{* $Id: header.tpl 3272 2009-05-06 05:17:55Z ddtddt $ *} {if isset($meta_ref) } {if isset($INFO_AUTHOR)} {/if} {if isset($related_tags)} {/if} {if isset($COMMENT_IMG)} {else} {/if} {/if} {if (isset($REVERSE) and $REVERSE and $PAGE_TITLE == l10n('home'))} {$GALLERY_TITLE} | {$PAGE_TITLE}{else} {$PAGE_TITLE} | {$GALLERY_TITLE}{/if} {if isset($first.U_IMG) }{/if} {if isset($previous.U_IMG)}{/if} {if isset($next.U_IMG) }{/if} {if isset($last.U_IMG) }{/if} {if isset($U_UP) }{/if} {* the next css is used to fix khtml (Konqueror/Safari) issue the "text/nonsense" prevents gecko based browsers to load it *} {$themeconf.local_head} {if isset($U_PREFETCH) }{/if} {if not empty($page_refresh) }{/if} {if not empty($head_elements)} {foreach from=$head_elements item=elt}{$elt} {/foreach} {/if}
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{if isset($theSwiftHeader)}{$theSwiftHeader}{/if} {if not empty($header_notes)}
{foreach from=$header_notes item=elt}

