====== Gallery blog ====== I was looking around to create a kind of blog in my Piwigo gallery.\\ At the moment there are two plugins which can do this:\\ * Additional Pages * Evil Blog After testing both I decided to go with 'Additional Pages'. I already used it for creating an imprint page so I was a little bit familiar with this plugin.\\ One feature Additional Pages offers is that you can hide articles from being displayed in the menu bar.\\ \\ Here is how I have done it for my site:\\ http://www.pixel-wonders.de \\ As mentioned above I had already done the imprint, privacy pages, but I do not want them to be displayed in the blog section, so I hide them in the Additional Pages backend.\\ Before that I have copied the urls to notepad.\\ Next I created links to this pages with the localfiles editor plugin.The result has a 'cosmetic' problem:\\ Links to imprint, privacy policy etc, are displayed under the 'links' section in the menu bar.\\ Again the localfiles editor has the solution.In the language tab I set up:\\ $lang['Links'] = 'Information'; \\ \\ Now my imprint is displayed under a 'Information' section in the menu. Step 1 ist done :-) \\ At the moment I have decided to split my articles in two 'categories':\\ Tipps and Places\\ \\ OK, Additional Pages plugin is not able to create categories. Indeed the two categories are simple pages created in the plugin which serve as a kind of main page for the articles.\\ All other pages created with Additional Pages are set to 'hide'.\\ At the moment you see in my site: http://www.pixel-wonders.de a third entry called 'Artikelsuche'.\\ I have described how this can be done with evil_blog here:\\ http://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=dev:extensions:page_search \\ You only have to modify it to match for Additional_Pages.\\ \\ To keep things simply, which means as less manual work (linking pages etc.] as possible there is one cool thing with the Additional_Pages plugin:\\ You might have noticed that the plugin holds a template for the standalone homepage.\\ This template is stored in a folder 'distribued' which is a subfolder of the plugin.There you will see another subfolder called 'standalone_home' with two files in it. Now comes the funny part:\\ Create a new folder an name it e.g. 'MyContent'. Copy the two files from the 'standalone_home' folder to this new directory.\\ Open the config.php and set the name to whatever you want, e.g. 'my template'. Next set 'homepage' to false. you do not need the line with the 'title', so delete it.\\ \\ For a test create a new page with the Additional Pages plugin, in the dropdown box you will now have the:\\ Standalone homepage and your newly created template 'My Template'.\\ The content.tpl holds the content available, so i found it a good idea to store all the content here which will be used on my blog pages.\\ In my case this is the menu on the right and the navigation bar in the middle.\\ To get an idea, here is my code:\\


Content goes here.



Gack   Forward


\\ \\ The only thing I have to do now is to manually adjust the "Forward" link when creating a new page. The 'Back' link does not need to be adjusted because it uses the 'History Back' function. \\ \\ Don't forget to set all new created pages to 'hide' from the menu and you are done :-)\\ \\ If you want to make further enhancements like embedding the disqus commenting system, get yourself a coffee and read on:\\ What we will do is to embed the disqus code - the comments should be collapsed(hidden) by default.\\ First create an anchor named "comments". Assuming you use the code above, scroll to the end and add a new line:\\
\\ The anchor has only one function:\\ This prevents the page from scrolling to the top when you click the 'Show/Hide' link.\\ \\ No we will create the div which holds the disqus code:\\ Show/Hide Comments

\\ **Important:**\\ If you paste your disquse code before the closing div tag, you will notice that 'Show/Hide Comments' will not work in firefox.\\ You can fix it by pasting the following lines right after:\\ var disqus_shortname = 'yourdisqusshortname';\\ disqus_config = function() { this.callbacks.onReady = [function() { $('#disqus_thread iframe').css({ 'height': '327px', 'height': 'auto !important', 'min-height': '327px' }); }]; }; \\ \\ If you have any further questions, please use the contact form on:\\ http://www.pixel-wonders.de\\ \\ Cheers\\ Ralf