{combine_css path=$HEADER_MANAGER_PATH|@cat:"admin/template/style.css"} {footer_script require="jquery"}{literal} jQuery("input[name='display']").change(function() { jQuery(".display-help:not(#"+ jQuery(this).val() +")").slideUp(); jQuery("#"+ jQuery(this).val()).slideDown(); }); jQuery(".showImage").tipTip({ delay: 0, fadeIn: 200, fadeOut: 200, maxWidth: '300px', defaultPosition: 'top' }); {/literal}{/footer_script}

Header Manager


{'You can customize the display by adding CSS rules to'|@translate} #theHeader div.banner

{'Put %header_manager% where you want to display the image.'|@translate}
{'Banner'|@translate} {if $banners} {foreach from=$banners item=image key=name} {/foreach} {else} {'No banner added yet'|@translate} {/if}

{'Add a banner'|@translate}

{'Album specific banners'|@translate} {'In order to add a specific banner, go to the admin page of the desired album.'|@translate} {if $categories}

: {'Non recursive'|@translate} • : {'Recursive'|@translate}
