This is an old revision of the document!

This tutorial describes how to move from SVN to Github, and does not force you to do so. SVN repository is still alive and there is no plan to shut it down.

Migrate a plugin from SVN to Github

Since November 2014, the plugins repository and the translation platform both support Github repositories, in addition to our Subversion repository. That mean you can use the power of Github (issues, forks, pull-requests) and seamlessly integrate with (no more need of manual releases and/or git/svn mirrors).

This tutorial will guide you in the process to migrate your SVN repository to Github without loosing its history. It is inspired by Atlassian tutorial for migrating to Bitbucket but cleaned and adapted for Github. It is adapted for plugins with only one branch (trunk), if you have branches and/or tags on your plugin and wish to migrate them, please refer to the original tutorial.


I assume you will start with a fresh OS but you certainly have some or all of the required software. (The process was tested on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 14).

  • Java 1.7 or 1.8
  • Git
  • Subversion
  • Git SVN


You can get Java JRE on Oracle website.

Subversion binaries can be found on Apache website.

Also install mysysGit containing both core Git and Git SVN.

Ubuntu & co.

You will need these packages :

  • openjdk-7-jre (or openjdk-8-jre)
  • subversion
  • git
  • git-svn


You will also need a little tool created by Atlassian: svn-migration-scripts.jar.


In order to get a consistent commit history on Github you will have to tell Git SVN who is who. Open a terminal where svn-migration-scripts.jar is located (Shift+Click on Windows) and enter the following command:

java -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar authors > authors_YOURPLUGIN.txt

This will create a TXT file with the following syntax:

j.doe = j.doe <> 
m.smith = m.smith <>

Left part is Subversion login, right part is Github login and email.

Adapt authors' file

Now modify the left part of each line to match an actual Github accounts. The email must be one of the emails associated to the Github account.

You will certainly get TranslationTeam in this file, the SVN user used to commit language files. Complete the line as following:

TranslationTeam = Piwigo-TranslationTeam <>

Also if plg or mistic100 made changes in your plugin, use theses:

plg = plegall <>
mistic100 = mistic100 <>

For any other users, replace by

And of course don't forget to specify the correct mapping for your own account!


Open your terminal on your working directory and type:

git svn clone --authors-file=authors_YOURPLUGIN.txt

This will fetch all commits on your plugin and create locally all relevant Git commits.


Now it's time to push your plugin to Github.

Create a new repository. You must leave it empty (no, no LICENSE, no .gitignore).

Still in your terminal type:

git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all

Hooray ! Your plugin is now published to Github.

Update tools

See use_scm

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dev/extensions/svn_to_github.1415365967.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/07 13:12 by plg
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