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After the upgrade from version 2.2.0 to 2.3.4 I got a long error message, as a visitor when using Stripped or Stripped & Columns
2012 04. 22. 04:26
Upgrade from version 2.2.0 to 2.3.4
total upgrade time : 0.159 s
total SQL time : 0.360 s
SQL queries : 91
Upgrade information
As a precaution, the following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrades before reactivating them:
AStat, FCKEditor, GrumPluginClasses, PersoFavicon, autoupdate, photo_update, regenerateThumbnails, lightbox, charlies_content
As a precaution, following themes have been deactivated. You must check for themes upgrade before reactiving them:
stripped, Stripped & Columns
Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.
Here is the error message on the pages of my site:
Notice: Undefined index: thumbFrame in /home/koosfotocom/ on line 77
$lang['Interface style'] = 'Fel'; $lang['Title'] = 'C['; $lang['Activate image preloading'] = 'Kép előre letöltés aktiválása'; $lang['Animate menu'] = 'Menü animáció'; $lang['fit to screen'] = 'képernyőhöz igazítás'; $lang['full size'] = 'teljes méret'; $lang['HD picture default display'] = 'HD kép alapértelmezett megjelenítés'; $lang['Last displayed'] = 'Utoljára megjelenített'; $lang['Metadata'] = 'Metaadatok'; $lang['Picture page options'] = 'Kép oldal beállítások'; $lang['Show thumbnail caption'] = 'Bélyegkép képaláírás megjelenítés'; $lang['Show/hide menu'] = 'Menü megjelenítése/elrejtése'; $lang['stripped Configuration updated'] = 'Stripped beállítások frissítve'; $lang['validate'] = 'érvényesít'; $lang['1 album per row (description beside thumbnail)'] = '1 album soronként (leírás a kiskép mellett)'; $lang['2 albums per row (description beside thumbnail)'] = '2 album soronként (leírás a kiskép mellett)'; $lang['3 albums per row (description below thumbnail)'] = '3 album soronként (leírás a kiskép alatt)'; $lang['5 albums per row (no album description)'] = '5 album soronként (az album leírása nélkül)'; $lang['Album list layout'] = 'Album-lista formátuma'; $lang['Animate tabs on picture page'] = 'A kép oldalon animált fülek'; $lang['Default tab to be displayed'] = 'Az alapértelmezett fül megjelenítése'; $lang['Display frame around albums'] = 'Keret az album körül'; $lang['Display frame around image'] = 'Keret a kép körül'; $lang['Display frame around thumbnails'] = 'Keret a kiskép körül'; $lang['Force text to lowercase'] = 'A szöveget alakítsd kisbetükké'; $lang['GMap'] = 'Térkép'; $lang['Hide menu by default on category page'] = 'Alapértelmezésként ne mutassad a menűt a kategória oldalon'; $lang['Information'] = 'Információ'; $lang['Property to display below picture'] = 'A tulajdonságok a kép alatt'; $lang['Show image title on top of the page (after browse path)'] = 'A kép címét a lap tetején mutassad (a böngésző sor után)'; $lang['Show Information tab only to admins'] = 'Információs fül megjelenítése csak admin részére'; $lang['Use navigation arrows on picture'] = 'Használj navigáció nyilakat a képen'; $lang['Use navigation arrows outside picture'] = 'Használj navigáció nyilakat a képen kívül'; $lang['Additional bottom margin after resize'] = 'Átméretezés után plusz alsó szegély'; $lang['Image autosize options'] = 'Automatikus kép-méret beállítások'; $lang['Image preloading options'] = 'Kép előre betöltésének beállításai'; $lang['Include title after resize'] = 'Az átméretezés után legyen ott a szerző neve'; $lang['Interface options'] = 'Interfész beállítások'; $lang['Minimum image height after resize'] = 'Átméretezés utáni minimális képmagasság'; $lang['On picture page, number of next images to preload'] = 'A kép-oldalon az előre betöltendő képek száma'; $lang['Preload images on thumbnails page'] = 'Képek előre betöltése a kiskép-oldalon'; $lang['Resize image to fit window'] = 'Kép átméretezése az ablak méretéhez'; ?>
With Sylvia... all works fine.
What can I do?
What has happened?
How to avoid it the next time, when I upgrade?
oh !
it's from Stripped and it seems from a language file!
Did you update the themes ? try that via piwigo auto-update and ftp
Hello Flop!
Well, ALL and EVERYTHING is updated.
I have the newest version of ALL of them. (stripped included)
Should I switch back to stripped for you to see?
Or... what to do?
Can you tell me which languages are activated on your website?
Anyway, you can try to delete the theme and reinstall it again.
There seems to be something wrong in the update system...
Hello Zaphod!
It is Hungarian...
I deactivated and deleted both Stripped and Stripped & Columns. And, afterwards, reinstalled them... and activated both.
Helas, the result is the same... loooooooooooong "error" message (language file)
Funny, I have translated to Hungarian... I think some of these... :)
What else can I do?
just to be sure : don't forget to "purge the template" in the maintenance section after doing a change
you can try to delete the HU translation files ?
Now I uninstalled, purged, reinstalled... and it is still the same...
However, in English or in French... there is NO error message!
So, the Hungarian text file to be removed... and reloaded?
Where may I find these files? Where on my site? And where is the good Hungarian version?
in the language folder of the plugin. I think Zaphod will correct that file
So, should I wait for the new version?
Offline wrote:
So, should I wait for the new version?
if the deletion of the Hungarian translation solve the problem, just deal without it, waiting an update.
@ zaphod : I can check what the problem is if you don't have too much time
Last edited by flop25 (2012-04-23 17:18:50)
I have the time to look at it, but I only have macs with me and I don't manage to commit anything with mac's subversion...
So if you can correct the problem, thanks you very much...
It misses the:
at the beginning of theme.lang.php for hungarian.
I have a version 2.1.2 to publish with some modifications on scripts-tpp.js...
I wonder if there is another way to publish something in SVN (a web-based something for example)
Last edited by Zaphod (2012-04-23 17:48:15)
Thanks, Zaphod!
I have modified the file, as you wrote... and it works now.
However, I could modify on my own site... What can I do for the others?
You are "the best Bang since the Big One" !
Thanks for your help, Flop, as well!
For others, there will be a new version of theme, soon.
I have updated the repository … s/stripped
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