %s alla %s';
    2930$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistiche';
  • branches/2.5/language/ja_JP/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: 日本語 [JP]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    412412$lang['Requested album does not exist'] = '要求されたアルバムは存在しません。';
    413413$lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = '要求されたタグは存在しません。';
     414$lang['Email address is mandatory'] = '電子メールアドレスは必須です';
     415$lang['Username is mandatory'] = 'ユーザー名は必須です';
     416$lang['Website'] = 'ウェブサイト';
     417$lang['Your website URL is invalid'] = 'あなたのウェブサイトのURLが無効です';
     418$lang['mandatory'] = '必須';
  • branches/2.5/language/lt_LT/about.html

    r18910 r22186  
    1010    <ul>
    1111        <li><a href="">Giedrelis</a></li>
     12                <li><a href="">vilisas</a></li>
    1213    </ul>
    1314Labai ačiū vertėjams!</p>
  • branches/2.5/language/lt_LT/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Lietuviu [LT]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.2
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    3838$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d albumas atnaujintas';
    3939$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d albumai atnaujinti';
    40 $lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d patvirtinti komentarà ';
     40$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d patvirtinti komentarą';
    4141$lang['%d comment'] = '%d komentuoti';
    4242$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d patvirtinti komentarus';
    5656$lang['%d photos'] = '%d nuotraukos(-ų)';
    5757$lang['%d rates'] = '%d reitingai';
    58 $lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) Šiam komentarui reikia patvirtinimo';
    59 $lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... arba ieŠkoti tuŠčios galerijos';
    60 $lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... arba prašome išjungti ššį pranešimą, aš rasiu pats';
     58$lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) šiam komentarui reikia patvirtinimo';
     59$lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... arba ieškoti tuščios galerijos';
     60$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... arba prašome išjungti šį pranešimą, aš rasiu pats';
    6161$lang['A comment on your site'] = 'Komenentaras svetainėje';
    6262$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'Apie Piwigo';
    6464$lang['All tags'] = 'Visos žymos';
    6565$lang['Any tag'] = 'Betkokia žyma';
    66 $lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Bent vienas iŠ iŠvardytų kriterijų, turi būti patenkintas.';
     66$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Bent vienas iš išvardytų kriterijų, turi būti patenkintas.';
    6767$lang['At least one tag must match'] = "Turi atitikti bent vien&#260; &#382;ym&#281;";
    6868$lang['Author'] = "Autorius";
    7070$lang['Categories'] = "Kategorijos";
    7171$lang['Category'] = "Kategorija";
    72 $lang['Close this window'] = 'Uždaryti ŠitĄ langĄ';
     72$lang['Close this window'] = 'Uždaryti šitą langą';
    7373$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = "Baigta RSS feed (nuotraukos, komentarai)";
    7474$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Pakartokite slaptažodį';
    7878$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Sukurti naują paskyrą';
    7979$lang['Created on'] = "Sukurta";
    80 $lang['Creation date'] = "Sukurimo data";
     80$lang['Creation date'] = 'Sukūrimo data';
    8181$lang['Current password is wrong'] = 'Blogas slaptažodis';
    8282$lang['Dimensions'] = "Matmenys";
    8383$lang['Display'] = "Parodyti";
    84 $lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = "Kiekvienas pateiktas kriterijus turi b&#363;ti patenkintas.";
     84$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Kiekvienas pateiktas kriterijus turi būti patenkintas.';
    8585$lang['Email address'] = 'Elektroninio pašto adresas';
    8686$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Įveskite savo asmeninius duomenis';
    8989$lang['File'] = "Failas";
    9090$lang['Filesize'] = "Failo dydis";
    91 $lang['Filter and display'] = "Filtras ir ekranas";
     91$lang['Filter and display'] = 'Filtruoti ir rodyti';
    9292$lang['Filter'] = "Filtras";
    93 $lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Blogas slaptažodis?';
     93$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Pamiršote slaptažodį ?';
    9494$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Naršyti galerijoje kaip svečias';
    9595$lang['Help'] = "Pagalba";
    108108$lang['Number of items'] = 'Vienetų skaičius';
    109109$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Orginalūs matmenys';
    110 $lang['Password forgotten'] = 'PamirŠote slaptažodį';
     110$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Pamiršote slaptažodį';
    111111$lang['Password'] = 'Slaptažodis';
    112112$lang['Post date'] = "Publikavimo data";
    114114$lang['Profile'] = "Prifilis";
    115115$lang['Quick connect'] = "Greitas prisijungimas";
    116 $lang['RSS feed'] = "RSS feed";
     116$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS srautas';
    117117$lang['Rate'] = "&#303;vertinti";
    118118$lang['Register'] = "Registruotis";
    119119$lang['Registration'] = "Registracija";
    120120$lang['Related tags'] = 'Susijusios žymos';
    121 $lang['Reset'] = "Perkrauti";
     121$lang['Reset'] = 'Atstatyti';
    122122$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Atkurti slaptažodį';
    123123$lang['Search rules'] = 'Ieškoti kriterijų';
    139139$lang['Week %d'] = 'Savaičių %d';
    140140$lang['About Piwigo'] = "Apie Piwigo";
    141 $lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'Jūs neturite leidomo pasiekti norimĄ puslapį';
     141$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'Jūs neturite leidomo pasiekti norimą puslapį';
    142142$lang['add to caddie'] = "D&#279;ti &#303; krep&#352;el&#303;";
    143143$lang['add this image to your favorites'] = "&#303;traukti &#352;i&#260; nuotrauk&#260; &#303; m&#279;gstamiausias";
    149149$lang['Expand all categories'] = "I&#352;pl&#279;sti visas kategorijas";
    150150$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = "paskelbta po %s (%s)";
    151 $lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'paskelbta prieŠ %s (%s)';
     151$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'paskelbta prieš %s (%s)';
    152152$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = "paskelbta tarp %s (%s) ir %s (%s)";
    153153$lang['posted on %s'] = "paskelbta %s";
    154 $lang['Best rated'] = 'Geriausia įvertintos';
     154$lang['Best rated'] = 'Geriausiai įvertintos';
    155155$lang['display best rated items'] = "rodyti geriausia &#303;vertintas nuotraukas";
    156156$lang['caddie'] = "Krep&#352;elis";
    160160$lang['View'] = "Rodyti";
    161161$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = "Menesio kalendorius";
    162 $lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Mėnesio sĄraŠas';
    163 $lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Savaitės sĄraŠas';
    164 $lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Spauskite čia, jei jūsų narŠyklė neužkrovė automatiŠkai';
     162$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Mėnesio sąrašas';
     163$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Savaitės sąrašas';
     164$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Spauskite čia, jei jūsų naršyklė neužkrovė automatiškai';
    165165$lang['comment date'] = "pakomentavo";
    166166$lang['Comment'] = "Komentuoti";
    167167$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Tavo komentaras užregistruotas';
    168 $lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Anti-flood sistema: praŠome šŠiek tiek palaukti prieŠ bandant raŠyti kitĄ komentarĄ';
     168$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Anti-flood sistema: prašome šiek tiek palaukti prieš bandant rašyti kitą komentarą';
    169169$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Jūsų komentaras nebuvo užregistruotas, nes neatitiko komentavimo taisyklių';
    170 $lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'Administratorius privalo patvirtinti tavo komentarĄ, kol jis tampa matomas.';
     170$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'Administratorius privalo patvirtinti tavo komentarą, kol jis tampa matomas.';
    171171$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'Šis prisijungimo vardas jau naudojamas';
    172172$lang['Comments'] = "Komentarai";
    198198$lang['Favorites'] = 'Mėgstamiausios';
    199199$lang['First'] = "Pirmas";
    200 $lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'Galerija yra uždaryta profilaktikai. PraŠome pabandyti vėliau.';
     200$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'Galerija yra uždaryta profilaktikai. Prašome pabandyti vėliau.';
    201201$lang['Page generated in'] = "Puslapis atidarytas per";
    202202$lang['guest'] = 'svečias';
    205205$lang['shows images at the root of this category'] = "Rodyti nuotraukas vir&#352;uje";
    206206$lang['See last users comments'] = "Rodyti paskutinius komentarus";
    207 $lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'redaguoti galerijos iŠvaizdą';
    208 $lang['search'] = 'ieŠkoti';
     207$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'redaguoti galerijos išvaizdą';
     208$lang['search'] = 'ieškoti';
    209209$lang['Home'] = "Namai";
    210210$lang['Identification'] = "Identifikacija";
    224224$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = "Maksimalus nuoraukos plotis";
    225225$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = "Maksimalus plotis, skai&#269;ius turi b&#363;ti didesnis nei 50";
    226 $lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'rodyti kalendoriu pagal sukurimo datą';
     226$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'rodyti kalendorių pagal sukūrimo datą';
    227227$lang['display all elements in all sub-categories'] = "rodyti visas nuotraukas i&#352; vis&#371; kategorij&#371;";
    228228$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'grįžti į normalų peržiūros režimą';
    229 $lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'rodyti kalendorių patalpinimo datą';
     229$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'rodyti kalendorių pagal patalpinimo datą';
    230230$lang['month'][10] = "Spalis";
    231231$lang['month'][11] = "Lapkritis";
    240240$lang['month'][8] = "Rugpj&#363;tis";
    241241$lang['month'][9] = "Rugs&#279;jis";
    242 $lang['Most visited'] = 'Daugiausia žiūrimos';
     242$lang['Most visited'] = 'Žiūrimiausios';
    243243$lang['display most visited pictures'] = "display most visited pictures";
    244244$lang['The number of images per row must be a not null scalar'] = "Nuotrauk&#371; eilu&#269;i&#371; skai&#269;ius neturiu b&#363;ti nulis";
    269269$lang['display most recent pictures'] = "rodyti naujausias nuotraukas";
    270270$lang['Redirection...'] = "Nukreipiama...";
    271 $lang['Please, enter a login'] = 'įraŠykite prisijungimo vardą';
     271$lang['Please, enter a login'] = 'įrašykite prisijungimo vardą';
    272272$lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = "Prisijungimo vardas negali baigtis tarpu";
    273273$lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = "Prisijungimo vardas negali prasideti tarpu";
    274274$lang['this login is already used'] = 'Šis prisijungimo vardas jau naudojamas';
    275 $lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = 'Elektroninio paŠto adresas turi būti toks: xxx@yyy.eee (pavyzdys :';
     275$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = 'Elektroninio pašto adresas turi būti toks: xxx@yyy.eee (pavyzdys :';
    276276$lang['please enter your password again'] = 'Pakartokite savo slaptažodį';
    277277$lang['Auto login'] = "Automatinis prisijungimas";
    278 $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'iŠtrinti Šią žymą iŠ Šio sąraŠo';
     278$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'ištrinti šią žymą iš šio sąrašo';
    279279$lang['representative'] = "atstovauti";
    280280$lang['return to homepage'] = "Gri&#382;ti &#303; pradin&#303; puslap&#303;";
    281 $lang['Search for Author'] = 'IeŠkoti pagal autorių';
     281$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Ieškoti pagal autorių';
    282282$lang['Search in Categories'] = "Ie&#352;koti kategorijose";
    283283$lang['Search by Date'] = "Ie&#352;koti pagal data";
    284284$lang['Date'] = "Data";
    285285$lang['End-Date'] = "Pabaigos data";
    286 $lang['Kind of date'] = 'RuŠies data';
    287 $lang['Search for words'] = 'IeŠkoti žodžių';
    288 $lang['Search for all terms'] = 'IeŠkoti visu žodžių';
     286$lang['Kind of date'] = 'Rušies data';
     287$lang['Search for words'] = 'Ieškoti žodžių';
     288$lang['Search for all terms'] = 'Ieškoti visu žodžių';
    289289$lang['Search for any terms'] = "Ie&#352;koti betkoki&#371; &#382;od&#382;i&#371;";
    290290$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Tušcia užklausa. Nėra kriterijų';
    291291$lang['Search Options'] = "Paie&#352;kos nustatymai";
    292 $lang['Search results'] = 'PaieŠkos rezultatai';
     292$lang['Search results'] = 'Paieškos rezultatai';
    293293$lang['Search in subcategories'] = "Ie&#352;koti sub-ketegorijose";
    294 $lang['searched words : %s'] = 'ieŠkoti žodžiai : %s';
     294$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'ieškoti žodžiai : %s';
    295295$lang['Contact'] = "Kontaktai";
    296296$lang['set as category representative'] = "nustatyti kategorij&#261;";
    298298$lang['Show number of hits'] = "Rodyti paspaudimus";
    299299$lang['slideshow'] = 'skaidrių žiūrėjimas';
    300 $lang['stop the slideshow'] = "stop the slideshow";
     300$lang['stop the slideshow'] = 'stabdyti skaidrių peržiūrą';
    301301$lang['Specials'] = "Specials";
    302302$lang['SQL queries in'] = "SQL queries in";
    305305$lang['the beginning'] = 'pradžia';
    306306$lang['Interface theme'] = "Dizainas";
    307 $lang['Thumbnails'] = "Nuotraukytes";
     307$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Miniatiūros';
    308308$lang['Menu'] = "Meniu";
    309309$lang['A comment on your site'] = "Komenentaras svetain&#279;je";
    324324$lang['Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible'] = "Nuotrauka &#303;kelta s&#279;kmingai, administratorius kuo greiciau j&#261; patvirtins.";
    325325$lang['Upload a picture'] = "&#303;kelti nuotrauka";
    326 $lang['useful when password forgotten'] = 'naudinga tuo atveju, jei slaptažodi pamirŠote';
     326$lang['useful when password forgotten'] = 'naudinga tuo atveju, jei slaptažodi pamiršote';
    327327$lang['Quick search'] = "Greita paieska";
    328328$lang['Connected user: %s'] = 'Prisijungę vartotojai: %s';
    329329$lang['IP: %s'] = "IP: %s";
    330 $lang['Browser: %s'] = 'NarŠyklė: %s';
     330$lang['Browser: %s'] = 'Naršyklė: %s';
    331331$lang['Author: %s'] = "Autorius: %s";
    332332$lang['Comment: %s'] = "Komentaras: %s";
    341341$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = "Laukia puslapio: %s";
    342342$lang['Picture uploaded by %s'] = "Nuotrauk&#261; ik&#279;l&#279; %s";
    343 $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = 'Blogas vartotojo statusas "guest", numatytoji busena bus naudojama. PraŠome praneŠti apie tai administratoriui.';
     343$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = 'Blogas vartotojo statusas "guest", numatytoji busena bus naudojama. Prašome pranešti apie tai administratoriui.';
    344344$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = "Tik administratorius, moderatorius ir specialus vartotojai gali naudoti &#352;&#303; metod&#261;";
    345345$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = "Kitas narys jau vartoja &#352;&#303; elektronin&#303; pa&#352;to adres&#261;";
    365365$lang['Piwigo Help'] = "Piwigo pagalba";
    366366$lang['Rank'] = 'įvertinimas';
    367 $lang['group by letters'] = 'grupuoti pagal abecelę';
     367$lang['group by letters'] = 'grupuoti pagal abėcėlę';
    368368$lang['letters'] = 'raidės';
    369369$lang['show tag cloud'] = 'rodyti žymų debesį';
    371371$lang['Reset to default values'] = "Nustatyti numatytuosius nustatymus";
    372372$lang['delete all images from your favorites'] = "i&#352;trinti visas nuotraukas i&#352; m&#279;gstamiausi&#371;";
    373 $lang['Sent by'] = 'IŠsiūsta';
    374 $lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = 'Slapukai yra blokuojami arba nepalaikomi jūsų narŠyklėje. Jūs turite įgalinti slapukus prisijungdami';
     373$lang['Sent by'] = 'Išsiųsta';
     374$lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = 'Slapukai yra blokuojami arba nepalaikomi jūsų naršyklėje. Jūs turite įgalinti slapukus prisijungdami';
    376376$lang['Some info about this picture'] = "Informacija apie &#352;i&#261; nuotrauk&#261;";
    384384$lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... arba ie&#352;koti tu&#352;&#269;ios galerijos';
    385385$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... arba pra&#353;ome i&#353;jungti š&#353;&#303; prane&#353;im&#261;, a&#353; rasiu pats';
    386 $lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'Sveika(-as) %s, Tavo Piwigo galerija yra tuŠčia!';
     386$lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'Sveika(-as) %s, Tavo Piwigo galerija yra tuščia!';
    387387$lang['I want to add photos'] = 'Patalpinti nuotraukas';
    388 $lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Redaguoti Šio žmogaus komentarą: %s';
    389 $lang['Email address is missing. Please specify an email address.'] = 'NeįraŠytas elekroninio paŠto adresas. PraŠome jį nurodyti.';
    390 $lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'Autorius pakeitė Šį komentarą:';
    391 $lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'šis autorius ištrinė komentarą, kurio id yra %d';
     388$lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Redaguoti šio žmogaus komentarą: %s';
     389$lang['Email address is missing. Please specify an email address.'] = 'Neįrašytas elekroninio pašto adresas. Prašome jį nurodyti.';
     390$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'Autorius pakeitė šį komentarą:';
     391$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'Šis autorius ištrynė komentarą, kurio id yra %d';
    392392$lang['delete this comment'] = "i&#353;trinti komentar&#261;";
    393393$lang['validate this comment'] = 'patvirtinti komentar&#261;';
    398398$lang['day']['3'] = 'Trečiadienis';
    399399$lang['day']['6'] = 'Šeštadienis';
     400$lang['set as album representative'] = 'nustatyti kaip albumo viršelį';
     401$lang['in %d sub-album'] = '%d subalbume';
     402$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = '%d subalbumuose';
     403$lang['in this album'] = 'šiame albume';
     404$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS srautas informuoja apie naujus įvykius šiame puslapyje: naujas nuotraukas, atnaujintus albumus, naujus komentarus. Naudojama su RSS srauto skaitykle.';
     405$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Tik nuotrukos, paskelbtos per paskutinę %d dieną.';
     406$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Tik nuotrukos, paskelbtos per paskutines %d dienas.';
     407$lang['Piwigo encountered a non recoverable error'] = 'Piwigo susidūrė su didele klaida.';
     408$lang['Numeric identifier, 1 &rarr; 9'] = 'Skaitine tvarka, 1 &rarr; 9';
     409$lang['Numeric identifier, 9 &rarr; 1'] = 'Skaitine tvarka, 9 &rarr; 1';
     410$lang['IPTC Metadata'] = 'IPTC Metaduomenys';
     411$lang['Forbidden'] = 'Priėjimas draudžiamas';
     412$lang['return to the display of all photos'] = 'grįžti į visų nuotraukų peržiūrą';
     413$lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = 'nuotraukos, paskelbtos per paskutines %d dienas(-ų)';
     414$lang['mandatory'] = 'privalomas';
     415$lang['display available tags'] = 'rodyti galimas žymas';
     416$lang['display best rated photos'] = 'rodyti geriausiai vertinamas nuotraukas';
     417$lang['display last user comments'] = 'rodyti paskutinius lankytojų komentarus';
     418$lang['display most recent photos'] = 'rodyti naujausias nuotraukas';
     419$lang['display most visited photos'] = 'rodyti žiūrimiausias nuotraukas';
     420$lang['display only recently posted photos'] = 'rodyti tik nesenai patalpintas nuotraukas';
     421$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = 'rodyti nuotraukas, susijusias su šia žyma';
     422$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'rodyti nesenai atnaujintus albumus';
     423$lang['display this album'] = 'rodyti šį albumą';
     424$lang['display your favorites photos'] = 'rodyti jūsų mėgstamiausias nuotraukas';
     425$lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'prisijungimo varde HTML žymos neleidžiamos';
     426$lang['Invalid key'] = 'Neteisingas raktas';
     427$lang['Manual sort order'] = 'Rankinė rūšiavimo tvarka';
     428$lang['EXIF Metadata'] = 'EXIF Metaduomenys';
     429$lang['2small'] = 'XXS - Miniatiūrinė';
     430$lang['Here are your connection settings'] = 'Jūsų prisijungimo duomenys';
     431$lang['Password Reset'] = 'Slaptažodžio keitimas';
     432$lang['Password reset is not allowed for this user'] = 'Šiam vartotojui slaptažodžio keitimas negalimas';
     433$lang['Password: %s'] = 'Slaptažodis: %s';
     434$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'Tik nuotrakų RSS srautas';
     435$lang['Please enter your username or email address.'] = 'Prašome įvesti vartotojo vardą arba el-pašto adresą.';
     436$lang['Rating score'] = 'Įvertinimo rezultatas';
     437$lang['large'] = 'L - Didelė';
     438$lang['medium'] = 'M - Vidutinė';
     439$lang['photo'] = 'nuotrauka';
     440$lang['small'] = 'S - Maža';
     441$lang['square'] = 'Kvadratas';
     442$lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'šis el-pašto adresas užimtas';
     443$lang['thumb'] = 'Miniatiūra';
     444$lang['xlarge'] = 'XL - Labai didelė';
     445$lang['xsmall'] = 'XS - Labai maža';
     446$lang['xxlarge'] = 'XXL - milžiniška';
     447$lang['Search for any term'] = 'Ieškoti betkokio termino';
     448$lang['Username "%s" on gallery %s'] = 'Vartotojas "%s" galerijoje %s';
     449$lang['Username is mandatory'] = 'Vartotojo vardas privalomas';
     450$lang['Username modification'] = 'Vartotojo vardo keitimas';
     451$lang['Username or email'] = 'Vartotojo vardas arba el-paštas';
     452$lang['Username: %s'] = 'Vartotojo vardas: %s';
     453$lang['Visits, high &rarr; low'] = 'Peržiūros, daugiausia &rarr; mažiausia';
     454$lang['Visits, low &rarr; high'] = 'Peržiūros, mažiausia &rarr; daugiausia';
     455$lang['Website'] = 'Puslapis';
     456$lang['You will receive a link to create a new password via email.'] = 'Jūs gausite nuorodą, kurioje galėsite pasikeisti slaptažodį, el-paštu.';
     457$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Jūsų mėgstamiausios';
     458$lang['Your password has been reset'] = 'Jūsų slaptažodis pakeistas';
     459$lang['Your username has been successfully changed to : %s'] = 'Jūsų vartotojo vardas sėkmingai pakeistas į: %s';
     460$lang['Your website URL is invalid'] = 'Jūsų web puslapio adresas neteisingas';
     461$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'pridėti šią nuotrauką prie jūsų mėgstamiausių';
     462$lang['delete all photos from your favorites'] = 'pašalinti visas nuotraukas iš jūsų mėgstamiausių';
     463$lang['delete this photo from your favorites'] = 'pašalinti šią nuotrauką iš jūsų mėgstamiausių';
     464$lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'rodyti atsitiktinių nuotraukų rinkinį';
     465$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = 'rodyti visas nuotraukas iš visų subalbumų';
     466$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Naujausi albumai';
     467$lang['Recent photos'] = 'Naujausios nuotraukos';
     468$lang['Requested album does not exist'] = 'Toks albumas neegzistuoja';
     469$lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = 'Tokia žyma neegzistuoja';
     470$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Ieškoti albumuose';
     471$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Ieškoti subalbumuose';
     472$lang['Send my connection settings by email'] = 'Atsiųsti mano prisijungimo duomenis el-paštu';
     473$lang['Show latest comments first'] = 'Pirma naujausi komentarai';
     474$lang['Show oldest comments first'] = 'Pirma seniausi komentarai';
     475$lang['Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:'] = 'Kažkas paprašė pakeisti slaptažodį šiam vartotojui:';
     476$lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = 'Sėkmingai užregistruota. Prisijungimo duomenis jums greitu metu atsiųsime el-paštu.';
     477$lang['Thank you for registering at %s!'] = 'Ačiū, kad prisiregistravote %s';
     478$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'Nuotraukų skaičius puslapiui turi būti sveikas teigiamas skaičius';
     479$lang['The passwords do not match'] = 'Slaptažodžiai nesutampa';
     480$lang['To reset your password, visit the following address:'] = 'Norėdami pasikeisti slaptažodi apsilankykite šiuo adresu:';
     481$lang['User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible'] = 'Vartotojas "%s" neįvedęs elektroninio pašto adreso - neįmanoma pakeisti slaptažodžio';
     482$lang['Rating score, low &rarr; high'] = 'Įvertinimas, žemas &rarr; aukštas';
     483$lang['Rating score, high &rarr; low'] = 'Įvertinimas, aukštas &rarr; žemas';
     484$lang['Photo title, Z &rarr; A'] = 'Nuotraukos pavadinimas, Z &rarr; A';
     485$lang['Photo title, A &rarr; Z'] = 'Nuotraukos pavadinimas, A &rarr; Z';
     486$lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Nuotraukų skaičius puslapiui';
     487$lang['File name, Z &rarr; A'] = 'Failo vardas, Z &rarr; A';
     488$lang['File name, A &rarr; Z'] = 'Failo vardas, A &rarr; Z';
     489$lang['Date posted, old &rarr; new'] = 'Paskelbimo data, seniausi &rarr; naujausi';
     490$lang['Date posted, new &rarr; old'] = 'Paskelbimo data, naujausi &rarr; seniausi';
     491$lang['Date created, old &rarr; new'] = 'Sukūrimo data, seniausi &rarr; naujausi';
     492$lang['Date created, new &rarr; old'] = 'Sukūrimo data, naujausi &rarr; seniausi';
     493$lang['Photo sizes'] = 'Nuotraukų dydžai';
     494$lang['Random photos'] = 'Atsitiktinės nuotraukos';
     495$lang['Rate this photo'] = 'Įvertinti šią nuotrauką';
     496$lang['Return to home page'] = 'Grįžti į pagrindinį puslapį';
     497$lang['Search by date'] = 'Ieškoti pagal datą';
     498$lang['Page not found'] = 'Puslapis nerastas';
     499$lang['Original'] = 'Originalas';
     500$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Albumas: %s';
     501$lang['Invalid username or email'] = 'Neteisingas vartotojo vardas arba el-paštas';
     502$lang['Mobile'] = 'Mobilus';
     503$lang['Desktop'] = 'Darbastalis';
     504$lang['Email address is mandatory'] = 'Elektroninio pašto adresas būtinas';
     505$lang['Enter your new password below.'] = 'Įveskite savo naują slaptažodį.';
     506$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Išskleisti visus albumus';
     507$lang['Hello %s,'] = 'Sveiki, %s,';
     508$lang['If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.'] = 'Jei manote, kad gavote šį laišką per klaidą - tiesiog ignoruokite jį';
     509$lang['If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s'] = 'Jei manote, kad gavote šį laišką per klaida - susisiekite su mumis adresu %s';
     510$lang['Album'] = 'Albumas';
     511$lang['Album results for'] = 'Paieškos rezultatai';
     512$lang['Albums'] = 'Albumai';
     513$lang['Bad request'] = 'Bloga užklausa';
     514$lang['Change my password'] = 'Keisti mano slaptažodį';
     515$lang['Check your email for the confirmation link'] = 'Jums į elektroninį paštą išsiųsta patvirtinimo nuoroda';
     516$lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = 'Paspauskite ant nuotraukos, jei norite pamatyti ją didelės raiškos';
     517$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = 'Pilnas RSS srautas (nuotraukos, komentarai)';
     518$lang['Download'] = 'atsisiųsti';
     519$lang['Download this file'] = 'Atsisiųsti šį failą';
     520$lang['Edit'] = 'Redaguoti';
     521$lang['View in'] = 'Žiūrėti kaip';
     522$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'rodyti kalendorių su fotografijomis, diena po dienos, menėsis po mėnesio';
     523$lang['Permalink for album not found'] = 'Fiksuota nuoroda į albumą nerasta';
     524$lang['%d rate'] = 'Įvertinimas: %d';
  • branches/2.5/language/nb_NO/admin.lang.php

    r19703 r22186  
    2727$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d album inkludert';
    2828$lang['%d physical'] = ' %d fysisk';
    29 $lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' og %d virituell';
     29$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' og %d virtuell';
    3030$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d album er flyttet';
    3131$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d album er flyttet';
    213213$lang['jump to album'] = 'hopp til album';
    214214$lang['jump to photo'] = 'hopp til bilde';
    215 $lang['leave'] = 'gå ut';
     215$lang['leave'] = 'behold';
    216216$lang['Lock'] = 'Lås';
    217217$lang['Locked'] = 'Låst';
    432432$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d unormaliteter har blitt oppdaget.';
    433433$lang['%d anomaly has been corrected.'] = '%d unormalitet har blitt rettet.';
    434 $lang['%d anomalies have been detected corrected.'] = '%d en unormaliteter har blitt oppdaget og rettet.';
     434$lang['%d anomalies have been detected corrected.'] = '%d unormaliteter har blitt oppdaget og rettet.';
    435435$lang['%d anomaly has not been corrected.'] = '%d unormalitet har ikke blitt rettet.';
    436436$lang['%d anomalies have not been corrected.'] = '%d unormaliteter har ikke blitt rettet.';
    949949$lang['between %.2f and %.2f'] = 'mellom %.2f og %.2f';
    950950$lang['between %d and %d pixels'] = 'mellom %d og %d piksler';
     951$lang['Purge user cache'] = 'Rens bruker cache';
  • branches/2.5/language/nb_NO/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Norwegian [NO]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    4444$lang['Comment by %s'] = "Kommentert av %s";
    4545$lang['User: %s'] = "Bruker: %s";
    46 $lang['Email: %s'] = "Email: %s";
     46$lang['Email: %s'] = 'E-post: %s';
    4747$lang['Admin: %s'] = "Admin: %s";
    4848$lang['Registration of %s'] = "Registrering av %s";
    4949$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = "Feil status for bruker \"gjest\", default status vil bli brukt. Vennligst kontakt webmaster.";
    50 $lang['this email address is already in use'] = "En annen bruker har allerede denne mail addressen";
     50$lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'En annen bruker har allerede denne e-postadressem';
    5151$lang['Tag results for'] = "Tag resultat for";
    5252$lang['from %s to %s'] = "fra %s til %s";
    53 $lang['Play of slideshow'] = 'Avspill slideshow';
     53$lang['Play of slideshow'] = 'Start slideshow';
    5454$lang['Pause of slideshow'] = "Pause slideshow";
    5555$lang['Repeat the slideshow'] = "Gjenta slideshow";
    6262$lang['%d photo'] = "%d bilde";
    6363$lang['%d photos'] = "%d bilder";
    64 $lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = "%d bilde er også linket til gjeldende tags";
    65 $lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = "%d bilder er også linket til gjeldende tags";
    66 $lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = "Se kun bilder linket til gjeldende tags";
     64$lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '%d bilde er også linket til gjeldende stikkord';
     65$lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d bilder er også linket til gjeldende stikkord';
     66$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = 'Se kun bilder linket til gjeldende stikkord';
    6767$lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = "bilder postet innen de siste %d dager";
    6868$lang['Piwigo Help'] = "Piwigo hjelp";
    7070$lang['group by letters'] = "ordne etter bokstav";
    7171$lang['letters'] = "bokstav";
    72 $lang['show tag cloud'] = "vis tags cloud";
     72$lang['show tag cloud'] = 'vis stikkordsky';
    7373$lang['cloud'] = 'sky';
    7474$lang['Reset to default values'] = "Sett tilbake til standard verdier";
    103103$lang['Login'] = 'Logg inn';
    104104$lang['Contact webmaster'] = 'Kontakt webmaster';
    105 $lang['Create a new account'] = 'Oprett ny konto';
     105$lang['Create a new account'] = 'Opprett ny konto';
    106106$lang['Created on'] = 'Opprettet den';
    107107$lang['Creation date'] = 'Dato for opprettelse';
    110110$lang['Display'] = 'Vis';
    111111$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Alle listede krav må være oppfylt.';
    112 $lang['Email address'] = 'Email adresse';
     112$lang['Email address'] = 'E-postadresse';
    113113$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Skriv inn dine personlige data';
    114 $lang['Error sending email'] = 'Feil ved sending av e-mail';
     114$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Feil ved sending av e-post';
    115115$lang['File name'] = 'Fil navn';
    116116$lang['File'] = 'Fil';
    142142$lang['%d new users'] = '%d nye brukere';
    143143$lang['About'] = 'Om';
    144 $lang['All tags'] = 'Alle ord';
    145 $lang['Any tag'] = 'Valgte ord';
     144$lang['All tags'] = 'Alle stikkord';
     145$lang['Any tag'] = 'Valgte stikkord';
    146146$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Minst en listet regel må være med.';
    147147$lang['Author'] = 'Forfatter';
    148148$lang['Notification'] = 'Til informasjon';
    149149$lang['Number of items'] = 'Antall poster';
    150 $lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Orginal dimensjoner';
     150$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Original dimensjoner';
    151151$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Glemt passord';
    152152$lang['Password'] = 'Passord';
    154154$lang['Posted on'] = 'Postet den';
    155155$lang['Profile'] = 'Profil';
    156 $lang['Quick connect'] = 'Hurtig tilkobling';
     156$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Hurtigtilkobling';
    157157$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS mating';
    158158$lang['Register'] = 'Registrere';
    159159$lang['Registration'] = 'Registrering';
    160 $lang['Related tags'] = 'Relaterte ord';
     160$lang['Related tags'] = 'Relaterte stikkord';
    161161$lang['Reset'] = 'Tibakestill';
    162162$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Motta passord';
    163163$lang['Search rules'] = 'Søke kriterie';
    164 $lang['Search tags'] = 'Søke ord';
     164$lang['Search tags'] = 'Søk i stikkord';
    165165$lang['Search'] = 'Søk';
    166 $lang['display available tags'] = 'Se tilgjengelige tags';
     166$lang['display available tags'] = 'Se tilgjengelige stikkord';
    167167$lang['Since'] = 'Siden';
    168168$lang['Sort by'] = 'Sorter etter';
    169169$lang['Sort order'] = 'Sorter alfabetisk';
    170 $lang['Tag'] = 'Ord';
    171 $lang['Tags'] = 'Ord';
     170$lang['Tag'] = 'Stikkord';
     171$lang['Tags'] = 'Stikkord';
    172172$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS mater gir varsling om nye aktiviteter fra denne web siden: nye bilder, oppdaterte album, nye kommentarer. For å bli brukt i en RSS leser.';
    173173$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'ukjent mater gjenkjenner';
    197197$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Månedlig liste';
    198198$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Ukentlig liste';
    199 $lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Klikk her pm din nettleser ikke automatisk sender deg viderer.';
     199$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Klikk her om din nettleser ikke automatisk sender deg viderer.';
    200200$lang['comment date'] = 'Kommentert dato';
    201201$lang['Comment'] = 'kommentar';
    220220$lang['Download this file'] = 'last ned denne filen';
    221221$lang['edit'] = 'redigere';
    222 $lang['wrong date'] = 'gal dato';
     222$lang['wrong date'] = 'feil dato';
    223223$lang['excluded'] = 'ekskludert';
    224224$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Mine favoritter';
    237237$lang['Home'] = 'Hjem';
    238238$lang['in this album'] = 'i dette albumet';
    239 $lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'i %d grunnn-album';
    240 $lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in %d grunn-albumer';
     239$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'i %d under-album';
     240$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'i %d under-albumer';
    241241$lang['included'] = 'inkludert';
    242242$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Ugyldig passord!';
    286286$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kb';
    287287$lang['Week %d'] = 'Uke %d';
    288 $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'fjern tag fra denne listen';
     288$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'fjern stikkord fra denne listen';
    289289$lang['representative'] = 'representative';
    290290$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Søk etter forfatter';
    293293$lang['Date'] = 'Dato';
    294294$lang['End-Date'] = 'Ende dato';
    295 $lang['Kind of date'] = 'Slags dato';
     295$lang['Kind of date'] = 'Type dato';
    296296$lang['Search for words'] = 'Søk etter ord';
    297297$lang['Search for all terms'] = 'Søk i alle termer';
    299299$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Tøm spørring. Ingen kriterier har blitt lagt inn.';
    300300$lang['Search results'] = 'Søke resultat';
    301 $lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Søk i grunn-album';
     301$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Søk i under-album';
    302302$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'søkte ord : %';
    303303$lang['Contact'] = 'Kontakt';
    304 $lang['set as album representative'] = 'set som album representant';
     304$lang['set as album representative'] = 'sett som album representant';
    305305$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Vis antall kommentarer';
    306 $lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Vis antall hit';
     306$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Vis antall treff';
    307307$lang['slideshow'] = 'slideshow';
    308 $lang['stop the slideshow'] = 'stop slideshow';
     308$lang['stop the slideshow'] = 'stopp slideshow';
    309309$lang['Specials'] = 'Spesial';
    310310$lang['SQL queries in'] = 'SQL spørring' ;
    312312$lang['return to the display of all photos'] = 'tilbake til visning av alle bilder';
    313313$lang['the beginning'] = 'begynnelsen';
    314 $lang['Interface theme'] = 'Brukerfalte tema';
     314$lang['Interface theme'] = 'Brukerflate tema';
    315315$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Miniatyrbilder';
    316316$lang['Menu'] = 'Meny';
    320320$lang['the username must be given'] = 'brukernavn kreves';
    321321$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
    322 $lang['Album results for'] = 'Album results for';
     322$lang['Album results for'] = 'Album resultat for';
    323323$lang['Edit a comment'] = 'Endre en kommentar';
    324324$lang['Are you sure?'] = 'Er du sikker?';
    327327$lang['Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!'] = 'Velkommen til din Piwigo photo gallery!';
    328328$lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... eller bla i ditt tomme galleri';
    329 $lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... eller vennligstdeaktiver denne beskjeden, jeg vil finne ut av det selv';
     329$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... eller vennligst deaktiver denne beskjeden, jeg vil finne ut av det selv';
    330330$lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'Hallo %, ditt Piwigo photo gallery er tomt!';
    331331$lang['I want to add photos'] = 'Jeg vil legge til foto';
    332 $lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Behandle denne brukers kommentar: %er';
    333 $lang['Email address is missing. Please specify an email address.'] = 'Email addresse mangler. Vennligst skriv en email addresse.';
     332$lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Behandle denne brukers kommentar: %s';
     333$lang['Email address is missing. Please specify an email address.'] = 'E-postadresse mangler. Vennligst skriv en e-postadresse.';
    334334$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'Denne forfatteren modifiserte følgende kommentar:';
    335335$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'Denne forfatteren fjernetkommentaren med id %d';
    351351$lang['Return to home page'] = 'Tilbake til hovedsiden';
    352352$lang['Send my connection settings by email'] = 'Send tilkoblingsinnstillinger på epost';
    353 $lang['Show oldest comments first'] = 'Vis eldst først';
    354 $lang['Show latest comments first'] = 'Vis senest kommentert først';
     353$lang['Show oldest comments first'] = 'Vis eldste kommentarer først';
     354$lang['Show latest comments first'] = 'Vis seneste kommentert først';
    355355$lang['square'] = 'Kvadrat';
    356356$lang['thumb'] = 'Miniatyrbilde';
    360360$lang['medium'] = 'M - medium';
    361361$lang['large'] = 'L - stor';
    362 $lang['xlarge'] = 'XL - veldig stor';
    363 $lang['xxlarge'] = 'XXL - kjempe stor';
     362$lang['xlarge'] = 'XL - veldig stort';
     363$lang['xxlarge'] = 'XXL - kjempestort';
    364364$lang['Original'] = 'Original';
    365365$lang['Password: %s'] = 'Passord: %s';
    366366$lang['Username: %s'] = 'Brukernavn: %s';
    367 $lang['Photo sizes'] = 'Bilde størrelser';
     367$lang['Photo sizes'] = 'Bildestørrelser';
    368368$lang['View in'] = 'Se bilde på';
    369369$lang['Mobile'] = 'Mobil';
    385385$lang['Your password has been reset'] = 'Ditt passord har blitt endret.';
    386386$lang['Your username has been successfully changed to : %s'] = 'Ditt brukernavn har blitt endret til: %s';
    387 $lang['Date created, new &rarr; old'] = 'Dato opprettet, nyest &rarr; eldst';
    388 $lang['Date created, old &rarr; new'] = 'Dato opprettet, eldst &rarr; nyest';
    389 $lang['Date posted, new &rarr; old'] = 'Dato publisert, nyest &rarr; eldst';
    390 $lang['Date posted, old &rarr; new'] = 'Dato publisert, eldst &rarr; nyest';
     387$lang['Date created, new &rarr; old'] = 'Dato opprettet, nyeste &rarr; eldste';
     388$lang['Date created, old &rarr; new'] = 'Dato opprettet, eldste &rarr; nyeste';
     389$lang['Date posted, new &rarr; old'] = 'Dato publisert, nyeste &rarr; eldste';
     390$lang['Date posted, old &rarr; new'] = 'Dato publisert, eldste &rarr; nyeste';
    391391$lang['File name, A &rarr; Z'] = 'Filnavn, A &rarr; Å';
    392392$lang['File name, Z &rarr; A'] = 'Filnavn, Å &rarr; A';
    407407$lang['Piwigo encountered a non recoverable error'] = 'Piwigo støtte på et problem som ikke kan gjenopprettes';
    408408$lang['Requested album does not exist'] = 'Forespurt album finnes ikke';
    409 $lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = 'Forespurt tag finnes ikke';
    410 $lang['Email address is mandatory'] = 'Emailadresse er obligatorisk';
     409$lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = 'Forespurt stikkord finnes ikke';
     410$lang['Email address is mandatory'] = 'E-postadresse er obligatorisk';
    411411$lang['Username is mandatory'] = 'Brukernavn er obligatorisk';
    412412$lang['mandatory'] = 'obligatorisk';
  • branches/2.5/language/nb_NO/iso.txt

    r15841 r22186  
    1 Norwegian [NB]
     1Norwegian bokmål [NO]
  • branches/2.5/language/nl_NL/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Nederlands [NL]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    5555$lang['Any tag'] = 'Elk label';
    5656$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Op zijn minst moet aan één regel worden voldaan.';
    57 $lang['Author'] = 'Fotograaf/Maker';
     57$lang['Author'] = 'Naam';
    5858$lang['Albums'] = 'Albums';
    5959$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
    126126$lang['all'] = 'alle';
    127127$lang['ascending'] = 'Oplopend';
    128 $lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'Fotogra(a)f(en)/Maker(s) : %s';
     128$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'Naam/Namen: %s';
    129129$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Toon alle albums';
    130130$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'geplaatst na %s (%s)';
    250250$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'Verwijder dit label uit de lijst';
    251251$lang['representative'] = 'album klikplaatje';
    252 $lang['Search for Author'] = 'Zoek naar fotograaf/maker';
     252$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Zoek naar naam';
    253253$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Zoeken in albums';
    254254$lang['Search by date'] = 'Zoeken op datum';
    286286$lang['IP: %s'] = 'IP: %s';
    287287$lang['Browser: %s'] = 'Browser: %s';
    288 $lang['Author: %s'] = 'Fotograaf/Maker: %s';
     288$lang['Author: %s'] = 'Naam: %s';
    289289$lang['Comment: %s'] = 'Commentaar: %s';
    290290$lang['Comment by %s'] = 'Commentaar van %s';
    380380$lang['Show oldest comments first'] = 'Toon oudste commentaren eerst';
    381381$lang['Show latest comments first'] = 'Toon nieuwste commentaren eerst';
    382 $lang['Photo sizes'] = 'Foto-groottes';
     382$lang['Photo sizes'] = 'Fotoformaat';
    383383$lang['View in'] = 'Bekijk in';
    384384$lang['Mobile'] = 'Mobiel';
    414414$lang['Website'] = 'Website';
    415415$lang['Your website URL is invalid'] = 'De URL van deze website is ongeldig';
     416$lang['day']['0'] = 'zondag';
     417$lang['day']['1'] = 'maandag';
     418$lang['day']['2'] = 'dinsdag';
     419$lang['day']['3'] = 'woensdag';
     420$lang['day']['4'] = 'donderdag';
     421$lang['day']['5'] = 'vrijdag';
     422$lang['day']['6'] = 'zaterdag';
  • branches/2.5/language/pt_PT/admin.lang.php

    r21149 r22186  
    4040$lang['%d user comment rejected'] = '%d comentário de utilizador rejeitado';
    4141$lang['%d user comments rejected'] = '%d comentários de utilizador rejeitados';
    42 $lang['%d user comment validated'] = '%d comentário de utilizador validado';
    43 $lang['%d user comments validated'] = '%d comentários de utilizador validados';
     42$lang['%d user comment validated'] = '%d comentário de utilizador aprovado';
     43$lang['%d user comments validated'] = '%d comentários de utilizador aprovados';
    4444$lang['%d user deleted'] = '%d utilizador apagado';
    4545$lang['%d users deleted'] = '%d utilizadores apagados';
    5959$lang['Caddie management'] = 'Gestão do carrinho';
    6060$lang['Caddie'] = 'Carrinho';
    61 $lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Albums autorizados graças a associações de grupo';
    62 $lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'A ordem manual das albums foi salva';
     61$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Albuns autorizados graças a associações de grupo';
     62$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'A ordem manual dos albuns foi salva';
    6363$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = 'A actualização falhou por razões desconhecidas.';
    64 $lang['Check for upgrade'] = 'Procurar por atualização';
     64$lang['Check for upgrade'] = 'Procurar por atualizações';
    6565$lang['Comments for all'] = 'Comentários para todos';
    6666$lang['Current name'] = 'Nome actual';
    9191$lang['Guests'] = 'Visitantes';
    9292$lang['History'] = 'Histórico';
    93 $lang['Informations'] = 'Informação';
     93$lang['Informations'] = 'Informações';
    9494$lang['Install'] = 'Instalar';
    9595$lang['Link all album photos to a new album'] = 'Vincular todos os items do album a um novo album';
    9696$lang['Link all album photos to some existing albums'] = 'Vincular todos os items do album a um album já existente';
    97 $lang['Linked albums'] = 'Albums vinculados';
     97$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Albuns vinculados';
    9898$lang['Lock gallery'] = 'Trancar a  galeria';
    9999$lang['Maintenance'] = 'Manutenção';
    104104$lang['Members'] = 'Membros';
    105105$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = 'Metadados do ficheiro sincronizados';
    106 $lang['Move albums'] = 'Mover albums';
     106$lang['Move albums'] = 'Mover albuns';
    107107$lang['Move'] = 'Mover';
    108108$lang['Name'] = 'Nome';
    109109$lang['New name'] = 'Novo nome';
    110 $lang['New parent album'] = 'Novo álbum pai';
     110$lang['New parent album'] = 'Novo albun pai';
    111111$lang['New tag'] = 'Etiqueta nova';
    112112$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Número de comentários por página';
    113113$lang['Number of rates'] = 'Número de votos';
    114114$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = 'Número de miniaturas a serem criadas';
    115 $lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Apenas os álbums privados estão listados';
     115$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Apenas os albuns privados estão listados';
    116116$lang['Operating system'] = 'Sistema operativo';
    117117$lang['Options'] = 'Opções';
    118118$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Outros albums privados';
    119119$lang['Page banner'] = 'Banner da página';
    120 $lang['Parent album'] = 'Álbum pai';
     120$lang['Parent album'] = 'Album pai';
    121121$lang['Path'] = 'Caminho';
    122122$lang['Permalink'] = 'Ligação Permanente';
    139139$lang['Rating'] = 'Classificação';
    140140$lang['Reject'] = 'Rejeitar';
    141 $lang['Representant'] = 'Miniatura do album';
    142 $lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Miniaturas dos albuns';
    143 $lang['Representative'] = 'Miniatura do album';
    144 $lang['Represents'] = 'É miniatura para';
     141$lang['Representant'] = 'Miniatura de capa do do album';
     142$lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Miniaturas das capas dos albuns';
     143$lang['Representative'] = 'Miniatura capa do album';
     144$lang['Represents'] = 'É miniatura para capa';
    145145$lang['Save order'] = 'Salvar ordem';
    146146$lang['Save to permalink history'] = 'Salvar no histórico de ligações permanentes';
    161161$lang['Uninstall'] = 'Desinstalar';
    162162$lang['Use the default photo sort order (defined in the configuration file)']='Usar a ordem de exibição padrão (definida no ficheiro de configuração)';
    163 $lang['User comments validation'] = 'Validação de comentários do utilizador';
     163$lang['User comments validation'] = 'Aprovação dos comentários de utilizador';
    164164$lang['Users'] = 'Utilizadores';
    165165$lang['Validate'] = 'Validar';
    166 $lang['Validation'] = 'Validação';
     166$lang['Validation'] = 'Aprovação';
    167167$lang['Version'] = 'Versão';
    168168$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Albums virtuais a mover';
    171171$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'Você está a usar o código fonte de desenvolvimento, não é possível qualquer verificação.';
    172172$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = "Não pode apagar a sua conta";
    173 $lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Não pode mover um album para um dos seus sub-albums.';
    174 $lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'Deve confirmar a remoção';
     173$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Não pode mover um album para um dos seus sub-albuns.';
     174$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'Precisa confirmar a remoção';
    175175$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Associar ao album';
    176176$lang['associate to group'] = 'Associar ao grupo';
    177177$lang['Authorized'] = 'Autorizado';
    178 $lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Adicionar um álbum virtual';
     178$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Adicionar um album virtual';
    179179$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Autorizar os utilizadores a adicionar comentários nos álbums seleccionados';
    180 $lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'O nome de um álbum não deverá ficar vazio';
    181 $lang['Lock albums'] = 'Trancar albums';
     180$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'O nome de um album não deverá ficar vazio';
     181$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Trancar albuns';
    182182$lang['Private'] = 'Privado';
    183183$lang['Public'] = 'Público';
    184 $lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Procurar alietoriamente nova miniatura para o album';
     184$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Procurar alietoriamente nova miniatura para capa do album';
    185185$lang['Public / Private'] = 'Público / Privado';
    186186$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Gerir as autorizações para os albuns seleccionados';
    189189$lang['Access type'] = 'Tipo de Acesso';
    190190$lang['Information data registered in database'] = 'Informação dos dados registados na base de dados';
    191 $lang['Default display'] = 'Exibição por defeito';
     191$lang['Default display'] = 'Exibição padrão';
    192192$lang['The gallery URL is not valid.'] = 'O URL (endereço) da galeria não é valido.';
    193193$lang['Main'] = 'Principal';
    197197$lang['Date'] = 'Data';
    198198$lang['delete album'] = 'Apagar album';
    199 $lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Desassociar do álbum';
     199$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Desassociar do album';
    200200$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'Desassociar do grupo';
    201201$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'As informações do album foram actualizadas com sucesso.';
    218218$lang['Locked'] = 'Trancado';
    219219$lang['manage album photos'] = 'Gerir as fotos do album';
    220 $lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Gerir sub-álbums';
     220$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Gerir sub-albuns';
    221221$lang['Manage'] = 'Gerir';
    222222$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundo].';
    244244$lang[', click on'] = ', clique em ';
    245245$lang['To unsubscribe'] = 'Cancelar subscrição';
    246 $lang['With blank value, gallery title will be used'] = 'Se em branco, será usadovo título da galeria ';
     246$lang['With blank value, gallery title will be used'] = 'Se em branco, será usado o título da galeria';
    247247$lang['Notification'] = 'Notificação';
    248248$lang['Error when sending email to %s [%s].'] = 'Erro ao enviar email para %s [%s].';
    260260$lang['Subscribe to notification by mail'] = 'Subscrever as notificações por email';
    261261$lang['Unsubscribe from notification by mail'] = 'Cancelar a subscrição das notificações por email';
    262 $lang['Parameter'] = 'Definições';
    263 $lang['Continue processing treatment'] = 'Continuar o tratamento em execução';
     262$lang['Parameter'] = 'Parâmetro';
     263$lang['Continue processing treatment'] = 'Continuar a processar tratamento';
    264264$lang['Complementary mail content'] = 'Conteúdo complementar do mail.';
    265265$lang['Add detailed content'] = 'Adicionar conteúdo detalhado';
    275275$lang['Unsubscribed'] = 'Subscrição Cancelada';
    276276$lang['%d parameter was updated.'] = '%d parâmetro foi actualizado.';
    277 $lang['%d parameters were updated.'] = '%d parâmetros actualizados.';
     277$lang['%d parameters were updated.'] = '%d parâmetros foram actualizados.';
    278278$lang['%d user was not updated.'] = '%d utilizador não foi actualizado.';
    279279$lang['%d users were not updated.'] = '%d utilizadores não foram actualizados.';
    295295$lang['Purge never used notification feeds'] = 'Purgar as notificações que nunca foram enviadas';
    296296$lang['Purge sessions'] = 'Purgar as sessões';
    297 $lang['randomly represented'] = 'Miniatura do album aliatória';
     297$lang['randomly represented'] = 'Miniatura aliatória para a capa do album';
    298298$lang['registration date'] = 'Data de registo';
    299299$lang['clean'] = 'limpar';
    317317$lang['status'] = 'Estado';
    318318$lang['Directory'] = 'Diretório';
    319 $lang['sub-albums'] = 'sub-albuns';
     319$lang['sub-albums'] = 'Sub-albuns';
    320320$lang['Synchronize metadata'] = 'sincronizar metadados';
    321321$lang['target'] = 'Objetivo';
    322322$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'Miniatura';
    323323$lang['Title'] = 'Título';
    324 $lang['Album list management'] = 'Gerir lista albums';
     324$lang['Album list management'] = 'Gerir lista albuns';
    325325$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Configuração Piwigo';
    326326$lang['Edit album'] = 'Editar album';
    368368$lang['only perform a simulation (no change in database will be made)'] = 'apenas executa uma simulação (não será feita alteração alguma na base de dados)';
    369369$lang['directories + files'] = 'Diretórios + Arquivos';
    370 $lang['only directories'] = 'Apenas pastas';
     370$lang['only directories'] = 'Apenas diretórios';
    371371$lang['synchronize files structure with database'] = 'sincronizar a estrutura dos ficheiros com a base de dados';
    372372$lang['synchronize files metadata with database photos informations'] = 'sincronizar os meta-dados dos ficheiros com as informações das fotos na base de dados';
    373 $lang['even already synchronized photos'] = 'também fotos já sincronizadas';
     373$lang['even already synchronized photos'] = 'Também fotos já sincronizadas';
    374374$lang['Used metadata'] = 'Metadados usados';
    375375$lang['The name of directories and files must be composed of letters, numbers, "-", "_" or "."'] = 'O nome dos diretórios e dos arquivos deve ser composto de letras, números, "-", "_" ou "."';
    376 $lang['wrong filename'] = 'Nome de ficheiro errado';
     376$lang['wrong filename'] = 'Nome de arquivo errado';
    377377$lang['Upload'] = 'Carregar';
    378378$lang['user "%s" added'] = 'utilizador "%s" adicionado';
    400400$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Enviar um email informativo aos membros do grupo';
    401401$lang['Group'] = 'Grupo';
    402 $lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Visite o álbum %s';
     402$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Visite o album %s';
    403403$lang['Hello,'] = 'Olá,';
    404404$lang['See you soon.'] = 'Até breve.';
    405 $lang['Discover album:'] = 'Descobrir o álbum:';
     405$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Descobrir o album:';
    406406$lang['Mail content'] = 'Conteúdo do email';
    407407$lang['none'] = 'Nenhum';
    538538$lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'Outras informações';
    539539$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'Links virtuais';
    540 $lang['Menu Management'] = 'Menús';
     540$lang['Menu Management'] = 'Menus';
    541541$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d de %d fotos seleccionadas';
    542542$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d fotos enviadas';
    557557$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Painel Administrativo';
    558558$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'O album "%s" foi adicionado';
    559 $lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'Álbum "%s" agora contém %d fotos';
     559$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'Album "%s" agora contém %d fotos';
    560560$lang['Album photos associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Fotos do album associadas aos seguintes albums: %s';
    561561$lang['Album name'] = 'Nome do album';
    636636$lang['on the %d selected photos'] = 'Nas %d fotos seleccionadas';
    637637$lang['Operation in progress'] = 'Operação em progresso.';
    638 $lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = 'A ordem dos items do menú foi actualizada com sucesso.';
     638$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = 'A ordem dos items do menu foi actualizada com sucesso.';
    639639$lang['Orphan tags deleted'] = 'Etiquetas orfãs removidas';
    640640$lang['Page end'] = 'Fim de Página';
    670670$lang['Start pLoader and add your photos.'] = 'Iniciar pLoader e adicionar as suas fotos.';
    671671$lang['Switch to clear or dark colors for administration'] = 'Mudar para claro ou escuro as cores na administração';
    672 $lang['The following tag was deleted'] = 'Foi removida a seguinte Etiqueta  ';
     672$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = 'A Etiqueta seguinte foi removida';
    673673$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'] = 'O arquivo enviado excede a directiva MAX_FILE_SIZE especificada no formulário HTML';
    674674$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'O arquivo enviado excede a directiva upload_max_filesize definida no ficheiro php.ini: %sB';
    681681$lang['There is no other language available.'] = 'Não existe outro idioma disponível.';
    682682$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = 'Não existem mais extensões disponíveis.';
    683 $lang['There is no other theme available.'] = 'Não existem outro tema disponível.';
     683$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = 'Não existem mais temas disponíveis.';
    684684$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = 'Este tema não foi desenhado para ser activado directamente';
    685685$lang['Tools'] = 'Ferramentas';
    722722$lang['Rate'] = 'Classificar';
    723723$lang['Average rate'] = 'Avaliação média';
    724 $lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = 'Mostrar o icon "novo(a)" ao lado dos Álbums e das fotos';
     724$lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = 'Mostrar o icon "novo(a)" ao lado dos albums e das fotos';
    725725$lang['Add a criteria'] = 'Adicionar um critério';
    726726$lang['Deactivate all'] = 'Desactivar tudo';
    728728$lang['Restore'] = 'Restaurar';
    729729$lang['Restore default configuration. You will lose your plugin settings!'] = 'Restaurar a configuração padrão? Perderá as configurações pesoiais !';
    730 $lang['Show menubar'] = 'Mostrar o menú';
     730$lang['Show menubar'] = 'Mostrar o menu';
    731731$lang['You can\'t define a default photo order because you have a custom setting in your local configuration.'] = 'Não pode definir uma ordem padrão para as fotos porque tem uma definição personalizada na sua configuração local.';
    732732$lang['You have specified <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> in your local configuration file, this parameter in deprecated, please remove it or rename it into <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i> !'] = 'Especificou <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> no seu arquivo de configuração local, este parâmetro esta obsoleto, apague ou renomeie para <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i> !';
    767767$lang['Crop'] = 'Cortar';
    768768$lang['Follow Orientation'] = 'Siga a orientação';
    769 $lang['Graphics Library'] = 'Livraria de Gráficos';
     769$lang['Graphics Library'] = 'Biblioteca Gráfica';
    770770$lang['Height'] = 'Altura';
    771771$lang['hide details'] = 'Ocultar detalhes';
    789789$lang['Select the destination tag'] = 'Selecione a etiqueta de destino';
    790790$lang['show details'] = 'Mostrar detalhes';
    791 $lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions.'] = 'Algumas atualizações estão disponÃíveis para extenções.';
     791$lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions.'] = 'Algumas atualizações estão disponíveis para extenções.';
    792792$lang['Start Upload'] = 'Iniciar carga';
    793793$lang['Tags <em>%s</em> merged into tag <em>%s</em>'] = 'Etiquetas <em>%s</em> misturadas ncom a etiqueta<em>%s</em>';
    794 $lang['Thumbnails generation in progress...'] = 'Gerar miniaturas em progresso...';
     794$lang['Thumbnails generation in progress...'] = 'Geração de miniaturas em progresso...';
    795795$lang['Update All'] = 'Atualizar tudo';
    796796$lang['Updates'] = 'Atualizações';
    803803$lang['Zoom'] = 'Zoom';
    804804$lang['Activate comments'] = 'Ativar comentários';
    805 $lang['Default comments order'] = 'Ordem dos comentários por defeito';
     805$lang['Default comments order'] = 'Ordem padrão dos comentários';
    806806$lang['Photo Page'] = 'Página da foto';
    807 $lang['Send connection settings by email'] = 'Enviar configurações de conexão por e-mail';
     807$lang['Send connection settings by email'] = 'Enviar configurações de ligação por e-mail';
    808808$lang['The original image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'A qualidade da imagem original deve ser um número entre %d e %d';
    809809$lang['The original maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'A altura original máxima deve ser um número entre %d e %d';
    815815$lang['Gallery unlocked'] = 'Galeria desbloqueada';
    816816$lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = 'Notificar os administradores quando um comentário é';
    817 $lang['modified'] = 'mMdificado';
     817$lang['modified'] = 'Modificado';
    818818$lang['pending validation'] = 'Validação pendente';
    819819$lang['Save visits in history for'] = 'Gravar visitas no histórico de';
    912912$lang['Original file : %s'] = 'Arquivo original: %s';
    913913$lang['Posted %s on %s'] = 'Colocada(s) %s em %s';
    914 $lang['Rated %d times, score : %.2f'] = 'Avakiada %d vezes, classificação: %.2f';
     914$lang['Rated %d times, score : %.2f'] = 'Avaliada %d vezes, classificação: %.2f';
    915915$lang['Sharpen'] = 'Refinar';
    916916$lang['Visited %d times'] = 'Visitada %d vezes';
  • branches/2.5/language/pt_PT/common.lang.php

    r21146 r22186  
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    24 Language Name: Português [PT]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     24Language Name: Português [PT]
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    3131// Langage informations
    32 $lang_info['language_name'] = 'Português';
     32$lang_info['language_name'] = 'Português';
    3333$lang_info['country'] = 'Portugal';
    3434$lang_info['direction'] = 'ltr';
    3939$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d album actualizado';
    4040$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d albums actualizados';
    41 $lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d comentário para validar';
    42 $lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d comentários para validar';
    43 $lang['%d new comment'] = '%d novo comentário';
    44 $lang['%d new comments'] = '%d novos comentários';
    45 $lang['%d comment'] = '%d comentário';
    46 $lang['%d comments'] = '%d comentários';
     41$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d comentário para validar';
     42$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d comentários para validar';
     43$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d novo comentário';
     44$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d novos comentários';
     45$lang['%d comment'] = '%d comentário';
     46$lang['%d comments'] = '%d comentários';
    4747$lang['%d hit'] = 'Visto %d vez';
    4848$lang['%d hits'] = 'visto %d vezes';
    7272$lang['Each listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Todos os critérios listados devem ser satisfeitos';
    7373$lang['Email address is missing. Please specify an email address.'] = 'Esqueceu o endereço de email. Por favor indique um email.';
    74 $lang['Email address'] = 'Endereço de email';
     74$lang['Email address'] = 'Endereço de email';
    7575$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = 'Introduza os seus dados pessoais';
    7676$lang['Error sending email'] = 'Erro durante o envio do email';
    8383$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Ver a galeria como visitante';
    8484$lang['Help'] = 'Ajuda';
    85 $lang['Identification'] = 'Identificação';
     85$lang['Identification'] = 'Identificação';
    8686$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = 'RSS de fotos';
    8787$lang['Keyword'] = 'Palavra chave';
    8888$lang['Links'] = 'Links';
    89 $lang['N/A'] = 'Não disponível';
     89$lang['N/A'] = 'Não disponível';
    9090$lang['New on %s'] = 'Novo no %s';
    91 $lang['Notification'] = 'Notificação';
    92 $lang['Number of items'] = 'Número de items';
    93 $lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Dimensões originais';
     91$lang['Notification'] = 'Notificação';
     92$lang['Number of items'] = 'Número de items';
     93$lang['Original dimensions'] = 'Dimensões originais';
    9494$lang['Password forgotten'] = 'Senha esquecida';
    9595$lang['Password'] = 'Senha';
    96 $lang['Post date'] = 'Data de Publicação';
     96$lang['Post date'] = 'Data de Publicação';
    9797$lang['Posted on'] = 'Publicado em';
    9898$lang['Profile'] = 'Perfil';
    99 $lang['Quick connect'] = 'Ligação Rápida';
     99$lang['Quick connect'] = 'Ligação Rápida';
    100100$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS';
    101101$lang['Register'] = 'Registar';
    102102$lang['Registration'] = 'Registo';
    103103$lang['Related tags'] = 'Etiquetas relacionados';
    104 $lang['Reset'] = 'Recomeçar';
     104$lang['Reset'] = 'Recomeçar';
    105105$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Recuperar a Senha';
    106 $lang['Search rules'] = 'Critérios de pesquisa';
     106$lang['Search rules'] = 'Critérios de pesquisa';
    107107$lang['Search tags'] = 'Pesquisar as estiquetas';
    108 $lang['Search'] = 'pesquisar';
    109 $lang['display available tags'] = 'Mostrar etiquetas disponíveis';
     108$lang['Search'] = 'Pesquisar';
     109$lang['display available tags'] = 'Mostrar etiquetas disponíveis';
    110110$lang['Since'] = 'Desde ';
    111111$lang['Sort by'] = 'Ordenar por';
    112 $lang['Sort order'] = 'Ordem de exibição';
     112$lang['Sort order'] = 'Ordem de exibição';
    113113$lang['Tag'] = 'Etiqueta';
    114114$lang['Tags'] = 'Etiquetas';
    115 $lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'O RSS notifica-o(a) dos eventos da galeria : novas imagens, albums actualizados, novos comentários, utilizadores, etc. Use um leitor de RSS para subscrever.';
     115$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'O RSS notifica-o(a) dos eventos da galeria : novas imagens, albums actualizados, novos comentários, utilizadores, etc. Use um leitor de RSS para subscrever.';
    116116$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'identificador de RSS desconhecido';
    117 $lang['User comments'] = 'Comentários de utilizador';
     117$lang['User comments'] = 'Comentários de utilizador';
    118118$lang['Username'] = 'Nome de utilizador';
    119119$lang['Visits'] = 'Visitas';
    121121$lang['Week %d'] = 'Semana %d';
    122122$lang['About Piwigo'] = 'Sobre Piwigo';
    123 $lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'Não tem permissões para aceder à página solicitada';
     123$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'Não tem permissões para aceder à página solicitada';
    124124$lang['add this photo to your favorites'] = 'Adicionar aos favoritos';
    125 $lang['Administration'] = 'Administração';
     125$lang['Administration'] = 'Administração';
    126126$lang['all'] = 'tudo';
    127127$lang['ascending'] = 'crescente';
    133133$lang['posted on %s'] = 'Publicada em %s';
    134134$lang['Best rated'] = 'Melhor classificadas';
    135 $lang['display best rated photos'] = 'Mostrar as fotos com melhor classificação';
    136 $lang['Calendar'] = 'Calendário';
     135$lang['display best rated photos'] = 'Mostrar as fotos com melhor classificação';
     136$lang['Calendar'] = 'Calendário';
    137137$lang['All'] = 'Tudo';
    138 $lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'Mostrar cada dia com fotos, mês a mês';
     138$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = 'Mostrar cada dia com fotos, mês a mês';
    139139$lang['View'] = 'Ver';
    140 $lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Calendário mensal';
     140$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = 'Calendário mensal';
    141141$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = 'Lista mensal';
    142142$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = 'Lista semanal';
    143 $lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Clique aqui se o seu navegador não o redireccionar automaticamente.';
    144 $lang['comment date'] = 'Data do comentário';
     143$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = 'Clique aqui se o seu navegador não o redireccionar automaticamente.';
     144$lang['comment date'] = 'Data do comentário';
    145145$lang['Comment'] = 'Comentar';
    146 $lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'O seu comentário foi registado.';
    147 $lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Sistema anti-abuso : Por favor, espere um momento antes de tentar escrever um novo comentário';
    148 $lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'O seu comentário NÃO pôde ser registado porque não passou pelas regras de validação';
    149 $lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'Um administrador deve autorizar o seu comentário para que ele fique visível a todos.';
    150 $lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'Esta entrada já é usada por outro utilizador.';
    151 $lang['Comments'] = 'Comentários';
    152 $lang['Add a comment'] = 'Adicionar um comentário';
    153 $lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'Feito depois de %s (%s)';
    154 $lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'Feito antes de %s (%s)';
    155 $lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'Feito entre  %s (%s) e  %s (%s)';
    156 $lang['created on %s'] = 'Feito em %s';
     146$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'O seu comentário foi registado.';
     147$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Sistema anti-abuso : Por favor, espere um momento antes de tentar escrever um novo comentário';
     148$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'O seu comentário NÃO pôde ser registado porque não passou pelas regras de validação';
     149$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'Um administrador deve autorizar o seu comentário para que ele fique visível a todos.';
     150$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'Esta entrada já é usada por outro utilizador.';
     151$lang['Comments'] = 'Comentários';
     152$lang['Add a comment'] = 'Adicionar um comentário';
     153$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = 'Criado depois de %s (%s)';
     154$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = 'Criado antes de %s (%s)';
     155$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'Criado entre  %s (%s) e  %s (%s)';
     156$lang['created on %s'] = 'Criado em %s';
    157157$lang['Customize'] = 'Personalizar';
    158 $lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'Personalização da sua galeria';
     158$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'Personalização da sua galeria';
    159159$lang['day'][0] = 'Domingo';
    160160$lang['day'][1] = 'Segunda-feira';
    161 $lang['day'][2] = 'Terça-feira';
     161$lang['day'][2] = 'Terça-feira';
    162162$lang['day'][3] = 'Quarta-feira';
    163163$lang['day'][4] = 'Quinta-eira';
    164164$lang['day'][5] = 'Sexta-feira';
    165 $lang['day'][6] = 'Sábado';
    166 $lang['Default'] = 'Padrão';
     165$lang['day'][6] = 'Sábado';
     166$lang['Default'] = 'Padrão';
    167167$lang['delete this photo from your favorites'] = 'Remover esta foto das suas favoritas';
    168168$lang['Delete'] = 'Apagar';
    172172$lang['edit'] = 'Editar';
    173173$lang['wrong date'] = 'data errada';
    174 $lang['excluded'] = 'Excluídas';
     174$lang['excluded'] = 'Excluídas';
    175175$lang['Your favorites'] = 'Meus favoritos';
    176176$lang['display your favorites photos'] = 'Mostrar as minhas imagens favoritas';
    177177$lang['Favorites'] = 'Favoritos';
    178 $lang['First'] = 'Primeira página';
    179 $lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'A galeria está bloqueada para manutenção. Por favor, volte mais tarde.';
    180 $lang['Page generated in'] = 'Página gerada em';
     178$lang['First'] = 'Primeira página';
     179$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'A galeria está bloqueada para manutenção. Por favor, volte mais tarde.';
     180$lang['Page generated in'] = 'Página gerada em';
    181181$lang['guest'] = 'Visitante';
    182 $lang['Hello'] = 'Olá';
    183 $lang['available for administrators only'] = 'disponível apenas para os administradores';
     182$lang['Hello'] = 'Olá';
     183$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'disponível apenas para os administradores';
    184184$lang['display this album'] = 'mostrar este album';
    185 $lang['display last user comments'] = 'Ver os últimos comentários dos utilizadores';
    186 $lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'Personalisar a aparência da galeria';
     185$lang['display last user comments'] = 'Ver os últimos comentários dos utilizadores';
     186$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'Personalisar a aparência da galeria';
    187187$lang['search'] = 'Pesquisar';
    188 $lang['Home'] = 'Início';
     188$lang['Home'] = 'Início';
    189189$lang['in this album'] = 'neste album';
    190190$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'no sub-album %d ';
    191191$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'nos sub-albums %d ';
    192 $lang['included'] = 'incluídos';
    193 $lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Senha inválida!';
     192$lang['included'] = 'incluídos';
     193$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Senha inválida!';
    194194$lang['Language'] = 'Idioma';
    195 $lang['last %d days'] = '%d últimos dias';
    196 $lang['Last'] = 'Última página';
     195$lang['last %d days'] = '%d últimos dias';
     196$lang['Last'] = 'Última página';
    197197$lang['Logout'] = 'Sair';
    198 $lang['obligatory'] = 'mandatário';
    199 $lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'Mostra um calendário ordenado pela data de criação';
     198$lang['obligatory'] = 'mandatário';
     203$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'Mostra um calendário ordenado pela data de criação';
    200204$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = 'Mostra todas as fotos em todos os sub-albuns';
    201205$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'Voltar ao modo normal de visionamento';
    202 $lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'Mostrar um calendário por data em que as imagens foram carregadas';
     206$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'Mostrar um calendário por data em que as imagens foram carregadas';
    203207$lang['month'][10] = 'Outubro';
    204208$lang['month'][11] = 'Novembro';
    206210$lang['month'][1] = 'Janeiro';
    207211$lang['month'][2] = 'Fevereiro';
    208 $lang['month'][3] = 'Março';
     212$lang['month'][3] = 'Março';
    209213$lang['month'][4] = 'Abril';
    210214$lang['month'][5] = 'Maio';
    215219$lang['Most visited'] = 'Mais visitadas';
    216220$lang['display most visited photos'] = 'Mostra as fotos mais vistadas';
    217 $lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'O número de fotos por página deve ser um número que não 0';
    218 $lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Número de fotos por página';
     221$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'O número de fotos por página deve ser um número que não 0';
     222$lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Número de fotos por página';
    219223$lang['Unknown identifier'] = 'Identificador desconhecido';
    220224$lang['New password'] = 'Nova senha';
    221225$lang['Rate this photo'] = 'Classifique esta foto';
    222226$lang['Next'] = 'Seguinte';
    223 $lang['no rate'] = 'Sem avaliação';
    224 $lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Fotos adicionadas no último dia %d.';
    225 $lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Fotos adicionadas nos últimos dias %d';
     227$lang['no rate'] = 'Sem avaliação';
     228$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Fotos adicionadas no último dia %d.';
     229$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Fotos adicionadas nos últimos dias %d';
    226230$lang['password updated'] = 'Senha actualizada';
    227 $lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = 'O período de tempo deve ser um número inteiro positivo';
     231$lang['Recent period must be a positive integer value'] = 'O período de tempo deve ser um número inteiro positivo';
    228232$lang['photo'] = 'Foto';
    229 $lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = 'Clique na foto para vê-la em alta definição';
     233$lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = 'Clique na foto para vê-la em alta definição';
    230234$lang['Show file metadata'] = 'Mostrar os metadados do arquivo.';
    231235$lang['Powered by'] = 'Powered by';
    232 $lang['Preferences'] = 'Preferências';
    233 $lang['Previous'] = 'Prévia';
    234 $lang['Random photos'] = 'Fotos aliatórias';
    235 $lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'Exibir um conjunto aleatório de fotos';
     236$lang['Preferences'] = 'Preferências';
     237$lang['Previous'] = 'Prévia';
     238$lang['Random photos'] = 'Fotos aleatórias';
     239$lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'Exibir um conjunto aleatório de fotos';
    236240$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Albuns recentes';
    237241$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'Exibir albums actualizados recentemente.';
    238 $lang['Recent period'] = 'Período recente'; 
     242$lang['Recent period'] = 'Período recente'; 
    239243$lang['Recent photos'] = 'Fotos recentes';
    240244$lang['display most recent photos'] = 'Mostrar as fotos mais recentes';
    241245$lang['Redirection...'] = 'A redireccionar...';
    242246$lang['Please, enter a login'] = 'Por favor, escreva um nome de utilizador';
    243 $lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = 'O nome de utilizador não deve terminar com um espaço';
    244 $lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = 'O nome de utilizador não deve começar com um espaço';
    245 $lang['this login is already used'] = 'Este nome de utilizador já existe';
     247$lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = 'O nome de utilizador não deve terminar com um espaço';
     248$lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = 'O nome de utilizador não deve começar com um espaço';
     249$lang['this login is already used'] = 'Este nome de utilizador já existe';
    246250$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = 'O formato do email deve ser do tipo: xxx@yyy.eee (exemplo :';
    247251$lang['please enter your password again'] = 'Por favor, escreva a sua senha novamente';
    248 $lang['Auto login'] = 'Iníciar sessão automáticamente';
     252$lang['Auto login'] = 'Iníciar sessão automáticamente';
    249253$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'Remover esta etiqueta da lista';
    250254$lang['representative'] = 'Foto de Capa';
    258262$lang['Search for all terms'] = 'Pesquisar todos os termos';
    259263$lang['Search for any term'] = 'Pesquisar qualquer um dos termos';
    260 $lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Pesquisa vazia. Não indicou qualquer critério.';
     264$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Pesquisa vazia. Não indicou qualquer critério.';
    261265$lang['Search results'] = 'Resultados da pesquisa';
    262266$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Pesquisar nos sub-albums';
    264268$lang['Contact'] = 'Contacto';
    265269$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Escolher como capa do album';
    266 $lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Mostrar o número de comentários';
    267 $lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Mostrar o número de vizualisações';
     270$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Mostrar o número de comentários';
     271$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Mostrar o número de vizualisações';
    268272$lang['slideshow'] = 'Slideshow';
    269273$lang['stop the slideshow'] = 'Parar o Slideshow';
    272276$lang['display only recently posted photos'] = 'Mostrar apenas as fotos publicadas recentemente';
    273277$lang['return to the display of all photos'] = 'Voltar a visionar todas as fotos';
    274 $lang['the beginning'] = 'O começo';
     278$lang['the beginning'] = 'O começo';
    275279$lang['Interface theme'] = 'Tema';
    276280$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Miniaturas';
    277 $lang['Menu'] = 'Menú';
    278 $lang['A comment on your site'] = 'Um comentário no seu sitio';
     281$lang['Menu'] = 'Menu';
     282$lang['A comment on your site'] = 'Um comentário no seu sitio';
    279283$lang['today'] = 'hoje';
    280 $lang['Update your rating'] = 'Actualizar a sua classificação';
    281 $lang['the username must be given'] = 'O nome de utilizador é obrigatório';
    282 $lang['useful when password forgotten'] = 'útil em caso de esquecer a senha';
    283 $lang['Quick search'] = 'Pesquisa Rápida';
     284$lang['Update your rating'] = 'Actualizar a sua classificação';
     285$lang['the username must be given'] = 'O nome de utilizador é obrigatório';
     286$lang['useful when password forgotten'] = 'útil em caso de esquecer a senha';
     287$lang['Quick search'] = 'Pesquisa Rápida';
    284288$lang['Connected user: %s'] = 'Utilizador ligado: %s';
    285289$lang['IP: %s'] = 'IP: %s';
    286290$lang['Browser: %s'] = 'Navegador: %s';
    287291$lang['Author: %s'] = 'Autor: %s';
    288 $lang['Comment: %s'] = 'Comentário: %s';
    289 $lang['Comment by %s'] = 'Comentário de %s';
     292$lang['Comment: %s'] = 'Comentário: %s';
     293$lang['Comment by %s'] = 'Comentário de %s';
    290294$lang['User: %s'] = 'Utilizador: %s';
    291295$lang['Email: %s'] = 'Email: %s';
    293297$lang['Registration of %s'] = 'Registo de %s';
    294298$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
    295 $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = 'Status incorrecto para visitante, deverá ser usado o status por defeito. Por favor, contacte o administrador do site.';
    296 $lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'Este email já está em uso';
     299$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = 'Status incorrecto para visitante, deverá ser usado o status por defeito. Por favor, contacte o administrador do site.';
     300$lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'Este email já está em uso';
    297301$lang['Album results for'] = 'Resultados de album para';
    298302$lang['Tag results for'] = 'Resultados de etiqueta para';
    301305$lang['Pause of slideshow'] = 'Pausar o Slideshow';
    302306$lang['Repeat the slideshow'] = 'Repetir o Slideshow';
    303 $lang['Not repeat the slideshow'] = 'Não repetir o Slideshow';
     307$lang['Not repeat the slideshow'] = 'Não repetir o Slideshow';
    304308$lang['Reduce diaporama speed'] = 'Diminuir a velocidade do Slideshow';
    305309$lang['Accelerate diaporama speed'] = 'Aumentar a velocidade do Slideshow';
    306310$lang['Submit'] = 'Submeter';
    307311$lang['Yes'] = 'Sim';
    308 $lang['No'] = 'Não';
     312$lang['No'] = 'Não';
    309313$lang['%d photo']='%d foto';
    310314$lang['%d photos']='%d fotos';
    311 $lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '%d foto está também ligada às etiquetas actuais';
    312 $lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d fotos estão também ligadas às etiquetas actuais';
     315$lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '%d foto está também ligada às etiquetas actuais';
     316$lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d fotos estão também ligadas às etiquetas actuais';
    313317$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = 'Ver as fotos ligadas a esta etiqueta';
    314 $lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = 'Fotos publicadas durante os últimos %d dias';
     318$lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = 'Fotos publicadas durante os últimos %d dias';
    315319$lang['Piwigo Help'] = 'Ajuda Piwigo';
    316 $lang['Rank'] = 'Posição';
     320$lang['Rank'] = 'Posição';
    317321$lang['group by letters'] = 'Agrupar por letras';
    318322$lang['letters'] = 'letras';
    319 $lang['show tag cloud'] = 'Mostar a núvem de etiquetas';
     323$lang['show tag cloud'] = 'Mostar a núvem de etiquetas';
    320324$lang['cloud'] = 'nuvem';
    321325$lang['Are you sure?'] = 'Tem a certeza?';
    322 $lang['Reset to default values'] = 'Repor valores padrão';
     326$lang['Reset to default values'] = 'Repor valores padrão';
    323327$lang['delete all photos from your favorites'] = 'apagar todas as fotos das suas favoritas';
    324328$lang['Sent by'] = 'Enviado por';
    325 $lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = 'Os cookies estão bloqueados ou não são suportados pelo seu navegador. Deverá activar os cookies para Iniciar Sessão.';
    326 $lang['Edit a comment'] = 'Editar um comentário';
    327 $lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) Este cometário requer validação';
     329$lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = 'Os cookies estão bloqueados ou não são suportados pelo seu navegador. Deverá activar os cookies para Iniciar Sessão.';
     330$lang['Edit a comment'] = 'Editar um comentário';
     331$lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) Este cometário requer validação';
    328332$lang['Welcome'] = 'Bem-vindo(a)!';
    329 $lang['Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!'] = 'Bem-vindo(a) à sua galeria Piwigo!';
     333$lang['Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!'] = 'Bem-vindo(a) à sua galeria Piwigo!';
    330334$lang['... or browse your empty gallery'] = '... ou navegue a sua galeria vazia';
    331335$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... ou, desactivar esta mensagem por favor, encontrarei o caminho por mim mesmo.';
    332 $lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'Olá %s, a sua galeria Piwigo está vazia!';
     336$lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = 'Olá %s, a sua galeria Piwigo está vazia!';
    333337$lang['I want to add photos'] = 'Eu quero adicionar fotos';
    334 $lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Gerir comentários deste utilizador: %s';
    335 $lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'Este autor modificou o seguinte comentário:';
    336 $lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'Este autor removeu o comentário com o ID %d';
    337 $lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'Etiquetas HTML não são permitidas na entrada';
    338 $lang['%d rates'] = '%d avaliações';
    339 $lang['Rating score'] = 'Pontuação na avaliação';
    340 $lang['Invalid username or email'] = 'Nome de utilizador ou email inválido(s)';
    341 $lang['Password reset is not allowed for this user'] = 'A reinicialização da senha não é permitida para este utilizador';
    342 $lang['User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible'] = 'Utilizador "%s" não tem email, a reinicialização da Senha não é possível';
    343 $lang['Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:'] = 'Alguém pediu a reinicialização da senha para a conta do seguinte utilizador :';
     338$lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = 'Gerir comentários deste utilizador: %s';
     339$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'Este autor modificou o seguinte comentário:';
     340$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'Este autor removeu o comentário com o ID %d';
     341$lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'Etiquetas HTML não são permitidas na entrada';
     342$lang['%d rates'] = '%d avaliações';
     343$lang['Rating score'] = 'Pontuação na avaliação';
     344$lang['Invalid username or email'] = 'Nome de utilizador ou email inválido(s)';
     345$lang['Password reset is not allowed for this user'] = 'A reinicialização da senha não é permitida para este utilizador';
     346$lang['User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible'] = 'Utilizador "%s" não tem email, a reinicialização da Senha não é possível';
     347$lang['Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:'] = 'Alguém pediu a reinicialização da senha para a conta do seguinte utilizador :';
    344348$lang['Username "%s" on gallery %s'] = 'Nome de utilizador "%s" na galeria %s';
    345 $lang['To reset your password, visit the following address:'] = 'Para reinicializar a sua senha, siga o endereço seguinte :';
    346 $lang['If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.'] = 'Se for um erro, apenas deverá ignorar este email e nada acontecerá.';
     349$lang['To reset your password, visit the following address:'] = 'Para reinicializar a sua senha, siga o endereço seguinte :';
     350$lang['If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.'] = 'Se for um erro, apenas deverá ignorar este email e nada acontecerá.';
    347351$lang['Password Reset'] = 'Senha reinicializada';
    348 $lang['Check your email for the confirmation link'] = 'Verifique o seu email para clicar no link de confirmação';
    349 $lang['Invalid key'] = 'Chave inválida';
    350 $lang['The passwords do not match'] = 'As Senhas não correspondem';
     352$lang['Check your email for the confirmation link'] = 'Verifique o seu email para clicar no link de confirmação';
     353$lang['Invalid key'] = 'Chave inválida';
     354$lang['The passwords do not match'] = 'As Senhas não correspondem';
    351355$lang['Your password has been reset'] = 'A sua senha foi reinicializada';
    352356$lang['Return to home page'] = 'Voltar ao inicio';
    359363$lang['EXIF Metadata'] = 'EXIF Metadata';
    360364$lang['IPTC Metadata'] = 'IPTC Metadata';
    361 $lang['Hello %s,'] = 'Olá %s,';
    362 $lang['Send my connection settings by email'] = 'Enviar minhas configurações de entrada por e-mail';
    363 $lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = 'Registado com sucesso! Você receberá, em breve, um e-mail com as suas configurações de entrada. Bem-vindo(a)!';
    364 $lang['Username modification'] = 'Modificação de nome de utilizador';
     365$lang['Hello %s,'] = 'Olá %s,';
     366$lang['Send my connection settings by email'] = 'Enviar minhas configurações de entrada por e-mail';
     367$lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = 'Registado com sucesso! Você receberá, em breve, um e-mail com as suas configurações de entrada. Bem-vindo(a)!';
     368$lang['Username modification'] = 'Modificação de nome de utilizador';
    365369$lang['Your username has been successfully changed to : %s'] = 'Seu nome de utilizador foi alterado com sucesso para : %s';
    366370$lang['square'] = 'Quadrado';
    367371$lang['thumb'] = 'Miniatura';
    368372$lang['small'] = 'Pequeno';
    369 $lang['medium'] = 'Médio';
     373$lang['medium'] = 'Médio';
    370374$lang['large'] = 'Grande';
    371 $lang['xlarge'] = 'XL M´dia';
     375$lang['xlarge'] = 'XL M´dia';
    372376$lang['xxlarge'] = 'XXL - Grande';
    373377$lang['Original'] = 'Original';
    374378$lang['Thank you for registering at %s!'] = 'Obrigado por se registrar no %s!';
    375 $lang['Here are your connection settings'] = 'Aqui estão as suas definições de entrada';
     379$lang['Here are your connection settings'] = 'Aqui estão as suas definições de entrada';
    376380$lang['Password: %s'] = 'Senha: %s';
    377381$lang['Username: %s'] = 'Nome de utilizador: %s';
    378 $lang['If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s'] = 'Se você acha que recebeu este e-mail por engano, por favor contacte-nos em %s';
     382$lang['If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s'] = 'Se você acha que recebeu este e-mail por engano, por favor contacte-nos em %s';
    379383$lang['Photo sizes'] = 'Tamanhos da fotografia';
    380 $lang['Show oldest comments first'] = 'Mostrar comentários mais antigos primeiro';
    381 $lang['Show latest comments first'] = 'Mostrar comentários mais recentes primeiro';
     384$lang['Show oldest comments first'] = 'Mostrar comentários mais antigos primeiro';
     385$lang['Show latest comments first'] = 'Mostrar comentários mais recentes primeiro';
    382386$lang['View in'] = 'Visualizar em';
    383 $lang['Mobile'] = 'Móvel';
    384 $lang['Desktop'] = 'Área de Trabalho';
     387$lang['Mobile'] = 'Móvel';
     388$lang['Desktop'] = 'Área de Trabalho';
    386390$lang['2small'] = 'XXS - Pequenissimo';
    387391$lang['Date created, new &rarr; old'] = 'Data de abertura, recente &rarr; antiga';
    388392$lang['Date created, old &rarr; new'] = 'Data de abertura, antiga &rarr; nova';
    389 $lang['Date posted, new &rarr; old'] = 'Data de publicação, recente &rarr; antiga';
    390 $lang['Date posted, old &rarr; new'] = 'Data de publicação, antiga &rarr; recente';
     393$lang['Date posted, new &rarr; old'] = 'Data de publicação, recente &rarr; antiga';
     394$lang['Date posted, old &rarr; new'] = 'Data de publicação, antiga &rarr; recente';
    391395$lang['File name, A &rarr; Z'] = 'Nome do arquivo, A &rarr; Z';
    392396$lang['File name, Z &rarr; A'] = 'Nome do arquivo, Z &rarr; A';
    393397$lang['Manual sort order'] = 'Ordenar manualmente';
    394 $lang['Numeric identifier, 1 &rarr; 9'] = 'Identificador numérico, 1 &rarr; 9';
    395 $lang['Numeric identifier, 9 &rarr; 1'] = 'Identificador numérico, 9 &rarr; 1';
    396 $lang['Photo title, A &rarr; Z'] = 'Título da foto, A &rarr; Z';
    397 $lang['Photo title, Z &rarr; A'] = 'Título da foto,Z &rarr; A';
    398 $lang['Rating score, high &rarr; low'] = 'Nível de avaliação, elevado &rarr; baixo';
    399 $lang['Rating score, low &rarr; high'] = 'Nível de avaliação, baixo &rarr; elevado';
     398$lang['Numeric identifier, 1 &rarr; 9'] = 'Identificador numérico, 1 &rarr; 9';
     399$lang['Numeric identifier, 9 &rarr; 1'] = 'Identificador numérico, 9 &rarr; 1';
     400$lang['Photo title, A &rarr; Z'] = 'Título da foto, A &rarr; Z';
     401$lang['Photo title, Z &rarr; A'] = 'Título da foto,Z &rarr; A';
     402$lang['Rating score, high &rarr; low'] = 'Nível de avaliação, elevado &rarr; baixo';
     403$lang['Rating score, low &rarr; high'] = 'Nível de avaliação, baixo &rarr; elevado';
    400404$lang['Visits, high &rarr; low'] = 'Visitas, elevadas &rarr; parcas';
    401405$lang['Visits, low &rarr; high'] = 'Visitas, parcas &rarr; elevadas';
    402406$lang['xsmall'] = 'XS - Pequena';
    403 $lang['%d rate'] = '%d avaliação';
    404 $lang['Bad request'] = 'Má solicitação';
     407$lang['%d rate'] = '%d avaliação';
     408$lang['Bad request'] = 'Má solicitação';
    405409$lang['Forbidden'] = 'Proibido';
    406 $lang['Page not found'] = 'Página não encontrada';
    407 $lang['Permalink for album not found'] = 'Não foi encontrada a Ligação do link ao album ';
    408 $lang['Piwigo encountered a non recoverable error'] = 'Piwigo encontrou um erro irreparável';
    409 $lang['Requested album does not exist'] = 'O album solicitado não existe';
    410 $lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = 'Não existe a etiqueta solicitada';
    411 $lang['Email address is mandatory'] = 'O endereço Email é obrigatório';
    412 $lang['Username is mandatory'] = 'O nome de Utilizador é obrigatório';
    413 $lang['mandatory'] = 'obrigatório';
     410$lang['Page not found'] = 'Página não encontrada';
     411$lang['Permalink for album not found'] = 'Não foi encontrada a Ligação do link ao album ';
     412$lang['Piwigo encountered a non recoverable error'] = 'Piwigo encontrou um erro irreparável';
     413$lang['Requested album does not exist'] = 'O album solicitado não existe';
     414$lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = 'Não existe a etiqueta solicitada';
     415$lang['Email address is mandatory'] = 'O endereço Email é obrigatório';
     416$lang['Username is mandatory'] = 'O nome de Utilizador é obrigatório';
     417$lang['mandatory'] = 'obrigatório';
    414418$lang['Website'] = 'Sitio na net';
    415 $lang['Your website URL is invalid'] = 'A URL do sitio é inválida';
     419$lang['Your website URL is invalid'] = 'A URL do sitio é inválida';
  • branches/2.5/language/sl_SI/admin.lang.php

    r19703 r22186  
    4444$lang['%d lines filtered'] = '%d vrstic filtriranih';
    4545$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Prosti dostop';
    46 $lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Dsotop do vsega';
     46$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Dostop do vsega';
    4747$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Dostop za registrirane uporabnike';
    4848$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Dostop za administratorje';
    4949$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Dostop za spletne skrbnike';
    5050$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'Brez dostopa';
    51 $lang['Action'] = 'Akcija';
    52 $lang['Actions'] = 'Akcije';
    53 $lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Aktiviraj ikono "%s"';
    54 $lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Aktiviraj navigacijsko vrstico';
    55 $lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Aktiviraj navigacijo za predoglede';
    56 $lang['Activate'] = 'Aktiviraj';
    57 $lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = 'Aktiviraj ikono "novo" poleg albumov in slik';
    58 $lang['Active Languages'] = 'Aktiviraj jezike';
    59 $lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Aktiviraj ';
    60 $lang['Active Themes'] = 'Aktiviraj teme';
     51$lang['Action'] = 'Dejanje';
     52$lang['Actions'] = 'Dejanja';
     53$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Omogoči ikono "%s"';
     54$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Omogoči navigacijsko vrstico';
     55$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Omogoči navigacijo za predoglede';
     56$lang['Activate'] = 'Omogoči';
     57$lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = 'Omogoči ikono "novo" poleg albumov in slik';
     58$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Omogočeni jeziki';
     59$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Omogočeni vtičniki';
     60$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Omogočene teme';
    6161$lang['Add a criteria'] = 'Dodaj kriterij';
    6262$lang['Add a filter'] = 'Dodaj filter';
    105105$lang['Albums automatically sorted'] = 'Albumi so bili avtomaticno sortirani';
    106106$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'albumi odstranjeni iz baze';
    107 $lang['Access type'] = 'Tip dostopa';
     107$lang['Access type'] = 'Vrsta dostopa';
    108108$lang['Add a user'] = 'Dodaj uporabnika';
    109109$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Dodaj virtualni album';
    119119$lang['Add/delete a permalink'] = 'Dodaj/odstrani povezavo';
    120120$lang['added'] = 'dodano';
    121 $lang['%d tag'] = '%d znacka';
    122 $lang['%d tags'] = '%d znacke';
     121$lang['%d tag'] = '%d oznaka';
     122$lang['%d tags'] = '%d oznake';
    123123$lang['%d user comment rejected'] = '%d komentar zavrnjen';
    124 $lang['%d user comment validated'] = '%d komentar validiran';
     124$lang['%d user comment validated'] = '%d komentar preverjen';
    125125$lang['%d user comments rejected'] = '%d komentarjev zavrnjenih';
    126 $lang['%d user comments validated'] = '%d komentarjev validiranih';
     126$lang['%d user comments validated'] = '%d komentarjev preverjenih';
    127127$lang['%d user deleted'] = '%d uporabnik odstranjen';
    128128$lang['%d user was not updated.'] = '%d uporabnik ni bil posodobljen.';
    133133$lang['%d users were updated.'] = '%d uporabnikov posodobljenih.';
    134134$lang['%d users'] = '%d uporabnikov';
    135 $lang['%d waiting for validation'] = '%d cakam na validacijo';
     135$lang['%d waiting for validation'] = '%d čaka preverjanje';
    136136$lang['%s must be to set to false in your local/config/ file'] = '%s mora biti nastavljeno na false v datoteki local/config/';
    137137$lang['%s value is not correct file because exif are not supported'] = '%s vrednost je neveljavna, exif ni podprt';
    138 $lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Dodaj upload';
     138$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Dodaj polje nalaganja';
    139139$lang[', click on'] = ', klikni na';
    140140$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' in %d navidezen';
    143143$lang['%d mails were not sent.'] = '%d mailov ni bilo poslanih.';
    144144$lang['%d mails were sent.'] = '%d mailov poslanih.';
    145 $lang['%d member'] = '%d clan';
    146 $lang['%d members'] = '%d clanov';
     145$lang['%d member'] = '%d član';
     146$lang['%d members'] = '%d članov';
    147147$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d od %d slik izbranih';
    148148$lang['%d parameter was updated.'] = '%d parameter popravljen.';
    149149$lang['%d parameters were updated.'] = '%d parametrov popravljenih.';
    150150$lang['%d photo was deleted'] = '%d slika odstranjena';
    151 $lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d slik naloženih';
     151$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d slik naložžnih';
    152152$lang['%d photos were deleted'] = '%d slik  odstranjenih';
    153 $lang['%d physical'] = ' %d fizicen';
    154 $lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = 'Dostopna je nova verzija Piwigo.';
     153$lang['%d physical'] = ' %d fizičen';
     154$lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = 'Na voljo je nova verzija Piwigo.';
    155155$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Administracija';
    156156$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Napredne možnosti';
    213213$lang['By %s'] = 'Po %s';
    214214$lang['By rank'] = 'Po oceni';
    215 $lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '%s je bil uspešno posodobljen.';
     215$lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '%s je bil uspeÅ¡no posodobljen.';
    216216$lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '%s slik se ne da regenerirat';
    217217$lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '%s slike so bile regenerirane';
    218 $lang['(this tag will be deleted)'] = '(ta znacka bo odstranjena)';
     218$lang['(this tag will be deleted)'] = '(ta oznaka bo odstranjena)';
    219219$lang['... or '] = '... ali ';
    220220$lang['Add tags'] = 'Dodaj znacke';
    259259$lang['directories + files'] = 'imeniki + datoteke';
    260260$lang['display'] = 'prikaz';
     261$lang['Added by %s'] = 'Dodal';
     262$lang['Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a photography software designed to manage large quantities of digital images and doing post production work.'] = 'Adobe Photoshop Lightroom je fotografski program, ki je namenjen upravljanju velikega Å¡tevila digitalnih fotografij ter za kasnejÅ¡e urejanje.';
     263$lang['Aperture is a powerful tool to refine images and manage massive libraries on Mac.'] = 'Aperture je zmogljivo orodje za izboljÅ¡avo fotografij in za upravljanje velikih knjižnic na Mac sistemih';
     264$lang['Aperture is designed for professional photographers with iPhoto simplicity.'] = 'Aperture je namenjen profesionalnim fotografom hkrati pa vsebuje iPhoto preprostost';
     265$lang['Applications'] = 'Aplikacije';
     266$lang['Activate comments'] = 'Omogoči komentarje';
     267$lang['%d week'] = '%d teden';
     268$lang['%d weeks'] = '%d tednov';
     269$lang['%d year'] = '%d leto';
     270$lang['%d years'] = '%d let';
     271$lang['%s ago'] = '%d nazaj';
     272$lang['%s in the future'] = '%s naprej';
     273$lang['%u users have automatic permission because they belong to a granted group.'] = '%u uporabniki imajo samodejna dovoljenje ker pripadajo odobreni skupini';
     274$lang['A locked gallery is only visible to administrators'] = 'Zaklenjeno galerijo lahko vidijo le Administratorji';
     275$lang['<em>Piwigo for iOS</em> application empowers you to connect to your Piwigo gallery from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, create some albums and upload several photos at once.'] = '<em>Piwigo za iOS</em> je aplikacija, ki vam omogoči povezavo z vaÅ¡o Piwigo galerijo preko iOS naprave (iPhone, iPad ali iPod Touch) . Ustvarite nove albume in naložite več fotografij hkrati.';
     276$lang['<em>Piwigo for Android</em> application empowers you to connect your Android phone or table to your Piwigo gallery, create some albums and upload several photos at once.'] = '<em>Piwigo za Android</em> je aplikacija, ki vam omogoči povezavo z vaÅ¡o Piwigo galerijo preko Andriod naprave. Ustvarite nove albume in naložite več fotografij hkrati.';
     277$lang['%d physicals'] = ' %d fizičen';
     278$lang['%d month'] = '%d mesec';
     279$lang['%d months'] = '%d mesecev';
     280$lang['%d day'] = '%d dni';
     281$lang[' and %d virtuals'] = ' in %d navidezen';
     282$lang['ERROR'] = 'NAPAKA';
     283$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Razišči album:';
     284$lang['Drag to re-order'] = 'Klikni in spusti za spreminjanje vrstnega reda';
     285$lang['Downloads'] = 'Nalaganje';
     286$lang['Download,'] = 'Naloži';
     287$lang['Crop'] = 'Izreži';
     288$lang['Current name'] = 'Trenutno ime';
     289$lang['Database synchronization with files'] = 'Sinhroniziranje podatkovne baze z datotekami';
     290$lang['Confirm merge'] = 'Potrdi spajanje';
     291$lang['Classic display'] = 'Klasičen zaslon';
     292$lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than'] = 'Vstavi vodno znamenje če je viÅ¡ina večja kot';
     293$lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than'] = 'Vstavi vodno znamenje če je Å¡irina večja kot';
     294$lang['By default, the center of interest is placed in the middle of the photo.'] = 'V osnovni nastavitvi je zanimanje umeščeno na sredino fotografije.';
     295$lang['Choose an option'] = 'Izberi možnost.';
     296$lang['Check integrity'] = 'Preverjanje integritete.';
     297$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = 'Preverjanje nadgradnje neuspeÅ¡no zaradi neznanega razloga.';
     298$lang['Check for upgrade'] = 'Preveri za nadgradnjo';
     299$lang['Check for updates'] = 'Preveri za posodobitve';
     300$lang['Check automatic corrections'] = 'Preveri avtomatske popravke';
     301$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'Spremeni administratorsko barvno paleto';
     302$lang['Center of interest'] = 'Zanimanje';
     303$lang['Cannot delete the old permalink !'] = 'Stari permalink ni mogoče izbrisati.';
     304$lang['Cancel'] = 'Razveljavi';
     305$lang['Can\'t read or extract archive.'] = 'Arhiva ni bilo mogoče prebrati ali razÅ¡iriti.';
     306$lang['Can\'t download archive.'] = 'Arhiva ni bilo mogoče naložiti.';
     307$lang['Caddie management'] = 'Caddie upravljanje';
     308$lang['Caddie'] = 'Caddie';
     309$lang['Available versions for'] = 'Dosegljive verzije za';
     310$lang['Available on'] = 'Dosegljivo na';
     311$lang['Automatic sort order'] = 'Avtomatsko razvrščanje';
  • branches/2.5/language/sl_SI/common.lang.php

    r21174 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Slovenšcina [SI]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    4040$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d komentar za preveriti';
    4141$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d komentarjev za preveriti';
    42 $lang['%d new comment'] = '%d novi komentar';
     42$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d nov komentar';
    4343$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d novih komentarjev';
    4444$lang['%d comment'] = '%d komentar';
    4949$lang['%d new users'] = '%d novih uporabnikov';
    5050$lang['About'] = 'Vizitka';
    51 $lang['All tags'] = 'Vse označbe';
    52 $lang['Any tag'] = 'Katerakoli označba';
     51$lang['All tags'] = 'Vse oznake';
     52$lang['Any tag'] = 'Katerakoli oznaka';
    5353$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Vsaj eno pravilo mora biti izpolnjeno.';
    5454$lang['Author'] = 'Avtor';
    7979$lang['Filter'] = 'Filter';
    8080$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Si pozabil geslo?';
    81 $lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Obiskaj galerijo kot obiskovalec';
     81$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = 'Obišči galerijo kot obiskovalec';
    8282$lang['Help'] = 'Pomoč';
    8383$lang['Identification'] = 'Identifikacija';
    8585$lang['Keyword'] = 'Ključna beseda';
    8686$lang['Links'] = 'Povezave';
    87 $lang['N/A'] = 'N/A';
     87$lang['N/A'] = 'Ni na voljo';
    8888$lang['New on %s'] = 'Nov na %s';
    8989$lang['Notification'] = 'Obvestilo';
    110110$lang['Administration'] = 'Administracija';
    111111$lang['all'] = 'vse';
    112 $lang['ascending'] = 'naraščujoce';
     112$lang['ascending'] = 'naraščajoče';
    113113$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'avtor(ji) : %s';
    114114$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Razširi vse kategorije';
    129129$lang['comment date'] = 'komentarji po datumih';
    130130$lang['Comment'] = 'Komentar';
    131 $lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Vaš komentar je bil zabeležen';
     131$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = 'Vaš komentar je bil vpisan';
    132132$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = 'Anti-flood sistem : prosim počakajte trenutek, preden oddate nov komentar';
    133 $lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Vaš komentar ni bil zabeležen, saj ne ustreza validacijskim pravilom';
     133$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = 'Vaš komentar NI bil vpisan, saj ne ustreza pravilom preverjanja';
    134134$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = 'Administrator mora pregledati vaš komentar, preden le-ta postane viden.';
    135 $lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'Ta prijava je že uporabljena s strani drugega uporabnika';
     135$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = 'Te prijavne podatke že uporablja drug uporabnik';
    136136$lang['Comments'] = 'Komentarji';
    137137$lang['Add a comment'] = 'Dodaj komentar';
    142142$lang['Customize'] = 'Prilagodi';
    143143$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = 'Prilagodi svojo galerijo';
    144 $lang['Related tags'] = 'Sorodne označbe';
     144$lang['Related tags'] = 'Sorodne oznake';
    145145$lang['Reset'] = 'Ponastavi';
    146146$lang['Retrieve password'] = 'Pridobi geslo';
    147147$lang['Search rules'] = 'Iskalni kriteriji';
    148 $lang['Search tags'] = 'Iskalne označbe';
    149 $lang['Search'] = 'Išci';
    150 $lang['display available tags'] = 'Prikaži možne označbe';
     148$lang['Search tags'] = 'Iskalne oznake';
     149$lang['Search'] = 'Išči';
     150$lang['display available tags'] = 'Prikaži možne oznake';
    151151$lang['Since'] = 'Odkar';
    152152$lang['Sort by'] = 'Uredi po';
    159159$lang['Delete'] = 'Odstrani';
    160160$lang['descending'] = 'padajoče';
    161 $lang['Download'] = 'snami';
    162 $lang['Download this file'] = 'snami to datoteko';
     161$lang['Download'] = 'prenesi';
     162$lang['Download this file'] = 'prenesi to datoteko';
    163163$lang['edit'] = 'uredi';
    164164$lang['wrong date'] = 'napačen datum';
    168168$lang['Favorites'] = 'Priljubljene';
    169169$lang['First'] = 'Prva';
    170 $lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'Stran je v vzdrževanju. Prosim, oglasite se kasneje.';
     170$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'Stran je v vzdrževanju. Prosim, poskusite kasneje.';
    171171$lang['Page generated in'] = 'Stran naložena v';
    172172$lang['guest'] = 'gost';
    193193$lang['Most visited'] = 'Najbolj obiskana';
    194194$lang['display most visited photos'] = 'prikaži najbolj obiskane slike';
    195 $lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'Število slik na stran, mora biti ne prazno celo število.';
     195$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = 'Število slik na stran, mora biti celo število, večje od nič.';
    196196$lang['Number of photos per page'] = 'Število slik na stran';
    197197$lang['Unknown identifier'] = 'Neznan';
    199199$lang['Rate this photo'] = 'Glasuj';
    200200$lang['Next'] = 'Naprej';
    201 $lang['no rate'] = 'brez glasa';
     201$lang['no rate'] = 'brez ocene';
    202202$lang['Photos posted within the last %d day.'] = 'Elementi naloženi znotraj zadnjega %d dneva.';
    203203$lang['Photos posted within the last %d days.'] = 'Elementi naloženi znotraj zadnjih %d  dni.';
    206206$lang['photo'] = 'slika';
    207207$lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = 'Za ogled  v originalni velikosti, kliknite na sliko';
    208 $lang['Show file metadata'] = 'Prikaži mete podatke datoteke';
     208$lang['Show file metadata'] = 'Prikaži meta podatke datoteke';
    209209$lang['Powered by'] = 'Narejeno z';
    210210$lang['Preferences'] = 'Nastavitve';
    211211$lang['Previous'] = 'Nazaj';
    212212$lang['Random photos'] = 'Naključne slike';
    213 $lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'prikaži množico nakljucno izbranih slik';
     213$lang['display a set of random photos'] = 'prikaži množico naključno izbranih slik';
    214214$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Nove kategorije';
    215215$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'prikaži na novo posodobljene kategorije';
    216216$lang['Recent period'] = 'Novo obdobje';
    217217$lang['Recent photos'] = 'Nove slike';
    218 $lang['display most recent photos'] = 'prikaži najbolj nove slike';
     218$lang['display most recent photos'] = 'prikaži najnovejše slike';
    219219$lang['Redirection...'] = 'Preusmeritev...';
    220 $lang['Please, enter a login'] = 'Prosim, prijavite se';
     220$lang['Please, enter a login'] = 'Prosimo, prijavite se';
    221221$lang['login mustn\'t end with a space character'] = 'prijava se ne sme končati s presledkom';
    222222$lang['login mustn\'t start with a space character'] = 'prijava se ne sme začeti s presledkom';
    223223$lang['this login is already used'] = 'ta uporabnik je že prijavljen';
    224224$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = 'e-mail mora biti oblike xxx@yyy.eee (primer :';
    225 $lang['please enter your password again'] = 'prosim vnesite svoje geslo še enkrat';
     225$lang['please enter your password again'] = 'prosimo ponovno vpišite svoje geslo';
    226226$lang['Auto login'] = 'Avtomatska prijava';
    227 $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'odstrani značko iz seznama';
    228 $lang['representative'] = 'reprezentativen';
     227$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'odstrani oznako s seznama';
     228$lang['representative'] = 'sličica albuma';
    229229$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Iskanje po avtorju';
    230230$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Iskanje po kategorijah';
    231 $lang['Search by date'] = 'Iskanje po datumo';
     231$lang['Search by date'] = 'Iskanje po datumu';
    232232$lang['Date'] = 'Datum';
    233233$lang['End-Date'] = 'Končni datum';
    236236$lang['Search for all terms'] = 'Iskanje po vseh izrazih';
    237237$lang['Search for any term'] = 'Iskanje po kateremkoli izrazu';
    238 $lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Prazen niz. Vnesen ni bil niti eden kriterij.';
     238$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Prazen niz. Vnesen ni bil niti en kriterij.';
    239239$lang['Search results'] = 'Rezultat iskanja';
    240240$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Iskanje po podkategorijah';
    241241$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'iskalne besede : %s';
    242242$lang['Contact'] = 'Kontakt';
    243 $lang['set as album representative'] = 'set as category representative';
     243$lang['set as album representative'] = 'nastavi kot sličico albuma';
    244244$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Maksimalna dolžina mora biti večje od 50';
    245 $lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'prikaži kolendar po datumo nastanka';
     245$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'prikaži kolendar po datumu nastanka';
    246246$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = 'prikaži vse elemente v kategorijah in pod-kategorijah';
    247247$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'vrni se v normalni način';
    248 $lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'prikaži kolendar po datumo odpošiljanja';
     248$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'prikaži kolendar po datumu odpošiljanja';
    249249$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Prikaži število komentarjev';
    250250$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Prikaži število zadetkov';
    277277$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Kategorija: %s';
    278278$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = 'Nepravilen status uporabnika "guest", uporabljen bo privzeti status. Prosim obvestite skrbnika.';
    279 $lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'email uporablja že drug uporabnik';
     279$lang['this email address is already in use'] = 'ta e-poštni naslov že uporablja drug uporabnik';
    280280$lang['Album results for'] = 'Category results for';
    281281$lang['Tag results for'] = 'Rezultat za značke';
    312312$lang['%d photos'] = '%d slik';
    313313$lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '%d slika je pravtako povezana s trenutno značko';
    314 $lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d slike so pravtako povezane s trenutnimi značkami';
    315 $lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = 'Pokaži slike vezane na samo to označbo ';
    316 $lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = 'slike naložene zadnjih  %d dni';
     314$lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d slike so prav tako povezane s trenutnimi oznakami';
     315$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = 'Pokaži slike povezane le s to oznako';
     316$lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = 'slike naložene zadnjih %d dni';
    317317$lang['Piwigo Help'] = 'Piwigo pomoč';
    318318$lang['Rank'] = 'Rang';
    319 $lang['group by letters'] = 'grupiraj po črkah';
     319$lang['group by letters'] = 'razvrsti po abecedi';
    320320$lang['letters'] = 'črke';
    321 $lang['show tag cloud'] = 'show tags cloud';
    322 $lang['cloud'] = 'cloud';
    323 $lang['Reset to default values'] = 'Resetiraj na privzete vrednosti';
     321$lang['show tag cloud'] = 'prikaži oblak oznake';
     322$lang['cloud'] = 'oblak';
     323$lang['Reset to default values'] = 'Ponastavi na privzete vrednosti';
    324324$lang['delete all photos from your favorites'] = 'odstrani vse slike iz svojih priljubljenih';
    325325$lang['Sent by'] = 'Poslano od';
    327327$lang['Edit a comment'] = 'Uredi komentar';
    328328$lang['Are you sure?'] = 'Ali ste prepričani?';
    329 $lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) Komentar potrebuje validacijo';
     329$lang['(!) This comment requires validation'] = '(!) Komentar potrebuje potrditev';
    330330$lang['Welcome'] = 'Dobrodošli';
    331331$lang['Welcome to your Piwigo photo gallery!'] = 'Dobrodošli v svoji Piwigo galeriji!';
    338338$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'Ta uporabnik je uredil naslednji komentar:';
    339339$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'Ta uporabnik je odstranil komentar z id-jem %d';
    340 $lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'pri prijavi niso dovoljene html značke';
     340$lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'pri prijavi niso dovoljene html oznake';
    341341$lang['%d rates'] = '%d točk';
    342342$lang['Rating score'] = 'Ocena';
    343343$lang['Invalid username or email'] = 'Nepravilno uporabniško ime ali e-pošta';
    344 $lang['Password reset is not allowed for this user'] = 'Poenostavite gesla ni možna za tega uporabnika';
    345 $lang['User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible'] = 'Uporabnik "%s" nima e-pošte, zato poenostavitev gesla ni možna';
    346 $lang['Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:'] = 'Nekdo je zahteval poenostavite gesla za uporabniški račun:';
     344$lang['Password reset is not allowed for this user'] = 'Ponastavitev gesla za tega uporabnika ni možna ';
     345$lang['User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible'] = 'Uporabnik "%s" nima e-pošte, zato ponastavitev gesla ni možna';
     346$lang['Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:'] = 'Nekdo je zahteval ponastavite gesla za uporabniški račun:';
    347347$lang['Username "%s" on gallery %s'] = 'Uporabnik "%s" za album %s';
    348 $lang['To reset your password, visit the following address:'] = 'Za poenostavitev gesla, obiščite naslednji spletni naslov:';
     348$lang['To reset your password, visit the following address:'] = 'Za ponastavitev gesla, obiščite naslednji spletni naslov:';
    349349$lang['If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.'] = 'Če je bila to napaka, preprosto prezrite to sporočilo in nič se ne bo zgodilo.';
    350 $lang['Password Reset'] = 'Poenostavitev gesla';
     350$lang['Password Reset'] = 'Ponastavitev gesla';
    351351$lang['Check your email for the confirmation link'] = 'Preverite e-pošto za potrditev';
    352352$lang['Invalid key'] = 'Nepravilen ključ';
    353353$lang['The passwords do not match'] = 'Gesli se ne ujemata';
    354 $lang['Your password has been reset'] = 'Vaše geslo je bilo poenostavljeno';
     354$lang['Your password has been reset'] = 'Vaše geslo je bilo ponastavljeno';
    355355$lang['Return to home page'] = 'Vrnite se na domačo stran';
    356356$lang['Please enter your username or email address.'] = 'Prosim vnesite svoje uporabniško ime ali e-pošto.';
    367367$lang['Here are your connection settings'] = 'Tukaj so vaše nastavitve povezave';
    368368$lang['If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s'] = 'Če mislite, da ste prejeli to e-pošto po pomoti, se obrnite na nas na %s';
    369 $lang['large'] = 'large';
    370 $lang['medium'] = 'medium';
     369$lang['large'] = 'velika';
     370$lang['medium'] = 'srednja';
    371371$lang['Original'] = 'Original';
    372372$lang['Send my connection settings by email'] = 'Pošlji nastavitve povezave po e-pošti';
    373 $lang['small'] = 'small';
    374 $lang['square'] = 'square';
     373$lang['small'] = 'majhna';
     374$lang['square'] = 'kvadratno';
    375375$lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = 'Uspešna registracija. Po e-pošti boste kmalu prejeli nastavitve povezave. Dobrodošli !';
    376376$lang['Thank you for registering at %s!'] = 'Hvala za registracijo na %s!';
    377 $lang['thumb'] = 'thumb';
     377$lang['thumb'] = 'sličica';
    378378$lang['Username modification'] = 'Sprememba uporabniškega imena';
    379 $lang['xlarge'] = 'xlarge';
    380 $lang['xxlarge'] = 'xxlarge';
     379$lang['xlarge'] = 'večja';
     380$lang['xxlarge'] = 'XXL-zelo velika';
    381381$lang['Your username has been successfully changed to : %s'] = 'Vaše uporabniško ime je bilo uspešno sprememenjeno na: %s';
    382382$lang['%d rate'] = '%d stopnja';
    383 $lang['2small'] = 'XXS-zelo malo';
     383$lang['2small'] = 'XXS-zelo mala';
    384384$lang['Date created, new &rarr; old'] = 'Datum kreiranja,nove &rarr; stare';
    385385$lang['Date created, old &rarr; new'] = 'Datum kreiranja,stare &rarr; nove';
    398398$lang['Rating score, high &rarr; low'] = 'Ocene, visoke &rarr; nizke';
    399399$lang['Rating score, low &rarr; high'] = 'Ocene, nizke &rarr; visoke';
    400 $lang['Show latest comments first'] = 'Najnovejši komentarje najprej';
    401 $lang['Show oldest comments first'] = 'Najstarejše komentarje najprej';
     400$lang['Show latest comments first'] = 'Najnovejši komentarji najprej';
     401$lang['Show oldest comments first'] = 'Najstarejši komentarji najprej';
    402402$lang['View in'] = 'Pogled v';
    403403$lang['Visits, high &rarr; low'] = 'Obiski, veliko &rarr; malo';
    404404$lang['Visits, low &rarr; high'] = 'Obiski, malo &rarr; veliko';
    405 $lang['xsmall'] = 'XS-malo';
     405$lang['xsmall'] = 'XS-manjša';
    406406$lang['Forbidden'] = 'Prepovedan dostop';
    407407$lang['Page not found'] = 'Stran ne obstaja';
    408408$lang['Requested album does not exist'] = 'Zahtevan album ne obstaja';
    409 $lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = 'Zahtevan tag ne obstaja';
     409$lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = 'Zahtevana oznaka ne obstaja';
    410410$lang['Bad request'] = 'Nepravilna zahteva';
    411411$lang['Permalink for album not found'] = 'Stalne povezave za album ni bilo mogoče najti';
  • branches/2.5/language/sr_RS/admin.lang.php

    r19945 r22186  
    853853$lang['Delete multiple size images'] = 'Избришите вишеструке величине слика';
    854854$lang['Zoom'] = 'Увећање';
     855$lang['Watermark'] = 'Водени жиг';
     856$lang['With no album'] = 'Без албума';
     857$lang['any visitor can see this album'] = 'било који посетилац може видети овај албум';
     858$lang['add a new watermark'] = 'додајте нови водени жиг';
     859$lang['custom'] = 'По избору';
     860$lang['With no tag'] = 'Без ознаке';
     861$lang['Resize after upload'] = 'Промени величину после слања';
     862$lang['Select at least two tags for merging'] = 'Одаберите најмање две ознаке за спајање';
     863$lang['Select the destination tag'] = 'Одаберите одредишну ознаку';
     864$lang['The original maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Висина оригиналне слике мора бити број између %d и %d';
     865$lang['The original image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = 'Квалитет оригиналне слике мора бити број између %d и %d';
     866$lang['Send connection settings by email'] = 'Пошаљи подешавања везе електронском поштом';
     867$lang['Save visits in history for'] = 'Сачувај посете у историји за ';
     868$lang['Not cropped correctly?'] = 'Погрешно исечено?';
     869$lang['Opacity'] = 'Непровидност';
     870$lang['Permission granted for users'] = 'Дозвола дата корисницима';
     871$lang['Generate multiple size images'] = 'Направи вишеструке величине слика ';
     872$lang['No destination tag selected'] = 'Није одабрана одредишна ознака';
     873$lang['No group is permitted to see this private album'] = 'Ни једној групи није дозвољено да види овај приватни албум';
     874$lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than'] = 'Примени водени жиг ако је висина већа од';
     875$lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than'] = 'Примени водени жиг ако је ширина већа од ';
     876$lang['%u users have automatic permission because they belong to a granted group.'] = '%u корисници имају дозволе јер припадају групи којој је дата дозвола.';
     877$lang['%s in the future'] = '%s у будућности';
     878$lang['Available versions for'] = 'Доступна верзија за';
     879$lang['Available on'] = 'Доступно на';
     880$lang['Automatic sort order'] = 'Аутоматски редослед';
  • branches/2.5/language/sr_RS/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Српски [SR]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
  • branches/2.5/language/tr_TR/admin.lang.php

    r21129 r22186  
    916916$lang['Watermark'] = 'watermark';
    917917$lang['%s in the future'] = '%s gelecekte';
    918 $lang['Posted %s on %s'] = '%s tarafından %d tarihinde %s gönderildi';
     918$lang['Posted %s on %s'] = '%s gönderildi %s tarihinde';
    919919$lang['create a new site'] = 'yeni bir site oluştur';
    920920$lang['No order field selected'] = 'Sıralandırma alanı seçilmedi';
  • branches/2.5/language/tr_TR/common.lang.php

    r20975 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Türkçe [TR]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
  • branches/2.5/language/vi_VN/admin.lang.php

    r20789 r22186  
    875875$lang['create a new site'] = 'tạo ra một site mới';
    876876$lang['custom'] = 'Tùy chỉnh';
     877$lang['Delete multiple size images'] = 'Xóa những hình đa kích cỡ';
     878$lang['digiKam is an advanced digital photo management free software for Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.'] = 'digiKam là một phần mềm quản lý ảnh kỹ thuật số miễn phí và tiên tiến cho các hệ điều hành Linux, Windows và MacOSX.';
     879$lang['digiKam is designed for photographers who want to view, manage, edit, enhance, organize, tag, and share photographs.'] = 'digiKam được thiết kế cho các nhiếp ảnh gia trong việc duyệt ảnh, quản lý ảnh, biên tập, cải tiến chất lượng ảnh, tổ chức và chia sẻ ảnh.';
     880$lang['Duplicate selected tags'] = 'Nhân đôi thẻ đã chọn';
     881$lang['Duplicate'] = 'Nhân đôii';
     882$lang['Edit photo'] = 'Chỉnh sửa ảnh';
     883$lang['Features include gallery browsing, album creation and photo upload.'] = 'Những tính năng gồm có duyệt thư viện ảnh, tạo album ảnh và tải ảnh.';
     884$lang['For photo sizes with crop, such as "Square", Piwigo will do its best to include the center of interest.'] = 'Đối với ảnh điều chỉnh kích thước bằng cách xén ảnh, như "Hình vuông", Piwigo sẽ cố tập trung phần nổi bật nhất vào ngay trong ảnh.';
     885$lang['Generate multiple size images'] = 'Tạo ra những ảnh đa kích cỡ';
     886$lang['Groups and users'] = 'Nhóm người dùng và người dùng';
     887$lang['include photos with lower privacy level'] = 'bao gồm những ảnh với múc độ riêng tư thấp';
     888$lang['iPhoto is the default photo manager on MacOSX. The Piwigo export plugin let you create new albums and export your photos directly from iPhoto to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'iPhoto là chương trình quản lý ảnh mặc định trong MacOSX. Plugin xuất ảnh của Piwwigo cho phép bạn tạo ra album mới và xuất ảnh trực tiếp từ iPhoto đến thư viện ảnh Piwigocủa bạn.';
     889$lang['Landscape'] = 'Phong cảnh';
     890$lang['Manage photos'] = 'Quản lý ảnh';
     891$lang['Manage the members'] = 'Quản lý thành viên';
     892$lang['Merge selected groups'] = 'Trộn chung các nhóm được chọn';
     893$lang['middle'] = 'giữa';
     894$lang['Minimum width'] = 'Bề rộng tối thiểu';
     895$lang['Minimum height'] = 'Chiều cao tối thiểu';
     896$lang['Multiple Size'] = 'Đa kích thước';
     897$lang['Name of the duplicate'] = 'Tên của phần trùng lặp';
     898$lang['No group is permitted to see this private album'] = 'Không nhóm nào được phép xem album loại riêng tư';
     899$lang['No group selected, no action possible.'] = 'Không nhóm nào được chọn, không thể thực thi được tác vụ nào.';
     900$lang['No members to manage'] = 'Không có thành viên nào để quản lý';
     901$lang['No order field selected'] = 'Không có tham số vị trí nào được chọn';
     902$lang['Number of albums per page'] = 'Số album ảnh trên một trang';
     903$lang['Numeric identifier : %d'] = 'Ký hiệu nhận dạng số : %d';
     904$lang['On your Linux, simply install Shotwell with your package manager and the activate Piwigo publishing option.'] = 'Trong Linux, đơn giản chỉ cài đặt Shotwell bằng ứng dụng quản lý gói cài đặt và kích hoạt tùy chọn xuất bản ảnh Piwigo.';
     905$lang['Opacity'] = 'Làm mờ';
     906$lang['Original file : %s'] = 'Tệp tin gốc : %s';
     907$lang['Panorama'] = 'Toàn cảnh';
     908$lang['Permission granted for groups'] = 'Quyền hạn được cấp cho nhóm';
     909$lang['Permission granted for users'] = 'Quyền hạn được cấp cho người dùng';
     910$lang['Permission management'] = 'Quản lý quyền hạn';
     911$lang['Photo sizes with crop'] = 'Ảnh được điều chỉnh kích cỡ bằng cách xén ảnh';
     912$lang['Piwigo export plugin for Aperture'] = 'Plugin xuất ảnh của Piwigo cho Aperture';
     913$lang['Piwigo export plugin for iPhoto'] = 'Plugin xuất ảnh của Piwigo cho iPhoto';
     914$lang['Piwigo publish plugin for digiKam'] = 'Plugin xuất ảnh của Piwigo cho digiKam';
     915$lang['Piwigo publish plugin for Shotwell'] = 'Plugin xuất ảnh của Piwigo cho Shotwell';
     916$lang['Please select at least two groups'] = 'Hãy chọn ít nhất 2 nhóm';
  • branches/2.5/language/vi_VN/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: Tiếng Việt [VN]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
  • branches/2.5/language/zh_TW/admin.lang.php

    r20600 r22186  
    3434$lang['%d group'] = '%d 組';
    3535$lang['%d groups'] = '%d 組';
    36 $lang['%d member'] = '%d 員';
    37 $lang['%d members'] = '%d 員';
     36$lang['%d member'] = '%d 員';
     37$lang['%d members'] = '%d 員';
    3838$lang['%d tag'] = '%d 標籤';
    3939$lang['%d tags'] = '%d 標籤';
    4646$lang['%d user'] = '%d 用戶';
    4747$lang['%d users'] = '%d 用戶';
    48 $lang['%d waiting for validation'] = '%d 等待確認有效';
     48$lang['%d waiting for validation'] = '%d 等待驗證確認';
    4949$lang['Actions'] = '實施';
    50 $lang['Activate'] = '激活';
     50$lang['Activate'] = '啟動';
    5151$lang['Add/delete a permalink'] = '增加/刪除一個固定鏈接';
    5252$lang['Add a tag'] = '增加標籤';
    6161$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = '相冊組織授權感謝協會';
    6262$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = '相冊手工排序已保存';
    63 $lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = '因未知原因導致更新檢測失敗.';
    64 $lang['Check for upgrade'] = '檢測更新';
    65 $lang['Comments for all'] = '對所有成員進行評論';
     63$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = '檢查是否有升級失敗由於未知原因。';
     64$lang['Check for upgrade'] = '檢查是否有升級';
     65$lang['Comments for all'] = '評論所有的';
    6666$lang['Current name'] = '現用名';
    6767$lang['Database'] = '數據庫';
    68 $lang['Deactivate'] = '註銷';
    69 $lang['Delete Representant'] = '刪除代理人';
     68$lang['Deactivate'] = '停用';
     69$lang['Delete Representant'] = '刪除相冊縮略圖';
    7070$lang['Delete selected tags'] = '刪除所選標籤';
    7171$lang['Delete selected users'] = '刪除所選用戶';
    7272$lang['Deletions'] = '刪除';
    73 $lang['Deny selected groups'] = '所選組禁止訪問';
    74 $lang['Deny selected users'] = '所選用戶禁止訪問';
     73$lang['Deny selected groups'] = '拒絕所選組';
     74$lang['Deny selected users'] = '拒絕所選的用戶';
    7575$lang['Description'] = '描述';
    7676$lang['Display options'] = '顯示選項';
    7979$lang['Edit selected tags'] = '編輯所選標籤';
    8080$lang['Edit tags'] = '編輯標籤';
    81 $lang['Email admins when a new user registers'] = '一旦用戶註冊就通知管理員';
     81$lang['Email admins when a new user registers'] = '當有新的使用者註冊就通知管理員';
    8282$lang['Email admins when a valid comment is entered'] = '當用戶發表評論時就通知管理員';
    8383$lang['Email admins when a comment requires validation'] = '當用戶要求確認他的評論時通知管理員';
    8787$lang['Grant selected groups'] = '對所選組授權';
    8888$lang['Grant selected users'] = '對所選用戶授權';
    89 $lang['Group name'] = '組名';
    90 $lang['Groups'] = '組';
    91 $lang['Guests'] = '客';
     89$lang['Group name'] = '組名';
     90$lang['Groups'] = '組';
     91$lang['Guests'] = '客';
    9292$lang['History'] = '歷史';
    9393$lang['Informations'] = '信息';
    102102$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = '對用戶 "%s" 進行權限管理';
    103103$lang['Manage tags'] = '標籤管理';
    104 $lang['Members'] = '員';
     104$lang['Members'] = '員';
    105105$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = '對文件進行元數據同步';
    106106$lang['Move albums'] = '移動相冊';
    117117$lang['Options'] = '選項';
    118118$lang['Other private albums'] = '其他私有相冊';
    119 $lang['Page banner'] = '頁標語';
    120 $lang['Parent album'] = '相冊';
     119$lang['Page banner'] = '頁標語';
     120$lang['Parent album'] = '相冊';
    121121$lang['Path'] = '路徑';
    122122$lang['Permalink'] = '固定鏈接';
    132132$lang['Plugins'] = '插件';
    133133$lang['Position'] = '位置';
    134 $lang['Preferences'] = '個人偏好';
     134$lang['Preferences'] = '偏好設定';
    135135$lang['Properties'] = '屬性';
    136136$lang['Random photo'] = '隨機';
    137137$lang['Rate date'] = '投票日期';
    138 $lang['Rating by guests'] = '客投票數';
     138$lang['Rating by guests'] = '客投票數';
    139139$lang['Rating'] = '投票';
    140 $lang['Reject'] = '取消';
    141 $lang['Representant'] = '代理人';
    142 $lang['Representation of albums'] = '相冊代表';
    143 $lang['Representative'] = '代理人';
    144 $lang['Represents'] = '代理';
    145 $lang['Save order'] = '存排序';
    146 $lang['Save to permalink history'] = '存到固定鏈接的歷史記錄中';
     140$lang['Reject'] = '拒絕';
     141$lang['Representant'] = '相冊縮略圖';
     142$lang['Representation of albums'] = '相冊縮略圖';
     143$lang['Representative'] = '相冊縮略圖';
     144$lang['Represents'] = '縮略圖是給';
     145$lang['Save order'] = '存排序';
     146$lang['Save to permalink history'] = '存到固定鏈接的歷史記錄中';
    147147$lang['Select at least one album'] = '選擇最後一個相冊';
    148148$lang['Select at least one photo'] = '至少選中一張圖片';
    158158$lang['Tag selection'] = '標籤選擇';
    159159$lang['The %d following tags were deleted'] = '下面標籤 %d 已刪除';
    160 $lang['Unable to check for upgrade.'] = '不能檢測更新.';
    161 $lang['Uninstall'] = '卸載';
    162 $lang['Use the default photo sort order (defined in the configuration file)']='使用默認圖片排序(在配置文件中定義)';
     160$lang['Unable to check for upgrade.'] = '無法檢查是否有升級。';
     161$lang['Uninstall'] = '解除安裝';
     162$lang['Use the default photo sort order (defined in the configuration file)'] = '使用預設的的照片排序順序(在設定檔中定義)';
    163163$lang['User comments validation'] = '確認用戶評論';
    164164$lang['Users'] = '用戶';
    169169$lang['Virtual album name'] = '虛擬相冊名稱';
    170170$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = '不能刪除網管帳戶';
    171 $lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = '你運行的是源碼開發版本, 不能檢測最新版.';
     171$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = '你運行的是源碼開發版本, 不能檢測最新版';
    172172$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = "你不能刪除自己本身帳號";
    173173$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = '您不能將一個相冊移動到其子相冊裡';
    174 $lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = '你必須確認刪除操作';
    175 $lang['Associate to album'] = '聯合到相冊';
    176 $lang['associate to group'] = '關聯到組';
     174$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = '您必須確認刪除。';
     175$lang['Associate to album'] = '關聯到相冊';
     176$lang['associate to group'] = '關聯到組';
    177177$lang['Authorized'] = '授權';
    178 $lang['Add a virtual album'] = '加一個虛擬相冊';
     178$lang['Add a virtual album'] = '加一個虛擬相冊';
    179179$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = '讓用戶可在所選相冊裡發表評論';
    180 $lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = '相冊名稱不能為空';
     180$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = '相冊名稱不能為空';
    181181$lang['Lock albums'] = '鎖定相冊';
    182182$lang['Private'] = '私有相冊';
    183183$lang['Public'] = '公共相冊';
    184 $lang['Find a new representant by random'] = '隨機尋找代理人';
     184$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = '搜尋一個新的隨機相冊縮略圖';
    185185$lang['Public / Private'] = '公有 / 私有';
    186186$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = '管理所選相冊的授權';
    189189$lang['Access type'] = '權限類型';
    190190$lang['Information data registered in database'] = '信息已保存到數據庫中';
    191 $lang['Default display'] = '默認顯示';
    192 $lang['The gallery URL is not valid.'] = '圖庫地址不合法.';
     191$lang['Default display'] = '預設顯示資訊';
     192$lang['The gallery URL is not valid.'] = '圖片庫 URL 是無效的。';
    193193$lang['Main'] = '主頁';
    194 $lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = '每頁用戶評論數必須在5和50之間.';
    195 $lang['Configuration'] = '設';
    196 $lang['confirm'] = '設置';
     194$lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = '每頁用戶評論數必須在5和50之間';
     195$lang['Configuration'] = '設';
     196$lang['confirm'] = '確定';
    197197$lang['Date'] = '日期';
    198198$lang['delete album'] = '刪除相冊';
    201201$lang['Album updated successfully'] = '相冊信息已上傳成功.';
    202202$lang['photos per page'] = '每頁圖片';
    203 $lang['High definition enabled'] = '激活高清功能';
    204 $lang['File'] = '文件';
     203$lang['High definition enabled'] = '高畫質已啟用';
     204$lang['File'] = '檔案';
    205205$lang['first photo added on %s'] = '於 %s 上傳了第一幅圖';
    206206$lang['Forbidden'] = '禁止';
    209209$lang['group "%s" deleted'] = '刪除 "%s" 組';
    210210$lang['group "%s" updated'] = '更新 "%s" 組';
    211 $lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = '組名不能包含 " 或 \' 並不能為空.';
    212 $lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = '組名已存在.';
    213 $lang['High definition'] = '高';
     211$lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = '組名不能包含 " 或 \' 並不能為空白。';
     212$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = '組名已存在';
     213$lang['High definition'] = '高畫質';
    214214$lang['jump to album'] = '跳到相冊';
    215215$lang['jump to photo'] = '跳轉到圖';
    216 $lang['leave'] = '開鎖';
     216$lang['leave'] = '離開';
    217217$lang['Lock'] = '上鎖';
    218218$lang['Locked'] = '鎖定';
    223223$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = '已超過執行時間, 處理還需時間[估計時間: %d 秒].';
    224224$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = '由於發送用戶列表的準備時間受限制,其餘用戶將不被列出.';
    225 $lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = '發送郵件時間有限,其餘郵件被忽略.';
     225$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = '發送郵件時間有限,其餘郵件被忽略';
    226226$lang['To send ?'] = '發送?';
    227227$lang['Last send'] = '最後一次發送';
    228228$lang['email'] = '郵件';
    229229$lang['User'] = '用戶';
    230 $lang['See you soon,'] = '再見,';
     230$lang['See you soon,'] = '很快再見,';
    231231$lang['Go to'] = '轉至 ';
    232232$lang['Hello'] = '你好 ';
    233233$lang['New photos were added'] = '加入一些新圖片';
    234234$lang['on'] = '時間: ';
    235 $lang['between'] = '時間: ';
    236 $lang['and'] = ' 至 ';
    237 $lang['The webmaster has subscribed you to receiving notifications by mail.'] = '網管開通了你的郵件通知功能.';
    238 $lang['You have subscribed to receiving notifications by mail.'] = '你開通了郵件通知功能.';
    239 $lang['To subscribe'] = '註冊新用戶';
     235$lang['between'] = '之間';
     236$lang['and'] = '至 ';
     237$lang['The webmaster has subscribed you to receiving notifications by mail.'] = '網管開通了你的郵件通知功能';
     238$lang['You have subscribed to receiving notifications by mail.'] = '你開通了郵件通知功能';
     239$lang['To subscribe'] = '如要訂閱';
    240240$lang['If you encounter problems or have any question, please send a message to'] = '如有遇到故障或問題,請發郵件至 ';
    241 $lang['[NBM] Problems or questions'] = '[NBM] 故障或問題';
    242 $lang['The webmaster has unsubscribed you from receiving notifications by mail.'] = '網管取消了你的郵件通知功能.';
    243 $lang['You have unsubscribed from receiving notifications by mail.'] = '你取消了你的郵件通知功能.';
     241$lang['[NBM] Problems or questions'] = '[NBM] 故障或者疑問';
     242$lang['The webmaster has unsubscribed you from receiving notifications by mail.'] = '網管取消了你的郵件通知功能';
     243$lang['You have unsubscribed from receiving notifications by mail.'] = '你取消了你的郵件通知功能';
    244244$lang[', click on'] = ', 請點擊 ';
    245 $lang['To unsubscribe'] = '註銷';
     245$lang['To unsubscribe'] = '要取消訂閱';
    246246$lang['With blank value, gallery title will be used'] = '圖庫標題允許為空';
    247247$lang['Notification'] = '通知';
    253253$lang['%d mails were not sent.'] = '%s 郵件未被發送.';
    254254$lang['No mail to send.'] = '沒有郵件要發送.';
    255 $lang['There is no available subscribers to mail.'] = '沒有用戶需要郵件通知.';
    256 $lang['Subscribers could be listed (available) only if there is new elements to notify.'] = '只有當有新圖片時,才能使用用戶郵件通知功能.';
     255$lang['There is no available subscribers to mail.'] = '沒有用戶需要郵件通知';
     256$lang['Subscribers could be listed (available) only if there is new elements to notify.'] = '當有新圖片時,才能使用用戶郵件通知功能.';
    257257$lang['Anyway only webmasters can see this tab and never administrators.'] = '任何人都不能使用此標籤(網管除外).';
    258258$lang['No user to send notifications by mail.'] = '沒有郵件通知用戶.';
    259259$lang['New photos added'] = '新圖片已加入';
    260 $lang['Subscribe to notification by mail'] = '註冊郵件通知功能';
    261 $lang['Unsubscribe from notification by mail'] = '註銷郵件通知功能';
    262 $lang['Parameter'] = '設';
     260$lang['Subscribe to notification by mail'] = '訂閱郵件通知功能';
     261$lang['Unsubscribe from notification by mail'] = '取消訂閱郵件通知功能';
     262$lang['Parameter'] = '設';
    263263$lang['Continue processing treatment'] = '正在繼續處理中...';
    264264$lang['Complementary mail content'] = '郵件附加內容';
    265265$lang['Add detailed content'] = '增加細節內容';
    266 $lang['Send mail as'] = '發送郵件為';
     266$lang['Send mail as'] = '發送郵件為';
    267267$lang['Send mail to users'] = '給用戶發送郵件';
    268268$lang['Send'] = '發送';
    269269$lang['Options'] = '選項';
    270 $lang['Subscribed'] = '已註冊';
    271 $lang['Subscribe'] = '註冊';
    272 $lang['Parameters'] = '設置參數';
     270$lang['Subscribed'] = '已訂閱';
     271$lang['Subscribe'] = '訂閱';
     272$lang['Parameters'] = '參數';
    273273$lang['Select recipients'] = '選擇接受郵件用戶';
    274 $lang['Subscribe/unsubscribe users'] = '註冊/註銷用戶';
    275 $lang['Unsubscribed'] = '已註銷';
     274$lang['Subscribe/unsubscribe users'] = '訂閱/取消訂閱用戶';
     275$lang['Unsubscribed'] = '已取消訂閱';
    276276$lang['%d parameter was updated.'] = '%d 參數已更新.';
    277277$lang['%d parameters were updated.'] = '%d 等參數已更新.';
    278278$lang['%d user was not updated.'] = '%d 用戶沒有被更新.';
    279279$lang['%d users were not updated.'] = '%d 等用戶沒有被更新.';
    280 $lang['User %s [%s] was removed from the subscription list.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 從註冊名單中刪除.';
    281 $lang['User %s [%s] was added to the subscription list.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 加入到註冊名單中.';
     280$lang['User %s [%s] was removed from the subscription list.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 從註冊名單中刪除';
     281$lang['User %s [%s] was added to the subscription list.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 加入到註冊名單中';
    282282$lang['%d user was updated.'] = '%d 用戶已更新.';
    283283$lang['%d users were updated.'] = '%d 等用戶已更新.';
    284 $lang['User %s [%s] was not removed from the subscription list.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 沒有從註冊名單中刪除.';
    285 $lang['User %s [%s] was not added to the subscription list.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 沒有加到註冊名當中.';
    286 $lang['User %s [%s] added.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 已加入.';
    287 $lang['Warning: subscribing or unsubscribing will send mails to users'] = '注意, 註冊或註銷都會給相關用戶發送郵件';
     284$lang['User %s [%s] was not removed from the subscription list.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 沒有從註冊名單中刪除';
     285$lang['User %s [%s] was not added to the subscription list.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 沒有加到註冊名當中';
     286$lang['User %s [%s] added.'] = '用戶 %s [%s] 已加入';
     287$lang['Warning: subscribing or unsubscribing will send mails to users'] = '注意, 訂閱或退訂都會給相關用戶發送郵件';
    288288$lang['Send mail on HTML format'] = '以HTML格式發送郵件';
    289289$lang['Include display of recent photos grouped by dates'] = '包括顯示最近按日期分組的圖片';
    290 $lang['Available only with HTML format'] = '只能以HTML格式';
    291 $lang['no write access'] = '不能寫入';
     290$lang['Available only with HTML format'] = '僅適用於HTML格式';
     291$lang['no write access'] = '沒有寫入權限';
    292292$lang['Permissions'] = '權限';
    293293$lang['private'] = '私有';
    294294$lang['public'] = '公有';
    295295$lang['Purge never used notification feeds'] = '清除從沒使用過的通知回饋';
    296 $lang['Purge sessions'] = '清除會話';
    297 $lang['randomly represented'] = '隨機顯示';
    298 $lang['registration date'] = '保存日期';
     296$lang['Purge sessions'] = '清除工作階段';
     297$lang['randomly represented'] = '隨機顯示相冊縮略圖';
     298$lang['registration date'] = '註冊日期';
    299299$lang['clean'] = '清除';
    300 $lang['Create this site'] = '創建網站';
     300$lang['Create this site'] = '建立網站';
    301301$lang['test'] = '測試';
    302302$lang['test this remote site'] = '測試遠端站點';
    307307$lang['singly represented'] = '固定顯示';
    308308$lang['This site already exists'] = '此站點已存在';
    309 $lang['created'] = '已創建';
     309$lang['created'] = '已建立';
    310310$lang['delete'] = '刪除';
    311311$lang['delete this site and all its attached elements'] = '刪除此站點和與其相關聯的所有信息';
    313313$lang['Local'] = '本地';
    314314$lang['Remote'] = '遠端';
    315 $lang['update the database from files'] = '根據文件對數據庫進行更新';
     315$lang['update the database from files'] = '根據檔案對數據庫進行更新';
    316316$lang['status'] = '狀態';
    317 $lang['Directory'] = '文件夾';
     317$lang['Directory'] = '目錄夾';
    318318$lang['sub-albums'] = '子相冊';
    319319$lang['Synchronize metadata'] = '同步元數據';
    321321$lang['Thumbnail'] = '縮略圖';
    322322$lang['Title'] = '標題';
    323 $lang['Album list management'] = '相冊管理';
    324 $lang['Piwigo configuration'] = '配置Piwigo';
     323$lang['Album list management'] = '相冊清單管理';
     324$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Piwigo的設定';
    325325$lang['Edit album'] = '修改一個相冊';
    326 $lang['Group management'] = '組管理';
     326$lang['Group management'] = '組管理';
    327327$lang['User list'] = '用戶名單';
    328328$lang['Edit photo information'] = '修改圖片信息';
    331331$lang['height must be a number superior to'] = '圖片高度必須超過(整數)';
    332332$lang['width must be a number superior to'] = '圖片長度必須超過(整數)';
    333 $lang['for the file format'] = '對於文件格式';
     333$lang['for the file format'] = '對於檔案格式';
    334334$lang['Photo unreachable or no support'] = '不支持圖片格式或無法顯示';
    335335$lang['GD version'] = 'GD版';
    336336$lang['General statistics'] = '普通統計';
    337337$lang['average time'] = '平均時間';
    338 $lang['number of miniaturized photos'] = '創建的縮略圖數';
     338$lang['number of miniaturized photos'] = '數量的縮略圖建立';
    339339$lang['total time'] = '總共時間';
    340 $lang['for this file format'] = '對於此文件格式';
     340$lang['for this file format'] = '對於此檔案格式';
    341341$lang['unit mode'] = '單一模式';
    342 $lang['Unlocked'] = '解';
    343 $lang['unset'] = '清空';
     342$lang['Unlocked'] = '解除鎖定';
     343$lang['unset'] = '未設定';
    344344$lang['Update albums informations'] = '上傳相冊信息';
    345345$lang['Update photos information'] = '更新圖信息';
    347347$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = '減少現有的單獨相冊';
    348348$lang['Choose an option'] = '選擇一個選項';
    349 $lang['display maximum informations (added albums and photos, deleted albums and photos)'] = '顯示最全的信息 (添加相冊和相片,刪除相冊和相片)';
     349$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and photos, deleted albums and photos)'] = '顯示最大量的信息(增加相冊和相片,刪除的相冊和照片)';
    350350$lang['Error list'] = '錯誤清單';
    351351$lang['Errors caption'] = '錯誤說明';
    352352$lang['Detailed informations'] = '詳細信息';
    353 $lang['File/directory read error'] = '文件/文件夾打開錯誤';
    354 $lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = '無法打開文件或文件夾(要麼根本不存在,要麼拒絕訪問)';
     353$lang['File/directory read error'] = '檔案/目錄的讀取錯誤';
     354$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = '檔案或目錄無法訪問(無論是它不存在或訪問被拒絕)';
    355355$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = '相冊已從數據庫刪除';
    356356$lang['photos deleted from the database'] = '圖片已從數據庫中刪除';
    358358$lang['photos informations synchronized with files metadata'] = '附有元數據的同步圖片信息informations des images synchronisees avec les meta-donnees';
    359359$lang['errors during synchronization'] = '同步期間發生錯誤';
    360 $lang['albums added in the database'] = '相冊已加到數據庫';
     360$lang['albums added in the database'] = '相冊已加到數據庫';
    361361$lang['photos added in the database'] = '增加圖片到數據庫';
    362362$lang['photos updated in the database'] = '更新數據庫中的圖片';
    363 $lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = '查詢文件中的新圖片';
     363$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = '在目錄中搜尋新圖片';
    364364$lang['added'] = '已加入';
    365365$lang['deleted'] = '已刪除';
    367367$lang['only perform a simulation (no change in database will be made)'] = '只進行模擬操作(不會改變數據庫中的任何內容)';
    368368$lang['Simulation'] = '模擬';
    369 $lang['directories + files'] = '文件夾 + 文件';
    370 $lang['only directories'] = '只對文件夾';
     369$lang['directories + files'] = '目錄+文件';
     370$lang['only directories'] = '僅目錄';
    371371$lang['synchronize files structure with database'] = '同步文件結構和數據庫';
    372372$lang['synchronize files metadata with database photos informations'] = '根據文件元數據同步數據庫中的圖片信息';
    373373$lang['even already synchronized photos'] = '包括已經同步的圖片';
    374374$lang['Used metadata'] = '已使用過的元數據';
    375 $lang['The name of directories and files must be composed of letters, numbers, "-", "_" or "."'] = '文件夾和文件名稱只能包含字母, 數字, "-", "_" 和 "."';
    376 $lang['wrong filename'] = '文件名出錯';
    377 $lang['Upload'] = '增加';
     375$lang['The name of directories and files must be composed of letters, numbers, "-", "_" or "."'] = '目錄和檔案的名稱必須包括字母,數字,"-", "_" 或 "."';
     376$lang['wrong filename'] = '檔案名稱錯誤';
     377$lang['Upload'] = '上傳';
    378378$lang['user "%s" added'] = '用戶 "%s" 已加入';
    379379$lang['User status'] = '用戶狀態';
    380380$lang['user_status_admin'] = '管理員';
    381381$lang['user_status_generic'] = '一般用戶';
    382 $lang['user_status_guest'] = '來賓';
    383 $lang['user_status_normal'] = '遊客';
     382$lang['user_status_guest'] = '訪客';
     383$lang['user_status_normal'] = '使用者';
    384384$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = '網管';
    385385$lang['Virtual album'] = '虛擬相冊';
    386386$lang['Waiting'] = '等待';
    387 $lang['default'] = '默認';
    388 $lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = '賦予\'groupe par defaut\'默認組屬性';
    389 $lang['Advanced features'] = '級功能';
    390 $lang['Overall'] = '全局視圖';
     387$lang['default'] = '預設';
     388$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = '賦予\'預設的群組\'屬性';
     389$lang['Advanced features'] = '級功能';
     390$lang['Overall'] = '概覽';
    391391$lang['Year'] = '年';
    392392$lang['Month'] = '月';
    395395$lang['Time'] = '時間';
    396396$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
    397 $lang['Element'] = '圖片';
     397$lang['Element'] = '單元';
    398398$lang['Section'] = '區域';
    399399$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = '已向組 "%s" 的所有成員發送了信息郵件';
    400 $lang['Send an information email to group members'] = '向組成員發送一份信息郵件';
    401 $lang['Group'] = '組';
     400$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = '發送一份信息郵件給群組成員';
     401$lang['Group'] = '組';
    402402$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] 參觀相冊 %s';
    403403$lang['Hello,'] = '你好,';
    404 $lang['See you soon.'] = '再見.';
     404$lang['See you soon.'] = '很快再見。';
    405405$lang['Discover album:'] = '探索相冊:';
    406406$lang['Mail content'] = '郵件內容';
    408408$lang['high'] = '高';
    409409$lang['other'] = '另外';
    410 $lang['Element type'] = "內容類型";
    411 $lang['Image id'] = '圖片標識符';
     410$lang['Element type'] = '單元類型';
     411$lang['Image id'] = '圖片ID';
    412412$lang['Summary'] = '概述';
    413413$lang['%d line filtered'] = '%d 行被過濾';
    414414$lang['%d lines filtered'] = '%d 行被過濾';
    415 $lang['%d guest'] = '%d 來賓';
    416 $lang['%d guests'] = '%d 來賓';
     415$lang['%d guest'] = '%d 訪客';
     416$lang['%d guests'] = '%d 訪客';
    417417$lang['Hour'] = '小時';
    418418$lang['guest'] = '來賓';
    419 $lang['default values'] = '默認值';
    420 $lang['Guest cannot be deleted'] = '不能刪除來賓';
    421 $lang['Default user cannot be deleted'] = '不能刪除默認用戶';
     419$lang['default values'] = '預設值';
     420$lang['Guest cannot be deleted'] = '不能刪除訪客';
     421$lang['Default user cannot be deleted'] = '不能刪除預設用戶';
    422422$lang['Purge history detail'] = '清除歷史記錄';
    423 $lang['Purge history summary'] = '清除歷史目錄';
    424 $lang['Check integrity'] = '檢測完整性';
     423$lang['Purge history summary'] = '清除歷史摘要';
     424$lang['Check integrity'] = '完整性檢查';
    425425$lang['Anomaly'] = '異常';
    426 $lang['Correction'] = '修';
     426$lang['Correction'] = '修';
    427427$lang['Automatic correction'] = '自動修復';
    428428$lang['Impossible automatic correction'] = '無法自動修復';
    429 $lang['Correction applied with success'] = '修復成功';
    430 $lang['Correction applied with error'] = '修復出錯';
     429$lang['Correction applied with success'] = '修正成功應用';
     430$lang['Correction applied with error'] = '修正適用的錯誤';
    431431$lang['%d anomaly has been detected.'] = '發現了 %d 異常.';
    432432$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '發現了 %d 個異常.';
    438438$lang['the forum'] = '論壇';
    439439$lang['the wiki'] = 'wiki';
    440 $lang['%s value is not correct file because exif are not supported'] = ' %s 值不是一個正確文件,因為我們不支持exif格式';
    441 $lang['%s must be to set to false in your local/config/ file'] = '在配置文件中 %s 應該設置為"false"';
     440$lang['%s value is not correct file because exif are not supported'] = '%s 值不是一個正確檔案,因為我們不支持exif格式';
     441$lang['%s must be to set to false in your local/config/ file'] = '在您的 local/config/ 檔案, %s 必須設定為"false"';
    442442$lang['Main "guest" user does not exist'] = '主要"guest"用戶不存在';
    443443$lang['Main "guest" user status is incorrect'] = '主要"guest"用戶狀態異常';
    444 $lang['Default user does not exist'] = '默認帳戶不再存在';
     444$lang['Default user does not exist'] = '預設帳戶不再存在';
    445445$lang['Main "webmaster" user does not exist'] = '主要網管帳戶不再存在';
    446446$lang['Main "webmaster" user status is incorrect'] = '主要網管用戶狀態異常';
    447 $lang['User "%s" created with "%s" like password'] = '用戶 "%s" 已創建,密碼是"%s"';
     447$lang['User "%s" created with "%s" like password'] = '用戶 "%s" 已建立,密碼是"%s"';
    448448$lang['Status of user "%s" updated'] = '用戶 "%s" 狀態已更新';
    449449$lang['add new photos to caddie'] = '把所有新圖片放到購物籃';
    450450$lang['No display'] = '不顯示縮略圖';
    451 $lang['Classic display'] = '正常顯示';
     451$lang['Classic display'] = '經典顯示';
    452452$lang['Hoverbox display'] = '俯瞰顯示';
    453453$lang['Mail address is obligatory for all users'] = '每個用戶必須提供郵箱地址';
    460460$lang['Level 8'] = '管理者';
    461461$lang['Reinitialize check integrity'] = '重新完整性檢測';
    462 $lang['Check all'] = '全選';
     462$lang['Check all'] = '檢查全部';
    463463$lang['Uncheck all'] = '取消全選';
    464 $lang['Check automatic corrections'] = '自動選擇';
     464$lang['Check automatic corrections'] = '檢查自動修正';
    465465$lang['Apply selected corrections'] = '應用自動選擇';
    466466$lang['Ignore selected anomalies'] = '忽視選擇異常';
    467467$lang['Refresh'] = '刷新';
    468468$lang['The anomaly will be ignored until next application version'] = '此異常將被忽略,待下次版本中解決';
    469 $lang['Correction the anomaly will cancel the fact that it\'s ignored'] = '異常更正將取消忽略事件';
     469$lang['Correction the anomaly will cancel the fact that it\'s ignored'] = '修正的異常將不再被忽視';
    470470$lang['%d anomaly has been ignored.'] = '%d 異常被忽略.';
    471471$lang['%d anomalies have been ignored.'] = '%d 異常被忽略.';
    472 $lang['Plugins which need upgrade'] = '必須更新插件';
     472$lang['Plugins which need upgrade'] = '插件待升級';
    473473$lang['Plugin list'] = '插件列表';
    474 $lang['Check for updates'] = '檢查更新';
    475 $lang['Other plugins'] = '其他插件';
     474$lang['Check for updates'] = '檢查是否有更新';
     475$lang['Other plugins'] = '其他可用的插件';
    476476$lang['Last revisions'] = '最新修訂版';
    477477$lang['Are you sure you want to install this plugin?'] = '確定安裝此插件嗎?';
    479479$lang['Are you sure to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need uninstallation.'] = '確定安裝此更新嗎? 你必須核實無需卸載操作再進行安裝此更新.';
    480480$lang['Plugin has been successfully copied'] = '插件複製成功.';
    481 $lang['You might go to plugin list to install and activate it.'] = '在插件列表中安裝和啟動插件.';
    482 $lang['Can\'t create temporary file.'] = '無法創建臨時文件.';
    483 $lang['Can\'t download archive.'] = '無法下載歸檔文件.';
     481$lang['You might go to plugin list to install and activate it.'] = '在插件列表中安裝和啟動插件';
     482$lang['Can\'t create temporary file.'] = '無法建立臨時文件。';
     483$lang['Can\'t download archive.'] = '無法下載歸檔文件';
    484484$lang['Can\'t read or extract archive.'] = '無法讀取或解壓歸檔文件.';
    485485$lang['An error occured during extraction (%s).'] = '在解壓文件(%s) 發生錯誤.';
    486486$lang['Please check "plugins" folder and sub-folders permissions (CHMOD).'] = '請核實"plugins"文件夾及其子文件夾的權限(CHMOD).';
    487 $lang['Can\'t connect to server.'] = '無法連接到服務器.';
     487$lang['Can\'t connect to server.'] = '無法連接到服務器';
    488488$lang['Purge compiled templates'] = '清除編譯模板';
    489489$lang['Support'] = '支持';
    495495$lang['ACCESS_4'] = '只對網管開放';
    496496$lang['ACCESS_5'] = '對任何人都不開放';
    497 $lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = 'Piwigo新版發佈.';
     497$lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = '有新的 Piwigo 版本發佈';
    498498$lang['Piwigo Administration'] = 'Piwigo管理';
    499499$lang['Piwigo version'] = 'Piwigo版本';
    500 $lang['You are running the latest version of Piwigo.'] = '你運行的是Piwigo最新版.';
     500$lang['You are running the latest version of Piwigo.'] = '你正在執行的是Piwigo最新版。';
    501501$lang['The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required [%s]'] = '%s [%s]安裝版本跟[%s]版本不兼容';
    502 $lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all'] = '為了獲得全部功能,你應該更新系統,否則程序運行不正常。';
     502$lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all'] = '你應該升級你的系統,以充分利用該應用程序,否則應用程序可能無法正常工作,或者不是。';
    503503$lang['Deleted on'] = '刪除於';
    504504$lang['Last hit'] =  '最後一次查看';
    505505$lang['GD library is missing'] = '缺少GD庫';
    506506$lang['Templates'] = '模板';
    507 $lang['Extend for templates'] = '擴模板';
     507$lang['Extend for templates'] = '擴模板';
    508508$lang['Replacement of original templates by customized templates from template-extension subfolder'] = '用位於template-extension文件夾下的用戶自定義模板更換原模板';
    509 $lang['Replacers (customized templates)'] = '自定義模板';
     509$lang['Replacers (customized templates)'] = '替代(自訂的模板)';
    510510$lang['Original templates'] = '原模板';
    511511$lang['Optional URL keyword'] = '可選URL關鍵字';
    512 $lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = '模板設置已保存.';
     512$lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = '模板設定已經被記錄。';
    513513$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = '優化成功.';
    514 $lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = '有些優化發生錯誤.';
     514$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = '優化已完成的一些錯誤。';
    515515$lang['Modify information'] = '修改信息';
    516516$lang['nothing'] = '沒有內容';
    521521$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = '圖片手動排序已保存';
    522522$lang['ranks'] = '順序';
    523 $lang['Drag to re-order'] = '拖放進行排序';
     523$lang['Drag to re-order'] = '點擊並拖動以重新排序';
    524524$lang['Quick Local Synchronization'] = '快速同步';
    525525$lang['No photo can be deleted'] = '沒有圖片可以刪除';
    530530$lang['Released on'] = '發佈於';
    531531$lang['Number of downloads'] = '下載次數';
    532 $lang['Operation in progress'] = '正在處理.';
     532$lang['Operation in progress'] = '處理正在進行中。';
    533533$lang['Please wait...'] = '請稍後...';
    534534$lang['Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.'] = '訂閱 Piwigo 最新消息,與 Piwigo 項目保持聯繫。當有新版本發佈時,您將會收到郵件通知(有時也包括安全漏洞的修復,這對於升級是很重要的)和項目裡一些重要事情的發生。一年裡也只有幾封郵件。';
    546546$lang['Instructions to use Piwigo'] = 'Piwigo 使用指南';
    547547$lang['Installed Themes'] = '安裝主題';
    548 $lang['Add New Theme'] = '添加一個新主題';
     548$lang['Add New Theme'] = '增加一個新的主題';
    549549$lang['Forbid this theme to users'] = '禁用此主題';
    550 $lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = '設置為未註冊者和新用戶的默認主題';
     550$lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = '未註冊者和新用戶的主題設定為預設的主題';
    551551$lang['unknown'] = '未知';
    552552$lang['Upload Photos'] = '上傳相片';
    553 $lang['Drop into album'] = '拖進相冊';
     553$lang['Drop into album'] = '選擇一個相冊';
    554554$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ 添加一個上傳框';
    555 $lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = '在您的根目錄下創建 "%s" 目錄以完成 Piwigo 的安裝';
     555$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = '建立 "%" 在安裝Piwigo的根目錄下';
    556556$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = '給予根目錄下的 "%s" 目錄寫權限 (chmod 777) 以完成 Piwigo 的安裝';
    557557$lang['existing album'] = '現有的相冊';
    558 $lang['create a new album'] = '創建一個新相冊';
     558$lang['create a new album'] = '建立一個新相冊';
    559559$lang['Album name'] = '相冊名稱';
    560 $lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = '類別 "%s" 已加';
     560$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = '類別 "%s" 已加';
    561561$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = '相片已上傳';
    562562$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d 相片已上傳';
    563 $lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = '私有級別設為 "%s"';
     563$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = '私有級別設為 "%s"';
    564564$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '類別 "%s" 現已包含了 %d 相片';
    565565$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = '管理此設置的 %d 張照片 ';
    566 $lang['Select files'] = '選擇文件';
    567 $lang['Everybody'] = '每個人';
     566$lang['Select files'] = '選擇檔案';
     567$lang['Everybody'] = '所有人';
    568568$lang['Who can see these photos?'] = '哪些人可以看到這些相片?';
    569 $lang['Settings'] = '設';
    570 $lang['Resize'] = '重置大小';
     569$lang['Settings'] = '設';
     570$lang['Resize'] = '調整大小';
    571571$lang['Maximum width'] = '最大寬度';
    572572$lang['pixels'] = '像素';
    573573$lang['Maximum height'] = '最大高度';
    574574$lang['Image Quality'] = '圖片質量';
    575 $lang['Save Settings'] = '保存設置';
    576 $lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = '你的設置已保存';
    577 $lang['Active Themes'] = '已激活的主題';
    578 $lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = '為 "%s" 目錄添加寫權限';
     575$lang['Save Settings'] = '儲存設定';
     576$lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = '你的設定已儲存';
     577$lang['Active Themes'] = '已啟動的主題';
     578$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = '為 "%s" 目錄增加寫入權限';
    579579$lang['Administration Home'] = '管理員首頁';
    580580$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = '更改管理員後台顏色';
    585585$lang['Get Support on Piwigo Forum'] = '在 Piwigo 論壇上獲取幫助';
    586586$lang['Help Me'] = '幫助我';
    587 $lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'] = '父主題  %s 丟失,此主題不能被激。';
     587$lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'] = '這個主題不能啟動,因為缺少主頁主題:%S';
    588588$lang['Impossible to delete this theme. Other themes depends on it: %s'] = '此主題不能刪除,因為其他主題還有依賴與它: %s';
    589589$lang['Inactive Themes'] = '停用主題';
    593593$lang['Piwigo Uploader'] = 'Piwigo 上傳者';
    594594$lang['Read Piwigo Documentation'] = '閱讀 Piwigo 文檔';
    595 $lang['Start pLoader and add your photos.'] = '開始使用 pLoader 並添加您的相片.';
    596 $lang['Switch to clear or dark colors for administration'] = '更改管理員後台為清爽或者黑暗的顏色';
     595$lang['Start pLoader and add your photos.'] = '開始使用pLoader的並新增你的照片。';
     596$lang['Switch to clear or dark colors for administration'] = '切換管理員後台為清晰或黑暗的顏色';
    597597$lang['Theme has been successfully installed'] = '主題已成功安裝';
    598598$lang['Visit Gallery'] = '瀏覽畫廊';
    599599$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = '瀏覽 Piwigo 項目網站';
    600600$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader 是 <em>Piwigo 上傳者</em> 的官方標準軟件。pLoader 可將您電腦裡的相片傳送到 Piwigo 的相片畫廊裡。';
    601 $lang['Guest Settings'] = '遊客設置';
     601$lang['Guest Settings'] = '訪客設定';
    602602$lang['Main Page'] = '主頁';
    603603$lang['Photo Page'] = '相片頁';
    604 $lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = '激活導航條';
    605 $lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = '激活縮略圖導航';
    606 $lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = '激活圖標 "%s"';
     604$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = '啟動導航欄';
     605$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = '啟動縮略圖導航';
     606$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = '啟動圖標 "%s"';
    607607$lang['Photo Properties'] = '相片屬性';
    608 $lang['Allow user customization'] = '允許用戶自定義';
     608$lang['Allow user customization'] = '允許使用者客制化';
    609609$lang['Languages'] = '語言';
    610610$lang['Installed Languages'] = '安裝語言';
    611 $lang['Add New Language'] = '添加新語言';
     611$lang['Add New Language'] = '增加新的語言';
    612612$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = '語言已成功安裝';
    613613$lang['Select:'] = '選擇:';
    614614$lang['None'] = '沒有';
    615615$lang['Invert'] = '反轉';
    616 $lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = '不能停用此主題,您至少需要使用一個主題.';
    617 $lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = '必須設置網站管理員.';
     616$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = '無法停用這個主題,你至少需要一個主題。';
     617$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = '必須設置網站管理員';
    618618$lang['Bound Theme'] = '綁定主題';
    619619$lang['Allow rating'] = '允許投票';
    620 $lang['Select at least one comment'] = '選擇最新一個評論';
    621 $lang['Active Plugins'] = '激活插件';
     620$lang['Select at least one comment'] = '至少選擇一個評論';
     621$lang['Active Plugins'] = '啟動插件';
    622622$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = '停用插件';
    623623$lang['Missing Plugins'] = '丟失的插件';
    625625$lang['By %s'] = '按 %s';
    626626$lang['Visit plugin site'] = '瀏覽插件網站';
    627 $lang['Active Languages'] = '激活語言';
     627$lang['Active Languages'] = '啟動語言';
    628628$lang['Delete this language'] = '刪除此語言';
    629629$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = '禁止用戶使用此語言';
    630 $lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = '不能停用此語言,請先設置一個默認語言.';
    631 $lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = '不能停用此語言,您必須至少使用一個語言.';
     630$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = '無法停用這個語言,首先設定另一種語言為預設值。';
     631$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = '無法停用這個語言,你需要至少一種語言。';
    632632$lang['Inactive Languages'] = '停用語言';
    633633$lang['Make this language available to users'] = '讓用戶可使用此語言';
    634 $lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = '設置為遊客和新用戶的默認語言';
    635 $lang['Add Photos'] = '添加相片';
     634$lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = '未註冊和新用戶的語言設定為預設的語言';
     635$lang['Add Photos'] = '上傳照片';
    636636$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = '以下標籤已刪除';
    637637$lang['Miscellaneous'] = '雜項';
    638638$lang['Virtual Links'] = '虛擬鏈接';
    639 $lang['There is no other language available.'] = '沒有其他可用的語言.';
    640 $lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = '沒有其他可用的插件.';
    641 $lang['There is no other theme available.'] = '沒有其他可用的主題.';
    642 $lang['Add another set of photos'] = '加另一組相片';
     639$lang['There is no other language available.'] = '沒有其他可用的語言';
     640$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = '沒有其他可用的插件';
     641$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = '沒有其他可用的主題';
     642$lang['Add another set of photos'] = '加另一組相片';
    643643$lang['By rank'] = '按等級';
    644644$lang['Manual order'] = '手工排序';
    645645$lang['Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = 'Piwigo最新消息公告';
    646 $lang['Subscribe %s'] = '訂閱%s';
    647 $lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = '訂閱%s Piwigo中國最新消息公告';
     646$lang['Subscribe %s'] = '訂閱 %s';
     647$lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = '訂閱 %s Piwigo中國最新消息公告';
    648648$lang['Purge search history'] = '清除查尋歷史記錄';
    649649$lang['Hide'] = '隱藏';
    650 $lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = '所有項目已被更新.';
    651 $lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = '此主題並未設計為直接激活';
     650$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = '已成功更新的選單欄項目的順序。';
     651$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = '此主題並未設計為直接啟動';
    652652$lang['Who can see this photo?'] = '有哪些人能看這些相片?';
    653653$lang['Pending Comments'] = '待批的評論';
    654 $lang['Menu Management'] = '單';
     654$lang['Menu Management'] = '單';
    655655$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = '在你的 php.ini 文件, 如果 upload_max_filesize (%sB) 大於 post_max_size (%sB), 那麼你需要修改此項';
    656656$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'Exif 擴展不能使用,管理員應該禁用 exif 功能。';
    661661$lang['No file was uploaded'] = '沒有文件被上傳';
    662662$lang['Missing a temporary folder'] = '缺少臨時文件目錄';
    663 $lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = '文件寫入失敗';
     663$lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = '寫入失敗的檔案';
    664664$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = '擴展使文件上傳停止';
    665665$lang['Unknown upload error'] = '未知上傳錯誤';
    666666$lang['Error on file "%s" : %s'] = '文件上的錯誤 "%s" : %s';
    667 $lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d 張/總 %d 相片被選';
     667$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d 張/總 %d 相片被選';
    668668$lang['Action'] = '動作';
    669 $lang['Add a filter'] = '加一個過濾器';
     669$lang['Add a filter'] = '加一個過濾器';
    670670$lang['Album photos associated to the following albums: %s'] = '相片已關聯到以下相冊: %s';
    671671$lang['Albums automatically sorted'] = '相冊已自動排序';
    688688$lang['Remove all filters'] = '刪除所有過濾器';
    689689$lang['remove author'] = '刪除作者';
    690 $lang['remove creation date'] = '刪除創建日期';
     690$lang['remove creation date'] = '刪除建立日期';
    691691$lang['remove this filter'] = '刪除此過濾器';
    692692$lang['remove title'] = '刪除標題';
    693693$lang['Selection'] = '選擇';
    694 $lang['Set author'] = '設作者';
    695 $lang['Set creation date'] = '設置創建日期';
    696 $lang['Set title'] = '設標題';
     694$lang['Set author'] = '設作者';
     695$lang['Set creation date'] = '設定建立日期';
     696$lang['Set title'] = '設標題';
    697697$lang['The whole page'] = '整張相片';
    698698$lang['The whole set'] = '整個集合';
    700700$lang['Type here the title'] = '在此輸入標題';
    701701$lang['Week starts on'] = '星期起始於';
    702 $lang['You have %d orphan tags: %s.'] = '您已 %d 無關聯標籤: %s.';
     702$lang['You have %d orphan tags: %s.'] = '您已 %d 無關聯標籤: %s';
    703703$lang['Remove from caddie'] = '從購物藍裡移除';
    704704$lang['Themes which need upgrade'] = '需更新的主題';
    713713$lang['No results'] = '沒有結果';
    714714$lang['Searching...'] = '搜尋中...';
    715 $lang['Type in a search term'] = '輸入搜索字詞';
     715$lang['Type in a search term'] = '輸入一個搜索詞';
    716716$lang['Obsolete Plugins'] = '過時(廢棄)的插件';
    717717$lang['WARNING! This plugin does not seem to be compatible with this version of Piwigo.'] = '警告! 這個插件與此Piwigo版本不相容!';
    725725$lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = '在相簿及相片旁邊加上"新"的圖示';
    726726$lang['Add a criteria'] = '新增標準';
    727 $lang['Deactivate all'] = '取消全部';
     727$lang['Deactivate all'] = '停用所有';
    728728$lang['Default photos order'] = '預設的相片順序';
    729 $lang['Restore'] = '原';
    730 $lang['Restore default configuration. You will lose your plugin settings!'] = '復原至預設設定。你將失去你在套件上的設定!';
     729$lang['Restore'] = '原';
     730$lang['Restore default configuration. You will lose your plugin settings!'] = '還原至預設設定。你會失去你的插件的設定!';
    731731$lang['Show menubar'] = '顯示選單列';
    732 $lang['You can\'t define a default photo order because you have a custom setting in your local configuration.'] = '無法使用預設相片順序,因你在本地端已另有設定。';
     732$lang['You can\'t define a default photo order because you have a custom setting in your local configuration.'] = '無法使用預設相片順序,因你在本機配置另有自訂設定。';
    733733$lang['You have specified <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> in your local configuration file, this parameter in deprecated, please remove it or rename it into <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i> !'] = '你已在本地設定檔選用 <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i>,造成參數矛盾,請將它移除或重新命名為 <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i>!';
    734734$lang['Thumbnails generation in progress...'] = '小圖製作中...';
    735735$lang['Photos generation in progress...'] = '圖片製作中...';
    736 $lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '%s圖片製作完成';
    737 $lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '無法製作%s圖片';
     736$lang['%s photos have been regenerated'] = '%s 圖片製作完成';
     737$lang['%s photos can not be regenerated'] = '無法製作 %s 圖片';
    738738$lang['Add to caddie'] = '放入購物籃';
    739739$lang['%s has been successfully updated.'] = '%s 已更新成功';
    740740$lang['(this tag will be deleted)'] = '(此標籤將被刪除)';
    741741$lang['... or '] = '... 或 ';
    742 $lang['Activate comments'] = '啟評論';
     742$lang['Activate comments'] = '啟評論';
    743743$lang['Add tags'] = '新增標籤';
    744744$lang['All extensions are up to date.'] = '所有的擴展是最新的';
    749749$lang['By default, Piwigo will create a new websize from the HD (high definition) version of your photo.'] = '預設狀況下,Piwigo 將從原照片的高清晰度版本,建立另一個適用於網頁的尺寸版本。';
    750750$lang['Confirm merge'] = '確認合併';
    751 $lang['Create'] = '創建';
     751$lang['Create'] = '建立';
    752752$lang['Crop'] = '剪裁';
    753753$lang['Default comments order'] = '預設評論順序';
    754754$lang['Dump Database'] = '轉儲數據庫';
    755755$lang['ERROR'] = '錯誤';
    756 $lang['Extensions Update'] = '擴更新';
     756$lang['Extensions Update'] = '擴更新';
    757757$lang['Follow Orientation'] = '定位';
    758758$lang['Following plugins may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:'] = '以下插件可能無法兼容新Piwigo的版本:';
    777777$lang['Piwigo Update'] = 'Piwigo 更新';
    778778$lang['Predefined filter'] = '預先定義的過濾器';
    779 $lang['Reset ignored updates'] = '重置,忽略更新';
    780 $lang['Save Template Directory'] = '保存樣本目錄';
     779$lang['Reset ignored updates'] = '重忽略更新';
     780$lang['Save Template Directory'] = '儲存模板目錄';
    781781$lang['Select an album'] = '選擇一個相冊';
    782782$lang['Select at least two tags for merging'] = '至少選擇兩個需合併的標籤';
    783783$lang['Select the destination tag'] = '選擇目的標籤';
    784 $lang['Send connection settings by email'] = '透過email發送連結設置';
     784$lang['Send connection settings by email'] = '通過電子郵件發送連接的設定';
    785785$lang['show details'] = '顯示細節';
    786786$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = '一些主題和插件可能尚無法使用';
    787 $lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions.'] = '有延伸版本可以升級';
     787$lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions.'] = '一些可升級用於擴展。';
    788788$lang['Start Upload'] = '開始上傳';
    789789$lang['Tags <em>%s</em> merged into tag <em>%s</em>'] = '標籤 <em>%s</em> 已合併成標籤 <em>%s</em>';
    790 $lang['The original image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = '原始圖品質必須在%d和%d之間';
    791 $lang['The original maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = '原始高度上限必須在%d和%d之間';
    792 $lang['The original maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = '原始寬度上限必須在%d和%d之間 ';
    793 $lang['This is a major update, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.'] = '這是一個重大更新,包括<a href="%s">這個令人興奮的新功能';
     790$lang['The original image quality must be a number between %d and %d'] = '原始圖品質必須在 %d 和 %d 之間';
     791$lang['The original maximum height must be a number between %d and %d'] = '原始高度上限必須在 %d 和 %d 之間';
     792$lang['The original maximum width must be a number between %d and %d'] = '原始寬度上限必須在 %d 和 %d 之間 ';
     793$lang['This is a major update, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.'] = '這是一個重大更新,包括<a href="%s">這個令人興奮的新功能</a>。';
    794794$lang['This is a minor update, with only bug corrections.'] = '這是一個次要更新,只有bug修正';
    795795$lang['Two updates are available'] = '兩個更新可使用';
    796 $lang['Unable to dump database.'] = '無法轉儲數據庫';
     796$lang['Unable to dump database.'] = '無法轉儲數據庫';
    797797$lang['Update All'] = '全部更新';
    798798$lang['Update Complete'] = '更新完成';
    799 $lang['Update in progress... Please wait.'] = '更新正在進行,請稍候';
     799$lang['Update in progress... Please wait.'] = '更新正在進行,請稍候';
    800800$lang['Update to Piwigo %s'] = '更新到Piwigo %s';
    801801$lang['Updates'] = '更新';
    813813$lang['Unlock gallery'] = '將畫廊解鎖';
    814814$lang['Gallery unlocked'] = '畫廊已解鎖';
    815 $lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = '當有評論時通知管理員';
     815$lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = '通知管理員當評論是';
    816816$lang['modified'] = '已修改';
    817 $lang['pending validation'] = '等候驗證';
     817$lang['pending validation'] = '待審定';
    818818$lang['Save visits in history for'] = '保存訪問的歷史';
    819819$lang['simple visitors'] = '普通訪客';
    820820$lang['registered users'] = '註冊用戶';
    821821$lang['administrators'] = '管理員';
    822 $lang['This album contains %d photos, added on %s.'] = '這本相冊包含%d張照片,在%s上添加';
    823 $lang['This album contains %d photos, added between %s and %s.'] = '這本相冊包含%d張照片,在%s和%s之間添加。';
     822$lang['This album contains %d photos, added on %s.'] = '這本相冊包含 %d 張照片,在 %s 上增加。';
     823$lang['This album contains %d photos, added between %s and %s.'] = '這本相冊包含 %d 張照片,在 %s 和 %s 之間增加。';
    824824$lang['This album contains no photo.'] = '這本相冊沒有照片';
    825825$lang['Not cropped correctly?'] = '不正確的裁剪?';
    826826$lang['Center of interest'] = '我的收藏';
    827827$lang['Move to album'] = '移動到相冊';
    828 $lang['You can activate only one mobile theme.'] = '您最多只能啟用一個移動的主題。';
     828$lang['You can activate only one mobile theme.'] = '您最多只能啟用一個手機主題。';
    829829$lang['Automatic sort order'] = '自動排序';
    830830$lang['apply automatic sort order'] = '使用自動排序';
    831 $lang['Save manual order'] = '存手動排序';
     831$lang['Save manual order'] = '存手動排序';
    832832$lang['cancel manual order'] = '取消手動排序';
    833833$lang['Cancel'] = '取消';
    835835$lang['Web Form'] = '網頁表格';
    836836$lang['Applications'] = '申請';
    837 $lang['Available versions for'] = '可用的版本';
     837$lang['Available versions for'] = '可用的版本';
    838838$lang['Available on'] = '可用的';
    839839$lang['Piwigo for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)'] = 'iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) 版的 Piwigo ';
    850850$lang['digiKam is an advanced digital photo management free software for Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.'] = 'digiKam是一套先進的數位相片管理軟體,它是自由軟體,適用於LINUX,WINDOWS和MacOSX。';
    851851$lang['digiKam is designed for photographers who want to view, manage, edit, enhance, organize, tag, and share photographs.'] = 'digiKam是專為攝影師瀏覽、管理、編輯、加工、整理、標記及分享照片等用途而設計。';
    852 $lang['To export your photos from digiKam to Piwigo, simply install digiKam and the Kipi-plugins.'] = '從digiKam要匯出相片到Piwigo,只需安裝digiKam和Kipi-plugins插件.';
     852$lang['To export your photos from digiKam to Piwigo, simply install digiKam and the Kipi-plugins.'] = '從digiKam要匯出相片到Piwigo,只需安裝digiKam和Kipi-plugins插件';
    853853$lang['Piwigo export plugin for iPhoto'] = 'iPhoto的Piwigo匯出插件';
    854854$lang['iPhoto is the default photo manager on MacOSX. The Piwigo export plugin let you create new albums and export your photos directly from iPhoto to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'iPhoto是MacOSX預設的相片管理軟體。此Piwigo匯出插件,可讓你直接從iPhoto匯出相片至Piwigo圖庫,並建立新相冊';
    863863$lang['any visitor can see this album'] = '任何訪客都可以看到這本相冊';
    864864$lang['visitors need to login and have the appropriate permissions to see this album'] = '訪客必須登錄並擁有權限才能觀看這本相冊';
    865 $lang['Groups and users'] = '組別和用戶';
     865$lang['Groups and users'] = '組別和用戶';
    866866$lang['Permission granted for groups'] = '組別擁有的權限';
    867867$lang['Select groups...'] = '選擇組別...';
    868 $lang['There is no group in this gallery.'] = '此畫廊內沒有組別';
     868$lang['There is no group in this gallery.'] = '此畫廊內沒有群組。';
    869869$lang['Permission granted for users'] = '用戶擁有的權限';
    870870$lang['Select users...'] = '選擇用戶...';
    889889$lang['bottom right corner'] = '右下角';
    890890$lang['Select a file'] = '選擇檔案';
    891 $lang['add a new watermark'] = '加一個新的浮水印';
     891$lang['add a new watermark'] = '加一個新的浮水印';
    892892$lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than'] = '使用浮水印,假如浮水印寬度大於';
    893893$lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than'] = '使用浮水印,假如浮水印高度高於';
    924924$lang['Source tag'] = '來源標籤';
    925925$lang['Tag "%s" is now a duplicate of "%s"'] = '"%s" 標籤與 "%s" 標籤重複';
    926 $lang['between %d and %d pixels'] = '在%d和%d像素之間';
    927 $lang['between %.2f and %.2f'] = '在%.2 f和%.2 f之間';
     926$lang['between %d and %d pixels'] = '在 %d 和 %d 像素之間';
     927$lang['between %.2f and %.2f'] = '在 %.2f 和 %.2f 之間';
    928928$lang['Duplicate'] = '重複';
    929929$lang['Landscape'] = '橫向';
    941941$lang['Ratio'] = '比例';
    942942$lang['Rename'] = '重新命名';
    943 $lang['This group will be set to default'] = '該組別將被設置為預設';
    944 $lang['This group will be unset to default'] = '該組別將被復原至預設值該';
     943$lang['This group will be set to default'] = '該組別將被設定為預設';
     944$lang['This group will be unset to default'] = '該組別不再被使用為預設';
    945945$lang['Type here the name of the new group'] = '在這輸入新的組別名稱';
    946946$lang['View in gallery'] = '以畫廊模式瀏覽';
  • branches/2.5/language/zh_TW/common.lang.php

    r20876 r22186  
    2424Language Name: 中文 (繁體) [TW]
    25 Version: 2.5.0
     25Version: 2.5.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    3939$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d 相冊已更新';
    4040$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d 相冊已更新';
    41 $lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d 條用戶評論被確認';
    42 $lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d 條用戶評論被確認';
     41$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d 評論等待驗證';
     42$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d 評論等待驗證';
    4343$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d 新評論';
    4444$lang['%d new comments'] = '%d 新評論';
    5656$lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = '至少符合一項標準.';
    5757$lang['Author'] = '擁有者';
    58 $lang['Albums'] = '類別';
     58$lang['Albums'] = '相冊';
    5959$lang['Album'] = '相冊';
    6060$lang['Close this window'] = '關閉窗口';
    6161$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = '完整RSS回饋(圖片, 評論等)';
    6262$lang['Confirm Password'] = '重複輸入密碼';
    63 $lang['Connection settings'] = '連接設置';
    64 $lang['Login'] = '連接';
     63$lang['Connection settings'] = '連線設定';
     64$lang['Login'] = '登入';
    6565$lang['Contact webmaster'] = '聯繫網管';
    66 $lang['Create a new account'] = '新建帳號';
    67 $lang['Created on'] = '創建於';
    68 $lang['Creation date'] = '創建日期';
     66$lang['Create a new account'] = '建立新的帳號';
     67$lang['Created on'] = '建立於';
     68$lang['Creation date'] = '建立日期';
    6969$lang['Current password is wrong'] = '密碼錯誤';
    7070$lang['Dimensions'] = '尺寸';
    7575$lang['Enter your personnal informations'] = '輸入您的個人信息';
    7676$lang['Error sending email'] = '發送郵件出錯';
    77 $lang['File name'] = '文件名';
    78 $lang['File'] = '文件';
    79 $lang['Filesize'] = '文件大小';
     77$lang['File name'] = '檔案名稱';
     78$lang['File'] = '檔案';
     79$lang['Filesize'] = '檔案大小';
    8080$lang['Filter and display'] = '過濾並顯示';
    8181$lang['Filter'] = '過濾';
    8282$lang['Forgot your password?'] = '忘記密碼?';
    83 $lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = '以客身份瀏覽圖庫';
     83$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = '以客身份瀏覽圖庫';
    8484$lang['Help'] = '幫助';
    8585$lang['Identification'] = '身份鑒別';
    86 $lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = '圖片RSS';
     86$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = '圖片RSS訂閱';
    8787$lang['Keyword'] = '關鍵字';
    8888$lang['Links'] = '鏈接';
    8989$lang['N/A'] = '不存在';
    90 $lang['New on %s'] = '新於 %s';
     90$lang['New on %s'] = '新建立於 %s';
    9191$lang['Notification'] = '通知';
    9292$lang['Number of items'] = '總數';
    93 $lang['Original dimensions'] = '原始大小';
     93$lang['Original dimensions'] = '原始的尺寸';
    9494$lang['Password forgotten'] = '忘記密碼';
    9595$lang['Password'] = '密碼';
    9696$lang['Post date'] = '上傳日期';
    9797$lang['Posted on'] = '上傳於';
    98 $lang['Profile'] = '用戶信息';
     98$lang['Profile'] = '個人資料';
    9999$lang['Quick connect'] = '快速連接';
    100 $lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS';
     100$lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS訂閱';
    101101$lang['Register'] = '註冊';
    102102$lang['Registration'] = '註冊';
    103103$lang['Related tags'] = '關聯標籤';
    104 $lang['Reset'] = '重新設置';
     104$lang['Reset'] = '重';
    105105$lang['Retrieve password'] = '重新取得密碼';
    106 $lang['Search rules'] = '搜索規則';
    107 $lang['Search tags'] = '搜標籤';
    108 $lang['Search'] = '搜';
     106$lang['Search rules'] = '搜尋條件';
     107$lang['Search tags'] = '搜尋熱門標籤';
     108$lang['Search'] = '搜';
    109109$lang['display available tags'] = '查看現有標籤';
    110110$lang['Since'] = '自從';
    112112$lang['Sort order'] = '排序規則';
    113113$lang['Tag'] = '標籤';
    114 $lang['Tags'] = '標籤';
    115 $lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS提要,從這個網站上提供新事件的通知:新相片,更新相冊,新評論。要使用 RSS 閱讀器查看new photos, updated albums, new comments. To be used with a RSS feed reader.';
    116 $lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = '未知流標識';
     114$lang['Tags'] = '標籤';
     115$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS feed提供對本網站的新事件:新的照片,更新的相冊,新的意見的通知。請使用RSS閱讀器。';
     116$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = '未知的訂閱識別碼';
    117117$lang['User comments'] = '用戶評論';
    118118$lang['Username'] = '用戶名';
    136136$lang['Calendar'] = '日曆';
    137137$lang['All'] = '所有';
    138 $lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = '按時間順序來顯示';
    139 $lang['View'] = '視圖';
     138$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = '顯示每一天的照片,每月的月份';
     139$lang['View'] = '檢視';
    140140$lang['chronology_monthly_calendar'] = '月曆';
    141 $lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = '月清單';
    142 $lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = '周清單';
     141$lang['chronology_monthly_list'] = '月清單';
     142$lang['chronology_weekly_list'] = '周清單';
    143143$lang['Click here if your browser does not automatically forward you'] = '如果你的瀏覽器不支持自動轉頁,請按這裡。';
    144144$lang['comment date'] = '評論日期';
    145145$lang['Comment'] = '評論';
    146 $lang['Your comment has been registered'] = '評論已保存';
     146$lang['Your comment has been registered'] = '評論發表成功';
    147147$lang['Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment'] = '反灌水系統 : 請稍候再加評論';
    148148$lang['Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules'] = '由於不符合格式規定,你的評論不能被保存';
    149149$lang['An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.'] = '評論需經管理員確認才能顯示在頁面裡。';
    150 $lang['This login is already used by another user'] = '用戶名已存在';
     150$lang['This login is already used by another user'] = '此登入資訊已被另一個用戶使用';
    151151$lang['Comments'] = '評論';
    152 $lang['Add a comment'] = '評論';
    153 $lang['created after %s (%s)'] = '創建於 %s (%s) 之後';
    154 $lang['created before %s (%s)'] = '創建於 %s (%s) 之前';
    155 $lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = '創建於 %s (%s) 和 le %s (%s) 之間';
    156 $lang['created on %s'] = '創建於 %s';
    157 $lang['Customize'] = '自定義';
    158 $lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = '自定義頁標題';
     152$lang['Add a comment'] = '新增評論';
     153$lang['created after %s (%s)'] = '建立於 %s (%s) 之後';
     154$lang['created before %s (%s)'] = '建立於 %s (%s) 之前';
     155$lang['created between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = '建立於 %s (%s) 和 %s (%s) 之間';
     156$lang['created on %s'] = '建立於 %s';
     157$lang['Customize'] = '偏好設定';
     158$lang['Your Gallery Customization'] = '偏好設定你的Gallery';
    159159$lang['day'][0] = '星期日';
    160160$lang['day'][1] = '星期一';
    164164$lang['day'][5] = '星期五';
    165165$lang['day'][6] = '星期六';
    166 $lang['Default'] = '默認';
     166$lang['Default'] = '預設';
    167167$lang['delete this photo from your favorites'] = '從收藏夾中刪除此圖片';
    168168$lang['Delete'] = '刪除';
    178178$lang['First'] = '首頁';
    179179$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = '系統維護,請稍候再試。';
    180 $lang['Page generated in'] = '頁面創建時間';
    181 $lang['guest'] = '客';
    182 $lang['Hello'] = '好';
     180$lang['Page generated in'] = '頁面建立時間';
     181$lang['guest'] = '客';
     182$lang['Hello'] = '好';
    183183$lang['available for administrators only'] = '只限於管理者';
    184 $lang['display this album'] = '顯示此相冊根目錄下的相片';
     184$lang['display this album'] = '顯示此相冊';
    185185$lang['display last user comments'] = '查看最新用戶評論';
    186 $lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = '個性化設';
    187 $lang['search'] = '搜';
     186$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = '個性化設定 Gallery';
     187$lang['search'] = '搜';
    188188$lang['Home'] = '主頁';
    189189$lang['in this album'] = '在此相冊裡';
    190190$lang['in %d sub-album'] = '在 %d 子相冊裡';
    191 $lang['in %d sub-albums'] = '在n %d 子相冊裡';
     191$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = '在 %d 子相冊裡';
    192192$lang['included'] = '包括';
    193193$lang['Invalid password!'] = '密碼不正確!';
    195195$lang['last %d days'] = '最近%d天';
    196196$lang['Last'] = '最後';
    197 $lang['Logout'] = '註銷';
     197$lang['Logout'] = '登出';
    198198$lang['obligatory'] = '必需';
    199 $lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = '通過創建時間顯示日曆';
     199$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = '通過建立時間顯示日曆';
    200200$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = '顯示所有相冊和子相冊的相片';
    201201$lang['return to normal view mode'] = '返回到普通模式顯示';
    202 $lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = '通過發送時間來顯示日曆';
     202$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = '顯示日曆所發布日期';
    203203$lang['month'][10] = '十月';
    204204$lang['month'][11] = '十一月';
    215215$lang['Most visited'] = '最受喜歡';
    216216$lang['display most visited photos'] = '顯示查看次數最多的圖片';
    217 $lang['Unknown identifier'] = '帳戶不存在';
    218 $lang['New password'] = '新密碼';
     217$lang['Unknown identifier'] = '未知的識別碼';
     218$lang['New password'] = '新密碼';
    219219$lang['Rate this photo'] = '對圖片投票';
    220220$lang['Next'] = '下一頁';
    226226$lang['photo'] = '圖片';
    227227$lang['Click on the photo to see it in high definition'] = '點擊查看大圖片';
    228 $lang['Show file metadata'] = '顯示文件的元數據';
    229 $lang['Powered by'] = '基於';
    230 $lang['Preferences'] = '使用偏好';
     228$lang['Show file metadata'] = '顯示檔案的元數據';
     229$lang['Powered by'] = '本站由';
     230$lang['Preferences'] = '偏好設定';
    231231$lang['Previous'] = '前頁';
    232232$lang['Random photos'] = '隨機圖片';
    244244$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = '郵件地址格式必須符合標準郵件地址格式 xxx@yyy.eee (例如 :';
    245245$lang['please enter your password again'] = '請輸入新密碼';
    246 $lang['Auto login'] = '自動連接';
     246$lang['Auto login'] = '自動登入';
    247247$lang['remove this tag from the list'] = '刪除此標籤';
    248 $lang['representative'] = '代理人';
    249 $lang['Search for Author'] = '搜索上傳者';
    250 $lang['Search in albums'] = '在相冊裡搜';
    251 $lang['Search by date'] = '通過日期查詢';
     248$lang['representative'] = '相冊縮略圖';
     249$lang['Search for Author'] = '作者搜尋';
     250$lang['Search in albums'] = '在相冊裡搜';
     251$lang['Search by date'] = '按日期搜尋';
    252252$lang['Date'] = '開始日期';
    253253$lang['End-Date'] = '最終日期';
    254254$lang['Kind of date'] = '日期類型';
    255255$lang['Search for words'] = '關鍵字';
    256 $lang['Search for all terms'] = '以與模式查詢';
    257 $lang['Search for any term'] = '以或模式查詢';
    258 $lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = '查詢語句不能為空';
    259 $lang['Search results'] = '搜結果';
    260 $lang['Search in sub-albums'] = '在子相冊裡搜';
    261 $lang['searched words : %s'] = '搜詞 : %s';
     256$lang['Search for all terms'] = '搜尋所有條款';
     257$lang['Search for any term'] = '搜尋任何條款';
     258$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = '查詢語句不能為空';
     259$lang['Search results'] = '搜結果';
     260$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = '在子相冊裡搜';
     261$lang['searched words : %s'] = '搜詞 : %s';
    262262$lang['Contact'] = '聯繫';
    263 $lang['set as album representative'] = '設置一個相冊代表';
     263$lang['set as album representative'] = '設定為相冊縮略圖';
    264264$lang['Show number of comments'] = '顯示評論總數';
    265 $lang['Show number of hits'] = '顯示查看次數';
     265$lang['Show number of hits'] = '顯示點擊次數';
    266266$lang['slideshow'] = '幻燈片放映';
    267267$lang['stop the slideshow'] = '停止幻燈片放映';
    268 $lang['Specials'] = '特別類';
    269 $lang['SQL queries in'] = 'sql查詢語句';
     268$lang['Specials'] = '相簿特別選單';
     269$lang['SQL queries in'] = 'sql 查詢語句';
    270270$lang['display only recently posted photos'] = '只顯示最近內容';
    271271$lang['return to the display of all photos'] = '返回到所有圖片頁面';
    272272$lang['the beginning'] = '開始';
    273 $lang['Interface theme'] = '主題';
     273$lang['Interface theme'] = '界面主題';
    274274$lang['Thumbnails'] = '縮略圖';
    275 $lang['Menu'] = '單';
    276 $lang['A comment on your site'] = '網站評論';
     275$lang['Menu'] = '單';
     276$lang['A comment on your site'] = '在您的網站上的評論';
    277277$lang['today'] = '今天';
    278278$lang['Update your rating'] = '更改投票';
    279279$lang['the username must be given'] = '缺少用戶名';
    280 $lang['useful when password forgotten'] = '忘記密碼';
    281 $lang['Quick search'] = '快速搜';
     280$lang['useful when password forgotten'] = '在情況下,忘記了密碼有用的';
     281$lang['Quick search'] = '快速搜';
    282282$lang['Connected user: %s'] = '在線用戶: %s';
    283283$lang['IP: %s'] = 'IP地址: %s';
    285285$lang['Author: %s'] = '上傳者: %s';
    286286$lang['Comment: %s'] = '評論: %s';
    287 $lang['Comment by %s'] = '評論 %s';
     287$lang['Comment by %s'] = '評論 %s';
    288288$lang['User: %s'] = '用戶: %s';
    289289$lang['Email: %s'] = '電子郵件: %s';
    291291$lang['Registration of %s'] = '註冊 %s';
    292292$lang['Album: %s'] = '相冊: %s';
    293 $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = '如果遊客反常擁有普通用戶才擁有狀態,請向網絡管理員報告。';
     293$lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webmaster.'] = '如果"遊客"反常擁有普通用戶才擁有狀態,預設狀態將被使用。請通知管理員。';
    294294$lang['this email address is already in use'] = '郵箱地址已存在';
    295295$lang['Album results for'] = '相冊的結果';
    296296$lang['Tag results for'] = '符合查詢標籤結果';
    297297$lang['from %s to %s'] = '從 %s 到 %s';
    298 $lang['Play of slideshow'] = '播放';
    299 $lang['Pause of slideshow'] = '暫停';
     298$lang['Play of slideshow'] = '播放幻燈片';
     299$lang['Pause of slideshow'] = '暫停幻燈片';
    300300$lang['Repeat the slideshow'] = '重複播放';
    301301$lang['Not repeat the slideshow'] = '停止重複播放';
    302302$lang['Reduce diaporama speed'] = '減慢播放速度';
    303303$lang['Accelerate diaporama speed'] = '加快播放速度';
    304 $lang['Submit'] = '確認';
     304$lang['Submit'] = '提交';
    305305$lang['Yes'] = '是';
    306306$lang['No'] = '否';
    307307$lang['%d photo']='%d 圖片';
    308308$lang['%d photos']='%d 圖片';
    309 $lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '%d 圖片同時與前標籤相關';
    310 $lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d 圖片同時與前標籤相關';
     309$lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '%d 圖片同時與前標籤相關';
     310$lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d 圖片同時與前標籤相關';
    311311$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = '只查看和這標籤相關的圖片';
    312312$lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = '圖片在最近%d天裡更新';
    318318$lang['cloud'] = '雲';
    319319$lang['Are you sure?'] = '確定?';
    320 $lang['Reset to default values'] = '重置為默認值';
     320$lang['Reset to default values'] = '重設為預設值';
    321321$lang['delete all photos from your favorites'] = '刪除您的收藏裡所有相片';
    322 $lang['Sent by'] = 'Sent by';
     322$lang['Sent by'] = '發送者';
    323323$lang['Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.'] = '您的瀏覽器已關閉或者不支持Cookies. 您必須開啟 cookies 才能登錄.';
    324324$lang['Edit a comment'] = '修改一個評論';
    329329$lang['... or please deactivate this message, I will find my way by myself'] = '... 或者取消此信息,我會自己找到我的方法';
    330330$lang['Hello %s, your Piwigo photo gallery is empty!'] = '您好 %s, 您的 Piwigo 畫廊是空的!';
    331 $lang['I want to add photos'] = '我想加相片';
     331$lang['I want to add photos'] = '我想加相片';
    332332$lang['Manage this user comment: %s'] = '管理此用戶的評論: %s';
    333333$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = '此作者修改了以下的評論:';
    334334$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = '此作者刪除了 id 為 %d 的評論';
    335335$lang['Sent by'] = '發送人';
    336 $lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'login內不允許有html標籤';
     336$lang['html tags are not allowed in login'] = 'html標籤中不允許登入';
    337337$lang['%d rates'] = '%d 評價';
    338338$lang['Rating score'] = '評價得分';
    340340$lang['Number of photos per page'] = '每頁的照片數量';
    341341$lang['Invalid username or email'] = '無效的用戶名稱或電子郵件';
    342 $lang['Password reset is not allowed for this user'] = '不允許此用戶密碼重置';
    343 $lang['User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible']= '查無用戶“%”之電子郵件地址,無法重置密碼';
     342$lang['Password reset is not allowed for this user'] = '不允許此用戶重設密碼';
     343$lang['User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible'] = '查無用戶 "%" 之電子郵件地址,無法重設密碼';
    344344$lang['Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:'] = '有人要求重置以下用戶的密碼:';
    345345$lang['Username "%s" on gallery %s'] = '%s 畫廊中的“%S”用戶 ';
    346346$lang['To reset your password, visit the following address:'] = '要重置密碼,請至以下網址:';
    347 $lang['If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.'] = '如果這是個錯誤或您並未要求重置密碼,請忽略此電子郵件,您的帳戶將不會作任何更改';
     347$lang['If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.'] = '如果這是個錯誤或您並未要求重置密碼,請忽略此電子郵件,您的帳戶將不會作任何更改';
    348348$lang['Password Reset'] = '重設密碼';
    349349$lang['Check your email for the confirmation link'] = '檢查您的電子郵件並前往確認連結 ';
    366366$lang['Your username has been successfully changed to : %s'] = '您的用戶名稱已成功修改為 : %s';
    367367$lang['square'] = '正方形';
    368 $lang['thumb'] = '圖';
    369 $lang['small'] = '小';
    370 $lang['medium'] = '中';
    371 $lang['large'] = '大';
    372 $lang['xlarge'] = 'XL';
    373 $lang['xxlarge'] = 'XXL';
    374 $lang['Original'] = '原始大小';
    375 $lang['Thank you for registering at %s!'] = '感謝您在%s!註冊';
     368$lang['thumb'] = '縮略圖';
     369$lang['small'] = 'S - 小';
     370$lang['medium'] = 'M - 中';
     371$lang['large'] = 'L - 大';
     372$lang['xlarge'] = 'XL - 特大號';
     373$lang['xxlarge'] = 'XXL - 巨大號';
     374$lang['Original'] = '原始';
     375$lang['Thank you for registering at %s!'] = '感謝您在 %s! 註冊';
    376376$lang['Here are your connection settings'] = '以下是您的連結設定';
    377377$lang['Password: %s'] = '密碼: %s';
    378378$lang['Username: %s'] = '用戶名稱: %s';
    379 $lang['If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s'] = ' 如您認為此電子郵件之發送為錯誤,請聯繫我們%s';
     379$lang['If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s'] = ' 如您認為此電子郵件之發送為錯誤,請聯繫我們: %s';
    380380$lang['Show oldest comments first'] = '顯示最舊的評論在最前面';
    381381$lang['Show latest comments first'] = '顯示最新的評論在最前面';
    382382$lang['Photo sizes'] = '圖片大小';
    383 $lang['View in'] = '檢視';
     383$lang['View in'] = '檢視';
    384384$lang['Mobile'] = '移動';
    385385$lang['Desktop'] = '桌面';
    386 $lang['2small'] = '極小';
    387 $lang['xsmall'] = '特小';
     386$lang['2small'] = 'XXS - 極小';
     387$lang['xsmall'] = 'XS - 超小號';
    388388$lang['File name, A &rarr; Z'] = '檔案名稱, A &rarr; Z';
    389389$lang['File name, Z &rarr; A'] = '檔案名稱, Z &rarr; A';
  • branches/2.5/language/zh_TW/install.lang.php

    r19703 r22186  
    2626$lang['Default gallery language'] = '圖庫默認語言';
    2727$lang['Database configuration'] = '數據庫設置';
    28 $lang['Admin configuration'] = '管理員帳戶設';
     28$lang['Admin configuration'] = '管理員帳戶設';
    2929$lang['Start Install'] = '開始安裝';
    3030$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = '郵箱地址格式 xxx@yyy.eee (例 :';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.