# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # DEFAULT FILE FOR GALLY'S THEMES # Theme for Piwigo # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # file: gally-default/conf/default.conf # file release: 1.3.0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # author: grum at piwigo.org # << May the Little SpaceFrog be with you >> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default theme "Gally" # # see the gally-default/release_notes.txt file for more informations # # this is the config file for the default theme # # To modify theses default options, you can make a "local.conf" file with new # declaration of parameters # Local files must be localized in the /local/themes/*theme-name*/conf directory # # # BE CAREFUL : string values must be defined between double-quote => "my string" # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------- Picture page parameters ---------------------------------------------- # The 'imageAutoScroll' option can take theses values : # "yes" => use the template scroll feature (no scrollbars) # "no" => use the browser scroll feature (scrollbars) # # Due to bug(?) under MSIE browser this option automaticaly forced to no # works well with FF2, FF3, Opera, Safari imageAutoScroll = "yes" # -- 1.3.1 -- # the 'imageSimulateHighRes' option can take theses values : # "yes" => if there is no high res file and if the image need scroll, the # template simulate an high res image managment # "no" => don't simulate high res image imageSimulateHighRes = "yes" # The 'imageCenterMode' option can take theses values : # "img" => position is calculated on the image height # "all" => position is calculated on the image height + comment height # "none" => image is not centered, just positionned to the 'imageCenterTopMin' # value imageCenterMode = "img" # The 'imageCenterOffset' option can take any positive integer value # This option define an offset (in pixels) to apply to the top position of the # image after centered position is calculated. imageCenterOffset = -15 # The 'imageCenterTopMin' option can take any positive integer value # This option define the minimal position at top for the picture (in pixels) # works only if the image is displayed in absolute/fixed mode (ignored with the # relative/static modes) imageCenterTopMin = 30 # -- 1.2.0 -- # The 'imageCenterTopBorder' option define the offset used to apply the minimal # position at top for the picture # The option can take theses values : # "page" => minimal position is defined from the top border of the # page # "imageHeaderBar" => minimal position is defined from the bottom border of # header bar imageCenterTopBorder="imageHeaderBar" # -- 1.4.0 -- # The 'imageScrollMinDeadArea' option allows to define the minimum width for # dead area in scroll mode imageScrollMinDeadArea=0 # The 'imageInterface' option can take theses values : # "none" => no effect to switch the interface (on/off) # "fade" => use fading to switch the interface (fade in/fade out) # # Due to bug(?) under MSIE browser this option automaticaly forced to "none" # works well with FF2, FF3, Opera, Safari interfaceAnimated="none" # -- 1.3.0 -- # The 'interfaceCanSwitch' option can take theses values : # "yes" => the interface is displayed or hidden according to the defined rules # "no" => the interface is always displayed interfaceCanSwitch="yes" # The 'imageInterfaceHidden' option can take theses values : # "yes" => after a page is loaded, if mouse is over the interface, the # interface still hidden until the mouse move # "no" => after a page is loaded, if mouse is over the interface, the # interface is visible immediately # # Due to bug(?) under MSIE browser this option automaticaly forced to "none" # works well with FF2, FF3, Opera, Safari interfaceHidden="yes" # -- 1.2.0 -- # The 'interfaceOnImage' option can take theses values : # "always" => display interface when the mouse is over the picture # "noscroll" => display interface when the mouse is over the picture only if # the picture is not scrollable # "never" => don't display interface when the mouse is over the picture interfaceOnImage="noscroll" # -- 1.2.0 -- # The 'interfaceTimerDelay' options can take any positive integer values. # This option define the delay (in millseconds) of inactivity before hidding the # interface # set to 0 to deactivate this functionnality interfaceTimerDelay=2500 # The 'animateDelay' option can take any positive integer value # This option define the duration (in milliseconds) of effects animateDelay=0 # The 'marginContainer' option can take any positive integer value # This option define the space between the picture side (left/right) and the # window borders. Normal & high resolution view use this property # Only used when the 'imageAutoScroll' is set to yes marginContainer=30 # -- 1.3.0 -- # The 'paddingContainer' option can take any positive integer value # This option is used for high resolution view and defines the space between the # picture sides (left/right/top/bottom) and the container. paddingContainer=10 # -- 1.2.0 -- # The 'tabsAnimated' option can take theses values : # "yes" => use slide to switch the tabs area (slide in/slide out) # "no" => no effect to switch the tabs area (on/off) tabsAnimated="no" # -- 1.2.0 -- # The 'tabsHidden' and 'tabsVisible' options can take any positive # integer values. # Theses options define the height (in pixels) of the minimized and maximized # tabs area tabsHidden=21 tabsVisible=250 # -- 1.2.0 -- # The 'tabsPosition' option can take theses values : # "top" => display the tabs area at the bottom of the image toobar area # (top of the page) # "bottom" => display the tabs area at the top of the copyright area # (bottom of the page) tabsPosition="top" # -- 1.3.0 -- # The 'displayBanner' option can take theses values : # "yes" => display the banner on the picture page # "no" => hide the banner on the picture page # "alternate" => display an alternate banner ; the content of the alternate # banner is defined in the 'alternateBannerContent' option displayBanner="yes" # -- 1.3.0 -- # The 'alternateBannerContent' option can take any text value # If the 'displayBanner' is set to 'alternate' value, the content of the # 'alternateBannerContent' is used to display the header alternateBannerContent="" # -- 1.2.0 -- # The 'commentRows' option can take any positive integer value. # This option define the number of rows for the comment textarea # (default defined in the template: 7) commentRows=7 # -- 1.2.0 -- # The 'metaNumCols' options can take any positive integer values. # This option define the number of columns used to display the metadata metaNumCols=2 # -- 1.3.0 -- # the 'defaultZoomSize' option can take theses values : # "full" => when high res picture is displayed, the image is displayed in the # the full size # "fit" => when high res picture is displayed, the image is displayed to fit # in the window defaultZoomSize="full" # -- 1.3.0 -- # the 'displayHighResIcon' option can take theses values : # "yes" => display an icon 'view full res' in the toolbar # "no" => don't display an icon 'view full res' in the toolbar displayHighResIcon="yes" # -- 1.3.0 -- # the 'highResClickMode' option can take theses values : # "close" => click on the high res picture close the high res picture # "zoom" => click on the high res picture switch the zoom mode fit/full highResClickMode="zoom" # -- 1.4.0 -- # the 'manageTips' option can take theses values : # "yes" => the interface uses the simpleTip.js script to display hints # "no" => the interface uses the default browser method to display hints manageTips="no" # -- 1.4.0 -- # the 'manageTipsPos' define the default position for tips ; the option can take # theses values : # "tipOnTop" => tip is displayed above the object # "tipOnBottom" => tip is displayed under the object # "tipOnLeft" => tip is displayed on the left side of the object # "tipOnRight" => tip is displayed on the right side of the object manageTipsPos="tipOnBottom" # ------- Menu parameters ------------------------------------------------------ # The 'menuAnimated' option can take theses values : # "none" => no effect to switch the menu (on/off) # "fade" => use fading to switch the menu (fade in/fade out) # "slide" => use fading to switch the menu (fade in/fade out) # "noswitch" => [1.2.0] menu is not displayed by a click (always displayed, # eventually managed by CSS) # # Due to bug(?) under MSIE browser this option automaticaly forced to "none" # if it different of "noswitch" works well with FF2, FF3, Opera, Safari menuAnimated="noswitch" # The 'menuWidth' option can take theses values : # "auto" => width of the menu is autocomputed by the browser # "info" => width of the menu is set to be inside the information panel on the # left (use the '.additional_info' CSS value) # The 'menuWidth' option can also take any positive integer value wich define a # fixed width in pixels menuWidth = "auto" # The 'menuMaxWidth' option is used when the 'menuWidth' option is set to "auto" # and can take any positive integer value wich define a fixed maximum width in # pixels # If this option is set to 0, there is no maximum width applied to the menu # # please note that under MSIE prior than 8.0, the 'menuWidth = "auto"' option # don't work as well as other browsers and in this case, with the # 'menuMSIEMaxWidth' option you can force a maximum width only for this browser # This option is not used when the 'menuAnimated' option is set to "noswitch" menuMaxWidth = 0 menuMSIEMaxWidth = 190 # -- 1.3.0 -- # the 'expandMenu' option can take theses values : # "yes" => the menu is expanded, all items are displayed at once time # "no" => default piwigo mode, the menu is not expanded expandMenu="no"