PiwigoMedia is a really nice plugin to wordpress.
- connects from wordpress to the piwigo URL and allows links to existing images in the piwigo repository.
It is working for piwigo < 2.4
From 2.4 on it does not pick the right images from piwigo. For an insider this might be really straight forward... - hopefully
Is there any chance that someone from the piwigo community will fix this?
The author seems to be inactive since about a year...
Also having issues. The plugin seems to work, but thumbnails don't display. See attached screenshot.
This is the way it looks also here...
as far as I know PiwigoMedia will get an update sooner or later, the developer mentioned already that he has the new version pretty far done. Currently he is on vacation.
Last edited by Yogie (2012-08-10 08:31:30)
The plugin author has confirmed on his blog that a new update is about to be rolled out.
http://b.joaoubaldo.com/my-projects/piw … nt-page-1/
(Counting the days here)
A new PiwigoMedia version is now available.
* update: compatibility with Piwigo 2.4.3
* update: updated JS code to make it work with IE8 (but needs more testing).
* update: “Thumbnail” and “Insert:” were missing in POT.
* update: better security checks in popup.php.
* new: French (fr_FR) translation (Dimitri Robert).
Please report any issues.
maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it seems not to work here...!?
I do have WP Version 3.4.2 and Piwigo 2.4.3 and PiwgoMedia Version 0.9.9.
I tried http://galerie.sensorgrafie.de with and without http:// but when I try to get any image category is empty and nothing can be chosen!? Do I need any special installation or plugin on my piwigo gallery?
The ws.php shows the following:
<rsp stat="fail">
<err code="501" msg="Missing "method" name"/>
Any hint and help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
from what I can see that the Category drop down is empty? From where comes the category? My WordPress or Piwigo-Gallery?
If the Piwigo-Gallery, where can I asssign such a category will it be assigned to a gallery or album or a photo?
Many thanks!
Hi Yogie.
I've tried PiwigoMedia with http://galerie.sensorgrafie.de and had no problems.
Have you done anything to fix this?
João C.
Hi João,
strange I didn't fixed anything and for me it is not working. Is there any plugin known that would interfere with PiwigoMedia?
I do have the drop down with the URL but the drop down with the categories keeps empty and there is nothing I can choose from!?
Let me know if you need more information or if you would like to receive an login to my blog?
PiwigoMedia has been updated to version 1.0.0.
This is a major update as most of the plugin's core has been rewritten and it now relies heavily on ajax queries.
This release also fixes all the latest reported issues.
I'm yet to test this release on IE and Safari browsers. Reports on this matter are very appreciated.
Download & report feedback - http://b.joaoubaldo.com/my-projects/piwigomedia
fist I set up PiwigoMedia giving the URL fully qualified (http://www.foto.joerg.knoerchen.de) and store the settings.
Then I go to a post and press select on PiwigoMedia, now with Version 1 I do get this message:
Error while reading from http://www.foto.joerg.knoerchen.de. Please verify PiwigoMedia’s configuration and try again.
The category is still empty nothing to choose from on the second step…
Any further help? I can give you access to my WP installation if you need!?
I've replied to you in http://b.joaoubaldo.com/my-projects/piwigomedia/.
Hi johnnyfive,
I copy my request here, because I have not "notify on reply" on your blog http://b.joaoubaldo.com/my-projects/piw … ment-17833
plg wrote:
I’ve just tested the new version of PiwigoPress (really nice, congrats Vincent) and PiwigoMedia. In addition to sidebar widget, now PiwigoPress is able to insert photos in posts. Vincent did something really good: he uses a shortcode like [PiwigoPress id=7628 url='http://pierrick.piwigo.com/' size='xs'...] instead of a direct URL to the thumbnail. This is much better because the direct URL is on the cache “_data/i/…” and this cache may be flushed at any time and break WordPress post as long as the cache is not regenerated.
On the other side, the select method of PiwigoMedia (first you select a Piwigo gallery, then you select an album, then you select photos) is easier for users in my opinion.
Would that be possible for PiwigoMedia to use the shortcode system of PiwigoPress?