KIPIPLUGINS PROJECT ( -- AUTHORS ------------------------------------------------------------ See AUTHORS file for details. -- ABOUT -------------------------------------------------------------- Libkipi and kipi-plugins allows image applications as digiKam ( to use a plugin architecture for additional functionalities. Notes: Most of the Kipi-plugins have previously been DigikamPlugins. kipi-plugins is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. Current plugins ported to Qt4/KDE4: AcquireImages : A tool to acquire images using flat scanner. Calendar : A tool to create calendars. DngConverter : A tool to convert Raw Image to Digital NeGative (DNG - Facebook : A tool to import/export images to/from a remote Facebook web service ( FlickrExport : A tool to export images to a remote Flickr based web service ( Also compatible with Zooomr and 23HQ GalleryExport : A tool to export images to a remote Gallery (and Gallery 2) server ( GPSSync : A tool to geolocalize pictures. HTMLExport : A tool to export images collections into a static XHTML page. ImageViewer : A tool to preview images using OpenGL. JpegLossLess : A tool to rotate/flip images without losing quality. MetadataEdit : A tool to edit EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata. PicasaWebExport : A tool to export images to a remote Picasa web service ( PrintImage : A tool to print images in various format. RawConverter : A tool to convert Raw Image to JPEG/PNG/TIFF. RemoveRedEyes : A tool to remove red eyes on image automatically. SendImages : A tool to send images by e-mail. SimpleViewerExport : A tool to export images to Flash using SimpleViewer ( SlideShow : A tool to Slide images with 2D and 3D effects using OpenGL. Smug : A tool to import/export images to/from a remote SmugMug web service ( TimeAdjust : A tool to adjust date and time. IpodExport : A tool to export pictures to an Ipod device. BatchProcess : A tool to batch process images (convert, resize, rename, etc.). KIOExport : A tool to export images to remote computer using network protocol (FTP, SSH, SAMBA, etc...). Shwup : A tool to export images to Shwup web service ( Porting under progress to Qt4/KDE4: WallPaper : A tool to set image as background on your desktop. Not yet ported to Qt4/KDE4: CDArchiving : A tool to archive your image collections to a CD or DVD. MpegEncoder : A tool to create an MPEG slideshow with a set of images. -- DEPENDENCIES ------------------------------------------------------- CMake >= 2.4.5 libqt >= 4.3.x libkde >= 4.0.x libtiff >= 3.6.x (>=3.8.2 recommended) libjpeg >= 6b libpng >= 1.2.x libkipi >= 0.2.0 libkexiv2 >= 0.5.0 libkdcraw >= 0.4.0 Using LibRaw decoder instead dcraw. ImageMagick >= 5.5.4 (runtime dependency) Optional: libxslt >= 1.1 libxml2 >= 2.7.x libX11 >= 1.1.5 Linux Only. libexpat >= 2.0.1 libqtopengl >= 4.3.x Mesa3D >= 7.0.4 libopencv >= 1.0 libgpod >= 0.7.0 libgdk >= 2.0.0 libqca >= 2.0.0 Plugin Specific Dependencies (for compiling and for running) : SlideShow : X11 (Linux Only), Mesa3D, and OpenGL support for libqt ImageViewer : X11 (Linux Only), Mesa3D, and OpenGL support for libqt DngConverter : libexpat and libkdcraw 0.4.0 AcquireImages : libksane HtmlZxport : libxslt and libxml2 JpegLossless : imagemagick (runtime dependency) WallPaper : kdebase (runtime dependency) RemoveRedEyes : libopencv. IpodExport : libgpod, libgdk. Calendar : libkcal (kdepimlibs) Shwup : libqca -- CONTACT ------------------------------------------------------------ If you have questions, comments, suggestions to make do email at : IRC channel from server: #kde-imaging #digikam IMPORTANT : the bugreports and wishlist are hosted by the KDE bugs report system who can be contacted by the standard Kde help menu of plugins dialog. A mail will be automaticly sent to the Kipi mailing list. There is no need to contact directly the Kipi mailing list for a bug report or a devel wish. The current Kipi bugs and devel wish reported to the Kde bugs report can be see at this url : -- INSTALL ------------------------------------------------------------ In order to compile, especially when QT3/Qt4 are installed at the same time, just use something like that: # export VERBOSE=1 # export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt4/ # export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH # cmake . # make Usual CMake options : -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : decide where the program will be install on your computer. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE : decide which type of build you want. You can chose between "debugfull", "debug", "profile", "relwithdebinfo" and "release". The default is "relwithdebinfo" (-O2 -g). Compared to old KDE3 autoconf options: "cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull" is equivalent to "./configure --enable-debug=full" "cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr" is equivalent to "./configure --prefix=/usr" More details can be found ata this url: Note: To know KDE install path on your computer, use 'kde-config --prefix' command line.