{html_head} {literal} {/literal} {/html_head}
{if $STEP < 2}

Piwigo AutoUpgrade


{'Upgrade to Piwigo %s'|@translate|@sprintf:$UPGRADE_TO}

{if $STEP == 0} {if $CHECK_VERSION}

{'You are running the latest version of Piwigo.'|@translate}

{elseif $DEV_VERSION}

{'You are running on development sources, no check possible.'|@translate}


{'Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'|@translate}

{/if} {/if} {if $STEP == 1}

{'Two upgrades are available'|@translate}:

{'You can upgrade to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'|@translate|@sprintf:$MAJOR_VERSION:$MINOR_VERSION}

{/if} {if $STEP == 2}

{'A new version of Piwigo is available.'|@translate}
{'This is a minor upgrade, with only bug corrections.'|@translate}

{/if} {if $STEP == 3}

{'A new version of Piwigo is available.'|@translate}
{'This is a major upgrade, with new exciting features.'|@translate|@sprintf:$RELEASE_URL} {'Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'|@translate}

{if version_compare($PHPWG_VERSION, '2.1', '<')} {counter assign=i}

{/if} {counter assign=i}

  {'Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)'|@translate}

{counter assign=i}
