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  •  » [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

#31 2011-01-10 19:23:41

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For help file help_add_photos.html, can you translate

<p>Several ways to add your photos in your gallery:</p>

  <li><strong>Direct upload</strong> inside your web browser is the
  simplest and most immediate way. It depends on your browser capabilities
  and your web server. For a huge quantity of photos or in case you encounter some problem,
  the other methods are just waiting for you!</li>

<p class="nextStepLink"><a href="admin.php?page=photos_add&section=direct">Go to Direct Upload </a></p>

  <li><strong>pLoader</strong> is a desktop application, to be installed on your computer. Drag &amp; drop photos into pLoader window, click on <em>"Upload to Piwigo"</em> and let pLoader do the job. You can find other desktop applications such as <strong>WinToPiwigo</strong> or the <strong>Digikam</strong> export plugin to Piwigo.</li>

<p class="nextStepLink"><a href="admin.php?page=photos_add&section=ploader">Go to pLoader</a></p>

<div id="helpSynchro">
  <li><strong>FTP transfer</strong> is the most recommended way to add a
  very large collection of photos with a minimum number of clicks. Follow
  the guide to prepare your photos. The FTP method let you control precisely
  the physical organization of your photos on your server.</li>

<p class="nextStepLink"><a href="admin.php?page=photos_add&section=ftp">Go to FTP</a></p>


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#32 2011-01-10 21:21:28

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

help file help_add_photos.html   .. translated

<p>هناك عدة طرق لإضافة الصور في المعرض</p>

  <li><strong>الإضافة مباشرة </strong> ابسط و أسهل طريقة  لرفع الصور استخدام  مستعرض الويب . و ذلك يعتمد على امكانيات المتصفح و خادم الموقع ، للكمية كبيرة من الصور قد تواجه بعض المشاكل لذلك فهناك أساليب أخرى في انتظارك</li>

<p class="nextStepLink"><a href="admin.php?page=photos_add&section=direct">أذهب إلى إضافة الصور مباشرة</a></p>

  <li><strong>pLoader</strong> برنامج يمكنك تثبيته على سطح المكتبه ، بعدها يمكنك سحب و افلات الصورة في نافذة ploade ثم تضغط على زر <em>"Upload to Piwigo"</em> ثم دع البرنامج يقوم بعمله في رفع الصور لمعرضك. يمكنكأن تجد  برامج مشابه مثل <strong>WinToPiwigo</strong> أو <strong>Digikam</strong> تصدير الاضافات إلى piwigo</li>

<p class="nextStepLink"><a href="admin.php?page=photos_add&section=ploader">أذهب إلى pLoader</a></p>

<div id="helpSynchro">
  <li><strong>FTP ناقل الملفات</strong> هي الطريقةالمفضلة و الموصى بها لإضافة أعداد كبيرة من الصور في المعرض بقليل من النقرات ، فقط عليك اتباع التلعيمات الخاص باعداد الصور ،يسمح لك  اسلوب بروتوكول نقل الملفات FTP تنظيم صورك على الموقع  حسب تصنيفك الخاص ، </li>

<p class="nextStepLink"><a href="admin.php?page=photos_add&section=ftp">FTPأذهب إلى </a></p>



To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#33 2011-01-10 21:36:15

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#34 2011-01-10 21:37:06

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For help file help_misc.html, can you translate

<p>Once you created your gallery you can configure it for your visitor
    <li>The default display as you like in <span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Configuration &raquo; Options</span> tab <span class="pwgScreen">Guest Settings</span></li>
    <li>The default theme in <span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Configuration &raquo; Themes</span></li>
    <li>The default language in <span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Configuration &raquo; Languages</span></li>
By default, each new user will inherit these properties upon registration.
<p>If you have any question, Piwigo community will welcome you on <a href="http://piwigo.org/forum">its forum</a>.</p>


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#35 2011-01-11 06:57:32

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

r help file help_misc.html...  translated


<p>بمجرد إنشاء معرض الصور يمكنك اعداد تكوينه للزوار حسب ما يلي :
    <li> العرض الافتراضي الذي تفضله،  <span class="pwgScreen">الاإدارة  &raquo; التهيئة  &raquo;   الخيارات  </span>جدول  <span class="pwgScreen">إعدادت الضيوف، </span></li>
    <li>الواجهة الافتراضية للمعرض ، <span class="pwgScreen">الادارة  &raquo; التهيئة  &raquo; واجهات العرض</span></li>
    <li> اللغة الافتراضية للمعرض، <span class="pwgScreen">الادارة  &raquo; التهيئة  &raquo; اللغة   </span></li>
سيتم تطبيق هذه الخيارات الافتراضية للمستخدمين الجدد
<p>نرحب بك و بأسئتلك في مجتمع   <a href="http://piwigo.org/forum">منتدى Piwigo</a>.</p>




To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#36 2011-01-11 07:11:15

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#37 2011-01-11 07:11:35

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For help file help_groups.html, can you translate

<p>Groups are a convenient way to set permissions for a list of users.</p>

<p>Create groups in <span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Users
&raquo; Groups</span> and associate users to this group
in <span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Users &raquo;

<p>A user can belong to several groups. Authorization takes precedence over
interdiction : if user "jack" belongs to groups "family" and "friends", and
that only group "family" can see category "Christmas 2003" category then
"jack" will be able to see "Christmas 2003".</p>


You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#38 2011-01-11 12:40:33

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

help file help_groups.html... translate 


<p>المجموعات هي وسيلة ملائمة لتعيين الأذونات لقائمة المستخدمين.</p>

<p>لـ إنشاء مجموعة <span class="pwgScreen"> الإدارة &raquo; المستخدمين
&raquo; مجموعات </span> ولمشاهدة الأعضاء المنتسبين لمجموعة <span class="pwgScreen"> الإدارة &raquo; المستخدمين &raquo;

<p>  يمكن للمستخدم ان يكون في أكثر من مجموعة حسب تصنيفك الخاص .للمنع اوتخصيص بعض الصوراوالالبومات يمكنك انشاء مجموعه كـ مجموعة( مثلا )  الاسرة التي تختص بصور لا  يراها إلا أعضاء مجموعة الأسرة فقط </p>


To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#39 2011-01-11 13:03:24

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#40 2011-01-11 13:05:27

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For Rename "category" into "album" for Piwigo 2.2

Can you translate plugin 'Album'


Rename "category" into "album"

$lang['%d category including'] = '%d album including';
$lang['%d categories including'] = '%d albums including';
$lang['%d category moved'] = '%d album moved';
$lang['%d categories moved'] = '%d albums moved';
$lang['Apply to subcategories'] = 'Apply to subalbums';
$lang['Association to categories'] = 'Association to albums';
$lang['Categories authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Albums authorized thanks to group associations';
$lang['Categories manual order was saved'] = 'Albums manual order has been saved';
$lang['Category elements associated to the following categories: %s'] = 'Album photos associated to the following albums: %s';
$lang['Link all category elements to a new category'] = 'Link all album photos to a new album';
$lang['Link all category elements to some existing categories'] = 'Link all album photos to existing albums';
$lang['Linked categories'] = 'Linked albums';
$lang['Manage permissions for a category'] = 'Manage permissions for an album';
$lang['Move categories'] = 'Move albums';
$lang['New parent category'] = 'New parent album';
$lang['Only private categories are listed'] = 'Only private albums are listed';
$lang['Other private categories'] = 'Other private albums';
$lang['Parent category'] = 'Parent album';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by category %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Permalink %s has previously been used by album %s. Delete it from the permalinks history first';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by category %s'] = 'Permalink %s is already used by album %s';
$lang['Representation of categories'] = 'Albums representation';
$lang['Select at least one category'] = 'Select at least one album';
$lang['Storage category'] = 'Storage album';
$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Virtual albums movement';
$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Virtual albums to move';
$lang['Virtual category name'] = 'Virtual album name';
$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'You cannot move an album into its own sub album';
$lang['associate to category'] = 'associate to album';
$lang['Add a virtual category'] = 'Add a virtual album';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected categories'] = 'Authorize users to add comments on selected albums';
$lang['The name of a category should not be empty'] = 'The name of an album cannot not be empty';
$lang['Lock categories'] = 'Lock albums';
$lang['Private category'] = 'Private album';
$lang['Public category'] = 'Public album';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected categories'] = 'Manage authorizations for selected albums';
$lang['Select uploadable categories'] = 'Select uploadable albums';
$lang['Virtual category added'] = 'Virtual album added';
$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Virtual album deleted';
$lang['Category'] = 'Album';
$lang['delete category'] = 'delete album';
$lang['dissociate from category'] = 'dissociate from album';
$lang['edit category permissions'] = 'edit album permissions';
$lang['Category informations updated successfully.'] = 'Album informations updated successfully.';
$lang['jump to category'] = 'jump to album';
$lang['manage category elements'] = 'Manage album photos';
$lang['manage sub-categories'] = 'Manage sub-albums';
$lang['sub-categories'] = 'sub-albums';
$lang['Categories management'] = 'Albums management';
$lang['Edit a category'] = 'Edit an album';
$lang['Update categories informations'] = 'Update albums information';
$lang['reduce to single existing categories'] = 'reduce to single existing albums';
$lang['display maximum informations (added categories and elements, deleted categories and elements)'] = 'display maximum information (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory \'thumbnail\' of the category directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory \'thumbnail\' of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :';
$lang['categories deleted in the database'] = 'albums deleted in the database';
$lang['categories added in the database'] = 'albums added in the database';
$lang['Virtual category'] = 'Virtual album';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical category'] = 'Identical files names in more than one physical album';
$lang['[%s] Come to visit the category %s'] = '[%s] Visit the album %s';
$lang['Come to discover the category:'] = 'Discover the album:';
$lang['edit category informations'] = 'edit this album information';
$lang['No element in this category'] = 'No element in this album';
$lang['Drop into category'] = 'Drop into album';
$lang['existing category'] = 'existing album';
$lang['create a new category'] = 'create a new album';
$lang['Category name'] = 'Album name';
$lang['Category \'%s\' has been added'] = 'Album \'%s\' has been added';
$lang['Category \'%s\' now contains %d photos'] = 'Album \'%s\' now contains %d photos';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Albums sorted by alphanumerical order';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Albums sorted by reverse alphanumeric order';
$lang['%d category updated'] = '%d album updated';
$lang['%d categories updated'] = '%d albums updated';
$lang['Categories'] = 'Albums';
$lang['Category'] = 'Album';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'The RSS feed provides notification on new events from this website: new pictures, updated albums, new comments. To be used with a RSS feed reader.';
$lang['Expand all categories'] = 'Expand all albums';
$lang['shows images at the root of this category'] = 'shows images at the root of this album';
$lang['in this category'] = 'in this album';
$lang['in %d sub-category'] = 'in %d sub-album';
$lang['in %d sub-categories'] = 'in %d sub-albums';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-categories'] = 'display all elements in all albums and sub-albums';
$lang['Recent categories'] = 'Recent albums';
$lang['display recently updated categories'] = 'display recently updated albums';
$lang['Search in Categories'] = 'Search in albums';
$lang['Search in subcategories'] = 'Search in subalbums';
$lang['set as category representative'] = 'set as album representative';
$lang['Category: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
$lang['Category results for'] = 'Album results for';
$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = 'All sub-albums of private albums become private';



You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#41 2011-01-11 13:35:42

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

ddtddt wrote:

For Rename "category" into "album" for Piwigo 2.2

Can you translate plugin 'Album'


Rename "category" into "album"


Probably do not need for this plugin  in the Arabic version  of piwigo , because it is the name of the album is already in the previous translation, I changed it during translation in the past  ;-)

In any case I can translate it. If necessary 


To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#42 2011-01-11 13:38:35

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

mohammed wrote:

ddtddt wrote:

For Rename "category" into "album" for Piwigo 2.2

Can you translate plugin 'Album'


Rename "category" into "album"


Probably do not need for this plugin  in the Arabic version  of piwigo , because it is the name of the album is already in the previous translation, I changed it during translation in the past  ;-)

In any case I can translate it. If necessary 


ok it's you who translated ;-)

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#43 2011-01-11 13:39:48

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

For help file help_permissions.html, can you translate

<legend>Permissions on photos</legend>

<p>Each photo has a <strong>privacy level</strong> (a lock). Each user also has a privacy level (a key). There are 5 privacy levels:</p>
  <li><em>Friends (which is higher than a contact)</em></li>
  <li><em>Family (which is higher than a friend)</em></li>
  <li><em>Admins (which is higher than any other level)</em></li>

<p>Higher levels have permissions on lower levels. For a given user, the higher the privacy level, the more photos he can see.</p>

<p>For example, if photo "peter_wedding-0024.jpg" has <em>"Family"</em> privacy level, then:</p>
  <li>Peter (who is an <em>"Admin"</em>) will see the photo because <em>"Admins"</em> can see all photos</li>
  <li>Beth (who is a <em>"Family"</em> member) will also see the photo</li>
  <li>Mary (who is just a <em>"Friend"</em>) won't see the photo</li>

<p>A user that has no permission to see the content of a category won't see the category itself, not even its title. The same principle applies to a tag.</p>

<p>You can set the privacy level of a user on <span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Users &raquo; Manage</span> screen.</p>


<legend>Permissions on categories</legend>

<p>If privacy levels do not fit your needs, you can also manage permissions on categories for a user or a group. You can manage permissions on photos and categories at the same time, without conflict.</p>

<p>You can forbid access to categories. Switch the category access type to
"private" if you want to manage permissions.</p>

<p>You can set a category to private by editing a single category
(<span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Categories &raquo; Manage
&raquo; edit</span>) or by setting options to your whole category tree
(<span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Categories &raquo;
Properties &raquo; Public / Private</span>).</p>

<p>Once the category is private, you can manage permissions for groups and
users with 3 screens:</p>


  <li><span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Users &raquo; Manage &raquo;
  permissions action</span> (one link per user)</li>

  <li><span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Users &raquo; Groups &raquo;
  permissions action</span> (one link per group)</li>

  <li><span class="pwgScreen">Administration &raquo; Categories &raquo; Manage &raquo; edit
  category permissions action</span> (one link per category)</li>



You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#44 2011-01-11 16:17:54

Translation Team

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

help file help_permissions.html... translated   :-0

<legend>تخصيص الصور </legend>

لكل صورة <strong>مستوى من الخصوية</strong>  .(مغلقه) . كل مستخدم له أيضا ً خمس مستويات من الخصوصية ( مفتاح( . مستويات الخصوصية 5 و هي كما يلي:</p>
  <li>لا شيء</li>
  <li><em>متصلين </em></li>
  <li><em>الاصدقاء (الذين لديهم مستوى عالي من الوصول للصور)</em></li>
  <li><em>العائلة (الذين لديهم مستوى أعلى من مستوى الأصدقاء في الوصول)</em></li>
  <li><em>المدراء (المستوى الأعلى من أي مستوى )</em></li>

المستويات العليا  لديها خصوصية أوسع من المستويات الادنى  الممنوحة لمستخدم معين  ، المستوى العالي يمنح مشاهدة المزيد من الصور.</p>

<p>مثلا ، إذا كان مستوى الخصوصية لـ صورة "زواج علي " هي   لـ <em>"العائلة"</em>  إذن : </p>
  <li>محمد ( هو  "<em>"المدير"</em> " )يستطيع مشاهد الصورة ، لانه مدير يستطيع أن يشاهد كل الصور</li>
  <li>حسن ( هو أحد أفراد <em>"العائلة"</em> ) يستطيع أن يشاهد هذه الصورة</li>
  <li>عمر ( هو مجرد <em>"صديق"</em> ) فلن يستطيع أن يشاهد الصورة</li>

المشاهد الذي لا يملك تصريح لمشاهدة الصور لفئة معينة فلن يشاهد الصور و لا حتى العنوان او حتى الكلمات الدلائلية </p>

<p>يمكنك مشاهدة  مستوى الخصوية للمستخدمين  <span class="pwgScreen">الإدارة  &raquo; المستخدمين  &raquo; إدارة</span> </p>


<legend>تخصيص الالبومات</legend>

إذا كانت مستويات الخصوصية لا تناسب احتياجاتك ، يمكنك أيضا إدارة الخصوصية  على الألبومات  لمستخدم أو مجموعة. يمكنك إدارة الصورة  على صور و الألبومات في نفس الوقت، دون تعارض.</p>

<p>تخصيص مشاهدة الألبومات . التبديل السريع الى الخصوصية إذا كنت تريد إدارة التخصيص </p>

<p>يمكنك تعيين البوم خاص من خلال تحريره بمفرده
(<span class="pwgScreen">الإدارة &raquo; الألبومات &raquo;  إدارة 
&raquo; تحرير </span>) او عن  طريق وضع و اختيار  الألبومات  في  أي خانة الخاص  أو العام
(<span class="pwgScreen"> الإدارة  &raquo;  الألبومات &raquo;
الخصائص  &raquo;  ألبوم عام  / ألبوم خاص  </span>).</p>

وضعية تخصيص الالبومات ، تستطيع إدارة التخصيص للمجموعات و المستخدمين في ثلاث شاشات :</p>


  <li><span class="pwgScreen"> الإدارة &raquo;  المستخدمين  &raquo; إدارة &raquo;
إجراء التفضيلات  </span> (رابط واحد لكل مستخدم )</li>

  <li><span class="pwgScreen">الإدارة   &raquo; المستخدمين  &raquo; المجموعات &raquo;
   الاجراءات لكل مجموعه</span> (رابط لكل مجموعة)</li>

  <li><span class="pwgScreen">الإدارة &raquo; الألبومات &raquo;  إدارة  &raquo; تحرير الألبوم و إجراء نقل الالبومات </span> (رابط لكل ألبوم)</li>




To lose or to waste an opportunity will result in  grief and sorrow -



#45 2011-01-11 16:30:41

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.


  •  » Translations
  •  » [ar_SA] Arabic / Saudi - العربية

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