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'+'+ a : a); c = m[3] ? m[3] == '0' ? '0' : m[3].charAt(1) : ' '; x = m[5] - String(a).length - s.length; p = m[5] ? str_repeat(c, x) : ''; o.push(s + (m[4] ? a + p : p + a)); } else { throw('Huh ?!'); } f = f.substring(m[0].length); } return o.join(''); } function checkUploadStart() { var nbErrors = 0; jQuery("#formErrors").hide(); jQuery("#formErrors li").hide(); if (jQuery("#albumSelect option:selected").length == 0) { jQuery("#formErrors #noAlbum").show(); nbErrors++; } var nbFiles = 0; if (jQuery("#uploadBoxes").size() == 1) { jQuery("input[name^=image_upload]").each(function() { if (jQuery(this).val() != "") { nbFiles++; } }); } else { nbFiles = jQuery(".uploadifyQueueItem").size(); } if (nbFiles == 0) { jQuery("#formErrors #noPhoto").show(); nbErrors++; } if (nbErrors != 0) { jQuery("#formErrors").show(); return false; } else { return true; } } function humanReadableFileSize(bytes) { var byteSize = Math.round(bytes / 1024 * 100) * .01; var suffix = 'KB'; if (byteSize > 1000) { byteSize = Math.round(byteSize *.001 * 100) * .01; suffix = 'MB'; } var sizeParts = byteSize.toString().split('.'); if (sizeParts.length > 1) { byteSize = sizeParts[0] + '.' + sizeParts[1].substr(0,2); } else { byteSize = sizeParts[0]; } return byteSize+suffix; } function fillCategoryListbox(selectId, selectedValue) { jQuery.getJSON( "ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.categories.getList", { recursive: true, fullname: true, format: "json", }, function(data) { jQuery.each( data.result.categories, function(i,category) { var selected = null; if (category.id == selectedValue) { selected = "selected"; } jQuery("") .attr("value", category.id) .attr("selected", selected) .text(category.name) .appendTo("#"+selectId) ; } ); } ); } jQuery(".addAlbumOpen").colorbox({ inline:true, href:"#addAlbumForm", onComplete:function(){ jQuery("input[name=category_name]").focus(); } }); jQuery("#addAlbumForm form").submit(function(){ jQuery("#categoryNameError").text(""); jQuery.ajax({ url: "ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.categories.add", data: { parent: jQuery("select[name=category_parent] option:selected").val(), name: jQuery("input[name=category_name]").val(), }, beforeSend: function() { jQuery("#albumCreationLoading").show(); }, success:function(html) { jQuery("#albumCreationLoading").hide(); var newAlbum = jQuery.parseJSON(html).result.id; jQuery(".addAlbumOpen").colorbox.close(); jQuery("#albumSelect").find("option").remove(); fillCategoryListbox("albumSelect", newAlbum); jQuery(".albumSelection").show(); /* we hide the ability to create another album, this is different from the admin upload form */ /* in Community, it's complicated to refresh the list of parent albums */ jQuery("#linkToCreate").hide(); return true; }, error:function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrows) { jQuery("#albumCreationLoading").hide(); jQuery("#categoryNameError").text(errorThrows).css("color", "red"); } }); return false; }); jQuery("#hideErrors").click(function() { jQuery("#formErrors").hide(); return false; }); jQuery("#uploadWarningsSummary a.showInfo").click(function() { jQuery("#uploadWarningsSummary").hide(); jQuery("#uploadWarnings").show(); }); jQuery("#showPermissions").click(function() { jQuery(this).parent(".showFieldset").hide(); jQuery("#permissions").show(); }); jQuery("#showPhotoProperties").click(function() { jQuery(this).parent(".showFieldset").hide(); jQuery("#photoProperties").show(); jQuery("input[name=set_photo_properties]").prop('checked', true); }); {/literal} {if $upload_mode eq 'html'} {if isset($limit_nb_photos)} var limit_nb_photos = {$limit_nb_photos}; {/if} {literal} function addUploadBox() { var uploadBox = '
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