Hi again
Be sure the php process/user has enough rights/permissions
just moved my site. here is how i did it via cpanel
1) backup all files from old server via cpanel/filemanager to targz format name it oldserver it will add tar.gz to it
2) backup database from old server via cpanel/phpmyadmin as oldserver it will add .sql to it
3) install Piwigo on new server via cpanel/softacolus
4) backup the new site (all files via cpanel to targz format name it newserver) you need just one file piwigo/local/configdatabase.inc.php later but alwasy good idea having backup.
5) backup the new database to newserver
6) upload the newserver.tar.gz to the new server and extract it via filemanager owerwrites alle the files there, it will overvrite the piwigo/local/configdatabase.inc.php so you have to take the originakl from your backup nad overwritew it there,
7) compare the old and new database,
change line 5 from old server adress to new one
and line 20 from old database name to new one save it as new name. ( use notepad++ as it keeps the files encoding correct)
8) mark all files in new database (select all and delete it all. and import the new database.
think that´s all we need to do.
Enjoy :)
Last edited by Dahlsvarehus (2012-11-08 13:29:45)
Dahlsvarehus wrote:
7) compare the old and new database,
change line 5 from old server adress to new one
and line 20 from old database name to new one save it as new name. ( use notepad++ as it keeps the files encoding correct)
what was that code!? I'm surprised you needed that step
old -- Host: db15.meebox.net
new -- Host: dbp6.meebox.net
old -- Database: `malaika_piwi694`
new -- Database: `dahlsva_piwi264`
Last edited by Dahlsvarehus (2012-11-08 13:33:14)
Oh it's been included by your cPanel : a phpmyadmin export don't write this
flop25 wrote:
Oh it's been included by your cPanel : a phpmyadmin export don't write this
i export via phpmyadmin (just open phpmyadmin with url in cpanel notting else) and yes min does that,
i just use default settings export fast to SQL
i use phpmyadmin version
Oh yeah it's the structural tables of mysql : shared hoster can restrict the user to not create database. Anyway it's not from Piwigo itself : we don't store any url or absolute location. But we need to set a database name like the one defined in configdatabase.inc.php.
Thx for sharing : the important folders to backup are the one in the step 5 of http://piwigo.org/basics/upgrade_manual
nice info
i am not so good at understanding databases yet just know use basic stuff
and thank you for link ;)
Last edited by Dahlsvarehus (2012-11-08 16:01:42)