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#1 2008-01-16 22:28:16

Jive Bunny

Recent Categories updated order change?

I am wondering if the is a way to list recent categories in order of being added rather than it being in alphabetical order.



#2 2008-01-16 22:36:58

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Recent Categories updated order change?

A small round in administration then to manage and you can choose the order of your category

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#3 2008-01-16 23:06:38

Jive Bunny

Re: Recent Categories updated order change?

I'm a little confused here. I'm not sure we are on the same wavelength. The main index that show all main categories is what I assume you think I was asking. I have no problems on that front

What I meant is that when you have added image galleries then you go to the specials menu. There is a display recent categories link and it shows you your last galleries that you have submitted from all sub-categories.

This is the part that I want to modify so it shows them in order of gallery creation from all categories and sub-categories not aplhabetically.



#4 2008-01-17 07:22:38

Former Piwigo Team
Paris (FR)

Re: Recent Categories updated order change?

Ok your are speaking about recent categories...
Imagine now that a webmaster creates 5 categories per month and wants to have a recent period of 180 days.
In recent categories you will see the most recent 30 categories...
And that's normal to show them in creation date order, isn't it?

What you are looking for is this for example, don't you?
Which is this http://demo.phpwebgallery.net/template/yoga/icon/start_filter.png...


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#5 2008-01-17 16:46:46

Jive Bunny

Re: Recent Categories updated order change?

VDigital wrote:

Ok your are speaking about recent categories...
Imagine now that a webmaster creates 5 categories per month and wants to have a recent period of 180 days.
In recent categories you will see the most recent 30 categories...
And that's normal to show them in creation date order, isn't it?

What you are looking for is this for example, don't you?
Which is this http://demo.phpwebgallery.net/template/ … filter.png...


I think it is normal to show them by date when updates are applied.

I clicked on the button that you said which indeed shows which galleries that have been added in last 14 days(my setting). You then see what main categories have been updated but when you click into that main category and goto 26 subcats, no matter what subcat was updated they remain in alphabetical order regardless of date they were updated. Only in subcat/subcat does it show last gallery that was added/updated in the order of last addition to that subcat.

The sub categories act by creation date inside the sub/sub category which is what I want to happen when I click on the specials menu recent categories link.

So what I am looking for is, No matter what sub-category has been posted to, wether it is cars/a/alfa-romero or cars/f/ferrari, the last sub-category added will push the main category to the top that was last updated when you click on the special menu link, irrespectively of alphabetic assignment..

At the moment, If I add alfa-romero first then ferrari the next day, It will show the A category first but it wasn't the last updated main category because of being alphabetically sorted.

One last thing about the button you told me to click.

Is there any way that this can be done in the same way so that the last sub category added to a main category will push the last updated main category to the top irrespective of alphabetic order, when you click on the button suggested.

I am trying to be as clear as I can. Thanks


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