I have been using this Gallery on localhost using Wamp server for testing purposes and think it is excellent.
I have been considering buying a domain and getting myself some webspace for a family/friends/nature type of gallery but being new to this gallery, I am a little bit concerned about security.
So my question is would it be safe to use on the internet. Is there anything that I should take into consideration and employ before I make it go live.
I just don't want to wake up one day or someone visits and it has been vandalised or such with it being so personal.
There is no other gallery that fits my needs and I would really appreciate any help/feedback regarding my concerns.
I would like to take this chance to thank you for the great work that you have put into this. I think it is the best gallery out there and I have tested galleries a lot of galleries on localhost.
Hope someone can help.
Really we make our gallery to be unsafe and for offline website, you think so?
You have plugins like SecureImage to secure a bit more.
But it is up to you to organize pictures, categories, users and group users in a safe way.
What means safe for you? No hacking? ...
Sorry if it seemed I was being in any way horrible. This is not the case. I'm sorry if it come across that way sir :(
Secure as in protecting against exploits, no hacking.
I plan to only have 2 groups. Myself as admin group and anonymous users as another user group for visitors where no sign in is required.
I have no plans to protect images.
I hope that I have been clear enough.
Currently 1.7 is really a safe release.
Only one security advisory - a minor one - has been published and it was 3 months after the general availability of the corrective patch.
2 points to know:
- Currently PhpWebGallery is NOT a cooperative gallery. Admins can administrate all pictures even they aren't their owners.
- Admins could NOT mail via the gallery. Only Webmaster can do it.
Your strategy seams correct to me.
Enjoy PWG!
Thank you, keep up the great work!