Changeset 2793

Oct 23, 2008, 10:10:03 PM (16 years ago)

Refer to SVN:2789 - include Admin Advices in
[34]( compiled_template_cache_language ) and [35] ( template_compile_check )

Translation is needed for German, Spanish, Italian...

6 edited


  • branches/2.0/plugins/admin_advices/adv_set.php

    r2473 r2793  
    173173$adv['n'][33] = '**' . $lang['navigation'];
     175$adv['n'][34] = 'compiled_template_cache_language';
     176$adv['v'][34] = sprintf($lang['current'], (($conf['compiled_template_cache_language'])? 'true':'false' ));
     178$adv['n'][35] = 'template_compile_check';
     179$adv['v'][35] = sprintf($lang['current'], (($conf['template_compile_check'])? 'true':'false' ));
  • branches/2.0/plugins/admin_advices/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r2782 r2793  
    155155$lang['Adv_case'][33] = array( /* **navigation */
    156156 'Sie können mit der Tastatur Pfeile zum Navigieren zwischen den Bildern.', );
     157$lang['Adv_case'][34] = array( /* compiled_template_cache_language */
     158 'Should be false, translation will be done at user request time.',
     159 'If you are using one language (you kept only one subdirectory language)',
     160 'or through a plugin you forced all user to have the same language,',
     161 'you should consider to set it true.',
     162 'Setting it true, template @translate are done at compilation time.' );
     163$lang['Adv_case'][35] = array( /* template_compile_check */
     164 'Default is true, template changes are detected and the template is compiled.',
     165 'If you are not updating template any more for several days, ',
     166 'you should consider to set it false.',
     167 'Choosing false, template changes are not detected, this improves response time.',
     168 'Anyway Specials > Maintenance > Purge compiled templates, is recommended after this $conf change.' );
  • branches/2.0/plugins/admin_advices/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r2472 r2793  
    155155$lang['Adv_case'][33] = array( /* **navigation */
    156156 'You can use keyboard arrows to navigate between pictures.', );
     157$lang['Adv_case'][34] = array( /* compiled_template_cache_language */
     158 'Should be false, translation will be done at user request time.',
     159 'If you are using one language (you kept only one subdirectory language)',
     160 'or through a plugin you forced all user to have the same language,',
     161 'you should consider to set it true.',
     162 'Setting it true, template @translate are done at compilation time.' );
     163$lang['Adv_case'][35] = array( /* template_compile_check */
     164 'Default is true, template changes are detected and the template is compiled.',
     165 'If you are not updating template any more for several days, ',
     166 'you should consider to set it false.',
     167 'Choosing false, template changes are not detected, this improves response time.',
     168 'Anyway Specials > Maintenance > Purge compiled templates, is recommended after this $conf change.' );
  • branches/2.0/plugins/admin_advices/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r2472 r2793  
    155155$lang['Adv_case'][33] = array( /* **navigation */
    156156 'You can use keyboard arrows to navigate between pictures.', );
     157$lang['Adv_case'][34] = array( /* compiled_template_cache_language */
     158 'Should be false, translation will be done at user request time.',
     159 'If you are using one language (you kept only one subdirectory language)',
     160 'or through a plugin you forced all user to have the same language,',
     161 'you should consider to set it true.',
     162 'Setting it true, template @translate are done at compilation time.' );
     163$lang['Adv_case'][35] = array( /* template_compile_check */
     164 'Default is true, template changes are detected and the template is compiled.',
     165 'If you are not updating template any more for several days, ',
     166 'you should consider to set it false.',
     167 'Choosing false, template changes are not detected, this improves response time.',
     168 'Anyway Specials > Maintenance > Purge compiled templates, is recommended after this $conf change.' );
  • branches/2.0/plugins/admin_advices/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r2472 r2793  
    157157$lang['Adv_case'][33] = array( /* **navigation */
    158158 'Vous pouvez utiliser les flèches du clavier pour naviguer entre les images.', );
     159$lang['Adv_case'][34] = array( /* compiled_template_cache_language */
     160 'Devrait être à false, la traduction sera effectuée au moment de la demande de l\'utilisateur.',
     161 'Si vous n'utilisez qu\'une seule langue (vous n\'aurez conservé qu\'un sous-répertoire language)',
     162 'ou via un plugin si vous forcez tous les utilisateurs a utiliser le même langage,',
     163 'vous devriez envisager la valeur true.',
     164 'Positionné à true, les @translate des templates seront réalisés au moment de la compilation.' );
     165$lang['Adv_case'][35] = array( /* template_compile_check */
     166 'Par défaut à true, toute modification de template est détectée et le template modifié est recompilé.',
     167 'Si vous ne modifiez plus vos templates pendant plusieurs jours, ',
     168 'vous devriez envisager la valeur false.',
     169 'En choisissant false, les modifications de template ne sont plus détectées, ceci améliore les temps de réponse.',
     170 'Dans tous les cas Spéciales > Maintenance > Purger les templates compilés, est recommandé après une modification de cette $conf.' );
  • branches/2.0/plugins/admin_advices/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r2784 r2793  
    157157$lang['Adv_case'][33] = array( /* **navigation */
    158158 'Potrete usare le frecce della tastiera per navigare tra le foto.', );
     159$lang['Adv_case'][34] = array( /* compiled_template_cache_language */
     160 'Should be false, translation will be done at user request time.',
     161 'If you are using one language (you kept only one subdirectory language)',
     162 'or through a plugin you forced all user to have the same language,',
     163 'you should consider to set it true.',
     164 'Setting it true, template @translate are done at compilation time.' );
     165$lang['Adv_case'][35] = array( /* template_compile_check */
     166 'Default is true, template changes are detected and the template is compiled.',
     167 'If you are not updating template any more for several days, ',
     168 'you should consider to set it false.',
     169 'Choosing false, template changes are not detected, this improves response time.',
     170 'Anyway Specials > Maintenance > Purge compiled templates, is recommended after this $conf change.' );
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