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Technical changes in Piwigo 2.10

[In Progress] "Multiple formats" for videos

When we upload a video (higher than HD) in Piwigo 2.10, it will generate the video in HD to help users to see videos in their gallery if they have a heavy file. To create this feature, we added a new trigger at the end of the upload process called :

trigger_notify('upload_file_end', $example);

The video is generate with ffmpeg in command line and stored in 'pwg_format'.

No more include for comment_list.tpl

In templates comments.tpl and picture.tpl we have replaced:

{include file='comment_list.tpl' comment_derivative_params=$derivative_params}



All themes with a custom comments.tpl or picture.tpl should apply the same change.

New badges for number of photos

In index.tpl, in the H2 (breadcrumbs) the number of photos of the current section is no longer in the $TITLE template variable, but provided separately in $NB_ITEMS. You need to update your index.tpl (if not using the default theme one). Replace:



<h2>{$TITLE} {if $NB_ITEMS > 0}<span class="badge nb_items">{$NB_ITEMS}</span>{/if}</h2>

To replace the aspect of badges (actually between brackets), you can add in your theme.css:

.badge {
  background-color: #808080;
  color: black;
  padding: 1px 5px;
  border-radius: 10px;
  font-size: 10px;
   content : '';
  content : '';
dl#mbCategories li {
  margin-top: 3px ;
  margin-bottom: 3px;

Trigger for tag and group deletions

trigger_notify("delete_tags", $tag_ids);
trigger_notify('delete_group', $groupids);

New methods for web API

  • pwg.images.setMd5sum
  • pwg.categories.setRank

Configuration setting

  • $conf['display_fromto'] is now manageable on page [Administration > Configuration > Options > tab Display]
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dev/changes_in_2.10.1561645980.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 14:33 by plg
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