Jun 30, 2005, 11:00:07 PM (19 years ago)
  • categories management : new display with icon for actions (delete, sub-categories, elements, edit, jump to, permissions)
  • categories management : semantic HTML layout (using common lists)
  • categories management : new way to order categories of the same level : a text field let the admin reorder all categories at once.
1 edited


  • trunk/template/default/admin/cat_list.tpl

    r792 r798  
    11<div class="admin">{CATEGORIES_NAV}</div>
    2 <table style="width:100%;">
    3 <!-- BEGIN category -->
    4 <tr>
    5   <td style="width:1px;padding:5px;"><img src="{category.CATEGORY_IMG_SRC}" alt="{category.CATEGORY_IMG_ALT}" title="{category.CATEGORY_IMG_TITLE}" /></td>
    6   <td style="width:60%;text-align:left;"><a class="titreImg" href="{category.U_CATEGORY}">{category.CATEGORY_NAME}</a>
    7     <br />
    8         <!-- BEGIN storage -->
    9     {L_STORAGE} : {category.CATEGORY_DIR} -
    10     <!-- END storage -->
    11         {L_NB_IMG} : {category.CATEGORY_NB_IMG}
    12   </td>
    13   <td class="row1" style="width:10%;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;">
    14     <a href="{category.U_MOVE_UP}">{L_MOVE_UP}</a><br />
    15         <a href="{category.U_MOVE_DOWN}">{L_MOVE_DOWN}</a>
    16   </td>
    17   <td class="row1" style="width:10%;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;">
    18     <a href="{category.U_CAT_EDIT}">{L_EDIT}</a>
    19   </td>
    20   <td class="row1" style="width:10%;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;">
    21     <!-- BEGIN image_info -->
    22     <a href="{category.U_INFO_IMG}">{L_INFO_IMG}</a>
    23     <!-- END image_info -->
    24     <!-- BEGIN no_image_info -->
    25     <span style="color:darkgray;">{L_INFO_IMG}</span>
    26     <!-- END no_image_info -->
    27   </td>
    28   <td class="row1" style="width:10%;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;">
    29     <!-- BEGIN virtual -->
    30     <a href="{category.U_CAT_DELETE}">{L_DELETE}</a>
    31     <!-- END virtual -->
    32     <!-- BEGIN storage -->
    33     <span style="color:darkgray;">{L_DELETE}</span>
    34     <!-- END storage -->
    35   </td>
    36 <tr>
    37 <!-- END category -->
    38 </table>
     3<form id="categoryOrdering" action="" method="post">
     5  <ul>
     7    <!-- BEGIN category -->
     8    <li> <!-- category {category.ID} -->
     10      <ul class="categoryActions">
     11        <li><a href="{category.U_JUMPTO}" title="{lang:jump to category}"><img src="./template/default/theme/category_jump-to.png" alt="{lang:jump to}" /></a></li>
     12        <li><a href="{category.U_EDIT}" title="{lang:edit category informations}"><img src="./template/default/theme/category_edit.png" alt="{lang:edit}"/></a></li>
     13        <!-- BEGIN elements -->
     14        <li><a href="{category.elements.URL}" title="{lang:manage category elements}"><img src="./template/default/theme/category_elements.png" alt="{lang:elements}" /></a></li>
     15        <!-- END elements -->
     16        <li><a href="{category.U_CHILDREN}" title="{lang:manage sub-categories}"><img src="./template/default/theme/category_children.png" alt="{lang:sub-categories}" /></a></li>
     17        <!-- BEGIN delete -->
     18        <li><a href="{category.delete.URL}" title="{lang:delete category}"><img src="./template/default/theme/category_delete.png" alt="{lang:delete}" /></a></li>
     19        <!-- END delete -->
     20      </ul>
     22      <p><strong>{category.NAME}</strong></p>
     24      <p>
     25        <label>
     26          {lang:Position} :
     27          <input type="text" size="4" name="catOrd[{category.ID}]" maxlength="4" value="{category.RANK}" />
     28        </label>
     29      </p>
     31    </li>
     32    <!-- END category -->
     34  <p><input name="submitOrder" type="submit" class="bouton" value="{lang:Save order}" /></p>
    3938<form action="{F_ACTION}" method="post">
    4039  {L_ADD_VIRTUAL} : <input type="text" name="virtual_name" />
    4140  <input type="hidden" name="rank" value="{NEXT_RANK}"/>
    42   <input type="submit" value="{L_SUBMIT}" class="bouton" name="submit" />
     41  <input type="submit" value="{L_SUBMIT}" class="bouton" name="submitAdd" />
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