Jan 11, 2014, 12:08:40 PM (10 years ago)

finish updating guides, fix flow issues, update language file

21 edited


  • extensions/oAuth/language/bg_BG/help.lang.php

    r21170 r26608  
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    2323$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Сложете си домейна на уебсайта в областите на компетентност на%s. Той трябва да съвпада с името на хоста: <em>%s</em>';
    24 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Задайте<b>%s</b>за да<em>%s</em>';
     24$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Задайте<b>%s</b>за да<em>%s</em>';
    2525$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Осигуряване на този адрес, като Callback / URL адрес за пренасочване за вашето приложение: <em>%s</em>';
    2626$lang['Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page'] = 'След като сте се регистрирали, копирате и поставите създадени пълномощията за кандидатстване в тази настройка страница';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/da_DK/help.lang.php

    r20625 r26608  
    2727$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Denne URL benyttes som din applikations tilbagekalds-/viderestillings-URL (Callback/Redirect): <em>%s</em>';
    2828$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Skriv din hjemmesides domæne i %s-felterne. Det skal svare til det aktuelle værtsnavn: <em>%s</em>';
    29 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Opsæt <b>%s</b> til <em>%s</em>';
     29$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Opsæt <b>%s</b> til <em>%s</em>';
    3030$lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = 'Udfyld krævede felter så som applikationsnavn og beskrivelse';
    3131$lang['Go to <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> and create a new application'] = 'Gå til <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> og opret en ny applikation';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/de_DE/help.lang.php

    r20625 r26608  
    2424$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Verwende diese URL als Callback/Redirect URL deiner Applikation <em>%s</em>';
    2525$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Setze deine Webseiten-Domain in die %s Felder. Diese sollte identisch sein mit dem Hostnamen:  <em>%s</em>';
    26 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Setze den <b>%s</b> auf <em>%s</em>';
     26$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Setze den <b>%s</b> auf <em>%s</em>';
    2727$lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = 'Fülle alle notwendigen Felder wie den Applikations-Namen und Beschreibung aus.';
    2828$lang['Go to <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> and create a new application'] = 'Gehe zu <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> und erstelle eine neue Applikation';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/el_GR/help.lang.php

    r20626 r26608  
    3535$lang['Go to <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> and create a new application'] = 'Μετάβαση στο <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> και δημιουργήστε μια νέα εφαρμογή';
    3636$lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = 'Συμπληρώστε όλα τα απαιτούμενα πεδία, όπως το όνομα της εφαρμογής και περιγραφή';
    37 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Ρυθμίστε το <b>%s</b> σε <em>%s</em>';
     37$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Ρυθμίστε το <b>%s</b> σε <em>%s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/en_UK/help.lang.php

    r20625 r26608  
     3$lang['Based on OpenID'] = 'Based on OpenID';
    34$lang['Go to <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> and create a new application'] = 'Go to <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> and create a new application';
    4 $lang['On the <b>API Access</b> tab, <b>create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>'] = 'On the <b>API Access</b> tab, <b>create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>';
    5 $lang['On the <b>Create Client ID</b> popup, switch to advanced settings by clicking on <b>(more options)</b>'] = 'On the <b>Create Client ID</b> popup, switch to advanced settings by clicking on <b>(more options)</b>';
     5$lang['On the <b>APIs & auth -> Credentials</b> tab, <b>Create new client ID</b>'] = 'On the <b>APIs & auth -> Credentials</b> tab, <b>Create new client ID</b>';
    66$lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = 'Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description';
    77$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>';
    88$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>';
    9 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>';
     9$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>';
    1010$lang['Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page'] = 'Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page';
    11 $lang['No registration required for OpenID based providers'] = 'No registration required for OpenID based providers';
     11$lang['No registration required'] = 'No registration required';
    1212$lang['Once the application is registered update the permissions : set <b>Contacts</b> as <em>Read</em> and <b>Social Directory</b> as <em>Read Public</em>'] = 'Once the application is registered update the permissions : set <b>Contacts</b> as <em>Read</em> and <b>Social Directory</b> as <em>Read Public</em>';
     13$lang['Go to <b>Settings->Advanced</b> and activate <em>Client OAuth Login</em>'] = 'Go to <b>Settings->Advanced</b> and activate <em>Client OAuth Login</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r26558 r26608  
    33$lang['%s: invalid keys'] = '%s: invalid keys';
    4 $lang['OpenID must be enabled in order to use %s authentication'] = 'OpenID must be enabled in order to use %s authentication';
    54$lang['Users are not allowed to register on your gallery. Social Connect will not work correctly.'] = 'Users are not allowed to register on your gallery. Social Connect will not work correctly.';
    65$lang['Providers'] = 'Providers';
    2423$lang['Please enter your OpenID URL'] = 'Please enter your OpenID URL';
    2524$lang['Please enter your username'] = 'Please enter your username';
     25$lang['Please enter your user ID'] = 'Please enter your user ID';
    2626$lang['Or sign in with'] = 'Or sign in with';
    2727$lang['Logged with'] = 'Logged with';
    2828$lang['Profile URL'] = 'Profile URL';
     29$lang['Cancel'] = 'Cancel';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/es_ES/help.lang.php

    r20625 r26608  
    2626$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Dar esta URL como  Callback/Redirect URL para su aplicación';
    2727$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Ponga su nombre de dominio en los campos %s. Debe corresponder a <em>%s</em>';
    28 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Seleccionar <b>%s</b> para <em>%s</em>';
     28$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Seleccionar <b>%s</b> para <em>%s</em>';
    2929$lang['On the <b>API Access</b> tab, <b>create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>'] = 'En la pestaña <b>API Access</b>, hagan clic en <b>create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>';
    3030$lang['No registration required for OpenID based providers'] = 'No es necesario registrarse para tipos de autenticación OpenID';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/et_EE/help.lang.php

    r21872 r26608  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Seadista <b>%s</b> järgmiseks <em>%s</em>';
     23$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Seadista <b>%s</b> järgmiseks <em>%s</em>';
    2424$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Paku seda URL\'i ümbersuunamiseks sinu aplikatsioonile: <em>%s</em>';
    2525$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Pane oma veebilehe domeen %s väljale. See peab olema sama mis praegune hosti nimi: <em>%s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/fr_FR/help.lang.php

    r20625 r26608  
    77$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Donnez cette URL comme Callback/Redirect URL pour votre application : <em>%s</em>';
    88$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Mettez votre nom de domaine dans les champs %s. Il doit correspondre à <em>%s</em>';
    9 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Sélectionnez <em>%2$s</em> pour <b>%1$s</b>';
     9$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Sélectionnez <em>%2$s</em> pour <b>%1$s</b>';
    1010$lang['Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page'] = 'Quand votre application est enregistrée, copiez-collez les clefs d\'authentification sur cette page';
    1111$lang['No registration required for OpenID based providers'] = 'Pas d\'inscription nécessaire pour les authentifications type OpenID';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/it_IT/help.lang.php

    r20631 r26608  
    2323$lang['On the <b>API Access</b> tab, <b>create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>'] = 'Sulla scheda <b>API Access</b>, <b>creare un OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>';
    2424$lang['Once the application is registered update the permissions : set <b>Contacts</b> as <em>Read</em> and <b>Social Directory</b> as <em>Read Public</em>'] = 'Una volta che l\'applicazione è registrata aggiornare le autorizzazioni: impostare <b>Contacts</b> come <em>Read</em> e <b>Social Directory</b> come <em>Read Public</em>';
    25 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Impostare il <b>%s</b> per <em>%s</em>';
     25$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Impostare il <b>%s</b> per <em>%s</em>';
    2626$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Metti il ​​tuo dominio del sito web nei campi del %s. Esso deve corrispondere con l\'attuale hostname: <em>%s</em>';
    2727$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Fornisci questo URL come Callback/Redirect URL per l\'applicazione:
  • extensions/oAuth/language/lv_LV/help.lang.php

    r20625 r26608  
    2626$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Piestādiet šo URL kā jūsu aplikācijas Atbildes/Pāradresācijas URL: <em>%s</em>';
    2727$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Ievietojiet savu vietnes domēnu %s laukos. Tam jāsakrīt ar esošo hosta nosaukumu: <em>%s</em>';
    28 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Iestatiet <b>%s</b> stāvoklī <em>%s</em>';
     28$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Iestatiet <b>%s</b> stāvoklī <em>%s</em>';
    2929$lang['On the <b>Create Client ID</b> popup, switch to advanced settings by clicking on <b>(more options)</b>'] = '<b>Create Client ID</b> uzlecošā logā, klikšķinot uz <b>(more options)</b>, pārslēdzaties uz papildus iestatījumiem';
    3030$lang['On the <b>API Access</b> tab, <b>create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>'] = 'Ar <b>API Access</b> tabu, <b>izveidojiet OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/nl_NL/help.lang.php

    r21134 r26608  
    3030$lang['No registration required for OpenID based providers'] = 'Geen registratie verplicht voor OpenID gebaseerde bronnen';
    3131$lang['On the <b>API Access</b> tab, <b>create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>'] = 'Op de <b>API Access</b> tab, <b>maak een OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>';
    32 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Zet de <b>%s</b> naar <em>%s</em>';
     32$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Zet de <b>%s</b> naar <em>%s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/pl_PL/help.lang.php

    r20697 r26608  
    2323$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Wprowadź ten adres jako Callback/Redirect ULR dla swojej aplikacji: <em>%s</em>';
    2424$lang['No registration required for OpenID based providers'] = 'Dla dostawców wspierających OpenID rejestracja nie jest wymagana';
    25 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Ustaw <b>%s</b> do <em>%s</em>';
     25$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Ustaw <b>%s</b> do <em>%s</em>';
    2626$lang['On the <b>Create Client ID</b> popup, switch to advanced settings by clicking on <b>(more options)</b>'] = 'W okienku <b>Stwórz ID klienta</b>/<b>Create Client ID</b> przejdź do ustawień zaawansowanych klikając <b>(więcej opcji)</b>/<b>(more options)</b>';
    2727$lang['Once the application is registered update the permissions : set <b>Contacts</b> as <em>Read</em> and <b>Social Directory</b> as <em>Read Public</em>'] = 'Gdy aplikacji zostanie zarejestrowana, zaktualizuj zezwolenia: ustaw <b>Kontakty</b>/<b>Contacts</b> na <em>Odczyt</em>/<em>Odczyt</em> i <b>Katalog społecznościowy</b>/<b>Social Directory</b> na <em>Odczyt publiczny</em>/<em>Read Public</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/pt_BR/help.lang.php

    r21297 r26608  
    2727$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Fornecer essa URL como URL de retorno/redirecionamento para sua aplicação: <em>%s</em>';
    2828$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Coloque o seu domínio do site nos campos %s. Ele deve combinar com o nome da máquina atual: <em>%s</em>';
    29 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Defina o <b>%s</b> para <em>%s</ em>';
     29$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Defina o <b>%s</b> para <em>%s</ em>';
    3030$lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = 'Preencha todos os campos necessários, tais como o nome do aplicativo e descrição';
    3131$lang['Go to <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> and create a new application'] = 'Ir para <a href="%s"target="_blank">%s</a> e criar uma nova aplicação';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/pt_PT/help.lang.php

    r21071 r26608  
    3030$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Forneça este URL como o URL Callback/Redirect para a sua aplicação: <em>%s</em>';
    3131$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Coloque o domínio do seu website no campos %s. Deverá ser igual ao seu anfitrião actual:<em>%s</em>';
    32 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Altere o <b>%s</b> para <em>%s</em>';
     32$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Altere o <b>%s</b> para <em>%s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/ru_RU/help.lang.php

    r21019 r26608  
    3030$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Укажите этот URL как Callback/Redirect URL для Вашего приложения: <em>%s</em>';
    3131$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Введите домен Вашего веб-сайта в поле %s. Он должен совпадать с текущим именем хоста: <em>%s</em>';
    32 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Введите в поле <b>%s</b> значение <em>%s</em>';
     32$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Введите в поле <b>%s</b> значение <em>%s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/sk_SK/help.lang.php

    r20625 r26608  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Nastaviť <b>%s</b> do <em>%s</em>';
     23$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Nastaviť <b>%s</b> do <em>%s</em>';
    2424$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Dať Vašu doménu webstránky do poľa %s';
    2525$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Poskytnutie tejto URL ako Callback/Redirect URL pre Vašu aplikáciu: <em>%s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/tr_TR/help.lang.php

    r21018 r26608  
    2323$lang['On the <b>API Access</b> tab, <b>create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b>'] = '<b>OAuth 2.0 Client ID</b> sini <b>API Access</b> bölümünden oluşturun';
    2424$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = 'Web site adresinizi %s yazınız. Geçerli alan adı ile eşleşmesi gerekir. <em>%s</em>';
    25 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '<b>%s</b> olarak <em>%s</em> seçiniz';
     25$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '<b>%s</b> olarak <em>%s</em> seçiniz';
    2626$lang['No registration required for OpenID based providers'] = 'OpenID tabanlı sağlayıcılar için kayıt olmaya gerek yok';
    2727$lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = 'Uygulama adı ve açıklaması için tüm gerekli alanları doldurun';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/uk_UA/help.lang.php

    r25784 r26608  
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    2323$lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = 'Заповніть всі необхідні поля, такі як ім’я та опис програми';
    24 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Встановіть <b>%s</b> з <em>%s</em>';
     24$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = 'Встановіть <b>%s</b> з <em>%s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/zh_CN/help.lang.php

    r21021 r26608  
    3030$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = '将此链接作为你的应用的反馈/重定向链接:<em>%s</em>';
    3131$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = '将你的网站域名填入%s字段。域名应匹配当前主机名:<em>%s</em>';
    32 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '把<b>%s</b>设为<em>%s</em>';
     32$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '把<b>%s</b>设为<em>%s</em>';
  • extensions/oAuth/language/zh_TW/help.lang.php

    r21785 r26608  
    3030$lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: <em>%s</em>'] = '為您的應用程序提供URL的回呼/重定向URL: <em>%s</em>';
    3131$lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: <em>%s</em>'] = '把你的網站域名,放在 %s 欄位。它應該匹配目前的主機名稱: <em>%s</em>';
    32 $lang['Set the <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '設定 <b>%s</b> 到 <em>%s</em>';
     32$lang['Set <b>%s</b> to <em>%s</em>'] = '設定 <b>%s</b> 到 <em>%s</em>';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.