Changeset 5780

Apr 10, 2010, 9:45:53 PM (14 years ago)

Fix some translation keys (unused, misspelling, or forgotten)

21 edited


  • trunk/language/cs_CZ/install.lang.php

    r5690 r5780  
    3838$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Spojení na server se podařilo, ale nebylo možné připojit databázi';
    3939$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Nebylo možné se připojit k serveru';
    40 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Zkopírujte růžový text mezi čárkami a vložte jej do souboru "include/"(Varování : musí obsahovat jen text, který je růžový, bez dalších odřádkování, nebo mezer)';
    4241$lang['Host'] = 'MySQL server';
  • trunk/language/da_DK/install.lang.php

    r5565 r5780  
    3333$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Forbindelse til server oprettet, men det var ikke muligt at forbinde til databasen';
    3434$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Kan ikke forbinde til serveren';
    35 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Kopier teksten i pink mellem bindestregerne og kopier det ind i filen "include/"(Advarsel : må kun indeholde det i pink, ingen linieskift eller mellemrum)';
    3635$lang['Host'] = 'MySQL host';
    3736$lang['localhost,,'] = 'localhost,,';
  • trunk/language/de_DE/install.lang.php

    r5603 r5780  
    5353$lang['Password [confirm]'] = 'Passwort [Bestätigung]';
    5454$lang['verification'] = 'Wiederholen Sie das eingegebene Passwort';
    55 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Kopieren Sie den rosa Text ohne die Bindestriche und fügen Sie ihn in die Datei "include /" auf dem Webserver ein (Warnung: die Datei "" darf nur die rosa Zeichen enthalten, nicht mehr und nicht weniger)';
    5655$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = 'Brauchen Sie Hilfe? Stellen Sie Ihre Frage auf der <a href="%s"> Forum Piwigo </ a>.';
    5756$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = 'Webmaster Mail-Adresse';
  • trunk/language/en_UK/admin.lang.php

    r5742 r5780  
    612612$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = "Images manual order saved";
    613613$lang['ranks'] = "ranks";
     614$lang['By rank'] = 'By rank';
     615$lang['Manual order'] = 'Manual order';
    614616$lang['Drag to re-order'] = "Click-and-drag to re-order";
    615617$lang['Quick Local Synchronization'] = "Quick Local Synchronization";
  • trunk/language/en_UK/install.lang.php

    r5572 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = "Connection to server successful, but the connection to the database is impossible";
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = "Cannot connect to server";
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file \"local/config/\". (Warning: must only contain the pink text, without additional line return or space character)";
    3837$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
    3938$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "The type of database your Piwigo data will be store in";
  • trunk/language/es_ES/install.lang.php

    r5584 r5780  
    5353$lang['Password [confirm]'] = 'Contraseña [Confirmar]';
    5454$lang['verification'] = 'Comprobación';
    55 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Copie el texto en rosa entre los guillones y pegúelo en el fichero que se encuentra en el repertorio " include " a la base del lugar donde usted instaló  Piwigo (el fichero debe contener SÓLO lo que está en rosa entre las rayas, ninguna vuelta a la línea o espacio es autorizado)';
    5655$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = '¿ Necesidad de ayuda? Plantee su pregunta sobre él <a href="%s">foro de Piwigo</a>.';
    5756$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = 'E-mail del Administrador';
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/admin.lang.php

    r5742 r5780  
    613613$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = "L'ordre manuel des images a été sauvegardé";
    614614$lang['ranks'] = "rangs";
     615$lang['By rank'] = "Par le rang";
     616$lang['Manual order'] = 'Ordre manuel';
    615617$lang['Drag to re-order'] = "Cliquer-glisser pour ré-organiser";
    616618$lang['Quick Local Synchronization'] = "Synchronisation Rapide";
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/install.lang.php

    r5595 r5780  
    3131$lang['Start Install'] = "Démarrer l'installation";
    3232$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = "L'adresse mail doit être de la forme xxx@yyy.eee (exemple :";
    33 $lang['Webmaster login'] = "Identifiant de l\'administrateur";
     33$lang['Webmaster login'] = "Identifiant de l'administrateur";
    3434$lang['It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration'] = "Cet identifiant apparaîtra à tous vos visiteurs. Il vous sert pour administrer le site";
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = "La connexion au serveur est OK, mais la connection à cette base de données est impossible";
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = "Impossible de se connecter au serveur";
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = "Copiez le texte en rose entre les tirets et collez-le dans le fichier \"local/config/\" (Attention : le fichier ne doit comporter QUE ce qui est en rose entre les tirets, sans aucun retour à la ligne ou espace supplémentaire)";
    3837$lang['Database type'] = "Type de base de données";
    3938$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "La base de données dans laquelle seront stockées vos données Piwigo";
    5655$lang['verification'] = "vérification";
    5756$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = "Besoin d'aide ? Posez votre question sur le <a href=\"%s\">forum de Piwigo</a>.";
    58 $lang['Webmaster mail address'] = "Adresse e-mail de l'Administrateur";
     57$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = "Adresse e-mail de l'administrateur";
    5958$lang['Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'] = "Les visiteurs pourront contacter l'administrateur du site par ce mail";
    6059$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = "PHP 5 est requis";
    6968$lang['Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed'] = 'Félicitations, l\'installation de Piwigo est terminée';
    71 $lang['An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/" (Warning : must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)'] = 'Une solution alternative est de copier le text dans la zone ci-dessous et de le coller dans le fichier "local/config/" (Attention: ne doit contenir que ce qui se trouve dans la zone, pas de retour à la ligne, pas d\'espace)';
     70$lang['An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/" (Warning : must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)'] = 'Une solution alternative est de copier le texte dans la zone ci-dessous et de le coller dans le fichier "local/config/" (Attention: ne doit contenir que ce qui se trouve dans la zone, pas de retour à la ligne, pas d\'espace)';
    7271$lang['Creation of config file local/config/ failed.'] = 'La création du fichier de configuration local/config/ a échoué.';
    7372$lang['Download the config file'] = 'Télécharger le fichier de configuration';
  • trunk/language/hr_HR/install.lang.php

    r5565 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Povezivanje sa poslužiteljem uspješno, ali je nemoguće povezivanje sa bazom podataka';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Ne mogu se povezati sa poslužiteljem';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Kopirajte ružičasti tekst između crtica i prebacite ga u "include/"(Pozor : mora sadržavati samo ružičasti tekst, bez znakova novog reda ili razmaka)';
    3938$lang['Host'] = 'MySQL poslužitelj';
  • trunk/language/hu_HU/install.lang.php

    r5748 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'A kapcsolat a kiszolgálóval rendben, de nem sikerült csatlakozni az adatbázishoz';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Nem sikerült kapcsolódni a szerverhez';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Másolja ki a rózsaszín kötőjelek közötti szöveget, majd illessze be az "include/" fájlba (Figyelem! Csak a rózsaszín szövegrészt tartalmazza! Sortörések és üres karakterek nélkül!)';
    3837$lang['Database type'] = "Adatbázis típusa";
    3938$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "Az adatbázis típusa a Piwigo adatok tárolására";
  • trunk/language/it_IT/install.lang.php

    r5652 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Connessione al server riuscita, ma purtroppo non è stato possibile connettersi a questa base dati';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Non è stato possibile connettersi al server';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Copiate il testo in rosa trà i trattini e mettetelo nel file \"local/config/\" (Attenzione : il file non deve contenere altro CHE ciò che è in rosa tra i trattini, nessun ritorno a capo o spazio è autorizzato)';
    3837$lang['Database type'] = 'Tipo base dati';
    3938$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = 'Base dati nella quale saranno inseriti i dati di Piwigo';
  • trunk/language/ja_JP/install.lang.php

    r5733 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'サーバへ接続することができましたが、データベースに接続できません。';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'サーバに接続できません。';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'ハイフンの間のピンクのテキストをコピーして、ファイル「include/」の中に貼り付けてください (警告 :には、ピンクのテキストのみ貼り付けてください。改行またはスペースを含まないでください)。';
    3938$lang['Host'] = 'MySQLホスト';
  • trunk/language/nl_NL/install.lang.php

    r5688 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'De verbinding met de server is geslaagd, maar het is niet mogelijk om verbinding te krijgen met de database';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Geen verbinding met de server';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Kopieer de tekst tussen de lijnen en plak deze in het bestand "include/" (Waarschuwing: mag alleen het roze gedeelte bevatten, geen return of extra spatie).';
    3938$lang['Host'] = 'MySQL host';
  • trunk/language/pl_PL/install.lang.php

    r5644 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Połączenie do serwera powiodło się, ale nie było możliwe połączenie do bazy danych';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Nie można połączyć sie do serwera';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Skopiuj tekst zaznaczony na różowo pomiędzy cudzysłowiami i wklej do pliku "include/"(Uwaga : musi zawierać tylko to co jest na różowo bez żadnych znaków końca linii czy spacji)';
    3938$lang['Host'] = 'MySQL host';
  • trunk/language/pt_BR/install.lang.php

    r5565 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'A conexão com o servidor foi bem sucedida, porém não foi possível se conectar à base de dados';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Não foi possível se conectar ao servidor';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Copie o texto em rosa entre os hifens e cole-o no arquivo "include/"(Cuidado : deve conter apenas o que está em rosa, sem caracteres de espaço)';
    3938$lang['Host'] = 'MySQL host';
  • trunk/language/pt_PT/install.lang.php

    r5565 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'A conexão com o servidor sucedeu, porém não foi possível se conectar à base de dados';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Não foi possível se conectar ao servidor';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Copie o texto em rosa entre os hifens e cole-o no arquivo "include/"(Cuidado : deve conter apenas o que está em rosa, sem caracteres de espaço)';
    3938$lang['Host'] = 'MySQL host';
  • trunk/language/ru_RU/install.lang.php

    r5730 r5780  
    3535$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Успешно соединились с сервером, но невозможно подключиться к базе данных';
    3636$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Невозможно соединиться с сервером';
    37 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Скопируйте текст с розового поля между дефисами и вставьте его в файл "include/"(Внимание: должен содержать только это, ни пустых строк, ни пробелов быть не должно)';
    3938$lang['Host'] = 'Хост MySQL';
  • trunk/language/templates/admin.lang.php

    r5573 r5780  
    631631$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = 'Images manual order was saved';
    632632$lang['ranks'] = 'ranks';
     633$lang['By rank'] = 'By rank';
     634$lang['Manual order'] = 'Manual order';
    633635$lang['Drag to re-order'] = 'Drag to re-order';
    634636$lang['Unable to retrieve server informations since allow_url_fopen is disabled.'] = 'Unable to retrieve server informations since allow_url_fopen is disabled.';
  • trunk/language/templates/install.lang.php

    r5213 r5780  
    3838$lang['step1_err_copy_2'] = 'The next step of the installation is now possible';
    3939$lang['step1_err_copy_next'] = 'next step';
    40 $lang['step1_err_copy'] = 'Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)';
    4241$lang['step1_dbengine'] = 'Database type';
  • trunk/language/vi_VN/install.lang.php

    r5648 r5780  
    3333$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = 'Kết nối thành công vào máy chủ, nhưng không thể kết nối vào cơ sở dữ liệu.';
    3434$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = 'Không thể kết nối vào máy chủ';
    35 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = 'Copy đoạn chữ màu hồng giữa các dấu gạch nối và dán nó vào file theo đường dẫn sau "include/"(Lưu ý: file chỉ được copy vào những chữ màu hồng, không được chèn thêm hàng hoặc ký tự đặc biệt )';
    3736$lang['Host'] = 'Máy chủ MySQL';
  • trunk/language/zh_CN/install.lang.php

    r5565 r5780  
    5353$lang['Password [confirm]'] = '密码 [ 确认 ]';
    5454$lang['verification'] = '核实';
    55 $lang['Copy the text in pink between hyphens and paste it into the file "local/config/"(Warning : must only contain what is in pink, no line return or space character)'] = '请拷贝短横线之间的粉红色文字并粘贴到位于Piwigo安装目录下的include文件夹里的文件中(每行不允许有空格或回车)';
    5655$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = '需要帮助? 请到<a href="%s">Piwigo论坛</a>提出你的问题.';
    5756$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = '管理员Email地址';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.