##################################################################################### Installation for eclipse ##################################################################################### 1 - You must first checkout the project from svn (url is http://piwigo.org/svn/extensions/jiwigo/). Create a new Java project from the svn version. 2 - Then install maven plugin for eclipse. It is available from that update site : http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e 3 - Then enable maven dependency management : right click on the project > maven > enable dependency management. 4 - Now you must tell eclipse which folders are sources folders : right click on the project > properties > java build path > tab "Source" > Add folder. Select java and resources in main and test folders. 5 - install maven on your computer. You can download it here : http://maven.apache.org/download.html. For debian/ubuntu, maven is available via apt-get : sudo apt-get install maven2 (maybe for other distributions too, I did not search). 6 - Some dependency are not available from maven repositories. You must install them manually in your local repository : Create a new "External tool configuration" type "Program". In "Location" put the location of maven's executable. If you've downloaded maven via the link above, the executable is in the bin directory of the extracted folder. It is called "mvn" for Unix systems and mvn.bat for windows. If you've installed maven via a package manager (like apt-get), maven location will probably be "/usr/bin/mvn". In the argument field, put one of the two commands of the file "mvn-commands.txt". Run the command. If you get an error that tells you that the project location cannot be found, click on the project and run the command again. Replace the content of the field "argument" by the other command of the "mvn-commands.txt" file. 7 - create a new "External tool configuration" type "Program". In location put the maven executable again, in working directory, put "${project_loc}" and in argument put "clean eclipse:eclipse". Run the command. The project should not contain errors after that, and you should be able to launch jiwigo by launching the main class : src/main/java fr.mael.jiwigo.Main If you want to build an executable jar from the sources, I recommend to use a maven command : create a new "External tool configuration" type "Program" in location put the maven executable in working directory put "${project_loc}" and in argument put "assembly:assembly". Execute the command. The reason to use this command is that it launches the tests of the project and does not build a jar if the tests fail. It creates two jar in the "target" directory of the project : Jiwigo-version.jar and Jiwigo-version-jar-with-dependencies.jar. The first one is not usable because it contains only the class file of the project. The second one can be executed because it contains the dependencies of the project. Enjoy. I do not use other IDE, so I don't know how to install the project with other IDE. Feel free to complete this file if you know.