Changeset 5213

Mar 21, 2010, 1:32:49 PM (14 years ago)

Feature 1522 : move database config file to local directory
(include/ becomes local/config/

24 edited


  • trunk/include/

    r5208 r5213  
    7171$filter = array();
    73 @include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'include/');
     73@include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'local/config/');
    7474if (!defined('PHPWG_INSTALLED'))
  • trunk/install.php

    r5207 r5213  
    123123$errors = array();
    125 // database config file migration : et
     125// database config file migration : et
    126126$old_config_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
    127 $config_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
     127$config_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'local/config/';
    128128if (!file_exists($config_file) && file_exists($old_config_file))
    305305      $html_content = htmlentities( $file_content, ENT_QUOTES );
    306306      $html_content = nl2br( $html_content );
    307       $error_copy = l10n('Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)');
     307      $error_copy = l10n('Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)');
    308308      $error_copy .= '<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br>';
    309309      $error_copy .= '<span class="sql_content">' . $html_content . '</span>';
    392392    $html_content = htmlentities( $file_content, ENT_QUOTES );
    393393    $html_content = nl2br( $html_content );
    394     $error_copy = l10n('Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)');
     394    $error_copy = l10n('Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)');
    395395    $error_copy .= '<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br>';
    396396    $error_copy .= '<span class="sql_content">' . $html_content . '</span>';
  • trunk/install/db/65-database.php

    r5196 r5213  
    257257// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    258 // changes to write in
     258// changes to write in
    259259  array_push($mysql_changes,
    260260'define(\'PWG_CHARSET\', \''.$pwg_charset.'\');
  • trunk/install/db/80-database.php

    r5196 r5213  
    176 'include_phpwebgallery/',
    178178// Comparison between phpwebgallery-1.2.1 and phpwebgallery-1.1.0
    930 'include/',
    945945$list_exlude_files = array(
    946 'include/',
  • trunk/install/upgrade_1.3.1.php

    r5196 r5213  
    581581// load the config file
    582 $config_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/';
     582$config_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'local/config/';
    583583$config_file_contents = @file_get_contents($config_file);
    584584if ($config_file_contents === false)
    598 // changes to write in
     598// changes to write in
    599599array_push($mysql_changes, 'define(\'PHPWG_INSTALLED\', true);');
  • trunk/language/de_DE/install.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['The next step of the installation is now possible'] = "Der nächste Schritt der Installation ist nun möglich";
    3939$lang['next step'] = "nächster Schritt";
    40 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Kopieren Sie den rosa Text ohne die Bindestriche und fügen Sie ihn in die Datei \"include /\" auf dem Webserver ein (Warnung: die Datei \"\" darf nur die rosa Zeichen enthalten, nicht mehr und nicht weniger)";
     40$lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Kopieren Sie den rosa Text ohne die Bindestriche und fügen Sie ihn in die Datei \"local/config/\" auf dem Webserver ein (Warnung: die Datei \"\" darf nur die rosa Zeichen enthalten, nicht mehr und nicht weniger)";
    4141$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
    4242$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "The type of database your piwigo data will be store in";
  • trunk/language/de_DE/upgrade.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Nur Administrator können Upgrade ausführen : Bitte melden Sie sich an unter.";
    3939$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "Sie haben nicht das Recht auf Zugang zum Upgrade ausführen";
    40 $lang['In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "In <i>include/</i>, vor <b>?></b>, wird Folgendes eingefügt:";
     40$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "In <i>%s</i>, vor <b>?></b>, wird Folgendes eingefügt:";
    4141$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "Alle Unter-Kategorien von privaten Gruppen wirden privaten";
    4242$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "Benutzer und Gruppen Berechtigungen wurden gelöscht";
  • trunk/language/en_UK/install.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['The next step of the installation is now possible'] = "The next step of the installation is now possible";
    3939$lang['next step'] = "next step";
    40 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file \"include/\"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)";
     40$lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file \"local/config/\"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)";
    4141$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
    4242$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "The type of database your piwigo data will be store in";
  • trunk/language/en_UK/upgrade.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.";
    3939$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "You do not have access rights to run upgrade";
    40 $lang['In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:";
     40$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:";
    4141$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "All sub-categories of private categories become private";
    4242$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "User permissions and group permissions have been erased";
  • trunk/language/es_ES/install.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['The next step of the installation is now possible'] = "Puede seguir con la instalación sigiente";
    3939$lang['next step'] = "Etapa siguiente";
    40 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copie el texto en rosa entre los guillones y pegúelo en el fichero que se encuentra en el repertorio \" include \" a la base del lugar donde usted instaló  Piwigo (el fichero debe contener SÓLO lo que está en rosa entre las rayas, ninguna vuelta a la línea o espacio es autorizado)";
     40$lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copie el texto en rosa entre los guillones y pegúelo en el fichero que se encuentra en el repertorio \"local/config\" a la base del lugar donde usted instaló  Piwigo (el fichero debe contener SÓLO lo que está en rosa entre las rayas, ninguna vuelta a la línea o espacio es autorizado)";
    4141$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
    4242$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "The type of database your piwigo data will be store in";
  • trunk/language/es_ES/upgrade.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Sólo un administrador puede lanzar la actualización: por favor, identifiqúese más abajo.";
    3939$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "";
    40 $lang['In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "";
     40$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "";
    4141$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "Todas las subcategorías de categorías privadas se vuelven privadas";
    4242$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "Las autorizaciones de los usuarios y de los grupos han sido borradas";
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/install.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['The next step of the installation is now possible'] = "La prochaine étape d'installation est désormais possible";
    3939$lang['next step'] = "étape suivante";
    40 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copiez le texte en rose entre les tirets et collez-le dans le fichier qui se trouve dans le répertoire \"include\" à la base de l'endroit où vous avez installé Piwigo (le fichier ne doit comporter QUE ce qui est en rose entre les tirets, aucun retour à la ligne ou espace n'est autorisé)";
     40$lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copiez le texte en rose entre les tirets et collez-le dans le fichier qui se trouve dans le répertoire \"include\" à la base de l'endroit où vous avez installé Piwigo (le fichier ne doit comporter QUE ce qui est en rose entre les tirets, aucun retour à la ligne ou espace n'est autorisé)";
    4141$lang['Database type'] = "Type de base de données";
    4242$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "La base de données à utiliser pour installer piwigo";
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/upgrade.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Seul un administrateur peut lancer la mise à jour: veuillez vous identifier ci-dessous.";
    3939$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "Vous n'avez pas les droits necessaires pour lancer la mise à jour.";
    40 $lang['In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "Dans le fichier <i>include/</i>, avant <b>?></b>, insérez:";
     40$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "Dans le fichier <i>%s</i>, avant <b>?></b>, insérez:";
    4141$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "Toutes les sous-catégories de catégories privées deviennent privées";
    4242$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "Les permissions des utilisateurs et des groupes ont été effacées";
  • trunk/language/it_IT/install.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['The next step of the installation is now possible'] = "Il prossimo step d'installazione è oramail possibile";
    3939$lang['next step'] = "step successivo";
    40 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copiate il testo in rosa trà i trattini e mettetelo nel file che si trova nella directory \"include\" alla base del vostro sito dove aveto installato Piwigo (il file non deve contenere altro che ciò che è in rosa tra i trattini, nessun ritorno a capo o spazio è autorizzato)";
     40$lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copiate il testo in rosa trà i trattini e mettetelo nel file che si trova nella directory \"local/config\" alla base del vostro sito dove aveto installato Piwigo (il file non deve contenere altro che ciò che è in rosa tra i trattini, nessun ritorno a capo o spazio è autorizzato)";
    4141$lang['Database type'] = "Tipo di Database";
    4242$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "La base dati da utilizzare per installare Piwigo";
  • trunk/language/it_IT/upgrade.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Solo un'amministratore può eseguire l'aggiornamento: identificatevi.";
    3939$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "Non avete le autorizzazioni necessarie per effettuare l'aggiornamento";
    40 $lang['In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "Nel file <i>include/</i>, prima di <b>?></b>, inserire:";
     40$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "Nel file <i>%s</i>, prima di <b>?></b>, inserire:";
    4141$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "Tutte le sottocategorie delle categorie private diventono private";
    4242$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "I permessi degli utenti e dei gruppi sono stati cancellati";
  • trunk/language/nl_NL/install.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['The next step of the installation is now possible'] = "Het is nu mogelijk om verder te gaan met de volgende stap van de installatie";
    3939$lang['next step'] = "volgende stap";
    40 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Kopieer de tekst tussen de lijnen en plak deze in het bestand \"include/\"(Waarschuwing: mag alleen het roze gedeelte bevatten, geen return of extra spatie). Dit moet alleen wanneer dit bestand geen schrijfrechten";
     40$lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Kopieer de tekst tussen de lijnen en plak deze in het bestand \"local/config/\"(Waarschuwing: mag alleen het roze gedeelte bevatten, geen return of extra spatie). Dit moet alleen wanneer dit bestand geen schrijfrechten";
    4141$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
    4242$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "The type of database your piwigo data will be store in";
  • trunk/language/nl_NL/upgrade.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.";
    3939$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "You do not have access rights to run upgrade";
    40 $lang['In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:";
     40$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:";
    4141$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "All sub-categories of private categories become private";
    4242$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "User permissions and group permissions have been erased";
  • trunk/language/pl_PL/install.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['The next step of the installation is now possible'] = "Teraz mozliwy jest następny krok instalacji";
    3939$lang['next step'] = "następny krok";
    40 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Skopiuj tekst zaznaczony na różowo pomiędzy cudzysłowiami i wklej do pliku \"include/\"(Uwaga : musi zawierać tylko to co jest na różowo bez żadnych znaków końca linii czy spacji)";
     40$lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Skopiuj tekst zaznaczony na różowo pomiędzy cudzysłowiami i wklej do pliku \"local/config/\"(Uwaga : musi zawierać tylko to co jest na różowo bez żadnych znaków końca linii czy spacji)";
    4141$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
    4242$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "The type of database your piwigo data will be store in";
  • trunk/language/pl_PL/upgrade.lang.php

    r5156 r5213  
    3838$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Tylko administrator może wykonać aktualizację: zaloguj się poniżej.";
    3939$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "Nie masz uprawnień do wykonania aktualizacji";
    40 $lang['In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "W pliku <i>include/</i>, przed <b>?></b>, wstaw:";
     40$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = "W pliku <i>%s</i>, przed <b>?></b>, wstaw:";
    4141$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "Wszystkie podkategorie kategorii prywatnych staną się prywatne";
    4242$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "Uprawnienia użytkowników oraz grup zostały usunięte";
  • trunk/language/templates/install.lang.php

    r5196 r5213  
    3838$lang['step1_err_copy_2'] = 'The next step of the installation is now possible';
    3939$lang['step1_err_copy_next'] = 'next step';
    40 $lang['step1_err_copy'] = 'Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "include/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)';
     40$lang['step1_err_copy'] = 'Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)';
    4242$lang['step1_dbengine'] = 'Database type';
  • trunk/language/templates/upgrade.lang.php

    r5196 r5213  
    3535$lang['upgrade login message'] = 'Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.';
    3636$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'You do not have access rights to run upgrade';
    37 $lang['in include/, before ?>, insert:'] = 'In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:';
     37$lang['in <i>%s</i>, before ?>, insert:'] = 'In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:';
    3939// Upgrade informations from upgrade_1.3.1.php
  • trunk/tools/

    r4669 r5213  
    3232svn export$tag piwigo
    34 # creating empty and writeable
    35 touch piwigo/include/
    36 chmod a+w piwigo/include/
     34# creating empty and writeable
     35touch piwigo/local/config/
     36chmod a+w piwigo/local/config/
    3838zip -r $ piwigo
  • trunk/upgrade.php

    r5207 r5213  
    2626// load config file
    27 $config_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/';
     27$config_file = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'local/config/';
    2828$config_file_contents = @file_get_contents($config_file);
    2929if ($config_file_contents === false)
    43 include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/');
    4444include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/');
    4545@include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH. 'include/');
    268268    include($upgrade_file);
    270     // Something to add in
     270    // Something to add in
    271271    if (!empty($mysql_changes))
    272272    {
    280280        array_push($page['infos'],
    281281                   l10n_args('in <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:',
    282                              'include/') .
     282                             'local/config/') .
    283283                   '<p><textarea rows="4" cols="40">' .
    284284                   implode("\r\n" , $mysql_changes).'</textarea></p>'
  • trunk/upgrade_feed.php

    r5196 r5213  
    35 include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/');
    3636include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/');
    3737@include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH. 'include/');
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.