# Config File for stripped Theme # author: J.Capitaine # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # To modify theses default options, you can make a "local.conf" file with new # declaration of parameters # Local files must be localized in the /local/themes/*theme-name*/conf directory # # BE CAREFUL : string values must be defined between double-quote => "my string" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------- General Parameters --------------------------------------------------- # replaceActionIcons # -- true # -- false # if set to true, all actions icons at top of the page will be replaced by # their ALT attributes replaceActionIcons = true # ------- Category Page Parameters --------------------------------------------- # animatedMenu # -- true # -- false # animated menu option will be automatically set to 0 with webkit browsers # (chrome, safari) due to display problems. animatedMenu = true # ------- Picture Page Parameters --------------------------------------------- # showTitleOnBrowsePath # -- true # -- false showTitleOnBrowsePath = false # showDescriptionInsteadOfTitle # -- true # -- false showDescriptionInsteadOfTitle = false # animated tabs # -- true # -- false # tabs are animated only when opening/closing one tab, not when switching from # one tab to another. animatedTabs = true # imageAutosize # -- true # -- false # if option set to "yes", the image will be automatically resized to fit # window height imageAutosize = true # imageAutosizeTitle # -- true # -- false # Include title in image autosize process imageAutosizeTitle = true # imageAutosizeMargin # -- nb of pixels # Bottom margin after resize imageAutosizeMargin = 2 # imageAutosizeMinHeight # -- nb of pixels # Minimum height of Image after resize imageAutosizeMinHeight = 200 # navThumbsFade # -- time in ms # time for fade-in / fade-out for prev/next image Thumb # no fade-in / fade-out if set to 0 navThumbsFade = 150 # marginContainer # -- nb of pixels # This option define the space between the HD picture side (left/right) and the # window borders. marginContainer=30 # paddingContainer # -- nb of pixels # This option is used for HD picture and defines the space between the picture # sides (left/right/top/bottom) and the container. paddingContainer=10 # defaultZoomSize # -- "full" => when HD picture is displayed, the image is displayed in the full size # -- "fit" => when HD picture is displayed, the image is displayed to fit in the window defaultZoomSize="full" # highResClickMode # -- "close" => click on the HD picture closes the HD picture windows # -- "zoom" => click on the HD picture switch the zoom mode fit/full highResClickMode="zoom" # infoTabAdminOnly # -- true # -- false # if set to true, only admins will see the info tab on the picture tab infoTabAdminOnly = false