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Technical changes in Piwigo 2.2

FIXME (2011-03-09) this page is under preparation

This page lists the technical changes that may be useful for plugin and theme developpers to make their extension compatible with Piwigo 2.2.

cleaner URL for plugin administration

If the adminstration main page of your plugin is plugins/plugin_directory/admin.php, then you can simplify the URL of your plugin in the from this:

add_event_handler('get_admin_plugin_menu_links', 'localfiles_admin_menu');
function localfiles_admin_menu($menu)
      'NAME' => 'LocalFiles Editor',
      'URL' => get_admin_plugin_menu_link(LOCALEDIT_PATH . 'admin.php')
  return $menu;

into this:

add_event_handler('get_admin_plugin_menu_links', 'localfiles_admin_menu');
function localfiles_admin_menu($menu)
      'NAME' => 'LocalFiles Editor',
      'URL' => get_root_url().'admin.php?page=plugin-'.basename(dirname(__FILE__))
  return $menu;
  • admin.php?page=plugin&section=LocalFilesEditor%2Fadmin.php (ugly) in Piwigo 2.1
  • admin.php?page=plugin-LocalFilesEditor (nice) in Piwigo 2.2

Even better, if you have several tabs on your plugin administration screen, you can append -tabName in the “page” URL parameter.

  • admin.php?page=plugin&section=LocalFilesEditor%2Fadmin.php&tab=css (ugly) in Piwigo 2.1
  • admin.php?page=plugin-LocalFilesEditor-css (nice) in Piwigo 2.2

No longer hard code the ./local/ directory

If you use the ./local directory to store your theme/plugin configuration, I suggest to move configuration to the “config” table which does a very good job. If you want to keep configuration in a separate file, don't hard code the ./local/ directory, user $conf['local_dir'] instead.

Starting from Piwigo 2.2, it is possible to run several photo galleries with the same installation of Piwigo, this is a basic multisite feature and each site has its own $conf['local_dir']

Adviser mode was removed

Because it was not that useful and had impact on many files, we've decided to remove the Adviser mode. In your PHP files, remove the:

if (is_adviser())

and in the TPL files, remove the:


The function is_adviser() is deprecated but not removed : it will always return false.


To reduce the number of HTTP requests from the visitor web browser to the web server, we use the new “combine_css” method, which merge several CSS files into a single one, minified.

Piwigo 2.1

{html_head}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$LOCALEDIT_PATH}locfiledit.css">{/html_head}

Piwigo 2.2

{combine_css path="plugins/LocalFilesEditor/locfiledit.css"}

For coding steps, before releasing your theme/plugin, you can deactivate the combine_css feature :

$conf['template_combine_files'] = false;

combine_script + footer_script replaces known_script

To reduce the number of HTTP requests from the visitor web browser to the web server, we use the new “combine script” method, which merge several javascript files into a single one, minified.

{combine_script id="jquery" load="header" path=...}
{combine_script id="jquery.anything" load="footer" require="jquery" path=...}
{combine_script id="jquery.ui" load="footer" require="jquery" path=...}
{combine_script id="jquery.ui.datepicker" load="footer" require="jquery.ui" path=...}
{combine_script id="core.scripts" load="async" path=scripts.js}
{combine_script id="rating" load="async" require="core.scripts" path=rating.js}
{combine_script id="jquery" load="async"}
{combine_script id="jquery.ui" load="async"}
{combine_script id="jquery.ui.draggable" load="async"}
{footer_script require='jquery.ui.xxxx'}
  • id : a string that make the javascript file unique
  • load : header/footer/async. header and footer values means the javascript file doesn't need to be loaded by the web browser to display the page. For example Google Analytics javascript could be “async”.
  • require : the id of the parent javascript file.
  • path : relative to the “root url” of your gallery

Example 1, jquery.fcbkcomplete

{known_script id="jquery.fcbkcomplete" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.fcbkcomplete.js"}
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      json_url: "admin.php?fckb_tags=1",
      cache: false,
      filter_case: false,
      filter_hide: true,
      firstselected: true,
      filter_selected: true,
      maxitems: 100,
      newel: true


{combine_script id='jquery.fcbkcomplete' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.fcbkcomplete.js'}
{footer_script require='jquery.fcbkcomplete'}{literal}
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    json_url: "admin.php?fckb_tags=1",
    cache: false,
    filter_case: false,
    filter_hide: true,
    firstselected: true,
    filter_selected: true,
    maxitems: 100,
    newel: true

Example 2, jquery.ui.sortable

{known_script id="jquery" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/jquery.packed.js"}
{known_script id="jquery.ui" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/ui/packed/ui.core.packed.js" }
{known_script id="jquery.ui.sortable" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/ui/packed/ui.sortable.packed.js" }
<script type="text/javascript">
    axis: "y",
    opacity: 0.8


{footer_script require='jquery.ui.sortable'}{literal}
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    axis: "y",
    opacity: 0.8

No need to use combined_script, because Piwigo will automatically load jquery.ui.sortable, which automatically requires jquery.ui which automatically requires jquery. It works because jquery.ui.sortable is available in themes/default/js

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dev/changes_in_2.2.1299680441.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/03/09 14:20 by plg
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