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Compilation of personal plugins

Here is a list of very simple plugins you can use with LocalFilesEditor.

Add a top navigation bar

On thumbnails list, if you have severals items, you may want to display the navigation bar on the top in addition to the bottom one.

Plugin Name: Navbar on top
Version: 1.0
Author: Mistic
Author URI:
add_event_handler('loc_end_index', 'top_navbar');
function top_navbar()
  global $template;
  $template->set_prefilter('index', 'top_navbar_prefilter');
function top_navbar_prefilter($content, &$smarty)
  $search = '{if !empty($CATEGORIES)}{$CATEGORIES}{/if}';
  $add = '{if !empty($navbar)}{include file=\'navigation_bar.tpl\'|@get_extent:\'navbar\'}{/if}';
  return str_replace($search, $add.$search, $content);

Remove photo counter in the breadcrumb

Plugin Name: Remove breadcrumb photocounter
Version: 1.0
Author: barbichou
add_event_handler('loc_end_index', 'no_breadcrumb_counter');
function no_breadcrumb_counter()
  global $template;
  $s = $template->get_template_vars('TITLE');
  $pos = strrpos($s,"[");
  if ($pos !== false)
    $template->assign('TITLE', substr($s,0,$pos));

One level page title

This plugins displays only the last album name in page title, not the full tree.

Plugin Name: One level in page title
Version: 1.0
add_event_handler('loc_end_page_header', 'one_level_pagetitle');
function one_level_pagetitle()
  global $template, $conf;
  $titre = $template->get_template_vars('PAGE_TITLE');
  $pos = strrpos($titre, $conf['level_separator']);
  if ($pos!==false)
    $template->assign('PAGE_TITLE', substr($titre, $pos+strlen($conf['level_separator']))); 

Theme Switch From URL

This plugin allows to give URL with a additional parameter witch will force the current theme. For exemple : will open this picture page with the theme Stripped whatever is the default theme. Only works for picture page.

Plugin Name: Theme Switch From URL
Version: 1.0
Author: Mistic
Author URI:
add_event_handler('user_init', 'theme_controler_lite1');
add_event_handler('init', 'theme_controler_lite2');
function theme_controler_lite1()
  global $user;
  if ( isset($_GET['temp_theme']) and file_exists(PHPWG_THEMES_PATH.$_GET['temp_theme']) )
    $user['theme'] = $_GET['temp_theme'];
function theme_controler_lite2()
  global $template;
  if ( isset($_GET['temp_theme']) and file_exists(PHPWG_THEMES_PATH.$_GET['temp_theme']) )
    $template->assign('TEMP_THEME', $_GET['temp_theme']);
    $template->set_prefilter('picture', 'theme_controler_lite_prefilter');
function theme_controler_lite_prefilter($content)
  global $conf;
  if ($conf['question_mark_in_urls']==false)
    $search = '#(action|href)="([^?"]*)"#';
    $replace = '$1="$2?temp_theme={$TEMP_THEME}"';
    $search = '#(action|href)="([^"]*)"#';
    $replace = '$1="$2&amp;temp_theme={$TEMP_THEME}"';
  return preg_replace($search, $replace, $content);

More to come…

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dev/compilation_of_personal_plugins.1358507491.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/18 11:11 by mistic100
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