Nov 22, 2009, 5:11:24 PM (14 years ago)


  • Bug 1259 fixed - PHP notice on user addition by admin in user_list page
  • Bug 1257 fixed - If email exclusion list begins with a CR-LF, an informative warning message is displayed (I was unable to delete automatically this CR-LF).
5 edited


  • extensions/NBC_UserAdvManager/trunk/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r4316 r4340  
    175175/* TODO */$lang['mail_text_error'] = '<b>Warning!</b> - Semicolons (;) are not allowed in addtionnal email text. This Character have been automatically replaced by a dot (.). For information, the amended text(s) is(are) shown in red in the corresponding field(s). Please, check it(them) out.';
    176176// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.7
     177// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
     178/* TODO */$lang['mail_exclusionlist_error'] = 'Warning! You have entered a new line (CR-LF) at the begining of email exclusion list (shown in red below). Although this new line is not visible, it is still present and may cause malfunction of the plugin. Please re-type in your exclusion list in a manner that does not begin with a newline.';
     179// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
  • extensions/NBC_UserAdvManager/trunk/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r4316 r4340  
    176176$lang['mail_text_error'] = '<b>Warning!</b> - Semicolons (;) are not allowed in addtionnal email text. This Character have been automatically replaced by a dot (.). For information, the amended text(s) is(are) shown in red in the corresponding field(s). Please, check it(them) out.';
    177177// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.7
     178// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
     179$lang['mail_exclusionlist_error'] = 'Warning! You have entered a new line (CR-LF) at the begining of email exclusion list (shown in red below). Although this new line is not visible, it is still present and may cause malfunction of the plugin. Please re-type in your exclusion list in a manner that does not begin with a newline.';
     180// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
  • extensions/NBC_UserAdvManager/trunk/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r4316 r4340  
    176176/* TODO */$lang['mail_text_error'] = '<b>Warning!</b> - Semicolons (;) are not allowed in addtionnal email text. This Character have been automatically replaced by a dot (.). For information, the amended text(s) is(are) shown in red in the corresponding field(s). Please, check it(them) out.';
    177177// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.7
     178// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
     179/* TODO */$lang['mail_exclusionlist_error'] = 'Warning! You have entered a new line (CR-LF) at the begining of email exclusion list (shown in red below). Although this new line is not visible, it is still present and may cause malfunction of the plugin. Please re-type in your exclusion list in a manner that does not begin with a newline.';
     180// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
  • extensions/NBC_UserAdvManager/trunk/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r4316 r4340  
    175175$lang['mail_text_error'] = '<b>Attention!</b> - Le point-virgule (;) n\'est pas autorisé dans le texte additionnel des emails. Ce caractère a été automatiquement remplacé par un point (.). Pour information, le(s) texte(s) modifié(s) est(sont) affiché(s) en rouge dans le(s) champ(s) correspondant(s). Veuillez le(s) vérifier.';
    176176// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.7
     177// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
     178$lang['mail_exclusionlist_error'] = 'Attention ! Vous avez saisi un retour à la ligne en début de liste d\'exclusion des domaines de messagerie (affichée en rouge ci-dessous). Bien que ce retour à la ligne ne soit pas visible, il est tout de même présent et est susceptible de provoquer des dysfonctionnements du plugin. Veuillez resaisir votre liste d\'exclusion en veillant à ne pas commencer par un retour à la ligne.';
     179// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
  • extensions/NBC_UserAdvManager/trunk/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r4316 r4340  
    176176/* TODO */$lang['mail_text_error'] = '<b>Warning!</b> - Semicolons (;) are not allowed in addtionnal email text. This Character have been automatically replaced by a dot (.). For information, the amended text(s) is(are) shown in red in the corresponding field(s). Please, check it(them) out.';
    177177// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.7
     178// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
     179/* TODO */$lang['mail_exclusionlist_error'] = 'Warning! You have entered a new line (CR-LF) at the begining of email exclusion list (shown in red below). Although this new line is not visible, it is still present and may cause malfunction of the plugin. Please re-type in your exclusion list in a manner that does not begin with a newline.';
     180// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.12.8
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