Since i upload all my Android Photos via FolderSync and SSH, they are already on the Server in the right place. I couldn't find a proper Commandline Tool to trigger only the Syncronization of this Incoming Folder to Piwigo. So i have tried too write my own small Script. I have used as inspiration since this is my first try with a Perl Script.
In my case i run the Script via a Cronjob, but maybe later i switch to inotify or anything similar. You can run the Script manually or via Cron like this example:
perl /media/hdd/ --base_url=http://localhost:81/piwigo/ --user=your_username --password=your_password --directory='absolute_path_to_your_ssh_upload_dir' --caddie=0 --privacy_level=4 --cat=your_category_id --subcat=1
If you find Problems, please let me know. I will try to solve them.