
#31 2010-11-16 18:44:33

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

$lang['Random picture'] = 'Slumpad bild';
$lang['Rate date'] = 'Röst datum';
$lang['Rating by guests'] = 'Röstning av gäster';
$lang['Rating'] = 'Röstning';
$lang['Reject All'] = 'Neka Alla';
$lang['Reject'] = 'Neka';
$lang['Representant'] = 'Representant';
$lang['Representation of categories'] = 'Kategori representation';
$lang['Representative'] = 'Representativ';
$lang['Represents'] = 'Representerar';
$lang['Save order'] = 'Spara ordning';
$lang['Save to permalink history'] = 'Spara i permalänks historik';
$lang['Select at least one category'] = 'Markera minst en kategori';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = 'Markera minst en bild';
$lang['Select at least one user'] = 'Markera minst en användare';
$lang['Show info'] = 'Visa info';
$lang['Site manager'] = 'Hantera sidor';
$lang['Status'] = 'Status';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistik';
$lang['Storage category'] = 'Lagrings kategori';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = 'Summa av röster';
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = 'Tagg "%s" existerar redan';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = 'Tagg "%s" har lagts till';
$lang['Tag selection'] = 'Tagg markering';
$lang['Take selected elements out of caddie'] = 'Ta bort markerade element från korgen';
$lang['The %d following tags were deleted'] = 'Följande %d taggar har blivit borttagna';
$lang['Unable to check for upgrade.'] = 'Fel uppstod under sökning efter uppdatering.';
$lang['Uninstall'] = 'Avinstallera';
$lang['Use the default image sort order (defined in the configuration file)'] = 'Använd standard ordning för bild sortering (definerad i konfigurationsfilen)';
$lang['User comments validation'] = 'Validera användar kommentarer';
$lang['Users'] = 'Användare';
$lang['Validate All'] = 'Godkänn Alla';
$lang['Validate'] = 'Godkänn';
$lang['Validation'] = 'Godkänn';
$lang['Version'] = 'Version';
$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Flyttning av virtuella kategorier';
$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Virtuella kategorier att flytta';
$lang['Virtual category name'] = 'Namn på virtuell kategori';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'Kan inte ta bort Webmaster';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'Du använder utväcklar källor, kontroll är inte möjlig.';
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = 'Du kan inte ta bort ditt konto';
$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'Du kan inte flytta en kategori till sin egen underkategori';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'Du måste godkänna borttagning';
$lang['add tags'] = 'lägg till taggar';
$lang['Adviser'] = 'Rådgivare';
$lang['associate to category'] = 'associera till kategori';
$lang['associate to group'] = 'associera till grupp';
$lang['Authorized'] = 'Befogad';
$lang['Add a virtual category'] = 'Lägg till en virtuell kategori';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected categories'] = 'Tillåt användare att lägga till kommentarer på markerade kategorier';
$lang['The name of a category should not be empty'] = 'Namnet på en kategori kan inte vara blankt';
$lang['Lock categories'] = 'Lås kategorier';
$lang['Private category'] = 'Privat kategori';
$lang['Public category'] = 'Allmänn ';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Hitta en ny slumpad representant';
$lang['Public / Private'] = 'Allmän / Privat';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected categories'] = 'Hantera behörigheter för markerade kategorier';
$lang['Select uploadable categories'] = 'Välj kategorier att ladda upp i';
$lang['Virtual category added'] = 'Virtuell kategori tillagd';
$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Virtuell kategori ';



#32 2010-11-16 18:51:53

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

Thanks :-)

For the admin part there's 181 / 748 translate

a new list

$lang['Category'] = 'Category';
$lang['Access type'] = 'Access type';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['Information data registered in database'] = 'Information data registered in database';
$lang['Default display'] = 'Default display';
$lang['The gallery URL is not valid.'] = 'The gallery URL is not valid.';
$lang['Main'] = 'Main';
$lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = 'The number of comments on a page must be between 5 and 50 included.';
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Configuration';
$lang['confirm'] = 'confirm';
$lang['Date'] = 'Date';
$lang['delete category'] = 'delete category';
$lang['dissociate from category'] = 'dissociate from category';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'dissociate from group';
$lang['edit category permissions'] = 'edit category permissions';
$lang['Category informations updated successfully.'] = 'Category informations updated successfully.';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = 'Authorize upload';
$lang['elements per page'] = 'elements per page';
$lang['elements'] = 'elements';
$lang['High definition enabled'] = 'High definition enabled';
$lang['File'] = 'File';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
$lang['first element added on %s'] = 'first element added on %s';
$lang['Forbidden'] = 'Forbidden';
$lang['global mode'] = 'global mode';
$lang['group "%s" added'] = 'group "%s" added';
$lang['group "%s" deleted'] = 'group "%s" deleted';
$lang['group "%s" updated'] = 'group "%s" updated';
$lang['group'] = 'group';
$lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = 'The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.';
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = 'This name is already used by another group.';
$lang['High definition'] = 'High definition';
$lang['jump to category'] = 'jump to category';
$lang['jump to image'] = 'jump to image';
$lang['leave'] = 'leave';
$lang['Lock'] = 'Lock';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Locked';
$lang['manage category elements'] = 'Manage category elements';
$lang['manage sub-categories'] = 'Manage sub-categories';
$lang['Manage'] = 'Manage';
$lang['maximum height'] = 'Maximum height';
$lang['maximum width'] = 'Maximum width';
$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].';
$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Execution time exceeded, the treatment must continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].';
$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'The time to prepare the list of users who will be sent mail is limited. Others users are not listed.';
$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'The time to send mail is limited. Others mails have been skipped.';
$lang['To send ?'] = 'To send?';
$lang['Last send'] = 'Last sent';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
$lang['User'] = 'User';
$lang['Complementary mail content'] = 'Complementary mail content';
$lang['See you soon,'] = 'See you soon,';
$lang['Go to'] = 'Go to';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Hello';
$lang['New elements were added'] = 'New elements have been added';
$lang['on'] = 'on';
$lang['between'] = 'between';
$lang['and'] = 'and';
$lang['The webmaster has subscribed you to receiving notifications by mail.'] = 'The webmaster has subscribed you to be notified by mail.';
$lang['You have subscribed to receiving notifications by mail.'] = 'You have subscribed to receive notifications by mail.';
$lang['To subscribe'] = 'To subscribe';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#33 2010-11-16 20:48:05

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

181 / 748 translated.... puhhhh! Well, no reason to stop then I guess.

$lang['Category'] = 'Kategori';
$lang['Access type'] = 'Typ av tillgång';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Kommentarer';
$lang['Information data registered in database'] = 'Informations data registrerad i databas';
$lang['Default display'] = 'Standard vy';
$lang['The gallery URL is not valid.'] = 'Adressen till galleriet är ogiltig.';
$lang['Main'] = 'Allmänt';
$lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = 'Antalet kommentarer per sida måste vara mellan 5 och 50.';
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Inställning';
$lang['confirm'] = 'godkänn';
$lang['Date'] = 'Datum';
$lang['delete category'] = 'ta bort kategori';
$lang['dissociate from category'] = 'skilj från kategori';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'skilj från grupp';
$lang['edit category permissions'] = 'ändra kategori behörigheter';
$lang['Category informations updated successfully.'] = 'Kategori informationen har uppdaterats.';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = 'Godkänn upladdning';
$lang['elements per page'] = 'element per sida';
$lang['elements'] = 'element';
$lang['High definition enabled'] = 'High definition aktiverad';
$lang['File'] = 'Fil';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filstorlek';
$lang['first element added on %s'] = 'första elementet tillagt på %s';
$lang['Forbidden'] = 'Förbjudet';
$lang['global mode'] = 'globalt läge';
$lang['group "%s" added'] = 'grupp "%s" tillagd';
$lang['group "%s" deleted'] = 'grupp "%s" borttagen';
$lang['group "%s" updated'] = 'grupp "%s" uppdaterad';
$lang['group'] = 'grupp';
$lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = 'Namnet på en grupp får inte innehålla symbolerna " eller \' eller vara blank.';
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = 'Det här namnet används redan av en annan grupp.';
$lang['High definition'] = 'High definition';
$lang['jump to category'] = 'gå till kategori';
$lang['jump to image'] = 'gå till bild';
$lang['leave'] = 'lämna';
$lang['Lock'] = 'Lås';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Låst';
$lang['manage category elements'] = 'Hantera kategori element';
$lang['manage sub-categories'] = 'Hantera underkategorier';
$lang['Manage'] = 'Hantera';
$lang['maximum height'] = 'Maximal höjd';
$lang['maximum width'] = 'Maximal bredd';
$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Processen svarar inte, behandling måste fortsätta [Uppskattad tid: %d sekund].';
$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Processen svarar inte, behandling måste fortsätta [Uppskattad tid: %d sekunder].';
$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'Tid att förbereda listan för användare som ska skickas e-mail är begränsad. Andra användare är inte listade.';
$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'Tiden att skicka e-mail är begränsad. Andras e-mail hoppas över.';
$lang['To send ?'] = 'Att skicka?';
$lang['Last send'] = 'Senast skickat';
$lang['email'] = 'E-mail';
$lang['User'] = 'Användare';
$lang['Complementary mail content'] = 'Kompletterande mail innehåll';
$lang['See you soon,'] = 'Vi ses,';
$lang['Go to'] = 'Gå till';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Hallå';
$lang['New elements were added'] = 'Nya element har blivit tillagda';
$lang['on'] = 'på';
$lang['between'] = 'mellan';
$lang['and'] = 'och';
$lang['The webmaster has subscribed you to receiving notifications by mail.'] = 'Webmaster har lagt till dig så att du får notifikationer via e-mail.';
$lang['You have subscribed to receiving notifications by mail.'] = 'Du har lagts till och kommer nu får notifikationer via e-mail.';
$lang['To subscribe'] = 'Till prenumerera';



#34 2010-11-16 23:33:40

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

Thanks :-)

a news list

$lang['If you encounter problems or have any question, please send a message to'] = 'If you encounter problems or have any question, please send a message to';
$lang['[NBM] Problems or questions'] = '[NBM] Problems or questions';
$lang['The webmaster has unsubscribed you from receiving notifications by mail.'] = 'The webmaster has unsubscribed you from receiving notifications by mail.';
$lang['You have unsubscribed from receiving notifications by mail.'] = 'You have unsubscribed from being notified by mail.';
$lang[', click on'] = ', click on';
$lang['To unsubscribe'] = 'To unsubscribe';
$lang['With blank value, gallery title will be used'] = 'If blank, the gallery title will be used';
$lang['Notification'] = 'Notification';
$lang['Error when sending email to %s [%s].'] = 'Error when sending email to %s [%s].';
$lang['Mail sent to %s [%s].'] = 'Mail sent to %s [%s].';
$lang['%d mail was sent.'] = '%d mail has been sent.';
$lang['%d mails were sent.'] = '%d mails have been sent.';
$lang['%d mail was not sent.'] = '%d mail has not been sent.';
$lang['%d mails were not sent.'] = '%d mails have not been sent.';
$lang['No mail to send.'] = 'No mail to be sent.';
$lang['There is no available subscribers to mail.'] = 'There is no subscribers to be notified by mail.';
$lang['Subscribers could be listed (available) only if there is new elements to notify.'] = 'Subscribers could be listed (available) only if there is new elements to notify.';
$lang['Anyway only webmasters can see this tab and never administrators.'] = 'Anyway only webmasters can see this tab, no administrators.';
$lang['No user to send notifications by mail.'] = 'No user to be notified by mail.';
$lang['New elements added'] = 'New elements added';
$lang['Subscribe to notification by mail'] = 'Subscribe to notification by mail';
$lang['Unsubscribe from notification by mail'] = 'Unsubscribe from notification by mail';
$lang['Parameter'] = 'Settings';
$lang['Processing treatment.'] = 'Processing treatment.';
$lang['Please wait...'] = 'Please wait...';
$lang['Continue processing treatment'] = 'Continue ongoing treatment';
$lang['Add detailed content'] = 'Add some detailed content';
$lang['Send mail as'] = 'Send mail as';
$lang['Send mail to users'] = 'Send mail to users';
$lang['Send'] = 'Send';
$lang['Subscribed'] = 'Subscribed';
$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';
$lang['Parameters'] = 'Parameters';
$lang['Select recipients'] = 'Select recipients';
$lang['Subscribe/unsubscribe users'] = 'Subscribe/unsubscribe users';
$lang['Unsubscribed'] = 'Unsubscribed';
$lang['%d parameter was updated.'] = '%d parameter updated.';
$lang['%d parameters were updated.'] = '%d parameters updated.';
$lang['%d user was not updated.'] = '%d user not updated.';
$lang['%d users were not updated.'] = '%d users not updated.';
$lang['User %s [%s] was removed from the subscription list.'] = 'User %s [%s] removed from the subscription list.';
$lang['User %s [%s] was added to the subscription list.'] = 'User %s [%s] added to the subscription list.';
$lang['%d user was updated.'] = '%d user updated.';
$lang['%d users were updated.'] = '%d users updated.';
$lang['User %s [%s] was not removed from the subscription list.'] = 'User %s [%s] not removed from the subscription list.';
$lang['User %s [%s] was not added to the subscription list.'] = 'User %s [%s] not added to the subscription list.';
$lang['User %s [%s] added.'] = 'User %s [%s] added.';
$lang['Warning: subscribing or unsubscribing will send mails to users'] = 'Warning: subscribing or unsubscribing will send mails to users';
$lang['Send mail on HTML format'] = 'Send mail in HTML format';
$lang['Include display of recent pictures group by dates'] = 'Include display of recent pictures grouped by dates';
$lang['Available only with HTML format'] = 'Available only with HTML format';
$lang['no write access'] = 'no write access';
$lang['Permissions'] = 'Permissions';
$lang['private'] = 'private';
$lang['public'] = 'public';
$lang['Purge never used notification feeds'] = 'Purge never used notification feeds';
$lang['Purge sessions'] = 'Purge sessions';
$lang['randomly represented'] = 'random representative';
$lang['registration date'] = 'registration date';
$lang['clean'] = 'clean up';
$lang['remove remote listing.xml file'] = 'remove remote listing.xml file';
$lang['generate listing'] = 'generate listing';
$lang['generate file listing.xml on remote site'] = 'generate file listing.xml on the remote site';
$lang['Create this site'] = 'Create this site';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#35 2010-11-17 22:36:34

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

$lang['If you encounter problems or have any question, please send a message to'] = 'Om du stöter på problem eller har frågor, vänligen skicka ett meddelande till';
$lang['[NBM] Problems or questions'] = '[NBM] Problem eller frågor';
$lang['The webmaster has unsubscribed you from receiving notifications by mail.'] = 'Webmaster har tagit bort dig från listan, du kommer nu inte få några notifikationer via e-mail.';
$lang['You have unsubscribed from receiving notifications by mail.'] = 'Du har blivit borttagen från notifikations e-mail listan.';
$lang[', click on'] = ', klicka på';
$lang['To unsubscribe'] = 'Till avsluta prenumeration';
$lang['With blank value, gallery title will be used'] = 'Om lämnad tom kommer galleriets titel att användas';
$lang['Notification'] = 'Notifikation';
$lang['Error when sending email to %s [%s].'] = 'När försökte skicka e-mail till %s [%s] ett fel uppstod.';
$lang['Mail sent to %s [%s].'] = 'E-mail skickat till %s [%s].';
$lang['%d mail was sent.'] = '%d e-mail har blivit skickat.';
$lang['%d mails were sent.'] = '%d e-mail var skickade.';
$lang['%d mail was not sent.'] = '%d e-mail skickades inte.';
$lang['%d mails were not sent.'] = '%d e-mail skickades inte.';
$lang['No mail to send.'] = 'Inga e-mail att skicka.';
$lang['There is no available subscribers to mail.'] = 'Det finns inga prenumeranter att skicka notifikationer till.';
$lang['Subscribers could be listed (available) only if there is new elements to notify.'] = 'Prenumeranter kan listas (tillgänglig) enbart om det finns nya element att meddela.';
$lang['Anyway only webmasters can see this tab and never administrators.'] = 'Ändå, enbart webmaster kan se denna flik, inte administratörer.';
$lang['No user to send notifications by mail.'] = 'Ingen användare att meddela via e-mail.';
$lang['New elements added'] = 'Nya element tillagda';
$lang['Subscribe to notification by mail'] = 'Anmäl till notifikation via e-mail';
$lang['Unsubscribe from notification by mail'] = 'Avanmäl notifikation via e-mail';
$lang['Parameter'] = 'Inställningar';
$lang['Processing treatment.'] = 'Bearbetnings behandling.';
$lang['Please wait...'] = 'Vänligen vänta...';
$lang['Continue processing treatment'] = 'Fortsätt med pågående behandling';
$lang['Add detailed content'] = 'Lägg till detaljerad information';
$lang['Send mail as'] = 'Skicka e-mail som';
$lang['Send mail to users'] = 'Skicka e-mail till användare';
$lang['Send'] = 'Skicka';
$lang['Subscribed'] = 'Anmäld';
$lang['Subscribe'] = 'Anmäl';
$lang['Parameters'] = 'Parameter';
$lang['Select recipients'] = 'Välj mottagare';
$lang['Subscribe/unsubscribe users'] = 'Anmäl/Avanmäl användare';
$lang['Unsubscribed'] = 'Avanmäld';
$lang['%d parameter was updated.'] = '%d parameter uppdaterad.';
$lang['%d parameters were updated.'] = '%d parameter uppdaterade.';
$lang['%d user was not updated.'] = '%d användare uppdaterades inte.';
$lang['%d users were not updated.'] = '%d användare uppdaterades inte.';
$lang['User %s [%s] was removed from the subscription list.'] = 'Användare %s [%s] borttagen från prenumerations listan.';
$lang['User %s [%s] was added to the subscription list.'] = 'Användare %s [%s] tillagd till prenumerations listan.';
$lang['%d user was updated.'] = '%d användare uppdaterad.';
$lang['%d users were updated.'] = '%d användare uppdaterade.';
$lang['User %s [%s] was not removed from the subscription list.'] = 'Användare %s [%s] inte borttagen från prenumerations listan.';
$lang['User %s [%s] was not added to the subscription list.'] = 'Användare %s [%s] inte tillagd till prenumerations listan.';
$lang['User %s [%s] added.'] = 'Användare %s [%s] tillagd.';
$lang['Warning: subscribing or unsubscribing will send mails to users'] = 'Varning: anmälning eller avanmälning kommer att skicka e-mail till användare';
$lang['Send mail on HTML format'] = 'Skicka e-mail i HTML format';
$lang['Include display of recent pictures group by dates'] = 'Inkludera display av tidigare bilder grupperat efter datum';
$lang['Available only with HTML format'] = 'Endast tillgänglig med HTML format';
$lang['no write access'] = 'inte tillåtelse att skriva';
$lang['Permissions'] = 'Behörigheter';
$lang['private'] = 'privat';
$lang['public'] = 'allmänt';
$lang['Purge never used notification feeds'] = 'Utrensning använder aldrig notifikations feeds';
$lang['Purge sessions'] = 'Sessioner för utrensning';
$lang['randomly represented'] = 'slumpad representant';
$lang['registration date'] = 'registrerings datum';
$lang['clean'] = 'rensa upp';
$lang['remove remote listing.xml file'] = 'ta bort fjärrlistning .xml fil';
$lang['generate listing'] = 'generera listning';
$lang['generate file listing.xml on remote site'] = 'generera fil listning .xml på fjärrsida';
$lang['Create this site'] = 'Skapa denna sida';



#36 2010-11-17 22:40:05

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

Wallster wrote:

$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Virtuell kategori ';

Change this one to:
$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Virtuell kategori borttagen';



#37 2010-11-17 23:03:58

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

Thanks :-)

a new list


$lang['A local listing.xml file has been found for'] = 'A local listing.xml file has been found for';
$lang['read local listing.xml and update'] = 'read local listing.xml and update';
$lang['test'] = 'test';
$lang['test this remote site'] = 'test this remote site';
$lang['remove tags'] = 'remove tags';
$lang['Repair and optimize database'] = 'Repair and optimize database';
$lang['selection'] = 'selection';
$lang['set to'] = 'set to';
$lang['singly represented'] = 'fixed representative';
$lang['This site already exists'] = 'This site already exists';
$lang['Create a new site : (give its URL to create_listing_file.php)'] = 'Create a new site : (give its URL to create_listing_file.php)';
$lang['created'] = 'created';
$lang['delete'] = 'delete';
$lang['delete this site and all its attached elements'] = 'delete this site and all the related information';
$lang['deleted'] = 'deleted';
$lang['an error happened'] = 'an error occurred';
$lang['file create_listing_file.php on remote site was not found'] = 'file create_listing_file.php not found on the remote site';
$lang['Local'] = 'Local';
$lang['Remote'] = 'Remote';
$lang['synchronize'] = 'synchronize';
$lang['update the database from files'] = 'update the database with files';
$lang['status'] = 'status';
$lang['Directory'] = 'Directory';
$lang['sub-categories'] = 'sub-categories';
$lang['synchronize metadata'] = 'synchronize metadata';
$lang['target'] = 'target';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'Thumbnail';
$lang['title'] = 'title';
$lang['Categories management'] = 'Categories management';
$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Piwigo configuration';
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Piwigo administration';
$lang['Edit a category'] = 'Edit a category';
$lang['Group management'] = 'Groups management';
$lang['User list'] = 'Users list';
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = 'Modify picture information';
$lang['Thumbnail creation'] = 'Thumbnail creation';
$lang['Database synchronization with files'] = 'Database synchronization with files';
$lang['Pictures waiting for validation'] = 'Pictures awaiting validation';
$lang['all'] = 'all';
$lang['pictures without thumbnail (jpeg and png only)'] = 'pictures without thumbnail (jpeg and png only)';
$lang['height must be a number superior to'] = 'height must be a number greater than';
$lang['width must be a number superior to'] = 'width must be a number greater than';
$lang['for the file format'] = 'for the file format';
$lang['No missing thumbnail'] = 'No missing thumbnail';
$lang['Picture unreachable or no support'] = 'Picture unreachable or unsupported format';
$lang['GD version'] = 'GD version';
$lang['Miniaturization parameters'] = 'Miniaturization parameters';
$lang['generated in'] = 'generated in';
$lang['Results of miniaturization'] = 'Miniaturization process results';
$lang['General statistics'] = 'General statistics';
$lang['max time'] = 'max time';
$lang['average time'] = 'average time';
$lang['min time'] = 'min time';
$lang['number of miniaturized pictures'] = 'number of thumbnails created';
$lang['total time'] = 'total time';
$lang['for this file format'] = 'for this file format';
$lang['unit mode'] = 'single mode';
$lang['Unlocked'] = 'Unlocked';
$lang['unset'] = 'unset';
$lang['Update categories informations'] = 'Update categories information';
$lang['Update images informations'] = 'Update images information';
$lang['Synchronize'] = 'Synchronize';
$lang['reduce to single existing categories'] = 'reduce to single existing categories';
$lang['Choose an option'] = 'Choose an option';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#38 2010-11-18 16:20:36

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

$lang['A local listing.xml file has been found for'] = 'En lokal listing.xml fil har hittats för';
$lang['read local listing.xml and update'] = 'läs lokal listing.xml och uppdatera';
$lang['test'] = 'test';
$lang['test this remote site'] = 'testa fjärrsidan';
$lang['remove tags'] = 'ta bort taggar';
$lang['Repair and optimize database'] = 'Reparera och optimisera databas';
$lang['selection'] = 'markering';
$lang['set to'] = 'inställd på';
$lang['singly represented'] = 'fast representant';
$lang['This site already exists'] = 'Sidan existerar redan';
$lang['Create a new site : (give its URL to create_listing_file.php)'] = 'Skapa ny site : (ge dess URL till create_listing_file.php)';
$lang['created'] = 'skapad';
$lang['delete'] = 'ta bort';
$lang['delete this site and all its attached elements'] = 'ta bort hemsidan och all relaterad information';
$lang['deleted'] = 'borttagen';
$lang['an error happened'] = 'ett fel uppstod';
$lang['file create_listing_file.php on remote site was not found'] = 'fil create_listing_file.php hittades inte på fjärrsidan';
$lang['Local'] = 'Lokal';
$lang['Remote'] = 'Fjärrsida';
$lang['synchronize'] = 'synkronisera';
$lang['update the database from files'] = 'uppdatera databasen med filer';
$lang['status'] = 'status';
$lang['Directory'] = 'Katalog';
$lang['sub-categories'] = 'underkategorier';
$lang['synchronize metadata'] = 'synkronisera metadata';
$lang['target'] = 'mål';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'Miniatyr';
$lang['title'] = 'titel';
$lang['Categories management'] = 'Hantera kategorier';
$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Piwigo konfiguration';
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Piwigo administration';
$lang['Edit a category'] = 'Ändra en kategori';
$lang['Group management'] = 'Grupp hantering';
$lang['User list'] = 'Användarlista';
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = 'Modifiera bildinformation';
$lang['Thumbnail creation'] = 'Skapa miniatyrer';
$lang['Database synchronization with files'] = 'Synkronisera databas med filer';
$lang['Pictures waiting for validation'] = 'Bilder som väntar på godkännande';
$lang['all'] = 'alla';
$lang['pictures without thumbnail (jpeg and png only)'] = 'bilder utan miniatyrbild (enbart jpeg och png)';
$lang['height must be a number superior to'] = 'bildens höjd måste vara större än';
$lang['width must be a number superior to'] = 'bildens bredd måste vara större än';
$lang['for the file format'] = 'för filformatet';
$lang['No missing thumbnail'] = 'Inga miniatyrbilder saknas';
$lang['Picture unreachable or no support'] = 'Bilden kunde inte nås eller filformatet stöds inte';
$lang['GD version'] = 'GD version';
$lang['Miniaturization parameters'] = 'Miniatyriserings parametrar';
$lang['generated in'] = 'generering tog';
$lang['Results of miniaturization'] = 'Resultat av miniatyriserings process';
$lang['General statistics'] = 'Allmän statistik';
$lang['max time'] = 'max tid';
$lang['average time'] = 'snitt tid';
$lang['min time'] = 'min tid';
$lang['number of miniaturized pictures'] = 'antal miniatyrer skapade';
$lang['total time'] = 'total tid';
$lang['for this file format'] = 'för detta filformat';
$lang['unit mode'] = 'enkel läge';
$lang['Unlocked'] = 'Upplåst';
$lang['unset'] = 'obestämd';
$lang['Update categories informations'] = 'Uppdatera information för kategori';
$lang['Update images informations'] = 'Uppdatera information för bilder';
$lang['Synchronize'] = 'Synkronisera';
$lang['reduce to single existing categories'] = 'reducera till enstaka existerande kategorier';
$lang['Choose an option'] = 'Välj ett alternativ';



#39 2010-11-18 18:24:44

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

Thanks :-)

For the admin part there's 370 / 748 translate

A new list


$lang['display maximum informations (added categories and elements, deleted categories and elements)'] = 'display maximum information (added categories and elements, deleted categories and elements)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = 'Piwigo version differs on the remote site';
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = 'Versions of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = 'listing.xml file not found';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found on the remote site. This file is generated by choosing the "generate listing" command in the Site manager'] = 'listing.xml file not found on the remote site. This file is generated with the "generate listing" command in the Site manager';
$lang['Error list'] = 'List of errors';
$lang['Errors caption'] = 'Errors legends';
$lang['Detailed informations'] = 'Detailed informations';
$lang['File/directory read error'] = 'File/directory read error';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = 'The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the category directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the category directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = 'missing thumbnail';
$lang['categories deleted in the database'] = 'categories deleted in the database';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = 'elements deleted in the database';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'images candidates for metadata synchronization';
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = 'elements informations synchronized with files metadata';
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = 'errors during synchronization';
$lang['categories added in the database'] = 'categories added in the database';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = 'elements added in the database';
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = 'elements updated in the database';
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = 'Search for new images in the directories';
$lang['added'] = 'added';
$lang['Metadata synchronization results'] = 'Metadata synchronization results';
$lang['only perform a simulation (no change in database will be made)'] = 'only perform a simulation (nothing will be changed in the database)';
$lang['[Simulation]'] = '[Simulation]';
$lang['directories + files'] = 'directories + files';
$lang['only directories'] = 'directories only';
$lang['synchronize files structure with database'] = 'synchronize files structure with database';
$lang['synchronize files metadata with database elements informations'] = 'synchronize database elements with files metadata';
$lang['even already synchronized elements'] = 'even already synchronized elements';
$lang['Used metadata'] = 'Metadata used';
$lang['The name of directories and files must be composed of letters, numbers, "-", "_" or "."'] = 'The name of directories and files must comprise only letters, numbers, "-", "_" or "."';
$lang['wrong filename'] = 'wrong filename';
$lang['Upload'] = 'Upload';
$lang['user "%s" added'] = 'user "%s" added';
$lang['User status'] = 'User status';
$lang['user_status_admin'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['user_status_generic'] = 'Generic';
$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Guest';
$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'User';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['Virtual category'] = 'Virtual category';
$lang['Waiting'] = 'Pending';
$lang['default'] = 'default';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = 'Reverse \'default group\' property';
$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Advanced features';
$lang['Not linked elements'] = 'Unlinked elements';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Specials';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical category'] = 'Identical files names in more than one physical category';
$lang['Overall'] = 'Overview';
$lang['Year'] = 'Year';
$lang['Month'] = 'Month';
$lang['Day'] = 'Day';
$lang['Pages seen'] = 'Pages seen';
$lang['Pictures'] = 'Pictures';
$lang['Time'] = 'Time';
$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
$lang['Element'] = 'Element';
$lang['Section'] = 'Section';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['Save page visits by guests'] = 'Record pages visited by guests';
$lang['Save page visits by users'] = 'Record pages visited by users';
$lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = 'Record pages visited by administrators';
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'Information email sent to group "%s"';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Send an information email to group members';
$lang['Group'] = 'Group';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#40 2010-11-19 00:40:52

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

Half way! Here is more...!

$lang['display maximum informations (added categories and elements, deleted categories and elements)'] = 'visa maximal information (tillagda kategorier och element, borttagna kategorier och element)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = 'Versionen av Piwigo skiljer sig från den på fjärrsidan';
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = 'Versionen av create_listing_file.php måste vara samma på fjärrsidan och Piwigo måste vara samma';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = 'listing.xml kunde inte hittas';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found on the remote site. This file is generated by choosing the "generate listing" command in the Site manager'] = 'filen listing.xml hittades inte på fjärrsidan. Denna fil är genererad med "generera listning" kommandot i Site hanteraren';
$lang['Error list'] = 'Fel lista';
$lang['Errors caption'] = 'Fel legender';
$lang['Detailed informations'] = 'Detaljerad information';
$lang['File/directory read error'] = 'Läs fel i fil/katalog';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = 'Filen eller katalogen kan inte nås (antigen existerar den inte eller tillträde nekat)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the category directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'filtypen för en bild måste ha en miniatyrbild. En miniatyrbild måste finnas i en undermapp för kategorien. Namnet på mappen måste vara "thumbnail". Miniatyrbildens filnamn måste börja med det förkonfigurerade prefixet och anslutningen måste finnas i följande lista :';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = 'miniatyrbild saknas';
$lang['categories deleted in the database'] = 'kategorier borttagna ur databasen';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = 'element borttagna ur databasen';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'bild kandidater för metadata synkronisering';
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = 'element informationer synkroniserade med filernas metadata';
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = 'fel uppstod under synkronisering';
$lang['categories added in the database'] = 'kategorier tillagda i databas';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = 'element tillagda i databasen';
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = 'element i databasen uppdaterade';
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = 'Sök i katalogerna efter nya bilder';
$lang['added'] = 'tillagd';
$lang['Metadata synchronization results'] = 'Resultat för synkronisering av metadata';
$lang['only perform a simulation (no change in database will be made)'] = 'Utför enbart simulering (inget kommer att ändras i databasen)';
$lang['[Simulation]'] = '[Simulering]';
$lang['directories + files'] = 'Kataloger + filer';
$lang['only directories'] = 'bara kataloger';
$lang['synchronize files structure with database'] = 'synkronisera filstruktur med databas';
$lang['synchronize files metadata with database elements informations'] = 'synkronisera databas element med filernas metadata';
$lang['even already synchronized elements'] = ''även redan synkroniserade element';
$lang['Used metadata'] = 'Metadata used';
$lang['The name of directories and files must be composed of letters, numbers, "-", "_" or "."'] = 'Namn på kataloger och filer får enbart innehålla bokstäver, siffror samt följande symboler: "-", "_" eller "."';
$lang['wrong filename'] = 'ogiltigt filnamn';
$lang['Upload'] = 'Ladda upp';
$lang['user "%s" added'] = 'Användare "%s" tillagd';
$lang['User status'] = 'Användares status';
$lang['user_status_admin'] = 'Administratör';
$lang['user_status_generic'] = 'Generisk';
$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Gäst';
$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'Användare';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['Virtual category'] = 'Virtuell kategori';
$lang['Waiting'] = 'Väntande';
$lang['default'] = 'standard';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = 'Omvänd egenskap för \'standard grupp\' ';
$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Avancerade funktioner';
$lang['Not linked elements'] = 'Olänkade element';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Extra';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical category'] = 'Identiska filnamn i mer än en fysisk kategori';
$lang['Overall'] = 'Översikt';
$lang['Year'] = 'År';
$lang['Month'] = 'Månad';
$lang['Day'] = 'Dag';
$lang['Pages seen'] = 'Sidor sedda';
$lang['Pictures'] = 'Bilder';
$lang['Time'] = 'Tid';
$lang['IP'] = 'IP';
$lang['Element'] = 'Element';
$lang['Section'] = 'Sektion';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Taggar';
$lang['Save page visits by guests'] = 'Registrera sidor besökta av gäster';
$lang['Save page visits by users'] = 'Registrera sidor besökta av användare';
$lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = 'Registrera sidor besökta av administratörer';
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'E-mail med information skickat till grupp "%s"';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Skicka e-mail med information till medlemmar i grupp';
$lang['Group'] = 'Grupp';



#41 2010-11-19 01:01:18

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

Thanks :-)

A new list

$lang['[%s] Come to visit the category %s'] = '[%s] Visit the category %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = 'Hello,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = 'See you soon.';
$lang['Come to discover the category:'] = 'Discover the category:';
$lang['Mail content'] = 'Mail content';
$lang['none'] = 'none';
$lang['high'] = 'high';
$lang['other'] = 'other';
$lang['Element type'] = 'Element type';
$lang['Image id'] = 'Image id';
$lang['Summary'] = 'Summary';
$lang['%d line filtered'] = '%d line filtered';
$lang['%d lines filtered'] = '%d lines filtered';
$lang['%d guest'] = '%d guest';
$lang['%d guests'] = '%d guests';
$lang['Hour'] = 'Hour';
$lang['guest'] = 'guest';
$lang['default values'] = 'default values';
$lang['High filesize'] = 'High resolution filesize';
$lang['Guest cannot be deleted'] = 'Guest cannot be deleted';
$lang['Default user cannot be deleted'] = 'Default user cannot be deleted';
$lang['Purge history detail'] = 'Purge history details';
$lang['Purge history summary'] = 'Purge history summary';
$lang['Check integrity'] = 'Integrity check';
$lang['Anomaly'] = 'Anomaly';
$lang['Correction'] = 'Correction';
$lang['Automatic correction'] = 'Automatic correction';
$lang['Impossible automatic correction'] = 'Automatic correction impossibl';
$lang['Correction applied with success'] = 'Correction successfully applied';
$lang['Correction applied with error'] = 'Correction applied with error';
$lang['%d anomaly has been detected.'] = '%d anomaly has been detected.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d anomalies have been detected.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been corrected.'] = '%d anomaly has been corrected.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected corrected.'] = '%d anomalies have been detected and corrected.';
$lang['%d anomaly has not been corrected.'] = '%d anomaly has not been corrected.';
$lang['%d anomalies have not been corrected.'] = '%d anomalies have not been corrected.';
$lang['Go to %s or %s for more informations'] = 'Go to %s or %s for more informations';
$lang['the forum'] = 'the forum';
$lang['the wiki'] = 'the wiki';
$lang['%s value is not correct file because exif are not supported'] = '%s value is incorrect because exif are not supported';
$lang['%s must be to set to false in your local/config/ file'] = '%s must be set to false in your local/config/ file';
$lang['Main "guest" user does not exist'] = 'The main "guest" user does not exist';
$lang['Main "guest" user status is incorrect'] = 'The main "guest" user status is incorrect';
$lang['Default user does not exist'] = 'The default user does not exist';
$lang['Main "webmaster" user does not exist'] = 'The main "webmaster" user does not exist';
$lang['Main "webmaster" user status is incorrect'] = 'The main "webmaster" user status is incorrect';
$lang['User "%s" created with "%s" like password'] = 'User "%s" created with "%s" as password';
$lang['Status of user "%s" updated'] = 'User "%s" status updated';
$lang['add new elements to caddie'] = 'add new elements to caddie';
$lang['No display'] = 'No display';
$lang['Classic display'] = 'Classic display';
$lang['Hoverbox display'] = 'Hoverbox display';
$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Thumbnails';
$lang['Mail address is obligatory for all users'] = 'Mail address is mandatory for all users';
$lang['Minimum privacy level'] = 'Minimum privacy level';
$lang['Privacy level'] = 'Privacy level';
$lang['Level 0'] = '---';
$lang['Level 1'] = 'Contacts';
$lang['Level 2'] = 'Friends';
$lang['Level 4'] = 'Family';
$lang['Level 8'] = 'Admins';
$lang['Reinitialize check integrity'] = 'Reinitialize integrity check';
$lang['Check all'] = 'Check all';
$lang['Uncheck all'] = 'Uncheck all';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#42 2010-11-19 02:42:38

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

$lang['[%s] Come to visit the category %s'] = '[%s] Besök kategori %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = 'Hallå,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = 'Vi ses.';
$lang['Come to discover the category:'] = 'Utforska kategori:';
$lang['Mail content'] = 'E-mail innehåll';
$lang['none'] = 'inget';
$lang['high'] = 'hög';
$lang['other'] = 'annan';
$lang['Element type'] = 'Typ av element';
$lang['Image id'] = 'Bild id';
$lang['Summary'] = 'Sammanfattning';
$lang['%d line filtered'] = '%d rad filtrerad';
$lang['%d lines filtered'] = '%d rader filtrerade';
$lang['%d guest'] = '%d gäst';
$lang['%d guests'] = '%d gäster';
$lang['Hour'] = 'Timme';
$lang['guest'] = 'gäst';
$lang['default values'] = 'standardvärden';
$lang['High filesize'] = 'Hög upplösning filstorlek';
$lang['Guest cannot be deleted'] = 'Gäst kan inte tas bort';
$lang['Default user cannot be deleted'] = 'Standard användare kan inte tas bort';
$lang['Purge history detail'] = 'Purge history details';
$lang['Purge history summary'] = 'Rensa historik sammanställning';
$lang['Check integrity'] = 'Integritets kontroll';
$lang['Anomaly'] = 'Avvikelse';
$lang['Correction'] = 'Rättning';
$lang['Automatic correction'] = 'Automatisk rättning';
$lang['Impossible automatic correction'] = 'Automatisk rättning var inte möjlig';
$lang['Correction applied with success'] = 'Rättning utfördes med framgång';
$lang['Correction applied with error'] = 'Rättning utfördes men med fel';
$lang['%d anomaly has been detected.'] = '%d avvikelse har upptäckts.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d avvikelser har upptäckts.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been corrected.'] = '%d avvikelse har rättats.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected corrected.'] = '%d avvikelser har upptäckts och rättats.';
$lang['%d anomaly has not been corrected.'] = '%d avvikelse kunde inte rättats.';
$lang['%d anomalies have not been corrected.'] = '%d avvikelser kunde inte rättas.';
$lang['Go to %s or %s for more informations'] = 'Gå till %s eller %s för mer information';
$lang['the forum'] = 'forumet';
$lang['the wiki'] = 'wiki';
$lang['%s value is not correct file because exif are not supported'] = '%s värde är inkorrekt eftersom att exif inte stöds';
$lang['%s must be to set to false in your local/config/ file'] = '%s Måste ställas in på negativ i följande fil : your local/config/';
$lang['Main "guest" user does not exist'] = 'Huvudanvändare "gäst" är inte korrekt';
$lang['Main "guest" user status is incorrect'] = 'Huvudanvändare "gäst" är inte korrekt';
$lang['Default user does not exist'] = 'Standard användare existerar inte';
$lang['Main "webmaster" user does not exist'] = 'Huvudanvändare "webmaster" existerar inte';
$lang['Main "webmaster" user status is incorrect'] = 'Huvudanvändare "webmaster" status är inkorrekt';
$lang['User "%s" created with "%s" like password'] = 'Användare "%s" skapades med "%s" som lösenord';
$lang['Status of user "%s" updated'] = 'Användare "%s" status uppdaterad';
$lang['add new elements to caddie'] = 'lägg till nytt element till korg';
$lang['No display'] = 'Inget att visa';
$lang['Classic display'] = 'Klassisk visning';
$lang['Hoverbox display'] = 'Hoverbox visning';
$lang['Thumbnails'] = 'Miniatyrbilder';
$lang['Mail address is obligatory for all users'] = 'Mail adress är obligatorisk för alla användare';
$lang['Minimum privacy level'] = 'Minimum privat nivå';
$lang['Privacy level'] = 'Privat nivå';
$lang['Level 0'] = '---';
$lang['Level 1'] = 'Kontakter';
$lang['Level 2'] = 'Vänner';
$lang['Level 4'] = 'Familj';
$lang['Level 8'] = 'Administratörer';
$lang['Reinitialize check integrity'] = 'Återinitialisera integritetskontroll';
$lang['Check all'] = 'Kontrollera alla';
$lang['Uncheck all'] = 'Avmarkera alla';



#43 2010-11-19 07:53:19

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

Thanks :-)

a new list

$lang['Check automatic corrections'] = 'Check automatic corrections';
$lang['Apply selected corrections'] = 'Apply selected corrections';
$lang['Ignore selected anomalies'] = 'Ignore selected anomalies';
$lang['Refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$lang['The anomaly will be ignored until next application version'] = 'The anomaly will be ignored until next application version';
$lang['Correction the anomaly will cancel the fact that it\'s ignored'] = 'Corrected  anomaly will no longer be ignored';
$lang['%d anomaly has been ignored.'] = '%d anomaly has been ignored.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been ignored.'] = '%d anomalies have been ignored.';
$lang['Plugins which need upgrade'] = 'Plugins to be upgraded';
$lang['Plugins up to date'] = 'Plugins up-to-date';
$lang['Plugin versions can\'t be checked'] = 'Plugin which version cannot be checked';
$lang['Current<br>version'] = 'Current<br>version';
$lang['Available<br>version'] = 'Available<br>version';
$lang['Automatic upgrade'] = 'Automatic upgrade';
$lang['Download file'] = 'Download file';
$lang['Plugin list'] = 'Plugins list';
$lang['Check for updates'] = 'Check for updates';
$lang['Other plugins'] = 'Other plugins available';
$lang['Last revisions'] = 'Last revisions';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?';
$lang['Are you sure you want to install this plugin?'] = 'Are you sure you want to install this plugin?';
$lang['Are you sure to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need uninstallation.'] = 'Are you sure you want to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need prior uninstallation.';
$lang['%s has been successfully upgraded.'] = '%s has been successfully upgraded.';
$lang['Plugin has been successfully copied'] = 'The plugin has been successfully copied';
$lang['You might go to plugin list to install and activate it.'] = 'Go to the plugins list to install and activate it.';
$lang['Can\'t create temporary file.'] = 'Temporary file cannot be created.';
$lang['Can\'t download archive.'] = 'Archive cannot be downloaded.';
$lang['Can\'t read or extract archive.'] = 'Archive cannot be read or extracted.';
$lang['An error occured during extraction (%s).'] = 'An error occured during the files (%s) extraction.';
$lang['Please check "plugins" folder and sub-folders permissions (CHMOD).'] = 'Please check "plugins" folder and sub-folders permissions (CHMOD).';
$lang['Can\'t connect to server.'] = 'Connection to server impossible.';
$lang['Purge compiled templates'] = 'Purge compiled templates';
$lang['Caddie is currently empty'] = 'The caddie is currently empty';
$lang['Show upload link every time'] = 'Show upload link all the time';
$lang['User access level to upload'] = 'User access level for uploading';
$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Free access';
$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Access to all';
$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Access to registered users';
$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Access to administrators';
$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Access to webmasters';
$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'No access';
$lang['Support'] = 'Support';
$lang['Documentation'] = 'Documentation';
$lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = 'A new version of Piwigo is available.';
$lang['Piwigo Administration'] = 'Piwigo Administration';
$lang['Piwigo version'] = 'Piwigo version';
$lang['You are running the latest version of Piwigo.'] = 'You are running Piwigo latest version.';
$lang['The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required [%s]'] = 'The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required [%s]';
$lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all'] = 'You should upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application, otherwise the application could work improperly, or not at all';
$lang['Deleted on'] = 'Deleted on';
$lang['Last hit'] = 'Last hit';
$lang['GD library is missing'] = 'GD library is missing';
$lang['Templates'] = 'Templates';
$lang['Extend for templates'] = 'Extend templates';
$lang['Replacement of original templates by customized templates from template-extension subfolder'] = 'Replacement of original templates by customized templates from the template-extension subfolder';
$lang['Replacers (customized templates)'] = 'Substitutes (customized templates)';
$lang['Original templates'] = 'Original templates';
$lang['Optional URL keyword'] = 'Optional URL keyword';
$lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = 'Templates configuration has been recorded.';
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'All optimizations have been successfully completed.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = 'Optimizations have been completed with some errors.';
$lang['Modify information'] = 'Modify information';
$lang['edit category informations'] = 'edit this category information';
$lang['nothing'] = 'nothing';

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#44 2010-11-20 01:30:20

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

$lang['Check automatic corrections'] = 'Kontrollare automatiska rättningar';
$lang['Apply selected corrections'] = 'Tillämpa markeradApply selected corrections';
$lang['Ignore selected anomalies'] = 'Ignore selected anomalies';
$lang['Refresh'] = 'Uppdatera';
$lang['The anomaly will be ignored until next application version'] = 'Avvikelsen kommer att ignoreras tills nästa version av applikationen';
$lang['Correction the anomaly will cancel the fact that it\'s ignored'] = 'Rättad avvikelse kommer inte längre att ignoreras';
$lang['%d anomaly has been ignored.'] = '%d avvikelse ignorerades.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been ignored.'] = '%d avvikelser ignorerades.';
$lang['Plugins which need upgrade'] = 'Plugins som behöver uppdateras';
$lang['Plugins up to date'] = 'Plugins har senaste version installerat';
$lang['Plugin versions can\'t be checked'] = 'Plugin vars version inte kunde fastställas';
$lang['Current<br>version'] = 'Nuvarande<br>version';
$lang['Available<br>version'] = 'Tillgänglig<br>version';
$lang['Automatic upgrade'] = 'Automatisk uppdatering';
$lang['Download file'] = 'Ladda ner fil';
$lang['Plugin list'] = 'Lista över plugin';
$lang['Check for updates'] = 'Sök efter uppdateringar';
$lang['Other plugins'] = 'Andra plugin tillgängliga';
$lang['Last revisions'] = 'Senaste ändringar';
$lang['Delete'] = 'Ta bort';
$lang['Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?'] = 'Är du säker på att du vill ta bort detta plugin?';
$lang['Are you sure you want to install this plugin?'] = 'Är du säker på att du vill installera detta plugin?';
$lang['Are you sure to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need uninstallation.'] = 'Är du säker på att du vill installera uppdateringen? Du måste verifiera nedan att denna version inte behöver yterligare avinstallering.';
$lang['%s has been successfully upgraded.'] = '%s har uppdaterats med framgång.';
$lang['Plugin has been successfully copied'] = 'Kopiering av detta plugin utfördes med framgång';
$lang['You might go to plugin list to install and activate it.'] = 'Gå till plugin listan för att installera och aktivera.';
$lang['Can\'t create temporary file.'] = 'Tillfällig fil kunde inte skapas.';
$lang['Can\'t download archive.'] = 'Arkiv kan inte laddas ner.';
$lang['Can\'t read or extract archive.'] = 'Arkiv kunde inte läsas eller extraheras.';
$lang['An error occured during extraction (%s).'] = 'Ett fel uppstod när följande filer packades upp: (%s).';
$lang['Please check "plugins" folder and sub-folders permissions (CHMOD).'] = 'Kontrollera "plugins" mapp och eventuella undermappars behörigheter (CHMOD).';
$lang['Can\'t connect to server.'] = 'Kunde inte ansluta till servern.';
$lang['Purge compiled templates'] = 'Rensa sammanställda mallar (templates)';
$lang['Caddie is currently empty'] = 'Korgen är för tillfället tom';
$lang['Show upload link every time'] = 'Visa "ladda upp" länk hela tiden';
$lang['User access level to upload'] = 'Tillgänglighets nivå för uppladdning';
$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Fritt tillträde';
$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Tillgänglighet för alla';
$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Tillgänglighet för registrerade användare';
$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Tillgänglighet för administratörer';
$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Tillgänglighet för webmasters';
$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'Ingen tillgänglighet';
$lang['Support'] = 'Hjälp';
$lang['Documentation'] = 'Dokumentation';
$lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = 'En ny version av Piwigo finns nu tillgänglig.';
$lang['Piwigo Administration'] = 'Piwigo Administration';
$lang['Piwigo version'] = 'Piwigo version';
$lang['You are running the latest version of Piwigo.'] = 'Du använder senaste versionen av Piwigo.';
$lang['The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required [%s]'] = 'Versionen av %s [%s] installerad är inte kompatibel med versionen som krävs [%s]';
$lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all'] = 'För att utnyttja alla fördelar av programmet, uppdatera ditt system, annars kan det resultera i att programmet inte fungerar korrekt eller inte alls';
$lang['Deleted on'] = 'Borttagen den';
$lang['Last hit'] = 'Senaste träff';
$lang['GD library is missing'] = 'GD bibliotek saknas';
$lang['Templates'] = 'Mallar (Templates)';
$lang['Extend for templates'] = 'Utvidga mallar (templates)';
$lang['Replacement of original templates by customized templates from template-extension subfolder'] = 'Ersättning av original mallar (templates) av special anpassade mallar från "template-extension" undermappen';
$lang['Replacers (customized templates)'] = 'Substitut (anpassade mallar)';
$lang['Original templates'] = 'Standard mallar';
$lang['Optional URL keyword'] = 'Standard URL nyckelord';
$lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = 'Konfiguerering av mallar har registrerats.';
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'Alla optimeringar har slutförts.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = 'Optimeringar har slutförts, men fel uppstod.';
$lang['Modify information'] = 'Modifiera information';
$lang['edit category informations'] = 'Ändra information för denna kategori';
$lang['nothing'] = 'inget';



#45 2010-11-20 01:31:25

Translation Team
Skaftafell, Iceland

Re: [Sweden] Search translator

spellcheck, please change line

$lang['Check automatic corrections'] = 'Kontrollare automatiska rättningar';


$lang['Check automatic corrections'] = 'Kontrollera automatiska rättningar';



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