#1 2008-08-14 19:35:11


forgot admin login and email-addy... :/


I did not use my gallery for a long time and now i wanted to upload some pictures, but i forgot my password and my login-name...
i did not choose my email-addy for registration so i can't use the "forgot-your-password" function...

Is there any way to get my Admin login back WITHOUT re-installing the web-gallery?

If not, can i save my configuration and integrate it into the new installed version of WebGallery?
Which folders do I have to save?

Thank you very much! :)


#2 2008-08-14 19:47:31

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: forgot admin login and email-addy... :/


You go in the management of your base

In the table phpwebgallery_users you reference mark your account admin (it is the id 1).

Then you put like password : 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99

It is about the word : password

Then, you go on your gallery you connects you with your identifier and the password password.
Then you are fast going to re-change your password.

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#3 2008-08-14 20:30:25


Re: forgot admin login and email-addy... :/

Dont understand what you mean...

where do i finde this table?


#4 2008-08-14 21:48:54

Jive Bunny

Re: forgot admin login and email-addy... :/

You need to use phpmyadmin to access the database then do as said above by ddtddt.

The database you need to browse is the one that you installed PWG to. Once you are inside the database, Tick the phpwebgallery_users checkbox then look along to the right, and hover over the icons to find browse. once you've found that, click on browse.

You will now see a checkbox next to admin, tick that then click on the pencil next to it to edit. Now enter the string above as ddtddt posted 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 then save it.

Log in :)



#5 2008-08-15 17:44:14


Re: forgot admin login and email-addy... :/

Thank you, it worked, I now know my Name and can login :)



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