First thanks for the great gally/* themes.
I'm currently using the gally/graphite theme on my gallery, and i'd like to suggest some update:
1) Add in the configuration, the possibility to show/remove the white borders around the pictures. I indeed post all of my pictures with an existing border, and i'd like to remove the default one.
2) Allow the compatibility with "look_like_gbo2" which allows the "navigation sur l'image".
=> is there a project in mantis for this theme, which I can use to input these issues in ?
=> In the meantime, can I manually alter some files of the theme to allow the 2 points above ?
Thanks :-)
1/ The white border is done with CSS, you just have to change CSS properties to remove it
If you don't want to derivate all themes, you can make a local css file.
For example, if you use the gally/lapis-lazuli theme, you can create a file /local/css/gally-lapis-lazuli.css with
#theImgContainer { border:none; }
2/ About compatibilty with the LLGBO2 plugin I'm not sure it's possible because the gally template structure really differs from the default template :
- all DOM objects don't have the same name
- many things on the picture page are defined with javascript
Ha thank you. I tried a local/themes/gally-graphite/css/theme.css but it was not taken into account. I'll do it your way then.
If I find a solution for the navigation by modifying some template files, can I do it the same way in the local dir, or should I modify the original files ?
thanks again.
Bozz974 wrote:
Ha thank you. I tried a local/themes/gally-graphite/css/theme.css but it was not taken into account. I'll do it your way then.
If I find a solution for the navigation by modifying some template files, can I do it the same way in the local dir, or should I modify the original files ?
thanks again.
To modify templates files, if you don't want to lost your own changes when the next release of theme will be published, you have to derivate the theme.
But I never tested if derivating gally* themes works...
Derivating the gally-default is Ok (all gally themes are derivated from the gally-default), but derivating from an already derivated theme, not sure...
You have an example on the docs page ( about how to create a new theme.
Be carefull with gally themes : you have php files to manage the admin interface and they have to be copied in each themes (the inheritance system don't works with admin files)