Changeset 655 for trunk/admin
- Timestamp:
- Dec 23, 2004, 3:59:37 PM (20 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r642 r655 30 30 die ("Hacking attempt!"); 31 31 } 32 33 32 include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/' ); 34 33 35 // 36 // Username search 37 // 38 function username_search($search_match) 34 $userdata = array(); 35 if ( isset( $_POST['submituser'] ) ) 39 36 { 40 global $db, $board_config, $template, $lang, $images, $theme, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path; 41 global $starttime, $gen_simple_header; 37 $userdata = getuserdata($_POST['username']); 38 } 39 elseif (isset($_POST['falsify']) || isset($_POST['trueify'])) 40 { 41 $userdata = getuserdata(intval($_POST['userid'])); 42 // cleaning the user_access table for this user 43 if (isset($_POST['cat_true']) && count($_POST['cat_true']) > 0) 44 { 45 foreach ($_POST['cat_true'] as $auth_cat) 46 { 47 $query = 'DELETE FROM '.USER_ACCESS_TABLE; 48 $query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$userdata['id']; 49 $query.= ' AND cat_id='.$auth_cat.';'; 50 pwg_query ( $query ); 51 } 52 } 42 53 43 $gen_simple_header = TRUE; 44 45 $username_list = ''; 46 if ( !empty($search_match) ) 54 if (isset($_POST['cat_false']) && count($_POST['cat_false']) > 0) 47 55 { 48 $username_search = preg_replace('/\*/', '%', trim(strip_tags($search_match))); 49 50 $sql = "SELECT username 51 FROM " . USERS_TABLE . " 52 WHERE username LIKE '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $username_search) . "' 53 ORDER BY username"; 54 if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) 55 { 56 message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain search results', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); 57 } 58 59 if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) 60 { 61 do 62 { 63 $username_list .= '<option value="' . $row['username'] . '">' . $row['username'] . '</option>'; 64 } 65 while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ); 66 } 67 else 68 { 69 $username_list .= '<option>' . $lang['No_match']. '</option>'; 70 } 71 $db->sql_freeresult($result); 56 foreach ($_POST['cat_false'] as $auth_cat) 57 { 58 $query = 'INSERT INTO '.USER_ACCESS_TABLE; 59 $query.= ' (user_id,cat_id) VALUES'; 60 $query.= ' ('.$userdata['id'].','.$auth_cat.')'; 61 $query.= ';'; 62 pwg_query ( $query ); 63 } 72 64 } 73 74 $page_title = $lang['Search'];75 include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx);76 77 $template->set_filenames(array(78 'search_user_body' => 'search_username.tpl')79 );80 81 $template->assign_vars(array(82 'USERNAME' => ( !empty($search_match) ) ? strip_tags($search_match) : '',83 84 'L_CLOSE_WINDOW' => $lang['Close_window'],85 'L_SEARCH_USERNAME' => $lang['Find_username'],86 'L_UPDATE_USERNAME' => $lang['Select_username'],87 'L_SELECT' => $lang['Select'],88 'L_SEARCH' => $lang['Search'],89 'L_SEARCH_EXPLAIN' => $lang['search_explain'],90 'L_CLOSE_WINDOW' => $lang['Close_window'],91 92 'S_USERNAME_OPTIONS' => $username_list,93 'S_SEARCH_ACTION' => append_sid("search.$phpEx?mode=searchuser"))94 );95 96 if ( $username_list != '' )97 {98 $template->assign_block_vars('switch_select_name', array());99 }100 101 $template->pparse('search_user_body');102 103 include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx);104 105 return;106 65 } 107 66 108 if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['username']) || isset( $_POST['submit'] )) 67 //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization 68 69 if ( empty($userdata)) 109 70 { 110 //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization 111 $template->set_filenames( array('user'=>'admin/user_perm.tpl') ); 71 $template->set_filenames( array('user'=>'admin/user_perm.tpl') ); 72 $template->assign_vars(array( 73 'L_SELECT_USERNAME'=>$lang['Select_username'], 74 'L_LOOKUP_USER'=>$lang['Look_up_user'], 75 'L_FIND_USERNAME'=>$lang['Find_username'], 76 'L_AUTH_USER'=>$lang['permuser_only_private'], 77 'L_SUBMIT'=>$lang['submit'], 112 78 113 $error = array(); 114 $tpl = array( 'permuser_authorized','permuser_forbidden','submit', 115 'permuser_parent_forbidden','permuser_info_message', 116 'adduser_info_back','permuser_only_private' ); 117 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- updates 118 if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) 119 { 120 // cleaning the user_access table for this user 121 $query = 'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_access'; 122 $query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$_GET['user_id']; 123 $query.= ';'; 124 pwg_query( $query ); 125 // selecting all private categories 126 $query = 'SELECT id'; 127 $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories'; 128 $query.= " WHERE status = 'private'"; 129 $query.= ';'; 130 $result = pwg_query( $query ); 131 while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) 132 { 133 $radioname = 'access-'.$row['id']; 134 if ( $_POST[$radioname] == 0 ) 135 { 136 $query = 'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_access'; 137 $query.= ' (user_id,cat_id) VALUES'; 138 $query.= ' ('.$_GET['user_id'].','.$row['id'].')'; 139 $query.= ';'; 140 pwg_query ( $query ); 141 } 142 } 143 check_favorites( $_GET['user_id'] ); 144 synchronize_user( $_GET['user_id'] ); 145 $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'confirmation' ); 146 $url = './admin.php?page=user_list'; 147 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'confirmation.back_url', add_session_id( $url ) ); 148 $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'confirmation' ); 79 'F_SEARCH_USER_ACTION' => add_session_id(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=user_perm'), 80 'U_SEARCH_USER' => add_session_id(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/search.php') 81 )); 149 82 } 150 //---------------------------------------------------------------- form display151 152 $restrictions = get_user_restrictions( $_GET['user_id'], $page['user_status'],153 false, false );154 $action = './admin.php?page=user_perm&user_id='.$_GET['user_id'];155 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'action', add_session_id( $action ) );156 // Association of group_ids with group_names -> caching informations157 $query = 'SELECT id,name';158 $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'groups';159 $query.= ';';160 $result = pwg_query( $query );161 $groups = array();162 while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )163 {164 $groups[$row['id']] = $row['name'];165 }166 // Listing of groups the user belongs to167 $query = 'SELECT ug.group_id as groupid';168 $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_group as ug';169 $query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$_GET['user_id'];170 $query.= ';';171 $result = pwg_query( $query );172 $usergroups = array();173 while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )174 {175 array_push( $usergroups, $row['groupid'] );176 }177 // only private categories are listed178 $query = 'SELECT id';179 $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';180 $query.= " WHERE status = 'private'";181 $query.= ';';182 $result = pwg_query( $query );183 while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )184 {185 $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'category' );186 $vtp->setVar( $sub, '', $row['id'] );187 // we have to know whether the user is authorized to access this188 // category. The category can be accessible for this user thanks to his189 // personnal access rights OR thanks to the access rights of a group he190 // belongs to.191 // 1. group access :192 // retrieving all authorized groups for this category and for this user193 $query = 'SELECT ga.group_id as groupid';194 $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'group_access as ga';195 $query.= ', '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_group as ug';196 $query.= ' WHERE ga.group_id = ug.group_id';197 $query.= ' AND ug.user_id = '.$_GET['user_id'];198 $query.= ' AND cat_id = '.$row['id'];199 $query.= ';';200 $subresult = pwg_query( $query );201 $authorized_groups = array();202 while ( $subrow = mysql_fetch_array( $subresult ) )203 {204 array_push( $authorized_groups, $subrow['groupid'] );205 }206 // 2. personnal access207 $is_user_allowed = is_user_allowed( $row['id'], $restrictions );208 // link to the category permission management209 $url = './admin.php?page=cat_perm&cat_id='.$row['id'];210 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'category.cat_perm_link', add_session_id( $url ) );211 // color of the category : green if the user is allowed by himself or212 // thanks to a group he belongs to213 if ( $is_user_allowed == 0 or count( $authorized_groups ) > 0 )214 {215 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'category.color', 'green' );216 }217 else218 {219 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'category.color', 'red' );220 }221 // category name222 $cat_infos = get_cat_info( $row['id'] );223 $name = get_cat_display_name($cat_infos['name']);224 $vtp->setVar( $sub, '', $name );225 // usergroups226 if ( count( $usergroups ) > 0 )227 {228 $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'usergroups' );229 foreach ( $usergroups as $i => $usergroup ) {230 $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'usergroup' );231 $vtp->setVar( $sub, '', $groups[$usergroup] );232 $url = './admin.php?page=group_perm&group_id='.$usergroup;233 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'usergroup.url', add_session_id( $url ) );234 if ( in_array( $usergroup, $authorized_groups ) )235 {236 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'usergroup.color', 'green' );237 }238 else239 {240 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'usergroup.color', 'red' );241 }242 if ( $i < count( $usergroups ) - 1 )243 {244 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'usergroup.separation', ',' );245 }246 $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'usergroup' );247 }248 $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'usergroups' );249 }250 // any subcat forbidden for this user ?251 if ( $is_user_allowed == 2 )252 {253 $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'parent_forbidden' );254 $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'parent_forbidden' );255 }256 // personnal forbidden or authorized access ?257 if ( $is_user_allowed == 0 )258 {259 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'category.authorized_checked', ' checked="checked"' );260 }261 else262 {263 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'category.forbidden_checked', ' checked="checked"' );264 }265 $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'category' );266 }267 //----------------------------------------------------------- default code268 83 else 269 84 { 270 $sub = $vtp->Open( '../template/'.$user['template'].'/admin/user_select_body.vtp' ); 271 $tpl = array( 'Look_up_user', 'Find_username', 'Select_username' ); 272 templatize_array( $tpl, 'lang', $sub ); 273 $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'user' ); 274 $vtp->setVarTab( $sub, array( 275 'user.S_USER_ACTION' => append_sid("./admin.php?page=user_search"), 276 'user.U_SEARCH_USER' => append_sid("./search.php")) 277 ); 278 $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'user' ); 85 $cat_url = '<a href="'.add_session_id(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_options§ion=status'); 86 $cat_url .= '">'.$lang['permuser_info_link'].'</a>'; 87 $template->set_filenames( array('user'=>'admin/cat_options.tpl') ); 88 $template->assign_vars(array( 89 'L_RESET'=>$lang['reset'], 90 'L_CAT_OPTIONS_TRUE'=>$lang['authorized'], 91 'L_CAT_OPTIONS_FALSE'=>$lang['forbidden'], 92 'L_CAT_OPTIONS_INFO'=>$lang['permuser_info'].' '.$cat_url, 93 94 'HIDDEN_NAME'=> 'userid', 95 'HIDDEN_VALUE'=>$userdata['id'], 96 'F_ACTION' => add_session_id(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=user_perm'), 97 )); 98 99 100 // only private categories are listed 101 $query_true = 'SELECT id,name,uppercats,global_rank FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; 102 $query_true.= ' LEFT JOIN '.USER_ACCESS_TABLE.' as u'; 103 $query_true.= ' ON u.cat_id=id'; 104 $query_true.= ' WHERE status = \'private\' AND u.user_id='.$userdata['id'].';'; 105 $result = pwg_query($query_true); 106 $categorie_true = array(); 107 while (!empty($result) && $row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 108 { 109 array_push($categorie_true, $row); 110 } 111 112 $query = 'SELECT id,name,uppercats,global_rank FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE; 113 $query.= ' WHERE status = \'private\''; 114 $result = pwg_query($query); 115 $categorie_false = array(); 116 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 117 { 118 if (!in_array($row,$categorie_true)) 119 array_push($categorie_false, $row); 120 } 121 usort($categorie_true, 'global_rank_compare'); 122 usort($categorie_false, 'global_rank_compare'); 123 display_select_categories($categorie_true, array(), 'category_option_true', true); 124 display_select_categories($categorie_false, array(), 'category_option_false', true); 279 125 } 126 280 127 //----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code 281 $ vtp->Parse( $handle , 'sub', $sub);128 $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'user'); 282 129 ?>
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