Changeset 5573

Apr 2, 2010, 4:05:03 PM (14 years ago)

Fix missing keys and misspelling keys in translations

20 edited


  • trunk/admin/notification_by_mail.php

    r5302 r5573  
    8282      $must_repost = true;
    8383      array_push($page['errors'],
    84         l10n_dec('Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].',
    85                  'Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].',
     84        l10n_dec('Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].',
     85                 'Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].',
    8686                  $time_refresh));
    8787    }
  • trunk/language/ar_SA/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'الارتفاع الاقصى';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'العرض الاقصى';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = ' أستنفذت الوقت المتاح للتنفيذ وهو %d دقيقة';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'أستنفذت الوقت المتاح للتنفيذ وهو %d دقائق';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = ' أستنفذت الوقت المتاح للتنفيذ وهو %d دقيقة';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'أستنفذت الوقت المتاح للتنفيذ وهو %d دقائق';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'الوقت المتاح لامراسلة قائمة المستخدمين محدود ،هناك متخدمين لم يتم اضافتهم في القائمة.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'الوقت للارسال محدود ، تم تجاهل بعض العناوين.';
  • trunk/language/cs_CZ/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    254254$lang['maximum height'] = 'maximální výška';
    255255$lang['maximum width'] = 'maximální šířka';
    256 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Vykonávání operace překročilo povolený čas, zvolte jestli chcete pokračovat [očekávaný čas: %d sekund].';
    257 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Vykonávání překročilo maximální čas, zvolte jestli chcete pokračovat [očekávaný čas: %d sekund].';
     256$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Vykonávání operace překročilo povolený čas, zvolte jestli chcete pokračovat [očekávaný čas: %d sekund].';
     257$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Vykonávání překročilo maximální čas, zvolte jestli chcete pokračovat [očekávaný čas: %d sekund].';
    258258$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Nastavený čas pro zobrazení seznamu uživatelů byl překročen. Další uživatelé nebudou zobrazeni.';
    259259$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Nastavený čas pro odeslání zprávy byl překročen. Další zprávy nebudou odeslány.';
  • trunk/language/de_DE/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'maximale Höhe';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'maximale Breite';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Ausführungszeit ist beendet, Vorgang muss manuell fortgesetzt werden [Verstrichene Zeit: %d Sekunde].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Ausführungszeit ist beendet, Vorgang muss manuell fortgesetzt werden [Verstrichene Zeit: %d Sekunde].';
    254254$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Die vorgesehene Zeit zum versenden von E-Mail ist begrenzt. Andere Benutzer werden nicht aufgelistet.';
    255255$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Die Zeit zum E-Mail versenden ist begrenzt. Nicht abgearbeitete Mails werden übersprungen';
    723723$lang['Photo Properties'] = 'Fotoeigenschaften';
    724724$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Erlaube Anpassungen durch Benutzer';
    725 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continued [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Zeit für die Ausführung ist abgelaufen, der Prozess muss fortgesetzt werden [Noch benötigte Zeit: %d Sekunden].';
     725$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Zeit für die Ausführung ist abgelaufen, der Prozess muss fortgesetzt werden [Noch benötigte Zeit: %d Sekunden].';
    726726$lang['Languages'] = 'Sprachen';
    727727$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'Installierte Sprachen';
  • trunk/language/en_UK/admin.lang.php

    r5570 r5573  
    253253$lang['maximum height'] = "Maximum height";
    254254$lang['maximum width'] = "Maximum width";
    255 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = "Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].";
    256 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continued [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = "Execution time exceeded, the treatment must continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].";
     255$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = "Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].";
     256$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = "Execution time exceeded, the treatment must continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].";
    257257$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = "The time to prepare the list of users who will be sent mail is limited. Others users are not listed.";
    258258$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = "The time to send mail is limited. Others mails have been skipped.";
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/admin.lang.php

    r5570 r5573  
    253253$lang['maximum height'] = "Hauteur maximum";
    254254$lang['maximum width'] = "Largeur maximum";
    255 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = "Le temps d'exécution étant dépassé, le traitement doit continuer [Temps estimé: %d second].";
    256 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continued [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = "Le temps d'exécution étant dépassé, le traitement doit continuer [Temps estimé: %d secondes].";
     255$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = "Le temps d'exécution étant dépassé, le traitement doit continuer [Temps estimé: %d second].";
     256$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = "Le temps d'exécution étant dépassé, le traitement doit continuer [Temps estimé: %d secondes].";
    257257$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = "Le temps de préparation de la liste des utilisateurs pour l'envoi est limité. Les autres utilisateurs ne sont pas listés.";
    258258$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = "Le temps d'envoi des mails est limité. Les autres envois de mail ont été ignorés.";
  • trunk/language/hr_HR/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'najveća visina';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'najveća širina';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Vrijeme izvršenja je isteklo, obrada se mora nastaviti [Procijenjeno vrijeme: %d sekunde].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Vrijeme izvršenja je isteklo, obrada se mora nastaviti [Procijenjeno vrijeme: %d sekundi].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Vrijeme izvršenja je isteklo, obrada se mora nastaviti [Procijenjeno vrijeme: %d sekunde].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Vrijeme izvršenja je isteklo, obrada se mora nastaviti [Procijenjeno vrijeme: %d sekundi].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Predviđeno vrijeme za popis korisnika za slanje poruka je ograničeno. Ostali korisnici nisu izlistani.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Vrijeme za slanje poruke je ograničeno. Ostale poruke su preskočene.';
  • trunk/language/hu_HU/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'Maximális magasság';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'Maximális szélesség';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Az átfutási idő lejárt, a műveletet folytatni kell [Idő: %d másodperc].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Az átfutási idő lejárt, a műveletet folytatni kell [Idő: %d másodperc].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Az átfutási idő lejárt, a műveletet folytatni kell [Idő: %d másodperc].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Az átfutási idő lejárt, a műveletet folytatni kell [Idő: %d másodperc].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Die vorgesehene Zeit zum versenden von E-mail ist begrenzt. Andere Felhasználó werden nicht aufgelistet.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Die Zeit zum E-mail versenden ist begrenzt. Nicht abgearbeitete Mails werden übersprungen';
    679679$lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = 'A beállítások mentése sikeres';
    680680// --------- missing translations ---- from version 2.1.0 RC1
    681 $lang['Unable to check for upgrade.'] = 'A frissítés sikertelen.';
    682 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continued [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Időtúllépés esetén a műveletet folytatni kell [Becsült idő: %d másodperc].';
     681$lang['Categories sorted in descending order ⇑'] = 'Kategóriák csökkenő sorrendben ⇑';
     682$lang['Unable to check for upgrade.'] = 'Unable to check for upgrade.';
     683$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Időtúllépés esetén a műveletet folytatni kell [Becsült idő: %d másodperc].';
    683684$lang['Processing treatment.'] = 'Feldolgozás.';
    684685$lang['Please wait...'] = 'Kérem várjon...';
  • trunk/language/it_IT/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    253253$lang['maximum height'] = 'Altezza massima';
    254254$lang['maximum width'] = 'Larghezza massima';
    255 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Il tempo di esecuzione è scaduto, il trattamento deve continuare [Tempo stimato: %d secondo].';
    256 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Il tempo di esecuzione è scaduto, il trattamento deve continuare [Tempo stimato: %d secondi].';
     255$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Il tempo di esecuzione è scaduto, il trattamento deve continuare [Tempo stimato: %d secondo].';
     256$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Il tempo di esecuzione è scaduto, il trattamento deve continuare [Tempo stimato: %d secondi].';
    257257$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Il tempo di preparazione della lista degli utenti per l\'invio dell\'email è limitato. Gli altri utenti non sono elencati';
    258258$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Il tempo per l\'invio dell\'email è limitato. L\'invio delle altre email verra ignorato.';
  • trunk/language/ja_JP/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    250250$lang['maximum height'] = '最大高';
    251251$lang['maximum width'] = '最大幅';
    252 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = '実行時間が終了しました。処理を継続します [予想時間: %d 秒]。';
     252$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = '実行時間が終了しました。処理を継続します [予想時間: %d 秒]。';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = '実行時間が終了しました。処理を継続します  [予想時間: %d 秒].';
    253254$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'メール送信するユーザリストのユーザ数が制限されています。他のユーザは、リストに含まれていません。';
    254255$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'メール送信時間が制限されています。他のメールはスキップされます。';
  • trunk/language/nl_NL/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'maximale hoogte';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'maximale breedte';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Executie tijd is om, afhandeling moet verder gaan [Verwachte tijd: %d seconden].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Executie tijd is om, afhandeling moet verder gaan [Verwachte tijd: %d seconden].';
    254254$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Verwachte tijd voor de gebruikerslijst voor een mailing is gelimiteerd. Andere gebruikers staan niet op de lijst.';
    255255$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Tijd om email te sturen is gelimiteerd. Andere emailtjes worden overgeslagen.';
    720720$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Sta gebruikers-aanpassingen toe';
    721721$lang['Languages'] = 'Talen';
    722 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continued [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Uitvoerings-tijd overschreden, de afhandeling moet verder gaan [Geschatte tijd: %d seconden].';
     722$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Uitvoerings-tijd overschreden, de afhandeling moet verder gaan [Geschatte tijd: %d seconden].';
    723723$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'Geïnstalleerde talen';
    724724$lang['Add New Language'] = 'Voeg een nieuwe taal toe';
  • trunk/language/pl_PL/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'maksymalna wysokość';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'maksymalna szerokość';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Czas wykonania minął, proces musi być kontynuowany [Szacowany czas: %d sekund].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Czas wykonania minął, proces musi być kontynuowany [Szacowany czas: %d sekund].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Czas wykonania minął, proces musi być kontynuowany [Szacowany czas: %d sekund].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Czas wykonania minął, proces musi być kontynuowany [Szacowany czas: %d sekund].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Czas wysłania wiadomości do listy użytkowników jest ograniczony. Pozostali użytkownicy nie znajdują się na liście.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Czas wysłania wiadomości jest ograniczony. Pozostałe wiadomości zostaną pominięte.';
  • trunk/language/pt_BR/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'altura máxima';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'largura máxima';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundo].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundos].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundo].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundos].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'O tempo disponível para a criação da lista de usuários para enviar email é limitado. Outros usuários não estão listados.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'O tempo para enviar email é limitado. Outros emails estão desconsiderados.';
  • trunk/language/pt_PT/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'altura máxima';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'largura máxima';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundo].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundos].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundo].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'O tempo de execução acabou, tratamento deve ser contínuo [Tempo estimado: %d segundos].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'O tempo disponível para a criação da lista de usuários para enviar email é limitado. Outros usuários não estão listados.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'O tempo para enviar email é limitado. Outros emails estão desconsiderados.';
  • trunk/language/ru_RU/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'максимальная высота';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'максимальная ширина';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Время выполнения превышено, обработка должна быть продолжена [Рассчетное время: %d сек].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Время выполнения превышено, обработка должна быть продолжена [Рассчетное время: %d сек].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Время выполнения превышено, обработка должна быть продолжена [Рассчетное время: %d сек].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Время выполнения превышено, обработка должна быть продолжена [Рассчетное время: %d сек].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Время подготовки списка пользователей для рассылки ограничено. Остальные пользователи не выведены.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Время для отправки почты ограничено. Другие письма пропущены.';
  • trunk/language/sr_RS/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'najveća visina';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'najveća širina';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Vreme izvršenja je isteklo, obrada se mora nastaviti [Procenjeno vreme: %d sekunde].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Vreme izvršenja je isteklo, obrada se mora nastaviti [Procenjeno vreme: %d sekundi].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Vreme izvršenja je isteklo, obrada se mora nastaviti [Procenjeno vreme: %d sekunde].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Vreme izvršenja je isteklo, obrada se mora nastaviti [Procenjeno vreme: %d sekundi].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Predviđeno vreme za popis korisnika za slanje poruka je ograničeno. Ostali korisnici nisu izlistani.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Vreme za slanje poruke je ograničeno. Ostale poruke su preskočene.';
  • trunk/language/templates/admin.lang.php

    r5563 r5573  
    257257$lang['maximum height'] = 'maximum height';
    258258$lang['maximum width'] = 'maximum width';
    259 $lang['nbm_background_treatment_redirect_second'] = 'Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].';
    260 $lang['nbm_background_treatment_redirect_seconds'] = 'Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].';
     259$lang['nbm_background_treatment_redirect_second'] = 'Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].';
     260$lang['nbm_background_treatment_redirect_seconds'] = 'Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].';
    261261$lang['nbm_break_timeout_list_user'] = 'Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.';
    262262$lang['nbm_break_timeout_send_mail'] = 'Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.';
  • trunk/language/vi_VN/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = 'Chiều cao tối đa';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = 'Chiều rộng tối đa';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = 'Thời gian xử lý đã hết, quá trình xử lý cần phải được tiếp tục [Trong khoảng: %d giây].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Thời gian xử lý đã hết, quá trình xử lý cần phải được tiếp tục [Trong khoảng: %d giây].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Thời gian xử lý đã hết, quá trình xử lý cần phải được tiếp tục [Trong khoảng: %d giây].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Thời gian xử lý đã hết, quá trình xử lý cần phải được tiếp tục [Trong khoảng: %d giây].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Thời gian chuẩn bị cho danh sách người dùng cần gởi email là có giới hạn. Các thành viên khác không được liệt kê ra.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Thời gian gởi mail là có giới hạn. Các email khác đã được bỏ qua.';
  • trunk/language/zh_CN/admin.lang.php

    r5565 r5573  
    251251$lang['maximum height'] = '最高高度';
    252252$lang['maximum width'] = '最长长度';
    253 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d second].'] = '已超过执行时间, 处理还需时间[估计时间: %d 秒].';
    254 $lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estmated time: %d seconds].'] = '已超过执行时间, 处理还需时间[估计时间: %d 秒].';
     253$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = '已超过执行时间, 处理还需时间[估计时间: %d 秒].';
     254$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = '已超过执行时间, 处理还需时间[估计时间: %d 秒].';
    255255$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = '由于发送用户列表的准备时间受限制,其余用户将不被列出.';
    256256$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = '发送邮件时间有限,其余邮件被忽略.';
  • trunk/upgrade.php

    r5387 r5573  
    298298      {
    299299        array_push($page['infos'],
    300                    l10n_args('in <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:',
     300                   l10n_args('In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:',
    301301                             'local/config/') .
    302302                   '<p><textarea rows="4" cols="40">' .
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