Changeset 23739

Jul 2, 2013, 6:52:55 AM (11 years ago)

[batch_downloader] Update zh_TW, thanks to : unsetlay

2 edited


  • extensions/BatchDownloader/language/zh_TW/plugin.lang.php

    r21988 r23739  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Generate ZIP'] = '產生 ZIP';
    24 $lang['Unable to find ZipArchive PHP extension, Batch Downloader will use PclZip instead, but with degraded performance.'] = '找不到ZipArchive PHP擴展,批量下載使用PclZip代替,但性能下降。';
    25 $lang['User collection'] = '使用者收集本';
     23$lang['Generate ZIP'] = '產生 ZIP 壓縮檔';
     24$lang['Unable to find ZipArchive PHP extension, Batch Downloader will use PclZip instead, but with degraded performance.'] = '找不到ZipArchive PHP擴展元件,將使用PclZip批次下載,但將會影響處理效率。';
     25$lang['User collection'] = '使用者珍藏本';
    2626$lang['User groups'] = '用戶群組';
    27 $lang['Warning: Only registered users can use Batch Downloader.'] = '警告:只有註冊用戶可以使用批下載。';
     27$lang['Warning: Only registered users can use Batch Downloader.'] = '警告:只有註冊用戶可以使用批下載。';
    2828$lang['Warning: ZipArchive doesn\'t accept special characters like accentuated ones, angle quotes (») and non-latin alphabets.'] = '警告:ZipArchive不接受特殊字符,如突顯的角引號(») 和非拉丁字母。';
    29 $lang['Remove all finished downloads'] = '刪除所有已完成的下載';
    30 $lang['Remove from download set'] = '刪除下載檔案集';
    31 $lang['Return to download page'] = '回到下載頁面';
    32 $lang['Set type'] = '集本類型';
    33 $lang['Starting download Archive #%d will destroy Archive #%d, be sure you finish the download. Continue ?'] = '開始下載歸檔 #%d 會破壞歸檔 #%d,確定你是否完成下載。要繼續嗎?';
    34 $lang['The archive is downloading, if the download doesn\'t start automatically please <a href="%s">click here</a>'] = '檔案下載,如果下載沒有自動啟動,請<a href="%s">單擊此處</a>';
     29$lang['Remove all finished downloads'] = '刪除所有已完成的下載程序';
     30$lang['Remove from download set'] = '從下載組別中移除';
     31$lang['Return to download page'] = '回到下載頁面';
     32$lang['Set type'] = '組別類型';
     33$lang['Starting download Archive #%d will destroy Archive #%d, be sure you finish the download. Continue ?'] = '開始下載壓縮包 #%d 將摧毀壓縮包 #%d,請確認您是否以完成下載。要繼續嗎?';
     34$lang['The archive is downloading, if the download doesn\'t start automatically please <a href="%s">click here</a>'] = '檔案下載中,如果下載程序沒有自動啟動,請<a href="%s">單擊此處</a>';
    3535$lang['Total size'] = '總計大小';
    36 $lang['Maximum number of photos per download set'] = '每組照片下載的最大數量';
    37 $lang['Maximum photo size'] = '照片最大尺寸';
    38 $lang['Maximum size of each archive (in Megabytes)'] = '每個歸檔文件最大尺寸 (以MB為單位)';
     36$lang['Maximum number of photos per download set'] = '每個組別最多可下載的相片數量';
     37$lang['Maximum photo size'] = '相片的最大尺寸';
     38$lang['Maximum size of each archive (in Megabytes)'] = '每個壓縮文件的最大尺寸 (以MB為單位)';
    3939$lang['No result'] = '沒有結果';
    40 $lang['Number of archives'] = '檔數量';
    41 $lang['Number of images'] = '片數量';
     40$lang['Number of archives'] = '壓縮檔數量';
     41$lang['Number of images'] = '片數量';
    4242$lang['Random'] = '隨機';
    4343$lang['Download all pictures of this selection'] = '下載這個選擇所有的圖片';
    4646$lang['Download links'] = '下載連結';
    4747$lang['Download permissions'] = '下載權限';
    48 $lang['Download set deleted'] = '下載組已刪除';
    49 $lang['Downloads'] = '下載';
    50 $lang['Edit the set'] = '編輯組';
    51 $lang['Estimated number of archives'] = '估計數量歸檔';
    52 $lang['Estimated size'] = '估計尺寸';
    53 $lang['<b>Warning:</b> all files will be deleted within %d hours'] = '<b> 警告:</b>內的所有文件都將被刪除 %d 小時';
    54 $lang['Archive comment'] = '評論歸檔';
    55 $lang['Archive prefix'] = '前綴歸檔';
    56 $lang['Archives'] = '歸檔';
    57 $lang['Batch Downloader'] = '批下載';
     48$lang['Download set deleted'] = '下載組已刪除';
     49$lang['Downloads'] = '下載';
     50$lang['Edit the set'] = '編輯組';
     51$lang['Estimated number of archives'] = '預估的檔案數量';
     52$lang['Estimated size'] = '預估的檔案大小';
     53$lang['<b>Warning:</b> all files will be deleted within %d hours'] = '<b> 警告:</b>內的所有文件都將於 %d 小時 內刪除';
     54$lang['Archive comment'] = '壓縮包註解';
     55$lang['Archive prefix'] = '壓縮包前綴';
     56$lang['Archives'] = '壓縮包集成';
     57$lang['Batch Downloader'] = '批下載';
    5858$lang['Cancel this download'] = '取消這個下載';
    59 $lang['Cancel this set'] = '取消這';
    60 $lang['Confirm the download of %d pictures?'] = '確認下載 %d 張圖片嗎?';
    61 $lang['Delete downloads after'] = '下載之後刪除';
    62 $lang['Delete this set'] = '刪除這';
     59$lang['Cancel this set'] = '取消這個組別';
     60$lang['Confirm the download of %d pictures?'] = '確認下載 %d 張圖片嗎?';
     61$lang['Delete downloads after'] = '於下載後刪除壓縮包';
     62$lang['Delete this set'] = '刪除這個組別';
    6363$lang['What can be downloaded?'] = '有什麼可以下載?';
    64 $lang['Whole gallery'] = '整個畫廊';
    65 $lang['You can not edit this set'] = '您無法編輯這';
    66 $lang['You choose to download %d pictures, but the system is limited to %d. You can edit the set, or the last %d pictures will not be downloaded.'] = '您可以選擇下載 %d 張圖片,但系統限於 %d。您可以編輯本組,或 %d 張圖片將不會被下載。';
    67 $lang['done'] = '完成';
     64$lang['Whole gallery'] = '整本相簿';
     65$lang['You can not edit this set'] = '您無法編輯這個組別';
     66$lang['You choose to download %d pictures, but the system is limited to %d. You can edit the set, or the last %d pictures will not be downloaded.'] = '您選擇下載 %d 張圖片,但系統限制為 %d 張。您可以編輯組別,否則最後 %d 張圖片將不會被下載。';
     67$lang['done'] = '搞定';
    6868$lang['download'] = '下載';
    69 $lang['hours'] = '時間';
    70 $lang['real number of archives can differ'] = '歸檔有所不同的實數';
     69$lang['hours'] = '小時';
     70$lang['real number of archives can differ'] = '實際壓縮包數量可以不同';
     71$lang['Sorry, there is nothing to download. Some files may have been excluded because of <i title="Authorized types are : %s">filetype restrictions</i>.'] = '很抱歉,並沒有可供下載的項目。基於<i title="Authorized types are : %s">文件類型的限制</i>,有些檔案可能已被排除。';
     72$lang['%d MB'] = '%d MB';
     73$lang['Archive #%d (already downloaded)'] = '壓縮包 #%d (下載完畢)';
     74$lang['Archive #%d (pending)'] = '壓縮包 #%d (轉呈中)';
     75$lang['Archive #%d (ready)'] = '壓縮包 #%d (就緒)';
     76$lang['Delete previous archive when starting to download another one'] = '當開始進行一個新的下載程序,則刪除先前的壓縮包。';
     77$lang['Don\'t download archives through PHP'] = '不經由PHP下載壓縮包';
     78$lang['Force the usage of PclZip instead of ZipArchive as ZIP library'] = '強制使用 PciZip 壓縮程序以取代 ZipArchives';
     79$lang['It saves space on the server but doesn\'t allow to restart failed downloads.'] = '這將可節省伺服器空間,但無法使用續傳功能。';
     80$lang['Only check if you are experiencing corrupted archives with ZipArchive.'] = '只使用於當您遇到 ZipArchive 錯誤時。';
     81$lang['Only check if your host complains about high PHP usage.'] = '只使用於當您的伺服器提供者發出過量PHP使用警告時。';
     82$lang['Please wait, your download is being prepared. This page will automatically refresh when it is ready.'] = '請稍候,正在準備您的下載工作。完成後將會自動更新頁面。';
     83$lang['Preparation'] = '準備';
     84$lang['Unknown'] = '未知';
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