Changeset 5408

Mar 27, 2010, 9:49:52 PM (14 years ago)

Simplify installation message, no need to explain the following step, the
"no photo yet" feature makes the explanations useless at this point.

.infos admin block is used to display messages, I've set the background
transparent here, because it's the only message of the page. Anyway, I don't
think using .infos blocks are relevant if that's the only message on the page.

6 edited


  • trunk/admin/include/

    r5387 r5408  
    147147                                  $_POST['dbpasswd'], $_POST['dbname']);
    149     array_push( $infos, l10n('Parameters are correct') );
    150149    return true;
    151150  }
  • trunk/admin/themes/default/template/install.tpl

    r5257 r5408  
     85.infos {
     86  background-color:transparent;
     87  border:none;
     88  color:#999;
    8591.sql_content, .infos a {
    8692  color: #ff3363;
    224   <input type="button" name="Home" value="{'Home'|@translate}" onClick="'index.php');">
    225   <input type="button" name="Administration" value="{'Administration'|@translate}" onClick="'admin.php');">
     230  <input type="button" name="Home" value="{'Visit Gallery'|@translate}" onClick="'index.php');">
  • trunk/install.php

    r5387 r5408  
    509   array_push($infos, l10n('The configuration of Piwigo is finished, here is the next step<br><br>
    510 * go to the identification page and use the login/password given for webmaster<br>
    511 * this login will enable you to access to the administration panel and to the instructions in order to place pictures in your directories'));
     509  array_push(
     510    $infos,
     511    l10n('Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed')
     512    );
    513514  if (isset($error_copy))
  • trunk/language/en_UK/admin.lang.php

    r5406 r5408  
    646646$lang['Number of downloads'] = "Number of downloads";
    647647$lang['Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = "Piwigo Announcement Newsletter";
    648 $lang['Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.'] = "Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will be sent emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix it is important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.";
     648$lang['Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.'] = "Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will be sent emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it is important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.";
    649649$lang['Subscribe %s'] = "Subscribe %s";
    650650$lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = "Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter";
  • trunk/language/en_UK/install.lang.php

    r5369 r5408  
    6060$lang['verification'] = "verification";
    6161$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = "Need help? Ask your question on <a href=\"%s\">Piwigo message board</a>.";
    62 $lang['The configuration of Piwigo is finished, here is the next step<br><br>
    63 * go to the identification page and use the login/password given for webmaster<br>
    64 * this login will enable you to access to the administration panel and to the instructions in order to place pictures in your directories'] = "Piwigo configuration is finished, here is the next step:<br><br>
    65 * go to the identification page and use the login/password given for webmaster<br>
    66 * this will give you access to the administration panel, with the instructions to load pictures in your directories";
    6762$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = "Webmaster mail address";
    6863$lang['Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'] = "Visitors will be able to use this mail to contact the site administrator";
    7671$lang['You may referer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you could switch to PHP 5 by yourself.'] = "You should refer to your hosting provider's support and see how you can switch to PHP 5 by yourself.";
    7772$lang['Hope to see you back soon.'] = "Hope to see you back soon.";
     73$lang['Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed'] = 'Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed';
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/admin.lang.php

    r5406 r5408  
    646646$lang['Number of downloads'] = "Nombre de téléchargements";
    647647$lang['Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = "Newsletter Piwigo";
    648 $lang['Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.'] = "Gardez le contact avec le projet Piwigo, abonnez-vous à la newsletter. Vous recevrez un email lorsqu'une nouvelle version est disponible (parfois un bug de sécurité est corrigé qu'il est important de connaître et de mettre à jour) ou qu'un événement majeur survient sur le projet. Quelques messages par an seulement.";
    649 $lang['Subscribe %s'] = "S'abonner %s";
    650 $lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = "S'abonner %s à la newsletter Piwigo";
     648$lang['Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.'] = "Gardez le contact avec le projet Piwigo, abonnez-vous à la newsletter. Vous recevrez un email lorsqu'une nouvelle version est disponible (parfois un bug de sécurité est corrigé, il est important de le savoir et de mettre à jour) ou qu'un événement majeur survient sur le projet. Quelques messages par an seulement.";
     649$lang['Subscribe %s'] = "Abonner %s";
     650$lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter'] = "Abonner %s à la newsletter Piwigo";
    651651$lang['Purge search history'] = "Purger l'historique des recherches";
    652652$lang['Hide'] = "Masquer";
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