====== Album Permission Status ====== Administrators can forbid access to albums for users using //permissions//. Albums can be //public// or //private//. Permissions can only be set for private albums. Prior to Piwigo 2.2, //albums// were known as //categories//. This is just a change of name and the concept and functionality remains exactly the same. === Editing permission status === The first step is to make the desired albums private. You have two ways of switching the album from public to private: - by editing a single album: [Administration > Albums > Manage > edit] - by setting options to your whole album tree: [Administration > Albums > Public/Private] === Default status === At creation an album can be public or private depending on configuration and parent album: * status = ''$conf['newcat_default_status']'' if the parent album is //public//. This configuration parameter must be set in the ''include/config.inc.php'' file. * status = //private// if the parent album is //private// === Status modification rules === When editing album access status, automatic rules are applied : * if status goes from //public// to //private//, all child albums become //private// * if status goes from //private// to //public//, all parent albums become //public//. We are not talking about cousins, but parents to the root of albums. === Example === Let's have an example, shown in next screenshots. At beginning, all albums (categories on screenshots) are public: {{en:user_documentation: permissions_example_1.png |At beginning, all albums are public}} Then you decide to set {animals >> cat} (the selected album above) to //private// {{en:user_documentation: permissions_example_2.png |All children albums become private}} All children albums become //private// automatically. Then, you decide that {animals >> cat >> 8 weeks} must in fact be //public// : {{en:user_documentation: permissions_example_3.png |All parent albums become public}} All parent albums become //public// automatically. The parent albums of {animals >> cat >> 8 weeks} are {animals >> cat} (previously //private//) and {animals} (which was already //public//) ==== Users permissions ==== Permissions are managed by group or by user. For a private album, permissions tell whether the user (or users belonging to the group) can view the album. === Administration screens === Two screens let you modify permissions : * [Administration > Users > Manage] : for a given user, click on the //permissions// icon, you will then see the list of all private albums separated in two boxes: authorized on the left and forbidden on the right. * [Administration > Users > Groups] : for a give group, click on the //permissions// icon, you will then see the list all private albums the same way as for users. === Permissions Rules === Here follows a list a rules used: * for a group or a user, forbidding an album makes all child albums forbidden * for a group or a user, authorizing an album makes all parent albums authorized * for a group, authorizing an album makes this album authorized to all members of the group (same effect for parent albums thanks to previous rule) * a user can reach a private album if he's authorized to **or** if he belongs to any group authorized to reach the album * denying a user from a group makes the user lose all authorizations won by belonging to this group * a new user has no permission